That is wonderful news!
Baby hopes, between 8-14 weeks mine changed shape, but hasn't become smaller yet. Most peoples do, but it's because I've had fresh red bleeds (so made the damaged bit bleed again ratherthan the old clot bleeding out. For instance at were 14 I lost 3/4 the clot but by the time I got to the hospital it had filled up the space that had been made...
I understand that old bleeding is no worse than not bleeding, but red bleeding is.
Aww stream *hugs* I do understand the stress of one that size, but resting as much as you can truly is the best thing... It totally sucks though... Are you having regular ultrasounds? I am not because we don't get them unles you have a big bleed or are high risk, but do wish I coul have one between 14 (last bleed) and 20 weeks!!