Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

That is wonderful news!

Baby hopes, between 8-14 weeks mine changed shape, but hasn't become smaller yet. Most peoples do, but it's because I've had fresh red bleeds (so made the damaged bit bleed again ratherthan the old clot bleeding out. For instance at were 14 I lost 3/4 the clot but by the time I got to the hospital it had filled up the space that had been made...

I understand that old bleeding is no worse than not bleeding, but red bleeding is.

Aww stream *hugs* I do understand the stress of one that size, but resting as much as you can truly is the best thing... It totally sucks though... Are you having regular ultrasounds? I am not because we don't get them unles you have a big bleed or are high risk, but do wish I coul have one between 14 (last bleed) and 20 weeks!!
im having scans every week, i had lots of dark brown discharge yesterday and im cramping a bit too. not sure about all of this, it is worrying as now im not sure although some say its better to bleed a clot out, others say its great if your not bleeding. im not sure.

so still a bit worried and ive been dizzy all of today, cant stand still for over 5 min without getting that dizzy feeling.

im being closely monitored and im getting primolut depot injections weekly along with a scan.

those injections are basically progesterone and the doc says it will suppress the bleeding, but im not sure?
Imperfected, thanks for your reply. I just wrote a quick reply but it did not go through. Yes I have had an ultrasound every 2 weeks. My o.b. has been good about that. I assume he will continue being that I have the hematoma. Have you asked your o.b. to do an ultrasound for your own piece of mind?
Babyhopes - try to stay positive. I've been having brown discharge for almost 5 straight weeks and I'll be 19 weeks with my twins on Thursday. My OB didn't put me on any meds and said it's just the clot trying to work its way out. There's not really much we can do except pray and hope for the best. I have been on bedrest the whole time, which I think helps my peace of mind if nothing else. Some days the discharge is very heavy, some days lighter, some days with clots. Don't read too much into it. And the cramping is probably because you're bleeding. Unless you see bright red blood...stay positive and take it as a good thing!

Stream - I'm glad you're being monitored. That's wonderful. I was being monitored a lot more at first. I have an u/s next Monday which will be my first in 3.5 weeks. Yikes! I hope this dumb thing has gotten smaller!

Glenoakgirl - Yeah girl! How exciting!

Inperfected - How far along are you?
hey guys a quick catch up haven't been on in a while been for my 20wk scan today (scan number 5) I'm having a girl :), sch has grown slightly 83 x 54 x 7 but they are quite happy that this will not cause any problems now at this stage in the pregnancy because compared to the baby this is very small also its not by the placenta, i have not bled for a month either but i dont expect to, had slight cramps but im putting that down to my body making way for baby no more scans now, hope this helps a bit and hope all is well with you guys xx
Hi nfs, I haven't been bleeding at all. Only has a small episode once and that was when I wiped and wasn't enough to soak a pad. I know rest and prayers are the only answer but one can't help but this time we are supposed to be enjoying our pregnancies .. Thanks for the encouragement. Off to the hospital tomorrow so shall probably have an update but doubt it has shrunk as I had a scan only three four days ago

Nfs- I'm 16 weeks tomorrow.

Stream - I wish I coul get an ob to scan me but here we have midwives and you go to specific scan places for your scans. I'm in new Zealand.

Baby hopes, I'm not sure they'll prevent sch bleeding but they do help to sustain a pregnancy if you have low prog levels so not a bad thing by any means :)

Good news sjbaby
Ladies: Lots of brown spotting here. Like drip dropping out once a day when I use the bathroom. I have mood swings about the whole issue. I really appreciate this thread and even when I cant read it, I think about how I am not the only person going through this.

I am seeing my mom this weekend and I wish I were more excited to share the news. I am excited, but it feels scary too. Mom will understand however.
Hugs Birdie... You'll get there, though it really is scary :( Do keep remembering that brown is old blood, not new, so it's not getting worse *hugs*
:hugs: I spent most of my first trimester lying on the couch with feet up and afraid to even get up to the bathroom. Brown is just old stuff. Sometimes it can go back and forth between old and fresh (red) but even then it's not all bad news. By the time I had my bleed at 14 weeks I just assumed it was from the sch even though I was still scared. You get sort of used to it.

We've all been there. I can't tell you to not be scared as I'd be a hypocrite and we're all going to be scared anyways. Just keep positive and remember that most babies pull through.
thanks for that encouragement starry, birdie, having sch myself, i cant say im not worried, but theres nothing else i can do either. im just praying and hoping it will go away. i have some cramps and some brown yellow discharge and am worried too.. xx but praying that my beanie sticks with me and hoping he/she is a fighter.xx
Mine has cleared up now so there is definitely hope! I just got the results of my 20 week scan and it appears the bleed was still there at the time but smaller. It was my scan at 22 weeks at another hospital that showed that it had gone. I'm having two more ultrasounds over the next month so those should confirm that's gone. Fingers crossed!
starry, i went to a doc today who said there was no hematoma to be seen on the scan. none at all. so it could have absorbed or healed.. im not sure??

i still have the odd brown coloured discharge but its very vague and only comes if i go looking for it, after a pee.

im off tomorrow to see the doc that told me i had a hematoma to confirm by another scan that what the doc said today was true..

hoping against hope for a positive outcome. xx

congratulations on getting rid of yours x
Hi girls. I hope you are all doing well.

I had an ultrasound on Monday at 14+1. Just got a call from my ob's office saying that the ultrasound showed that my hematoma has completely resolved!! I am so happy.

I hope those of you are are still having spotting/bleeding get some relief of that soon. I never bled that much. One time a large gush, and then part of a day of brown spotting the day after. But having had a previous miscarriage it scared me to death. I know how frightening it can be and you are all in my thoughts.
I am having cramping (pretty bad) and I just had a mostly brown clot. the thickest I've had. How long should I expect the cramps to stick around if it is hematoma related? What are your experiences? TMI, but I also feel gassy, so I am having a hard time distinguishing... Any advice would be great. Thanks Ladies.

Babyhopes, such great news! Wondering what the confusion was tho?
All your success stories give me hope!
I would get cramps that were so bad that I'd be arching my back. I had to get dh to rub the bottoms of my feet really hard to get them to go away. But within the half hour I'd have a bowel movement so I figure that most cramps were related to my constipation. I did get cramps really, REALLY bad when I passed a huge clot at 9 weeks. But that was a fresh clot. The cramps lasted the whole day...starting in the morning and leading up to the passing of the clot in the aftenoon until several hours later. By the time I was told I could still be pregnant (my hcg was over 115, 000) the cramps had stopped.
Baby hopes, I suspect that your hematoma has possibly either bled out or absorbed... The amount of blood in that size hematoma is (overestimating) about 0.02ml so it wouldn't take long... In comparision (as to why bigger ones take so long) to mine on the first scan, yours (using same kinda of formula) is about 6000x smaller than mine, if that makes sense? I think you have every reason and right to get excited :D I'm so happy for you!!

Congrats Vanilla Star too! It's a week or so of people's SCH's clearing up isn't it?

Birdie, I get cramps still when I'm bleeding a bit heavier, like normal period ones (keeping in mind I've had endometriosis, so "normal" ones aren't everyones "normal"!)... When I've had heavy heavy bleeding and clots (last time) I from what I gather had pretty much gone into labour, but thankfully stopped (at 14 weeks I hope so!)... But I'm tender constantly still if that makes sense?
Hi everyone,

Well here's the story. My wife was diagnosed with a SCH at 7w because of a bleed and ultrasound confirmed this. Anyway for the past 10 days she.had finally stopped spotting until yesterday. Yesterday my wife had her 12w ultrasound and everything looked fine as all measurements were good and baby was moving all around.

Last night my wife started spotting again. Could the ultrasound and all the pushing have caused this? Should we call Oh and it was an abdominal ultrasound.

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