Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi girls.

Im after some advice as my docs are not really helping! I dont think SCH's are well known about in the UK!

I am 15 weeks pregnant. A little re cap for you but I had my first heavy bleed at 8 weeks, 2nd bleed at 10 weeks and ive not had a heavy bleed since. I ve had a little spotting this week only. At my 12 week scan the heamotoma had grown to 7*7cm so its fairly big. ( At 8 weeks it was ony 2cm!)Baby seems to growing and I heard HB at midwife appt today.

What I'd love some advice on is whether I can take a 40 minute flight next month. The trip isn't for another 7 weeks and its from London to Dublin for a christeneing but I was sort of hoping to get organized now as the prices go up the longer I leave it .. I asked my midwife and doctor but both seemed to avoid the question..Does anyone know if its safe?

So glad to hear you got such great news, Starry!!! Congrats!

Sarah, I would say ask your doc, but you already have, shame on them for not giving you a clear answer!! If your flight were longer, I would say don't risk it, but I can't imagine 40 minutes being a problem. Some of the normal concerns would only affect you on longer flights such as circulation. In the US the safest recommended time is 18-24 weeks, other sources say 14-35 weeks. They did mention not to flly if you have certain complications such as severe anemia, sickle cell disease, clotting disorders and placental insufficiency.

So , to me, it sounds like a 40 minute flight would be just fine, afterall you are just sitting there and it's a brief amount of time. But hopefully some others will have some input too:)
I flew several hours (~13 roundtrip) at 10 wks with a small hematoma. My doc was fine with me flying despite my bleed. She just said to get up and walk around for about five minutes every hour or so to prevent blood clots in my legs and to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. I wasn't bleeding anymore and was taking progesterone and baby aspirin so my doc said I was doing everything right. I'm guessing a forty minute flight would be just fine.
I had my last scan 5 weeks ago assuming all goes well.. SCH was still there at 5cmish, but haven't bled in 5 weeks so happy enough with that I guess...

*hugs* you all you who are just starting to go through this or in the middle of it now...
Poppy, thanks so very much for sharing your story! I know you know how nice that is for all of us to hear. Congrats on your beautiful little boy, that is wonderful!

Just curious, did you deliver on schedule? We've had discussions on here about the supposed increased risk of premature delivery but it doesn't seem to be a high risk at all.

Hi! Only a couple of days early, so on schedule. When the haematoma was seen on the 21 week ultrasound, they did say that having to deliver early might be a possibility due to possible IUGR and I was given an extra scan to monitor the baby's progress in case this happened. I was terrified and read up all the statistics, googled etc - basically frightened myself more. At the 25week scan, the baby was measuring right on schedule and the haematoma could no longer be seen, so they said that there was no extra risk of premature delivery from there on in. I was so relieved.

Most haematomas do resolve by 20 weeks but even then, as in my case, they can resolve by the third trimester. Even then, I have read many cases on here of women having it for the whole of the pregnancy and delivering at term. If the clot does not grow significantly and just 'hangs around', it will get less and less influential (usually) to the pregnancy as the baby gets bigger and bigger.

inperfected, it's so great to hear you've had a nice, long break from the bleeds. I hope they have stopped for good!

I think flying is safer than long-distance driving as you avoid being on bumpy roads for an extended period of time. At least, that's what the specialist told me when we were discussing moving out of town with an abruption. Fortunately, that all healed by the time we moved. We flew anyways.

This is my 8th pregnancy, I have 5 beautiful daughters. I am currently 9wks + 5 days pregnant.
pg1- m/c at 12 wks, no prenatal care. Started spotting at lunch, after dinner I felt a pop and blood gushed with every contraction. I went to the ER via ambulance where a sono confirmed m/c and D&C was preformed.
pg2- normal until preterm labor at 34wks, baby born at 35 after 7 days of bedrest and terbutaline- 3 days of NICU
pg3- Healthy baby at 7 wks sono, 10 wks presented with brown spotting -sono showed baby stopped growing at 8wks. D&C
pg4- normal pregnancy until preterm labor at 32 wks, baby born at 35 wks- 10 days of NICU
pg 5- brown spotting in first tri due to a sch, returned to normal until 29 wks when I presented with preterm labor. Baby was born at 35wks after 6 wks of bedrest and tocolytics. 2 wks of NICU started out on CPAP
pg 6- normal until 31 wks when preterm labor started, baby was born at 37 wks after 6 wks of tocolytics and bedrest. No NICU
pg 7- started progesterone at 14 wks and procardia for contractions, no preterm labor, delivered at 36 wks, no NICU, no bedrest.
Pg 8- I had brown spotting at lunch time, by dinner time last night I bled into the toilet and had a handful of red blood when I wiped. I thought for sure I had miscarried, but the baby is growing on target and has a strong heartbeat. Sono showed a small tear (is that a sch????). There were some small dime size clots.

My research shows that 50% of pregnancies with bleeding in the first tri go on to term. I was put on bedrest for today, the day after the bleed. I woke up with the same bleeding as I had last night. It is much smaller than what I have been reading about. It amazes me how much a woman can bleed and still have a healthy baby, I am grateful and prayed that we could keep our baby. I am to be "sedentary" until my follow up in 1 week. How "sedentary" would you be in my case? My husband wants me on bedrest at least one more day since I have had red bleeding today and lots of brown (old blood).

Thanks for reading! I know it got long :)
Cherimom- I would say to bedrest if possible until your bleeding stops. When you have no bleeding take it easy, no heaving lifting, pelvis rest etc, but when actively bleeding the best thing to do is bed rest. I really am not sure about bed rest only when red bleeding vs. continuing bed rest while brown spotting as well, but I kept bed rest even when brown spotting(even a tiny bit of brown I still counted). then I took it easy. My hematoma has been gone since 15 weeks(maybe a bit earlier) and I really think it was due to bed rest that it healed that fast.
HI girls,

Just to update you I had a scan yesterday to see what the hematoma was doing. At my 12 week scan it was 7*7cm and yeserday (17weeks) it was 4*2cm so im pretty chuffed. Ive not ha anymore bleeds apart from a bit of brown spotting so im really hoping the clots on its way out now and is reabsorbing. Ive another scan at 20weeks so fingers crossed it gone.

Sarah, that's so great that the clot is down in size!! It does take time, but sound like it will completely resolve before you know it:)

So how did the scan go? Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I have been preoccupied these days it seems:) It sounds like your "tear" was a placental tear, so I hope everything is still going well with your pregnancy. You sure have had some experiences, but glad to see that your little bean is hanging in there so far. You are so right, it's amazing how many women have bleeding for various reasons and still have healthy babies in the end.

Keep us posted!
Looking for help .. I was dx with a sch at 11 weeks that was very small. I have nor had any bleeding. At 14 weeks I had two ultrasounds down where the tech said there was a hemorrhage. Then two that said no there isn't. I am confused. At 14 weeks the hematoma was said to be 2 cm and today at the er from heart palpitations they did an ultrasound and said it looked to be a 2 cm sch. About two weeks ago I had a tech do an ultrasoud and she said she sees where people may be confused but it is actually outside my cervix and strongly believed the sch was actually an enlarged ureter and I actually had fluid around kidneys which is common because of the pressure. The doctor completely agreed. An another scan a week later which said the same.

Now I am confused, sad and in limbo. Do I or don't I? And it is good news that if it is at least it didnt grow, right? I have no bleeding.. Baby is growing great with strong hb.
I just need a little advice :( sorry if it was confusing.
Hugs! I would probably go with the fact that you could likely not have one, and by this stage it's much safer with an SCH (than earlier) anyhow even if you do. Bubs is strong and healthy which is the important thing really :)

As for me, I am now 28+2. I've had two possible spotting episodes in the last 7 weeks since I stopped spotting, but then last night I started again and I have been for the last 24 hours. I am SO so over the spotting and seeing it on and off throughout the pregnancy. It's really hard to tell myself to stop checking when it just pops up now and then :( I have a suspicion that today was actually my mucus plug as it was thick as compared to normal, but we'll see I guess...
Just wondering but now my hematoma has gone down a little ( 7x& to 4x2) do you think it would be safe to start doign gentle exercise or hematoma is still too big> I dont want to exacerbate anything. I was just thinking a few lunges and leg toning exercises lying on my side. Maybe a prenatal yoge dvd? Ive done nothing since March and i was previously an exercise nut!

Are u having a scan at about 20 weeks? If so, I'd personally be waiting until then to see how the scan goes. I at 28 weeks am still not exercising as mine hasn't left yet we don't think.
Inperfected- thanks hun :) it's hard I always figured it was there then I got hopes it wasn't there then I got blindsided again by thinking it is there. It's hard being stuck in the middle. But I guess things always could be worse huh? Did you call your mw about the possible plug?
Looking for help .. I was dx with a sch at 11 weeks that was very small. I have nor had any bleeding. At 14 weeks I had two ultrasounds down where the tech said there was a hemorrhage. Then two that said no there isn't. I am confused. At 14 weeks the hematoma was said to be 2 cm and today at the er from heart palpitations they did an ultrasound and said it looked to be a 2 cm sch. About two weeks ago I had a tech do an ultrasoud and she said she sees where people may be confused but it is actually outside my cervix and strongly believed the sch was actually an enlarged ureter and I actually had fluid around kidneys which is common because of the pressure. The doctor completely agreed. An another scan a week later which said the same.

Now I am confused, sad and in limbo. Do I or don't I? And it is good news that if it is at least it didnt grow, right? I have no bleeding.. Baby is growing great with strong hb.
I just need a little advice :( sorry if it was confusing.

Sounds like it's not an SCH, and if it were, it's very small so that's still good. Not all SCH's will show themselves with bleeding, they absorb into the body, so that doesn't matter either. So glad to hear baby is doing well! I have heard ultrasounds can "show" many things that aren't always easily discernible so I am glad you finally got some answers.
Just wondering but now my hematoma has gone down a little ( 7x& to 4x2) do you think it would be safe to start doign gentle exercise or hematoma is still too big> I dont want to exacerbate anything. I was just thinking a few lunges and leg toning exercises lying on my side. Maybe a prenatal yoge dvd? Ive done nothing since March and i was previously an exercise nut!


I was also very active before my SCH at 14 weeks, and it just KILLED me to not work out. I mean, every single day it bugged me. My docs actually told me from the beginning that exercise was ok, just nothing strenuous, but in the end I decided not to do any--I am already one of those non-stop people and still was a busy bee all day long running errands, etc., so I wasn't sedentary. And looking back, I am glad I held off on the exercise, because it really wasn't hard to get back into shape after the SCH (I resumed exercise, starting slowly, when it got smaller but was still there).

So it's a personal decision, but my advice is, chill out about the excercise and just know that in a few weeks you'll probably be right back in it and in great shape long before baby gets here! It all really seems so long ago now because I've been exercising for months again already:)
As for me, I am now 28+2. I've had two possible spotting episodes in the last 7 weeks since I stopped spotting, but then last night I started again and I have been for the last 24 hours. I am SO so over the spotting and seeing it on and off throughout the pregnancy. It's really hard to tell myself to stop checking when it just pops up now and then :( I have a suspicion that today was actually my mucus plug as it was thick as compared to normal, but we'll see I guess...

So sorry to hear about the spotting, I know you have to be so fed up!! But it's so great to see you are still doing well and at 28 weeks already, that's the SAFE ZONE!! They say almost all babies survive by now if you would happen to deliver early, so congrats on hanging in there through it all!!
Thanks pagal :) I was just so disappointed as I was hoping I'd not have any bleeding in my third tri. It's so hard to stop checking for blood when you actually are spotting sometimes!

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