Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Cmt- I'm 12 weeks also. I had my first bleed at 8 weeks and like u thought it was all over. I had no spotting and thought/ hoped the sch had absorbed. But at 11 weeks had a massive bleed with blood pouring out and a few clots. I was convinced then I had m/c. I was at work when it happened and had to get tube to hospital. Cried the whole way. Met my dh there and we were prepared for the worst- but on scan baby was fine and heart beating away. I was in shock.

Since then I've had no spotting. It's like it hadn't happened- physically. But mentally I'm a mess. I'm going to the loo constantly to check for blood, always think I can feel blood dripping. The hospital said to take it easy but I can do gentle exercise. But I've been too scared. I normally workout 5 times a week Cnut done nothing since week 8. Not even having sex as were both too scared. Not good.

My 12 week scan is on Tuesday - I'm so nervous and just praying all is ok.

Hi Sarah!
I saw you on the Nov 29th buddy thread & was going to send you a message!!
It looks like were going through the exact same thing at the exact same time!!

I worked out 5 days a week also, & now im too scared to do anything :nope: Im scared of it happening again, & even though now, most likely I will know what it's from, Im still nervous. Even the little spotting Im having now is making me anxious. Everytime I go to the bathroom, Im expecting something bad. Im hoping that as time goes on, these anxious feelings go away. All I kept saying in the beginning was "I cant wait to get to 12 weeks" I feel like it doesnt even matter!!

My poor husband is terrified to come near me after seeing all the blood...poor guy

My 12 week scan was on Thursday & all went was swimming all around & I swear it waved to us LOL

Im sure your scan will go well on Tuesday. Ill be thinking & praying that all is ok :hugs: Please keep us updated!

@PAgal...I agree about the Drs feeling that way. You would think because you see a woman, she would understand the emotional aspect of it a little more. I guess theyre numb to it because they see so much all the time.
my hubby said he doesnt want me to get a doppler because he knows what will happen if I cant find the HB one day...Ill panic & run to the ER...he thinks Ill drive myself crazy, and hes probably right LOL....Im still keeping it in mind though.
sarah and cmtd, I can relate to the working out thing. I was very active before and was determined to be a super fit mom while pregnant, but decided to take it easy and now I am glad I did. Like the docs say, it probably won't hurt to excercise (my docs told me I could, just nothing strenuous), but in the end YOU are the one who has to live with yourself if something bad happens, and it's for peace of mind to take it easy so you will KNOW it was nothing that you did. It's a personal decision, I know. It really, really bugged me to not get any excercise for 2 months, but I stayed very active as far as going places and doing things, just not exercise, until I found out my SCH was almost gone. So you will likely be able to start it up again no problem, and within a couple weeks of working out I felt great again. Good luck to you both:)

And as far as going to the loo every 15 min. and checking for blood, we all did that, but eventually you will check less and less, so keep your chins up!!
Pagan- thanks for your message! It's an emotionally so tough- being so paranoid all the time! I so want to enjoy being pregnant. And I feel guilty when I complain as I feel so lucky to be pregnant and hate to sound ungrateful.. I just want the fear and risk to go so I can enjoy it and feel excited... And go back to being intimate again!

Out of interest what exercise are you doing now?
I do exercise bike and light free weights, and some lunges. I started back really slow, like 5 min. then kept increasing, and I do 25-30 min. a day of cardio and some light weights. They say to keep your heartrate under 140 during pregnancy and it kept jumping up pretty high when I first started back, but eventually that leveled out after I got some endurance back. Now if my heartrate jumps, I just stop for a minute then resume.

I originally planned to walk, but I already walk around so much in any given day doing things that I decided to just bike--walking seems sort of "bouncy" and I avoid bouncy excercises, they just don't feel right with all the pressure/weight of baby down there.
Ive got my 12 week scan tomorrow so am going to see what they say about the SCH and hopefully can return to gentle exercise. Keen to do some swimming as Ive read this is good in pregnancy.

If you dont mind me asking are you still having sex? We've never been told we can't but we're just to scared. Been 5 weeks now and i hate it!
I was told no sex or orgasm by my OB to be cautious, and when the SCH was found to get larger later and I saw a perinatologist, he said no sex or anything in the vagina at all until 10 days after the last blood loss--his reasoning was because of the risk of infection. He said that when you are losing blood, your cervix is more prone to infection (because if blood can come out, infection can come in). I will be honest, we didn't obey this 100%--we did at 1st, but then we had gentle sex. From what the specialist said, it didn't sound like sex itself caused any problems. But most women on here who had larger bleeds were told no sex I believe, so I guess it's a personal decision.

Before we had sex, we were still having intimacy without actual intercourse, which was actually pretty fun and satisfying, so you and OH could try that too if you feel comfortable. But let us know what the doc says, they all seem to have different opinions somewhat.
Well I had what will likely be my last u/s today, to check the growth of baby, and the clot is completely resolved! Baby is measuring 2.72 lbs. and in the 55% percentile (just her legs were smaller, so she isn't going to have her daddy's height but that's not so bad:). My doc said I will be coming in for appointments every 2 weeks now instead of monthly, but I didn't ask if this is typical for everyone this early or because of my history with the SCH, so I will have to look that up.

Omg I can't believe how time is flying, I can't wait to meet my baby girl!!!
PAGal. That's wonderful news! You must be very happy!

I have my 12 week NT scan tomorrow! Feeling very nervous!

Good luck, sarah, hope you get all good news!
PAGal, thats awesome news, congratulations!!!!

Sarah, good luck tomorrow....I was so nervous before mine (it was Thursday) but everything looked good =)
Keep us updated, its going to be great!!

I have an appointment that I made a long time ago for this Friday, & I was going to cancel it because I saw my Dr on Monday after the bleed & the perinatologist on Thursday, but Im crazy and want to see the baby again, so Im not gonna cancel. My Dr is gonna think Im nuts, but I dont even care!! LOL :wacko:

Im still spotting which is so annoying, but I keep trying to tell myself its the clot working its way out. grrr
Well im back from my 12 weeks scan and baby was looking good and healthy... and gorgeous!
The bugger is that my hematoma has trippled in size - she even asked if I was having twins as she thought it was another sac. So im upset and worried about that. Its measuring 7cm by 6cm. ( was only 2cm by1cm) before. Ive been referred to consultant who im seeing on Tuesday but ive been told he cant actually do anything.

How big is a hematoma thats 7cm *6cm. Is that very big? normal? What did you girls measure? Im gutted. I was so hoping it would have gone. I just want to celebrate being pregnant but im too scared.

Hi Sarah, so sorry to hear that, but I must tell you that a lot of us experienced the same thing (although I had my fingers crossed for you!)--after that 1st bleed we are just catching the SCH on the uphill and it's still accumulating. I was devastated when I went for my follow-up scan, thinking it would have been absorbing, and it was huge by then. But from all the stories I have read on here, I believe yours will start (or already has started) to go down now, so please don't get too bummed if you can. Like you've read on here, these stubborn SCH's seems to almost always go away eventually and then you will be enjoying a healthy pregnancy before you know it

As for the size, yours seems like a normal larger one like most of us had, but the consultant can tell you more. When they tell you he can't actually do anything, that just means he can't remove the clot or anything but he will give you advice and answer questions for you which will be helpful. Until you see him, I would just take it easy and try to distract yourself, as hard as that it is worked for me oftentimes. And we are here if you have any questions.
PAGal - great news i bet you are so happy :) !

Sarah, i'm glad that your 12 week scan showed baby to be fine and healthy x Sorry to hear that the hematoma has got bigger. I was never given measurments on mine, just told each time that it was the same size as before and that it was small (i dont know what they class as Small, Med, or Large?)

I think i have read a few posts on here before where girls have said theres had increased in size, but by the time of the next scan it had reduced a lot, or totally resolved.

Thanks girls. Its just a huge disappointment and scare to see its grown so much. And im so scared its going to lead to m/c. I really want to be excited when I announce my pg to friends and family but im so scared it will end badly.
I know it, Sarah, it's frustrating and very scary. My 1st bleed was actually not until 12 weeks so I had already told close family and a couple good friends, but I waited to tell anyone else for awhile. I just felt so vulnerable and so very helpless. When is your next scan, do you know yet? I would request one in 2 weeks, the scans are really for YOUR peace of mind not for the docs, and they should understand that.
sarah when I went for my 12 week scan the hematoma had doubled from my 7 week scan though they never gave me sizes or anything. At that point I was put on strict light duty went back at 14 weeks for a followup and they had said my body was reabsorbing it as it had gotten smaller! Keep your head up and keep in mind, I was worried cause I wasn't bleeding at all so I really thought my body wasn't getting rid of it and it would just keep getting bigger and bigger
Im seeing the consultant on Tuesday so will ask for a scam then. I hope you are right and the scan is starting to go down. Im not actually bleeding or having any spotting. But that obviously doesnt make a difference as still grown!
One question- we had planned to tell friends and family following this scan but are now unsure if this is a good idea?
Do you think it's still safe to announce or we should hold on a few mire weeks?
when you tell is gonna be ur personal choice, we told friends and family but only because being this far along, should something happen those are the people I need for support good or bad

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