Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Just chillin'. Not much to report right now. Have a scan next week and hope it confirms once again that the bleed is gone.
What day Starry? :) looking forward to great news!

I have a scan on Wednesday, and we'll find out what's happening with the SCH and what our little one is - girl or boy! :) I can't wait for that reason!

I don't think SCH is completely gone as I still bleed/discharge a bit now, but finally stopped the heavier bleeding for nearly a month now (haven't had a "big" one in that long, and 1-2 weeks since bleeding started to settle
I am 11 1/2 weeks and spotting had stopped for a few days and then started again last night. Has anyone had this happen? My hematoma unfortunately has not gotten any smaller and it appeared to be above the baby this time. I go to the perinatologist tomorrow. Are there any specific questions I should ask? I am feeling kind of down today because my co-worker lost her baby this week because of this. Her doctor said that the earlier these appear during the pregnancy, the worse the potential outcome. Mine showed up at 7 weeks.
I have heard the opposite steamfreesia about the outcome. I heard before 8 wks it usually clears up sooner. But that being said of course there are going to be more miscarriage when found before 8 wks, but the vast majority have nothing to do with the sch. Before 8 wks your risk of miscarriage is about 5-10%(without hematoma) At 12 weeks your risk is 1%, so obviously there will be more losses at an early diagnosis. Mine was also found at 7 weeks. Your risk of miscarriage is only slightly increased. If you are on bedrest while actively bleeding your risk drops a ton. My first bleed was at 7 weeks. I bled heavy 1 day then spotted about 4-5 days. I went a week and half with nothing then bled heavy again for 1 day(at 9 wks) then spotted for literally almost 6 weeks, 5 weeks of that was brown). I have been spot free for almost 2 weeks now. I did bed rest a week into the 2nd bleed and continued to until the spotting stopped.
My Dr.(and also fromwhat I have read elsewhere) once you get to 13 weeks, your risk of miscarriage is only 1-3%.

Inperfected I have my ultrasound on Tuesday and I think I will be able to find out the gender too! I really hope so. I didnt go over that part with my Dr last time, but I will for sure be asking him to do the gender! And also to have him look for the hematoma. He hasnt looked at it for about 8 weeks,so I have no idea what is up with it. Good luck on your scan!!! I'm praying for good news on both of ours!
And Starry, it must feel good to be almost 26 weeks! Each week you are just adding to your little one being born big and healthy! I am sure we will all have nice, big babies though. Just waiting for the rest of us to join the sch graduates! And I cant wait. I still feel I wont be having a completely normal pregnancy, because I know I will just overthink everything that happens even when its healed. I'm just going to take it easy even when its gone. But, that sounds great compared to the bed rest I was on for 5 weeks.
My next scan is on Friday, April 8th. The purpose of the scan is to check on the blood flow through my uterine walls as the one side was showing that the flow was impeded which MAY lead to reduced fetal growth in the future. The specialist wasn't overly concerned as the placenta itself is functioning perfectly and the baby so far as been slightly ahead of his dates, my fluids were perfect, etc, etc. But I'm expecting the bleed to be checked up on as well.

And I've also heard that the later the sch forms, the more likely it is to interfere with the baby. Though I have heard an early sch can stay throughout the pregnancy without doing harm as long as it's not growing. My sch formed pretty much at the beginning (a clot was found when I was only 5 weeks) and my bubs is doing just fine!

And yes, it's great to be just about 26 weeks. My countdown is almost to double digits! :) My next mini-milestone is to reach 32 weeks as baby as very good chance of surviving at that point and without many life-long complications. But I'm holding on to the hope of a full-term baby.
Mmm... to be honest Freesia, the studies I've read have said the same thing, the later you get one, the worse it can be.

Mine wasn't there at 7 weeks (I had a scan) but I had a 5cm+ one at 8+2.

My spotting is doing similar things now as I've finally had a day or two without spotting but then it will start again. In comparision to many though, I've had 12 weeks non stop bleeding or spotting (though I've actually had 3 days during that time spot free now!!), and I had about 7 weeks really heavy bleeding (i.e. moderate to heavy endometriosis period!) and then lighter for the past 2 weeks.

What's your due date Ashley? Mines the 8th September (more like your 7th as I'm in New Zealand).. :)
I have also read that the earlier you get them the better the outcome. Still I have read many stories of women getting sch in second tri and delivering healthy babies just fine.

I am glad to read that everybody is doing well and awaiting US :)

I saw my OB and said that chances of prem birth after sch clears are about the same a woman that never had it would have, so that was good to hear. I now am a bit worried about my bp, as it was 140/90 but I have white coat syndrome and had a very stressful day. I am now monitoring at home and it looks just fine so far.

My next milestone is to make it to viability ( 24 weeks ). This whole sch thing affected me and I am still worried about weird things happening, etc :p I also still feel weak after those 2 months in bed. hope to get my strength back and be able to return to my regular activities :)

Have a great weekend ladies!
I'm due Sep 9, so pretty close to you inperfected. I feel bad today, because I keep thinking how disappointed I will be if I find out its a girl at my ultrasound Tuesday. The most important thing to me, especially after this sch scare, is having a healthy baby, but today suddenly I had this feeling I am having a girl. I dont know why and it lasted less than a minute, but its the first time I have felt this baby as a certain gender. So, then I started crying about it, because I really want a boy so bad! I know regardless of the sex I will love it just as much, I dont doubt that, but I just cant help myself from wanting the gender I dont have yet. I feel bad for getting upset it could be a girl. Girls are so fun, and really if I had to think of what I'd want if I had no kids, then I would want girl. But after 2 girls I feel its normal to want a boy, but why do I have to cry over it? I know this was off topic, but my husband wont listen. I can tell he thinks that feeling I had was nothing. Which I do hope it was, but kinda doubt. This was different then the feeling I had with baby #2...I really thought she was a boy, I just kept picturing boy from the second I got pregnant, and yes I was shocked it was a girl at my 20 wk ultrasound. This time around,no real feeling until earlier, and literally it was so short, but it felt like I knew! I even had the feeling of "I knew all along in my heart, that this is a girl" though I havent at all, or at least not that I'm aware of. Maybe its tucked away, I tried retrieving that feeling again later, but cant. Now that I've bored you(Im sure most wont get this far) I will just go back to stressing over my upcoming ultrasound in 3 days.
Hi ladies! Just wanted to drop in and say hello, I haven't been on BnB much these days. Been busy getting "Junior's" room ready (I still call her that even though we found out it's a girl, kinda silly:). I used that low-odor, non-toxic paint so I could help, I swear you could barely even smell it!

Good luck on the upcoming scans, and hope everyone is feeling well. I have lots of energy but boy is my belly getting big, it's starting to really get in the way--bending down to even put my shoes on is a chore haha. Lots of growing pains too, which my books all say is perfectly normal and expected, but of course since the SCH every little ache and pain worries me just a bit. Time sure is going by faster now, the weeks are getting ahead of me.
Yeah....hitting the 20 week mark made all the difference for me. Before that my pregnancy seemed to CRAWL by though the first 12 weeks when I was actively bleeding were the worst. My little aches and pains still freak me out. Been getting BH more often but thankfully they're very mild and only feel slightly uncomfortable. Baby has moved into a position where I don't feel him as much and I miss the reassurance. He still can kick the tar out of me when he feels like it though! lol And forget about bending over! That's a thing of the past. I'm looking forward to sandal and flip-flop weather so I can just slip shoes onto my feet. Tying up my runners is quite the ordeal. I recently bought dressy slip-ons but I don't want to wear them while there is still some snow on the ground.

Get to see baby on Friday. Getting a bit nervous, to be honest. Also going for my GD screening too. Blah.
Hi Ladies,
I could use some advice/support. . .yesterday morning at 4:30 AM I woke up to use the bathroom and realized my pants and undies were soaked. I turned on the light and realized there were pink spots on my undies and bright red blood in the toilet. I woke my husband up and on the bed noticed there was a large wet spot with some blood stained on it. We went to the E.R. and the found baby's heartbeat right away. They took some blood and after an ultrasound and 3 hours later told me that I have subchronic hemorrhages. I'm 15 weeks and the placenta was still attached and my cervix was closed. Baby was wiggling around, vitals were good and his heart rate was 146 bmp. At the time of discharge, they told me to take it easy and that because the bleeding had stopped and now just brown pieces were coming out that I was probably one of the 9/10 women in which everything would be o.k. My husband and I went and did our grocery shopping yesterday and then I took it easy for the rest of the day relaxing on the couch. I fell asleep watching a movie last night and woke up to my heart racing and a lot of intense pressure. I went to the bathroom and the bleeding process had started all over again (bright red blood with more dark red clots in it). I called the OB resident on call and she said to put on a pad and wait an hour...she said if it continued to soak to go to the hospital to have everything checked because it could be a miscarriage or another not good sign. The pad did not get anything, but a few spots. I set my alarm to go off every 2 hours to get up and use the restroom so that it didn't build up again. . .each time there was less and less and now this morning there is just light brown when I wipe and nothing in the toilet.

I am calling tomorrow to follow up with my doctor, but what are your thoughts? Is this normal?? The doctor and nurse in the E.R. told me that is shouldn't happen again so I was shocked when the bleeding repeated itself last night. Is that normal?? I've said my prayers and am trying to stay positive, but this is our first baby and such a scary thing to go through. . .Thank you in advance!
It could be normal if you have an active clot inside your uterus. It's good that the previous bleed hadn't affected the placenta and that the second bleed ended relatively quickly. Sch has a tendency to come and go. I would go back and forth between red and brown bleeding on a regular basis. My last big bleed was at 14 weeks after 2 weeks of no bleeding of any kind and I spotted red and brown the rest of the week. However, I had internal bleeding up until about 20 weeks and it resolved a few weeks later.

Since you're already in the second trimester I think it's better to err on the side of caution and get checked out.
Definitely do get checked out (for your peace of mind), but you can have mutliple bleeds and still be fine. I'm 17+4 today and had my last bleed about about 14 weeks... I had 6 big bleeds all up, and all were scary, but got through it... It's been nearly 10 weeks since the first one and I am still spotting, so please don't be too scared if the spotting doesn't disappear quickly (though I seem to be in the minority).

If you have had two bigger bleeds though this closer to each other, I'd be resting completely for a few days if at all possible and trying to be as stressfree as possible too (We'd had an earthquake which made me quite stressed (the Christchurch NZ one where I live) and the stress set it off 3 times for me).

I hope it settles down reasonably quickly for you. Did they say how big hematoma was?
Hi BabyBells, hope you get some answers from the doc soon, and another u/s to check the bleed. I only had one bought of bleeding then all brown blood for a month so can't help you there, but I know the other ladies on here will be a lot of help! I will add that, while you are bleeding, take it easy! Bedrest, etc. isn't proven to be that effective when the bleeding is long gone, but for now definately take it easy and don't do anything you don't absolutely have to do. No excercise, activity, or sex of any kind right now until you hear further from the doc. The very high majority of SCH's end up with happy healthy babies so keep your chin up and just take care of yourself.

Also, you may have to be persistent in getting appointments for u/s's, with a specialist, etc. Not all of us have docs who pay much individual attention to us so we have to take it upon ourselves to get on the phone and set up some appts.! Insist on them!

Good luck!
Hi, i'm new and thought i would share my Hematoma experience with you all..

I'm currently 5w6d with our second child and last Tuesday found out i had a hematoma.
I had been to the doctors the day before to confirm my pregnancy. On the way home i felt a wet sensation (sorry if tmi) and when i got home found i had a heavy bleed. Hubby came home from work and we went straight to A&E, after 6 hours waiting i was given a check over and a scan time for the next day.
At the scan it showed up that i had a bruise around the sac, due to me only being 5 weeks at the time all that was visable was a sac and the yolk (which i have been told by many aswell as read is right for 5 weeks as it is to early for fetal pole / h.b etc) but was told everything was how it should be for the stage i was at. After the scan a nurse spoke to me to expalin things. She said the scan had showed up a clot (which im guessing was the bruise) and that it was only small but to take things easy and come back in 2 weeks time (i will be 7 weeks then) for a check up.

Needless to say i spent most of the day in tears, scared and confused. Since last tuesday (6 days ago) i have had brown spotting with the odd few bits in it (again sorry for tmi) no red / pink bleeds. I'v had some smight cramps too. I have had sickness since the day of the scan but it hasn't affected me today so i'm wondering if that was something to do with the hematoma as my spotting has really decreased today?

Sorry for the rather long post, just wanted to share my goings on with others who will be able to understand and hopefully offer words of encouragement.
Asley2Pink and Starry, thanks for the info. I saw the perinatologist this week and she seemedpositive that if I keep doing everything I have been doing, I.e. bedrest that at my next scan in 4 weeks, we should see that the school has gotten smaller.
Ashley, you must be getting closer to 18 weeks or so. That is exciting. And Starrynight, Congrats on reaching another milestone. I have set milestonesfor myself that keep me upbeat. I have reached my first at 12 weeks. I look forward to reaching each one, as the stress seems to subside a little.
Imperfected, it seems that you are starting to see some signs of your spotting starting to taper off. I am so happy for you. You have had a scarey time of it, I'm sure.
Thanks to all of you for sharing your wealth of information.

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