Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

hisgirl, sorry to hear you have to abstain still, and that the clot isn't smaller, but it's still so early for it to budge much. Abstaining was hard for me for the exact same reasons, but once you are told you can be intimate again it will be even more wonderful so hang in there:) You can still do a lot of very intimate things, which I know will be a huge "tease" on your end but it may make you feel the closeness again.
Sarah, sorry to hear about all the bleeding, but hang in there, our bleeding stories seem to end up happily in a matter of time.

Btw--blood is an irritant to the uterus so bleeding actually causes cramping. I am so glad my doc told me this, it always made me feel better when I was worried it was going to be a m/c.

Also, do you have a doppler? After my bleeding it was the absolute most comforting thing in the world to me! They are pretty cheap online and can be delivered in just a few days. It's so very reassuring to hear that little heartbeat whenever I was worried that things were going wrong.
Definitely hard *hugs* you will get thru it though, even though if it has to b longer... We had to from week 6 to 21 but it was a much larger hematoma that I couldn't wear just a pantyliner for never mind nothing. Hope the appt on the 30th let's u though :)
Hi girls. I've thought about a doppler but at oy 11 weeks I didn't know if I'd hear anything? Are there any makes of Doppler you recommend or any particular features I should look for?

When you get your heavy bleeds now do they still scare you and you think your m/c or are you used to it?
I can only answer about the doppler, I only had one intital bleed then just heavy brown for a month. Angelsounds dopplers are very well spoken about on BnB, I love mine. Very simple device, no bells and whistels, you just listen to baby's heartbeat. Some are digital and detect the heartbeat for you. I heard the hb at 8 weeks then randomly until 10 weeks, then it was a pretty sure thing to find it pretty easily. But it can be stressful until you get the hang of it, you just have to promise yourself you won't worry if you can't hear it all the time, baby is still so very tiny.
I have a doppler and have not heard the baby yet but at last sono my placnta in anterior and have previa so she said until my placenta moves up I probablt won't be able to hear the baby on the doppler
Hi Sarah,
I just wanted to give you some feedback on your questions. As for the bleeding, I had one reallllly heavy bleed (went to ER, down legs, through clothes, etc...) then spotted for lots of weeks. I went on bedrest as per my doctor's advice. I think the heavy bleeds just mean the clot is stilIl active. I think unless you're passing huge clots with red blood you're probably ok. Mine officially stopped bleeding around 20 1/2 weeks. My clot is still there and will probably be there until I deliver, but it's muuuuch smaller and not active anymore.

As for the doppler, I think any of them are ok. But I didn't start hearing both my babies' heartbeats regularly (twins) until about 17 weeks. It gets easier as you get further along.

Good luck with everything!
Thanks for your replies girls. I find it so scary. Since Thursday I must be going to the loo every 1/2 hour as Im convinced Im bleeding. Im going crazy!
Ugh. 23+1 and I spotted again last night. Minimally, but I just want it to end...
Ugh. 23+1 and I spotted again last night. Minimally, but I just want it to end...

i know that feeling hunni........ i bleed right up to 22wks then started spotting again at 26+4......... i cried as i thought it had finished for good yet here i was up MDU ( i'm O rhs D- blood so needed an anti d jab )
But thankfully after the minimal spotting at 26 weeks.......... i've been clear........... hopefully if will stop for u soon xxxxxxxxxx

Is any one else having regular growth scans because of the bleeding?..... i had one at 28wks, due one at 32 and 36 wks......... ??
Inperfectd, so sorry you are bleeding again, but glad it was just a little spotting. I read that some women just bleed throughout their pregnancies and have healthy babies in the end. Sure hope it lets up completely for you though, I know it must be stressful.

eeyore, I am having a growth scan on Monday at 28 weeks but not sure if they will do anymore after that (I had to talk them into this one, my doc wasn't going to give me any more at all!). My specialist had recommended it so I am going back to him and will ask about future scans while I am there.
I wish I was having more scans but unless something else is wrong, or I bleed heavy, then no more scans at all. Just want to get to 24 (then 28/32/34) weeks at this stage since I've had more than enough scares with the bleeding, possible amniotic leak and constant bhs
Hi Ladies, so glad I found this thread!
Here's my story...
Im 12w and have had a great preg so far. No sickness, some fatigue, and sore boobs. Ive been very lucky.
last Saturday, 5/7 I was just standing around, no pain, nothing when it all the sudden felt like I peed my pants. I went to the bathroom and in the 20 seconds it took me to go to the bathroom, I had already bled through my pants. Bright red blood. It was literally gushing out of me, on the floor, everywhere.
I then passed a clot that was about the size of a hockey puck! I thought it was over.

I called my DR. who said go to the nearest evergency room. After a 4 hour wait, I finally got an ultrasound, only to see a happy little bean bouncing around with a heartbeat of 178!!!! I couldnt believe it!!

By the time I left the hospital the bleeding had stopped and for the next 2 days, I had brown spotting.

I had another ultrasound yesterday and the technician said she saw some leftover blood that could either reabsorb itself, or maybe bleed again, but because I am so far along, it doesnt look like it will cause a problem. It was small, but I wasnt given specific measurements. It looked like it was under my uterus. She didnt seem concerned. The baby was fine, good heartbeat, moving all around.

Today, I just started spotting brown again :nope: Im freaking out that this could be the start of a MC...I have no pain, but for a subchorionic hematoma, is this normal?
Like I said the ultrasound tech and the DR's didnt seem concerned, but I still cant help but worry.

Thanks in advance!! :hugs:
Glad you found this forum, cmtd! Sounds like that huge clot you lost was most of the SCH, so that's good--a lot of us find out we have very large ones still inside there when we get to the ultrasound.

Brown blood (or any blood that's not bright red for that matter) is all OLD blood so don't worry about the brown spotting--that is just the SCH leaving your body. Some absorb, some drain, some both, so I always saw it as a good sign when I lost brown blood.

Also, blood is an irritant to the uterus so expect some cramping with the brown bleeding too (of course, if it ever worries you, please call the doc. But generally, expect some cramping).
Thanks so much, makes me feel better!!!:hugs:

I keep trying to tell myself "its normal. its gonna be fine" but I cant help but get nervous. I was finally getting over the bleeding from Saturday, and now I have to spot..grrrr

It seems to have stopped (actually it only went on for about an hour). I told my husband, it has to be a girl because shes already driving us crazy!!! LOL

Does anyone else feel like their Dr's are making it like its no big deal?! I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing.

Hope everyone is feeling well!!:flower:
My dr's make it out to be no big deal...... in fact the only reason i know i have/had a SCH was coz i stood and cried and told the dr she was no good and to hand me my notes back so i can take them to a decent hospital..... she caved and gave me a scan which showed the SCH. As far as my dr was concerned as long as we heard babies heart beat all was well... she would send me away and tell me to come back if bleeding started again... infact on my notes she wrote impending miscarriage! .. she didnt seem to care i was stuck in a limbo not knowing what was going on :growlmad:

After my little out break in the hospital they have been a bit better with information and have set me up for growth scans but still most the information i have found has been from sites like this xxx :hugs:
OMG how cruel!!! Sorry you had to go through that, how frustrating. Its so hard to trust these Dr's. Mine kind of had the same attitude, even when I went to the hospital...basically once they say the baby was fine, they didnt care anymore. How could they not want to find out where the bleeding was coming from?! I only know about SCH from here as well. My Dr mentioned it, but that was it. When I went for a scan on Monday I asked him if he could see it & his reply was "Im not good at looking for those things" !!!!!:growlmad:
uummm well youre a doctor, shouldnt you be good at looking for them?!?!

Then when I went for a level 2 scan on Thursday, the tech saw it, but only when I asked her to look for it. Why didnt she see it?!? I guess my Dr never put in my notes that I was bleeding?! Sooo frustrating.

The only good thing is that where I live, I can basically get a scan once a week if I wanted to ...& I just might LOL...

In the UK, does insurance not pay for scans? I read alot of posts that women say they dont get a scan until 12 weeks? The again at 20?
Sarah, sorry to hear about all the bleeding, but hang in there, our bleeding stories seem to end up happily in a matter of time.

Btw--blood is an irritant to the uterus so bleeding actually causes cramping. I am so glad my doc told me this, it always made me feel better when I was worried it was going to be a m/c.

Also, do you have a doppler? After my bleeding it was the absolute most comforting thing in the world to me! They are pretty cheap online and can be delivered in just a few days. It's so very reassuring to hear that little heartbeat whenever I was worried that things were going wrong.

PAgirl, was it real easy to find the HB every time you looked with the doppler? I am considering this now, but of course I think about not being able to find the HB all the time and thinking the worst. Im 12w4d and have seen/heard good HB each time I went to the Drs.
Do you ever have trouble with it? Thanks =)

The only good thing is that where I live, I can basically get a scan once a week if I wanted to ...& I just might LOL...

In the UK, does insurance not pay for scans? I read alot of posts that women say they dont get a scan until 12 weeks? The again at 20?

in the UK health care (nhs) is free..... u get a dating scan at roughly 12weeks to tell u due date and one inbetween 20-22wks to check on baby.... that is it. Also your main career is midwife, u see gp once or twice during pregnancy..... that is it unless u have complications where u end up needed consultants or specialists.
My docs made it to be no big deal as well, how frustrating! I swear if you aren't at viability (around 24 weeks), they act like they just don't care. And almost all of my docs were women! They all have kids too, you'd think they could relate a little to the feeling of being told they may lose their baby. Kinda like they just assume we'll miscarry and then if not, we'll go from there.

cmtd, it may take you a little bit to find the hb initially, but by 12 weeks you shouldn't have much problem. And in a couple weeks definately not much problem at all. I could find it within seconds by 12 weeks. Keep in mind though, sometimes babies aren't in good positions for dopplers in any given pregnancy, but the majority of women have no problem at all with dopplers. There are lots of tips on the forums for finding the hb so when you're ready, lots of us can talk you through it! It is honestly the best purchase I have ever made. Even now, I haven't used it in weeks now since I feel baby, but if her movement ever decreases, it's comforting to know that I have it so I can make sure she's ok rather than having that dreadful terrifying long wait to get to the hospital to find out.

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