Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

McBumpy, I had a heavy bleed at 7 weeks. My bleeding slowed down that night but continued the next day. The doctor who saw me after the bleed said to stay on bedrest untilbthe bleeding and cramping had stopped for 48 hours. I spotted and cramped for the next 4 weeks consistently and therefore stayed on bedrest, getting up to go to the bathroom, to shower and prepare a quick bite to eat. It hasn't been easy, but as the other people on this group will tell you, there is a chance that bedrest will improve your outcome. It reduces your chances of bleeding and decreases uterine irritability, or cramping. It is normal to pass clumpy dark brown material which could be bits of the clot. Just make sure you rest and drink plenty of fluids, 64 oz. per day as this also prevents dehydration which can cause uterine cramping.
Sorry for those of you ladies just finding your SCH's but please keep in mind that most respolve just fine and everything turns out great.

In fact, I'm now a success story! I went in for a scan today and after almost 7 straight weeks of bleeding, the tech had a hard time even finding the SCH! It has gotten soooo small, praise the Lord! So here's to hoping it stays that way and I won't have to deal with it the rest of this pregnancy!!
:happydance: So pleased for you, nfs!!! Hopefully the next scan shows it to be totally gone!!
Hi everyone,

I am new here. I am 7 weeks, 2 days pregnant with my 3rd child. I had my first doctors appointment yesterday, and I asked to have an ultrasound because I just felt like something wasn't right (you know how sometimes you just get that feeling?) The baby looked great, and we went home. This morning, I got a call from my doctor that I have a small subchorionic hemmorhage. I have not had any bleeding, but it still freaks me out. Any advice would be great.
:hugs: I'm sorry you have a sch. It's such a scary piece of news to receive especially before you've seen any bleeding. If you've had bleeding it is a mini-relief as then you have some explanation. Most cases of sch end with a healthy baby so try to keep that in mind whenever you start to worry.

Hopefully, you're one of those who never sees any actual bleeding and that your body quickly reabsorbs the bleed. Just take it easy, no heavy lifting and remember to drink lots as dehydration can irritate the uterus which can make the bleeding worse. If you do start to bleed you'll probably be told to go on pelvic rest as well to avoid infections or the contractions that can come from orgasms.
It was definitely scary when I got that call this morning. I cried for 2 hours! Then I decided that I better start doing some research, which is when I came across this site. I have had recurrent bacterial vaginosis with all of my pregnancies. I had it within days of becoming pregnant this time. I have been on 3 antibiotics, but it never goes away. That concerns me because I don't want that to cause even more problems with this SCH. I am still so scared, even though things usually turn out ok. I was told that because of other complications with previous pregnancies, this needs to be my last pregnancy. So I am so scared that something will go wrong because I can't have anymore after this. :(
Well, I don't think the medication should cause any problems. I don't have any experience with B.V. but I don't think its risks will alter/increase in combination with the sch.

Please try not to Google sch because the information is so varying. Most medical journals I've come across are actually rather positive but Google will most likely pull up the negative, worst-case scenarios. Most of the girls on this thread have gone on to healthy babies and those of us currently here are discovering that our sch's are healing and resolving. It's been a whole lot of good news!

Of course, the fears won't totally go away....especially in your circumstances...but we're a safe place to voice those fears. This has been such a great support to me.
Needless to say i spent most of the day in tears, scared and confused. Since last tuesday (6 days ago) i have had brown spotting with the odd few bits in it (again sorry for tmi) no red / pink bleeds. I'v had some smight cramps too. I have had sickness since the day of the scan but it hasn't affected me today so i'm wondering if that was something to do with the hematoma as my spotting has really decreased today?

Hugs! It's not fun, but if it's a small one, that's really good news. I haven't foudn sickness to be a result of the hematoma (except for feeling nauseous from stress) so I expect that's normal pregnancy yuckiness :) I didn't get morning sickness til 8 weeks personally, other then a weird tummy a few times - but had nausea really bad for about 6 weeks after that! :) Thankfully tapering off now though. The cramps are also really normal and I know many people get them without an SCH, but often people with an SCH will get them stronger than most at times. I am starting to not have cramps now (18 weeks tomorrow) even though I am a bit sore still (please know that if they've said it's small at 5 weeks, it's usually expected it'll be gone by this stage! mine was a lot bigger). The spotting will (often) continue to decrease and end up being nothing, though there is a chance that you can have another big bleed - brown is good though!
So, had my ultrasound today. Just like I thought baby girl #3 for us. I have my actual gender/anomaly ultrasound on the 24th, but I asked my Dr to check my hematoma and the gender while I was there. Good news on the hematoma. He couldnt see anything for sure that looked like a bleed. He saw a small area, but he said he didnt even know for sure if it was a hematoma. Everywhere else looked clear. So I am hoping it is gone for good. I will be double checking at my ultrasound later this month.
Congrats on Team Pink, ashley! Hope your hematoma is gone for good!
Whew...It's been a busy couple of weeks between appointments, meetings, and errands. That's why I haven't been on much lately. Just got the results from my latest ultrasound. Good news is that my hematoma is gone and the baby is fine. HB was 160-170 and was 145-150 at my last OB appt. LOTS of movement visible on ultrasound too so that's reassuring too. Unfortunately, the radiologist also found another hematoma. It's 3.4cm x 0.8cm x 2.3cm (I think) and it's right on top the placenta this time. My doc isn't worried because I'm not actively bleeding, the baby is growing, and (according to her) most women have at least one hematoma during their pregnancies but don't know because they don't have symptoms. She also said she sees multiple hematomas in women who are on aspirin and I've been taking it since 4wks. I'm actually doing pretty well with this news. I'm not telling anyone but my m-i-l and my hubby about this 2nd hematoma because I know someone will freak out and then I will freak out myself. I would prefer to be calm and collected. I still needed to get this off my chest and my hubby is getting tired of hearing the same thing over and over.
dairy momma, glad that the first clot is gone. Sorry that they found another. I think it's good that it's above the placenta. It's much better than being under!! This way I don't think it will interfere with the placenta or the baby's growth. Glad that you found a strategy to help keep yourself calm. And this is definitely a safe place to vent! We've all been in that place in one way or another. Sometimes I wish our OH's would be a bit more sympathetic. Mine has been pretty good but he certainly doesn't get why I continue to worry when we keep getting good news at appointments. Once you start there is no stopping!
Congrats nfs and ashley! And congrats on the girl ashley!!

And congrats dairymomma for having none of the first clot, and I hope this one resolves quickly for you too!

I had my scan today and we are having a boy! I am not quite sure what to think as I thought it was going to be a girl - or maybe I just hoped that. I'm happy either way, but still :( too. The SCH is still there, I think it was 6ish by 3ish by 2ish now, but more squished than the other times kinda... I have another followup anatomy scan in three weeks, so that's good.
Hi ladies - they also found a small 5mm hematoma on my 6 week ultrasound.. I had a 8 week ultrasound and its still there but doc said it will just shrink as pregnancy grows... I have not had any bleeding...

do you think its safe to have sex or should I wait? I have a 1 year old toddler so I have to pick her up all the time :shrug::hugs:
Hi ladies hope you dont mind me posting. Im 14 weeks with my second child and at 11 weeks had a big red bleed and severe stomach pains, was admitted over night to hospital and scanned, baby was fine and scan showed small area of blood.

Over the last 3 weeks ive had pain low down in my stomach almost a heavy achey feeling and some occasional spotting (very little) last night i had some brown discharge that was still there when i woke today. Midwife sent me for another scan baby still ok thankfully but blood on scan more apparent and suggestive of a hematoma. Ive been told to go back for follow up scan in 10 days and im worried sick. Is it a bad sign if the blood is more apparent 3 weeks on? I wasnt told to rest or abstain or anything but should i? poor dh ive been refraining from sex for the past 6 weeks! but i dont want to do anything to put baby at risk

thank you
Bleeds can grow and shrink. I was never updated on the size so I can't really speak from personal experience but some of the other girls here had them grow but now the clots are gone. I did have the achey feelings when I was having active bleeding so I think that's just part and parcel of sch. Just take it really easy. The specialist told me to "treat myself with kid gloves". Sit down when things get too much, don't do heavy lifting and drink lots!

inperfected, congrats on Team Blue! I think I had about 3 seconds of disappointment when I found out it was boy because I had started to think how lovely a girl would be and was imagining life with my little Isabelle (the name we picked out). I think it's a normal reaction. It feels like we're losing the daughter we imagined for ourselves. Yet I think I would have felt the same about having a girl because I also imagined life with our little Daniel (I was having boy vibes since the beginning) And boys are so sweet! I have so many pairs of overalls it's getting ridiculous. And a friend bought me the cutest, cutest pair of sandals. It's newborn size so he doesn't really need them.....
steamfreesia & inperfecred - thank you for your replies.

I've had a very up and down past few days. The brown / old blood seemed to decrease only to come back again today with 2 little clots within it, both no bigger than a pea size. Needless to say this panicked me even tho i have been told i should expect blood loss aswell as clots as it drains away - i'm just clinging onto the hope that this was a good sign to the fact that the clot within is slowly decreasing in size! I haven't had any pain at all and they only came out (sorry to sound rather grose) when i went for a wee.

My next scan is on the 12th April, time seems to be going so slowly! By that point i will be 7 weeks so will be able to see a baby beanie and pick up heartbeat :) The little angel has been having me up at 4am every morning for a bathroom trip and a mini feast biscuits!

Lovely to read some positive posts from you ladies on the sexes of your babies and congratulations :) xx
Hi ladies - Just checking in, glad to hear that everyone is doing well.

So jealous that everyone is finding out the gender at their recent scans! They told me that they couldn't tell when I went in at 17w1d so I'm now anxiously awaiting my anatomy scan. I couldn't get an appointment until the 19th so I'm going to be 21w by the time I go. I am just impatient to focus on some of the fun stuff like decorating the nursery and picking out names - all which we can talk about now but not really make decisions about. My husband keeps telling me patience has never been one of my strong points. haha.

So for right now I'm counting down until Monday when I'll be 20w. I am feeling so much better about this pregnancy since I found out the SCH is gone but I still find myself attached to reaching the milestone weeks, way more so than my pregnant friends who didn't go through all this. I suppose that is probably natural though. I do feel like time is moving a bit faster so hopefully the second half of this pregnancy will fly by.

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