Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I hope the scan went well hisgirl!! Let us know how u got on..

Well, the midwife has allowed careful intimCy and that again, so I'm happy about that, takes the pressure off hubby an I finally...

Tomorrow will be one week with only the tiniest spot twice, most days nothing! I'm still aware I could have another old bleed, but stoked to see progress... It'd been a long 15 weeks non stop bleeding or spotting and I am so so pleased to see the end of it at this stage!! Baby is now kicking strongly and has been doing for 2.5 weeks now and I'm still getting constant braxton hicks (20+ a day I'm sure!). I'm freaking out a bit to be honest now that ive dealt woth all the issues I have to comprehend we are having a BABY. We'd tried for 1.5years though so this shouldn't really be a shock! But we've picked his name (secret til he's here), so yay!
I hope the scan went well hisgirl!! Let us know how u got on..

Well, the midwife has allowed careful intimCy and that again, so I'm happy about that, takes the pressure off hubby an I finally...

Tomorrow will be one week with only the tiniest spot twice, most days nothing! I'm still aware I could have another old bleed, but stoked to see progress... It'd been a long 15 weeks non stop bleeding or spotting and I am so so pleased to see the end of it at this stage!! Baby is now kicking strongly and has been doing for 2.5 weeks now and I'm still getting constant braxton hicks (20+ a day I'm sure!). I'm freaking out a bit to be honest now that ive dealt woth all the issues I have to comprehend we are having a BABY. We'd tried for 1.5years though so this shouldn't really be a shock! But we've picked his name (secret til he's here), so yay!

So glad to hear your life is going back to normal after all the stress and scares :happydance: Hope you get to enjoy some of your pregnancy now finally ;)

We found out we are having a boy, and is kicking me like crazy. Hope all the girls that have been recently diagnosed get good outcomes :)
Haven't been on for a while due to internet issues, read through the posts and pleased to see some of you girls have been given the all clear on your hematomas.

I've had quite a rough weekend. After finding out i had a hematoma at 5 weeks, i had a routine check scan at 7 weeks which showed it was stil there but had not changed in size. Baby was perfect, heart beating away and looking like a little prawn on the screen :) That was just over 2 and half weeks ago.
About 5 days ago all my brown spotting stopped, after 4 weeks of it non-stop. But then on Saturday after having a very relaxed day bbq-in with famil i had a large bleed, once again gushin for around 10 mins then slowed to dripping. My gp had to refer me to hospital in order to be seen (even tho they gave me numbers last time and said if anything happenes ring them asap and they would get me in?!) Anyway, my bleeding slowed down to just spotting, and the next morning i was given a scan.
According to last scan dates i would have been 9+5, but scan showed me to be 10+5 with a very happy bouncing baby! Needless to say i was emotional and i was given a picture to bring home.
My hematoma is still there, same size which kind of puzzles me..if i'm bleeding why isn't it getting smaller? I've had brown and red spotting on and off mainly when i wipe (sorry if tmi)
So i'm 11 weeks today, and have my 1st midwife app tomorrow morning.

I'm still scared, although not as on edge as i was at the begining (especially after reading through posts and realising just how common hematomas are and the usual good outcomes) But i'm still holding back from letting myself feel excited which is leaving me feeling guilty towards our baby, i love him/her deeply but i'm finding it hard to feel anything but scared is this normal? Even typing that makes me cry as i feel like i'm denying the pregnancy to myself when it is what we have wanted for so long :'(

Sorry for long post, just needed to vent to people who understand. xox
Inperfectd, so glad to hear, that's great!! You've really earned a break, you've had such a tough time of things with that stubborn bleeding!!
Mcbumpy, it's totally understandable that you are just trying to be cautious and not get too excited, so don't beat yourself up there. Heck, even in a normal pregnancy with no complications women often don't let themselves get excited until much further along than you are now. As for your hematoma being the same size, I think many of us had this issue of them being even bigger or the same size at the next scan. The way I figured it was, at the 1st scan they are only catching it on the increase, it's still growing. So at your latest scan it very well could be on the downhill and was in fact much bigger at it's peak. Not sure if that helps but it made me feel a little better. Hang in there, like you said they really are quite common and almost always turn out fine in the end.
Thank you PAgirl, i spend that much time thinkin about it i end up beating myself up over it!

Just wondering too, after my heavy bleed i had Saturday, it went to brown later sunday and all day yesterday. But today its been brown and dark red blood, was just wondering if dark red blood was anything to worry over and if anyone else has experienced it? xox
i was told that anything other than bright red is old blood, i had the same thing for awhile.
Hiya girls :)
Well i had my first MW appt today and all went well. Because i had a scan on Sunday due to my bleed i won be needing a 12 weeks scan as i technically dont need one, which is fine as i can't be greedy - just sad that hubby missed out on the scan with me being taken down early in the morning from the ward!

So my EDD is 23rd November! Still unsure on when to let people know, close family know already about the pregnancy aswell as the SCH but i'm nervous to tell others still...when did / are you girls going to tell people?
I already have a pokey tummy showing and going by how quick it came it will carry on growing just as quick :) !

Inperfected-With my 2nd I started feeling BH at about 28 weeks, and by 30 weeks, I had a ton, probably 50 a day, and that was with my taking it easy because I was nervous about how many I was having. If I had been up and around Im sure the BH would have increased alot! I still made it to 39+2 which was my induction date. With this baby I have already been feeling them occasionally since about 20 weeks. I get maybe a couple a day sometimes a few a day. But I imagine they will pick up for me soon, which I am not at all excited about, they make me nervous! Oh also, with my 2nd baby since I was so nervous I asked my Dr to do fetal fibronectin tests on me every 2 weeks until I was 34 weeks. They swab you down there and the test will tell you if you are likely to go into labor within the next 2 weeks. All of mine came out negative, so those BH can be normal even in excess for some women. But I still didnt want to push my luck and do too much stuff throughout the day until I made it to 37 weeks.
McBumpy, I remember having a lot of dark red, wine colored blood after bleeding bright red. It would go from dark red to brown sometimes almost black.
Thanks for that ashley. So over them when shopping and the like though!! :)

He's a kicker! Painful at times even now... The bleeding has 100% stopped finally (not one spot since 21 weeks :) I know I still have the hematoma, but intimacy has been allowed now by the midwife which is really good.

Mcbumpy... I lost a lot of blood at one stage including what I believe was most of the clot and then when they scanned me it was the same size, but fresh blood, so I think that whilst old blood may come out, if it's the same size you must've still been bleeding a bit.
Hi Girls,

Can i ask how heavy your bleeds are? I had my first bleed 3 weeks ago which scared the life out of me and was pretty heavy - 2 pads. I thne didnt bleed again for 3 weeks but at work on Wednesday had a huge bleed - all down my legs. into my trousers. i thought it was game over but went to the hospital and baby was still kicking away in there. The hospital told me I dont need to come back in unless its a REALLY REALLY heavy bleed with big clots and lots of pain. Other than I need to out on pads and live through it.

Last night I bled again- about one pad full. Is this normal? Are others of you getting fairly big bleeds or are they more like spotting?

Im 11 weeks today and petrified!

Hiya Sarah.
I've had 2 bleeds up to now, one at 5 weeks and one at 10+4, both was heavy bleeds, litrally gushing out of me (Sorry if tmi)
After my first bleed, i bled brown blood for 4 weeks. Some days spotting other days a bit more heavy, it stopped for 3 days and i thought i might of been on the road to recovery but then 3 days later i had my next bleed (6 days ago).
After my last big bleed i had dark redish brown bleeding the day after, then a little brown spotting. It has stopped again now, which i suppose i should be greatful for...but last time it stopped it came back in the form of a red bleed so i'm kind of scared at the moment if that is the case again!

After your bleed last night have you been in touch with hospital / midwifes? If you ever feel worried never hesitate to contact them as that is what they are there for.

I hope things start to get easier for you soon. xx
Thanks. I had a big bleed on Wednesday and went to the hospital ( scared to death) but baby was fine. I bled again last night - about 1 pad but haven't gone back to hospital. Should I? They said not too unless really heavy and it wasn't ad bad as Wednesday's bleed.

Do you girls also get cramps when you bleed? I get period pain cramps. I've had them on and off today but not bled again since last night. The cramps really scare me though.
My last bleed i went through 3 pads in less than an hour, i bled approx 1 pad in my first bleed so this last one really did take its toll on me!
I was told by the doctor who was on the ward that if i bleed red again to go back, but if it was brown or just slight red spotting then not to worry. If you don't feel you want to go to hospital as your bleed wasn't as bad then that is fine, but i would just for reasurance as i'm such a worry bum!
I also suffered cramps too, like you said period cramps. I was told paracetamol are totally fine to take but nothing else.
Have you been spotting beteen bleeds or is it just the bleed then a sudden stop?
Not really any spotting... Mainly heavy bleeds- the next day a few dribbles (!) and then stopped. I'm going to try be calm and not go to hospital but if I get another bleed I'm going to go. I just feel like they're sick of me there! I've had 7 scans in this pregnancy as needed a few early on for dating and because I m/c in Jan they gave me some appointments for reassurance.

How do you feel about your bleeds? Are you ok about them or scared of m/c?

I've been told some people just bleed and no need to worry - but finding it easier said than done!
It's there job tho hun so never forget that, but if you don't feel the need to go then that is fine. It's good that you are able to see the difference between anything alarming and anything fairly normal.

I'm not as worried as i was about bleeding, when i had my first one i spent a good few days in tears but then after a talk with the specialist at hospital i became aware that the Hematomas are quite common and that the majority of them end up perfectly fine. Every pregnancy has its own risk, theres always been debate about how much extra risk a Hematoma adds, but i don't see it as a percentage - i just look at it as we need to be abit more aware of things.
I think it would be more alarming if you didn't worry, after all we are human and have feelings :) .
As it stands im just takin each day as it comes, i have good days and bad days (but i think thats just my hormones in general lol)
If ever you want to talk tho i'm here on the forum or via inbox messages :) we are litrally days apart in our expected due dates too which is always nice to share :) xx
Thanks mcbumpy- be good to stay in touch- go through this together! And we're both Brits! When's your nucheal scan? Mines on 17th and counting. X
Oh meant to ask- are you resting lots? What have you been adviced on that?
Hugs Sarah!

I had my first big bleed at 8 weeks and it was a gush and filled maybe 5 pads in a day, then another at 10 weeks which was slightly worse (3 paads in first 1.5 hours) but slowed quicklyish again... Then I had 3 more bleeds I think, maybe 4 And the last was the worst by a long shot filling pads in 15 mins for about 2-3 hours I think, but baby was still ok. I also had non stop spotting for 15 weeks and a few other gushes or heavier days but where it wasnt fresh bleeding.
my scan was ok, hematoma hasnt changed in size, no bigger or smaller. spotting is still minimal, its only the tiniest bit when I wipe. Havent had to even wear a panty liner for it. Im still not allowed sex or orgasms, and so far that has been the worst part. My appt with my obgyn isnt until the 30th. Im really hoping to get the go ahead for sex then. Abstaining is awful. I love my OH and really I feel closest to him when we make love. I miss it so much.

Having lower back pain for weeks now, but no abdominal cramping. Im glad all you ladies seem to be doing well too :)

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