Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Good luck Sarah!
My Dr. didnt say anything besides carry on with my regular routine. He said there is no way to predict if I will bleed again or not, and no way to tell if it's going to get bigger or smaller. I hate the not knowing, its so frustrating!!
Im hoping at my next scan it doesnt get any bigger.

Keep us updated, hope all goes well!!

& thanks for the well stomach feels to be a bit better, but still nervous to eat. Hope baby's ok, but I think youre right, Sarah, the babys taking from me & I AM SUFFERING!!! LOL
Hugs cmtd. 2cm is a not too big size, and they tend to absorb or bleed out if they are that size I believe.

I don't think I'll have more scans, but my last one at 21 weeks showed it at 5.5ish cm from memory still.
Hello everyone! Hi to the newcomers. Glad you found this forum. I hope you found it a place of encouragement. I'm kind of an oldbie but have been MIA due to lack of internet connection. Dh and I moved to the middle of nowhere and have to bum our internet off of his work's wireless until we get a house in town.

Anyways, baby and I are still doing good. The bumpy roads have me concerned about reaggravating my abruption but baby is moving very well so I guess he's doing OK. I have an ultrasound on Monday so should know more then.

Sorry I haven't been around much.
Has anyone else completely stopped bleeding for a few days then started again with red/pinkish??? Maybe TMI...but now I'm like really confused ugh!
Kaylibo - every time i have a big heavy bleed and it stops, i have brown bleeding/spotting constantly on and off.

I had my last big bleed at just over 10 weeks, and since then i have brown bleeding on and off, sometimes stopping for 5 days then coming back quite heavy.

Should I worry that im not getting any spotting? My last big bleed was 5 weeks ago and ive had nothing since.. But the hematoma isnt going down according to scans. Its still 7cm. I hate the unknown with this...

And does anyone know what the %'s are of everything being ok long term? My doc woudnt say!

Im now 14 weeks.
Hi ladies, hope everyone is still doing well!

Starry, so nice to hear from you and glad you are doing well:) Good luck at the scan Monday, I'm sure it will be great news.
KayliBo, yes there are women on here who have had more red bleeding/spotting after a bleed, so hopefully they can give you some advice on that. Generally, we don't ever want to see more red blood but it does happen and doesn't mean the worst. Unfortunately, sometimes the hematomas go up and down so it could mean the SCH is still growing (but not always!), but eventually it will start to go down in most cases. Have you had any more bleeding since yesterday?

Sarah, I'm guessing you are asking about brown spotting, right? A lot of SCH's just absorb into the body, I'm told it depends on their location, so I would't worry that you aren't losing any brown blood.

As for %'s, I got real hung up with the statistics and in reading every little thing I could Google on SCH's early on, and looking back I regret that now. They really don't mean anything to you personally, and just try to gain assurance from the one consistent fact that I did find in all my research---MOST (and I'm talking a very high percentage from everything that I read) of these darn SCH's have happy endings. It's frustrating not knowing the exact odds, but the docs really don't know. My doc told me in 15 years of practice he can't even remember a woman ever losing a pregnancy because of bleeding (this was my OB, mind you, not the specialist, but it's still comforting to hear!)
Just spotted this group and thought I would share a positive experience.

With my first, my bleeds started at 5 weeks. I experienced red, brown, pink, clots etc you name it, the whole lot. After 1.5 weeks the bleeding stopped only to start again at 8 weeks. From here, I bled on and off until 15 weeks, sometimes experiencing a huge amount of pain and often convinced I was miscarrying. I had numerous scans during this time and each showed a healthy, strong pregnancy. I still worked (had a desk job) but relaxed whenever I was at home. The smallest clot measured 5 x 3 cm and they often grew before getting better. Despite all this, my pregnancy progressed and I now have a lovely little girl.

I feel for all you who are dealing with SCH atm, as it is such a scary time - few would really understand unless you've been there. Anyways, all I want to say is, keep the faith and rest as much as you can xxx
thanks so much for the happy story, maisiemoo!! No matter what we read, nothing is better than hearing a real life happy ending, so thank you for sharing:)
Thanks guys....and yes I've still been spotting pretty heavy since yesterday..not enough for a pad, but a good bit. I haven't actually had a big bleed since 10 weeks, but I was concerned bc it had stopped completely for 2 days then yesterday started a little heavier. My next doc appointment isn't until June 9th, and hopefully I can get a scan then. My doc hasn't scanned me once since this started, but I've had like 3 ER scans. I'm going to ask him if I can start coming every two weeks just for peace of mind, but knowing him I doubt it!

I've been reading some of what you've all been going through and I seem to be in a bit of a similar situation. I had a big bleed unexpectedly on the 16th & lost a few small clots (i was 16 + 4). I was bluelighted to hospital and I honestly thought I'd lost my Sprout. A doctor quickly scanned me and showed a very active baby (looked like he was doing the twist!) and his little heartbeat. She didn't look at anything else. They did some swabs for thrush, chlamydia and bacterial vaginosis which came back negative. I took the rest of the week off work for worrying that it would happen again but I just continued to lose brown stuff with some horrible black clots, again smallish ones.

I was going to go back to work on the 23rd but I woke up, went to the loo and when I wiped, there was red blood. I rang the hospital but as it was only spotting at the time I was to just monitor it. It seemed to stop as soon as it started and I was left with a LOT of brown watery discharge with the gross clots. Yesterday, I decided to have a proper "clear out" (TMI?!) and I had a few big black clots up by my cervix. I'm still spotting brown stuff, but to a lesser extent now.

I've been told that, if it is the placenta, I won't find out what's causing the bleed until 20 week scan on the 7th. But I've read a lot of information saying that clots are usually reabsorbed by 20 weeks. The other possibility of course is placenta previa but with brown spotting still, I'm not sure. The doctor also said that most of the time, the cause of bleeds during pregnancy are never found. I'm rubbish at waiting for things to happen. The reassuring thing is I listen in with my Doppler every morning and think back to my Sprout doing the twist in there.

Anyway, just thought I'd pop in to relay my story.
After recently finding out about my sch, I had to go see the OB today. They said I appear to be doing fine, but I have to go get blood tomorrow to make sure my HGC is doubling from yesterday. I also am going to get my progesterone levels. I am so worried that It will not double! It will be Tuesday before I find out the result because Monday is a federal holiday here. Grr!
I want to echo thanks for the positive story. It's always good to hear a case of sch ending with a healthy baby.

As far as I know, my own clot resolved around 22 weeks and my partial placenta abruption has healed but ultrasounds can't be 100% conclusive. I had very heavy bleeds on and off again until 14 weeks and would have brown spotting in between. So yes, it can go back and forth. At 9 weeks my bleed was the size of the gestational sac and then was nearly gone two weeks later. I think it grew again after that before resolving.

My ultrasounds that I'm getting now are for an unrelated complication. One of the arteries in the umbilical cord has "notching" so I need to checked just to match sure the baby is growing well. He was 97th percentile last time so I'd say that he is!

My biggest fear right now is that all the scar tissue from the clots and abruption will increase my odds for post partum hemmorage. I have no idea if it causes this or not but my imagination is getting the better of me.
I just wanted to share with you girls a positive outcome of a second trimester haematoma.

When I was pregnant with my son (born in January this year), I was diagnosed with a subamniotic haematoma (very much like the subchorionic haematomas but in slightly different place and treated the same). I got a small bit of bleeding at 7 and a half weeks and it was diagnosed then, it seemed to have disappeared by the 12 week scan but was picked up again in the 21 week scan (no further bleeding though). It seemed to measure quite long this time - 12cm but quite thin, only 1.5cm - as if it had grown as the baby grew. It was big enough for me to be assigned a consultant who told me that she was surprised I had not had any further bleeding due to the size of it. The sonographer said that it also looked like old blood. I was given all the usual things to worry about such as IUGR possibly happening etc and that I was to come back at 25 weeks to monitor the haematoma and to see if the baby was growing well. Well at the 25 week scan, the clot had been reabsorbed which was great and the baby was growing well.

My lovely son Brannon was born on the 21st of January, weighing 7 pounds and 12 ounces and is a healthy, happy and chubby four month old baby!

Just thought I'd post this to give those of you with a SCH diagnosis, that the outcome is frequently a positive one - even for those of you whose haematomas haven't resolved by the 20 week point.

Good luck!

Starry, I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well. I have never heard of the notching, but sounds like LO is doing just wonderfully despite it! I haven't heard of any increased chance of postpartum hemorrhaging but I hope you ask the doc about it next time. How often do you get u/s's now? I had my last one, bummer, I was getting used to being able to "see" how baby girl was doing. It's kinda scary not having that inside knowledge now, so I will just have to have faith:)
wildfire, hope you get your results back tomorrow first thing, and hope those numbers are going up!!

bthr, sorry to hear you haven't gotten any real answers yet, you'd think they would have at least checked for the source of the bleed while they were looking, that's weird. Not that knowing would do much good, physically, but I know it must be frustrating and would help a lot for peace of mind to know what the issue was. Hope you get some answers soon, and glad the little bean is still going strong. Oh, those dopplers are the best right now, aren't they?! I am glad you have one during this difficult time:)
Poppy, thanks so very much for sharing your story! I know you know how nice that is for all of us to hear. Congrats on your beautiful little boy, that is wonderful!

Just curious, did you deliver on schedule? We've had discussions on here about the supposed increased risk of premature delivery but it doesn't seem to be a high risk at all.
I haven't been on here a while since my hematoma has been healed about 11 weeks now, but thought I'd stop by. Nice to see you at the end stretch Starry!! Must feel nice to be so close to full term! 2w5d left for you until you reach that huge milestone! I'm kinda jealous, but you have been through more than me! I dont think having the problems you have had, that you are more likely to hemmorhage after the birth. How are you getting along besides that?
I'm still taking it easy, I'm a worry wart and feel if I take it easy I can hopefully get to full term. I'm just paranoid about being up too much because it sets off braxton hicks for me.
Anyways good luck to all the other girls on here-I totally remember the fear and uncertaintanty of the future and wondering what would happen with my hematoma etc. I'm very glad it healed but still dont feel out of the woods until this baby is born nice and big and healthy!! Hope everyone can have good outcomes!
Hey ladies! PAgal, I'm getting an ultrasound every 3 weeks so I may have one more to go depending if little one decides to cook to full term or not. My scan went great and everything is perfect. He's growing fine and his umbilical cord is working the way it should. Loved getting to see the little man again.

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