Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

McBumpy, just to let you know, the clots you are seeing (what I initially thought were clots too, til I had big ones with a big bleed and could see the difference) could be blood mixed with the increased pregnancy discharge... I know it often makes my bleeding seem like much more than there actually is.. Does that make any sense possibly?

Hopefully baby cooperates at the next scan jord *hugs*! To be honest, i was a bit scared of that yesterday, but she saw it literally immediately, and showed us for about 1/2 a second then moved on... And we both kinda shocked (were kinda expecting girl!) hadn't even had time to work out what was what (well, I have an idea since I've seen scans online, but hubby didn't). I'm really happy with it being a "him" today though! Just yesterday was all a bit emotional and that :)
I had that too, inperfected. Sometimes I'd swear that was tissue floating in the toilet so I'd go so far as to scoop it out with my hands and then I would see it was a streak of red in pregnancy discharge. Clots are thicker and usually maroon if fresh and stringy when old. Also passed some clumps of pink, hard stuff. It's part of the reason I thought I had lost the baby at one point. Sometimes I still think it might have been a twin but two earlier ultrasounds only ever showed one sac.
Yay, for a boy inperfected! I wanted a boy, but I knew out of nowhere a few days ago she was a girl. I did think #2 was a boy, not like how I knew this was a girl,more just it felt like a boy, so I went through a few days of sadness over not having a boy, and same this time, but I know it will only take a few days to forget about a boy, and really be excited about my baby girl! I've already been buying girl stuff, even though I have a bunch, but it had helped me a lot to look at girl things and get some new stuff for this baby. It's funny and random and I really don't know how true this will be, but about a year ago my oldest brought me a picture she had drawn and it had My husband, me, her, my youngest, then it had another little girl just smaller than that, than a boy, then a little girl all in order of size. At first I was hoping it wasn't true since it would mean another girl next,but now I hope it is true, so I can at least have 1 boy!
I get really excited hearing of all of the SCH's healing, I really hope that mine is, I wish my Dr was more sure it was gone, but not seeing a sure SCH is good too!
Hiya Inperfected - you are right. I had another tiny one last night but it came on the tissue and it was just a clumpy amount of the brown discharge that had built up to form a clot shape! Hoping it is a good sign tho that the hematoma is slowly draining away. 5 days untill next scan!

Can't wait untill im at the stage to find out if baby is a boy or girl rather than calling it beany or flump lol. xx
Hey ladies, wish me luck at my ultrasound tomorrow!:thumbup:
Hi, CamoQueen! I have an ultrasound tomorrow too!

Good luck with yours!
Good luck camp and starry!!!

I'm so hoping it's shrunk significantly at my next scan! It's been 13 weeks without sex so far becuase of bleeding, and will be nearly 16 at the scan, so I'm hoping, failing that, I may not get another scan after that (they have only done my normal scans and ones for bigger bleeds), so I'm hoping it will have gone... Otherwise, do you know if it's safe to have sex if you still have an sch, but don't have bleeding (who knows when it'll stop, but surely it might sometime!!) and it's a really old sch, far away from placenta and is just above cervix? Cos doctors here dot seem to have much advice at all... :s

I am so thankful are baby boy will be born near our 5th wedding anniversary (will be 7 years together) as it's meant we can just handle 4 months of no sex, who knows what would have happened (for us not others) had it been in the 1st or second year...
My sch is gone and my OB told us to still avoid DTD. He didn't give a us reason really. Just that we should.
Thanks, Starry, good luck at your ultrasound! I can't wait to see my little boy again and know that he's doing okay!
Good luck at the u/s's camo and starry! I'm sure it will all be great news:)

Inperfected, my doc said no sex til 10 days after last blood loss, which he explained was because of an increased chance of infection from anything in the vagina while you are bleeding. I will be honest here with you ladies, I didn't follow the rules 100% and we still had clean sex (without deep penetration) on occasion---I'm sorry, I just wasn't going to give love-making with my OH up for that long! Don't get me wrong, early on we did abstain from sex (but still did everything but, so neither one of us got sexually frustrated). I would ask the docs directly though if you are concerned!
Dh and I still have enjoyed ourselves too. Just no intercourse because that was what we were originally told and I never asked for clarification about anything else! While I was bleeding I didn't feel well enough to do anything anyways but since then....well....Dh needs the attention and I do too! We don't have fun times as much as we used to because I want to take some caution and space things out. Also, I used to not let myself O and I was satisfied with the attention. O's originally made me cramp really badly (I was O'ing in my sleep and that sucked because I'd wake up with cramps) but lately I've been letting myself and I feel (more than) fine afterwards.

But my OB said no sex at my last visit so I am sticking to that. He might be mad that I do other things but it's just too hard on the relationship and my sanity. Sometimes my hormones drive me stark-raving mad. lol Sometimes I wonder if I should just abstain for the sake of the baby but I haven't had any problems. It's tough.
I'd suspect the no sex for you starry is because of the placental issues?

I've 'had fun' twice (couldn't help it..) but one lead to two days of pain and the other to my worst bleed yet, so not even gone there, and just kept hubby happy kinda sometimes (hate it due to extra hormones... Makes me sad I can't!)

So we are currently avoiding til spotting 100% stops for at least a week or two, which doesn't look to be soon... At this stage, I'm expecting at least another month of spotting, and see how I go since hematoma was 6x3x2 ish last scan
Really looking for advice/reassurance ladies, ive been told i have an area suggestive of a hematoma but after reading through this thread and various other places mine sounds different, when i was shown the area on the screen it wasnt like a 'blob' or 'clot' area it was an area of suspected blood running all the way along the bottom of where the baby is the woman said the lines that define the area should look solid but mine looked jaggy? and was suggestive of blood?? i was told that baby is fine and they cant say i will miscarry or that baby will be ok but no reason to suggest anything wrong at the moment. I wasnt told to avoid sex or do anything different really just go back for another scan in 10 days.

As for bleeding i had a big bleed at 11 weeks, then only spotting now and again since but had lots of crampy pains on a daily basis, i really dont understand whats happening and feel so confused :(
I'm really scots mum as I have no experience with that, but hopefully the next scan will give a bit more advice as to whats going on.. As for no sex, the doctors/midwife have suggested that to me now, not sure quite "why" they've said not to.. Maybe you could ask them at the next scan? I've personally had a hematoma (quite large) for over 10 weeks and it was really obvious on the first scan I had for it, which is why I've been told to avoid it.
Hi Scots_mum! Bleeding in your uterus is what is causing you to cramp. I only had one bleed and my OB gave me hyoscine for the pain and it worked very well. He was for total bed rest and I was a good girl so I spent almost 8 weeks in bed, only getting up to go to the bathroom :p at my 12 week scan the haematoma was gone for good and I was told to resume my normal life, but taking it a bit easier ( bed rest is weakening )

In general the outcomes with haematomas are positive and you either bleed them out or they get reabsorbed. There are some women however that bleed through their whole pregnancies and still get to have their babies with no problems. I guess it would be important to verify with your Dr. if this is a haematoma or not.

Since you had a bleed you might want to ask for more periodic check ups ( I was getting an US every 10 or 15 days or so ). My OB said no sex, no O while the clot was there.

He then gave the green light but I still feel a bit freaked out about it ( yes ladies, I have been sex starved for over 16 weeks, lol, and DH seems more scared of anything going bad so doesn´t even mentions sex ). Hope you start to feel better soon!
Congratulations to all the ladies who found out their babies' sex this week. Now you can start planning for the arrival of your little blessings. I am glad to know that some of you have had the sex issue. Since I was diagnosed wit SCH at 7 weeks I have had some O's in my sleep. The only other time I remember this happening was when I was pregnant with my son and had been placed on pelvic rest also. I think my mind is playing tricks on me. Every night I pray for no O. Honestly, I am not even having any romantic dreams either. The other night it happened when in my dream I was taking a bite of the most delicious apple pie. My husband laughed his face off when I told him that one. Fortunately, nothing bad has happened as a result. I assume that the cause is abstenance coupled with hormones in addition to it being partly psychological.
McBumpy, I passed a number of little clots early on and seemed to have more cramping prior to that happening. I would just make sure that I was really strict with the bedrest at those times. Hope this helps.
Thank you ladies for the above advice. Im getting an extra scan on the 18th i will be 16 weeks not sure if i will get another before my 20 week or not maybe depends what is seen on the next one. The sonographer just didnt seem all that sure what she was seeing just pointed out the jaggy area and said everything points to it being a bleed based on what shes seen, and she wrote on my notes 'suggestive hematoma' 'scan to follow up' no advice given at all. Quite hard trying to explain the no sex thing to hubby too since we wernt actually told that and its me telling him i just read it online, but i dont want to take any risks at all. Im trying to take it easy and no lifting etc too, thankfully ive not had any significant blood since i was 11+4 only spotting and some brown discharge type loss is that a good thing? just really dislike these cramps
Thank you ladies for the above advice. Im getting an extra scan on the 18th i will be 16 weeks not sure if i will get another before my 20 week or not maybe depends what is seen on the next one. The sonographer just didnt seem all that sure what she was seeing just pointed out the jaggy area and said everything points to it being a bleed based on what shes seen, and she wrote on my notes 'suggestive hematoma' 'scan to follow up' no advice given at all. Quite hard trying to explain the no sex thing to hubby too since we wernt actually told that and its me telling him i just read it online, but i dont want to take any risks at all. Im trying to take it easy and no lifting etc too, thankfully ive not had any significant blood since i was 11+4 only spotting and some brown discharge type loss is that a good thing? just really dislike these cramps

Not sure when you are having your next appointment with your Dr, but you can try and take DH with you just so he asks all questions or you ask in front of him. You can try and relieve DH sexual tension in other ways, just try not to O and take it really easy until you know what is going on for sure.

Brown is always good as it is old blood and does not indicate any active bleeding. However some women get red, then brown, then red, and so on. Did they tell you how big the bleed area seemed to be?

Cramps with sch are typically related to the presence of blood in your uterus, but it can also mean that you are not drinking enough fluids. I have been drinking obscene amounts of water, you might want to try that and see if it helps.
But my OB said no sex at my last visit so I am sticking to that. He might be mad that I do other things but it's just too hard on the relationship and my sanity. Sometimes my hormones drive me stark-raving mad. lol Sometimes I wonder if I should just abstain for the sake of the baby but I haven't had any problems. It's tough.
Starry, did your OB explained why no intercourse, etc? Mine said it was ok, I am sex starved but still scared...:wacko:
Thank you ladies for the above advice. Im getting an extra scan on the 18th i will be 16 weeks not sure if i will get another before my 20 week or not maybe depends what is seen on the next one. The sonographer just didnt seem all that sure what she was seeing just pointed out the jaggy area and said everything points to it being a bleed based on what shes seen, and she wrote on my notes 'suggestive hematoma' 'scan to follow up' no advice given at all. Quite hard trying to explain the no sex thing to hubby too since we wernt actually told that and its me telling him i just read it online, but i dont want to take any risks at all. Im trying to take it easy and no lifting etc too, thankfully ive not had any significant blood since i was 11+4 only spotting and some brown discharge type loss is that a good thing? just really dislike these cramps

Not sure when you are having your next appointment with your Dr, but you can try and take DH with you just so he asks all questions or you ask in front of him. You can try and relieve DH sexual tension in other ways, just try not to O and take it really easy until you know what is going on for sure.

Brown is always good as it is old blood and does not indicate any active bleeding. However some women get red, then brown, then red, and so on. Did they tell you how big the bleed area seemed to be?

Cramps with sch are typically related to the presence of blood in your uterus, but it can also mean that you are not drinking enough fluids. I have been drinking obscene amounts of water, you might want to try that and see if it helps.

See my midwife on the 19th day after scan, so will ask her to explain things to me a bit better. She didnt say how big the area was infact she didnt even measure it. I didnt know that about the fluid so glad you said i drink very little water or fluids at all tbh so will start that right now

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