Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I haven't been on strict bedrest for about a month now, or really bed rest much at all in that month. I rest in bed when it gets a bit worse, but have to carry on with my life too...

I honestly didnt know there was much to admire! I haven't had many options except to get through it. I've had quite a lot of gynologicalbissued in the past year though so know what to expect with medical stuff now....
I still see things to admire. :flower: Your bleeding sounds like it is worse than mine ever was and all I could do was lie on my couch and cry the whole first trimester. I still feel physically weak and mine has now healed! But you're right: we do what we do because we must. Life goes on.

Found out I have another ultrasound tomorrow at my local hospital. I guess my OB wants one final check before I move on Thursday.
Hi Girls

Id love some advice. I had a heavy heavy bleed with clots last week ( at 8 wks pg) I thought id m/c but at the hospital the next day they told me baby was fine. I was amazed and so happy! They didnt tell me the cause of the bleed.

I went back today (9 weeks) for another scan and baby has grown and is doing well but they told me the bleed was from a SCH measuring 2cm*2cm*0.7cm. Ive not bled since last week and the doctor told me the SCH is nothing to worry aboout and to carry on as normal.

But ive since come away and googled SCH and freaked out! Ive read it can increase m/c chance, some sites say to bed rest, avoid sex and im so confused and scared. Can anyone help me?

I had mmc in Jan this year and so want this baby. I feel like im on a rollercoaster.

Thank you so much
It sounds like your SCH is on the small side. Most women with SCH go on tohave healthy pregnancies once the SCH resolves. There are 3 potential outcomes with SCH. It can bleed out, your body can reabsorb it or it can end in miscarriage. Most of the statistics on miscarriage apply to large hematomas. Most likely your baby will be just fine, as I have said earlier that most SCH's resolve. Bedrest is advocated by some doctors and in some studies has been shown to reduce the chance of miscarriage. The rule of thumb from what I have seen is, bedrest until you are not bleeding or cramping for a period of time.Listen to your body. At first everyone is scared but as your pregnancy continues and your SCH gets smaller, you will not be as fearful. I had a large SCH and put myself on bedrest for 4 weeks, then more modified bedrest ever since. It has been 7 1/2 weeks now. I still get crampy so I rest more at those times. Try not to worry too much but do try to take it really easy.:flower
Thank you so much. I'm praying so much that everything works out.

How large was your sch and how many weeks were you when you got it?

I read on one website its more risky if it appears late in 1st trimester when placenta forming?

My SCH story starts at 13 weeks.
I thought i was only 8-10 weeks preg ( very illregular periods ) when i has a bright red bled i went to my early pregnancy unit, where they did a scan and discovered baby was fine and i was in fact 13wks to the day pregnant.
They didnt investigate y i bled just told me it was one of those things and to go to the day assessment unit if i bleed again.
I then bled every 4-5 days............ each time i went in to the unit and they listened to heart beat, checked my cervix. It wasn't till i went to see a midwife in the unit after one bleed she set me up to see a consultant and scan the following week.............
that night (15 weeks ) i had a VERY large bleed which ended me up in hospital for 2 nights/3days...... they wrote on my paper work it was an threatened miscarriage.
After 3 day the bleeding stopped and i was allowed to go home they never scanned me just checked cervix and babys heart beat every few hrs.

At 16 weeks after crying my eyes out to the consultant that i felt like i was living in limbo not knowing what was causing the bleeding i was finally sent for a scan............ They found all was fine but i had a 9cm x 3cm SCH sat over my cervix.
I continued to have bleeds every 3-4 days lasting about a day or two each time. But these bleeds are dark, brown and classed as old blood.

At my 21 week scan they where unable to find any SCH so i assumed it had resolved.......... but still i have continued to bleed ...... i'm now at 26wks + 4 days. We are just hoping it the beginning of the end now as the bleeding as slowed down to once a week for a day or 2.
They have told me i need growth scans at 28, 32 and 34 weeks to check baby is growing fine but so far he is doing great ....... they have no worrys about me having a natural labour but i have to be careful as SCH can cause early labour........ and seeing as my last baby was 4 weeks early they want me to be extra careful.
I am also Orh - blood group so have had to have fortnightly blood tests and my fair share of Anti-D injections.

I also googled SCH when i 1st found out and it was the worst thing i did! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My sch was initially 5x5x5 approx, and I bled first at 8 weeks also... I personally can see the benefit of bed rest (even though I wasn't told to, I did) but even just staying on bed rest til it's consistently brown then doing slightly more seems to be ok too...

But in saying this, mine was larger and I've been bleeding non stop (only spotting now thankfully) for approx 15 weeks, though this is very unusual! Hoping at my scan on Tuesday it will have looked to have virtually resolved.
hi there ladies! Yesterday was the first time I had ever heard the term sch! +ent in for a followup scan, had one at 6 weeks 6 days and to follow up at 11 weeks 6 days, though they didn't say why I had just been cramping! When I go in the sonographer just keeps scanning the same spot oer and over and when I ask if something is wrong she says no everythings fine she finishes up and says sit here I got to get the doctor! She comes back 10 minutes later and takes me to an exam room so the doctor can speak to me. When he comes in he goes on to tell me they found a sch in my first scan, though I had no bleeding at all and that the sch at this point 5 weeks later has gotten larger he put me on strict light duty and will followup in 2 weeks! After 27 months of ttc can anyone help me here, what are my chances, and info would be wonderful
Do you know the measurements repo girl? As long as it's not huge (you'd have obviously seen it if it was...) then your chances are high of everything being ok. Definitely do adher to the light duties though, and possibly resting as much as you can until you see the dic next would ve wise *hugs*
they didn't tell me sizes I could see it on the screen when she was measuring it but it's not like it was taking up much of the screen or anything
repogirl - Mine was found at 14 weeks after a heavy bleed, and was approx 7x7x8 (very large). I bled for almost 7 straight weeks, someimes heavy sometimes spotting. I have been bleed free for over 2 weeks and the SCH, while still there, has gotten muuuch smaller and does not pose a serious risk. I am happily almost 23 1/2 weeks with twin boys. As long as you follow your Dr's orders (I was on bedrest the whole time I was bleeding) you should be fine. The outcome is usually a good one. Just be careful and remain positive! :)
I had my scan today... And I can't leave yet. :(

The hematoma is still 5.6x3.4x1.7cm. It's been nearly 13 weeks since they found it and I'd thought it be virtually gone since yesterday was first day not spotting (though today I was again slightly), not literally the same size as it was at 12 weeks... Grr :( and that might well b my last scan too as they only do the normal scans or ones for bleeding here....
Inperfectd, I am so sorry to hear that, I know it must be so frustrating!!

I don't think I understand tho why this may be your last scan??
I had my ultrasound yesterday. Still a baby girl and we got some really cute profile pics! My avatar is one, its cuter if you turn it right side up:) Also, the tech could not see a hematoma.:happydance: My Dr couldnt for sure see one either 3 weeks go, so this assures me it's healed! Also, the fact I have been completely blood and spot free for almost 6 weeks. Baby girl was measuring exact to dates and she is perfect. So, I guess I can leave this group now tho I think I may still visit from time to time!
Sorry, inperfected, hopefully yours is just taking a little longer than normal. I hope at your next scan its much much smaller at least. But having one the entire pregnancy you still have a good chance of healthy, full term baby. But, I know even with that thought, it is so frustrating and scary to just have it there, and bleeding is very stressful and annoying too. But, you know, I think its hard to remember this but that hematoma can stay visible even when your placenta is fully healed. The blood just stays in there and is really old blood that won't make it's way out until delivery. So the fact that your bleeding has gotten much better and that you just spot here and there is a great sign, if its brownish in color.
Thanks everyone. Just felt quite disappointed really.

It's my last scan as they don't scan you after 20 weeks here unless there's a reAson to do so - and so far a non-bleeding hematoma isn't a good enough one...
Inperfectd, that's terrible. I hope they make an exception for you later and give you a follow-up later on, so you don't have to wonder for the next 20 weeks.

Congrats, Ashley2Pink, and how cute she is!!
Hi ladies, I also have a hematoma. I am 6 weeks 5 days according to my ultrasound on the weekend. IVe been having spotting for almost a month now, didnt even cross my mind that I was pregnant until my bf bought me a test on Friday :0 As soon as we got over our shock and excitement about our BFP we got worried about my spotting. The radiologist said I have a large SCH and that it covers over 50% but did not tell me measurements or where it is. I have only seen 2 small spots of red blood and not since Friday. Its been very small amounts of brown blood, only when I wipe. Sorry if TMI but it has varied from being stringy and dark brown to being gel like and very light brown. This will be our first baby and we are worried. Ive read through most of this group and am happy to see so many success stories, and Im sorry for those who have not had a good outcome either. Im hoping and praying that this baby makes it, he or she is so very wanted and loved already.
Hope everyone here is doing well, I have a scan tomorrow to check on my hematoma, spotting is still minimal. wish me luck ladies!

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