Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Pagal- thank you for the reassurance. I had no probs with my DS that hearing this came as a shock. Ohhh the things we go through. Worrying gets worse after they are born too lol.
I am glad to see that all of you are doing well as well as your LOs :) PAgal you are so far along omg!!! and Inperfected, I am so sorry you had the damn spotting again, but hey, you are over 28 weeks yay! Also, I have read that the mucus plug sometimes comes out in bits and regenerates, so it might be that ( I had a few mucosy - tmi - bits coming out weeks ago, but it was all good. Hang in there and hope we all make it to 40 weeks :)
Mm... From what I can gather, it was quite probably my plug (a few times) and possibly a bloody show. I'd also had back pain and probable contractions that night but at least nothing came of it. my midwife said she'd expect he may come early, but it will be a wait and see game. Not many I know of still have third tri sch bleeding so that should be a relief to any new ones *hugs*
inperfected, sorry you're spotting again. I lost bits of my plug here and there throughout second tri. As long it is coming out in small chunks at a time there is a chance for it to regenerate. With each week that passes your baby's odds increase exponentially! It's still nerve-wracking to think he might come early though. Hang in there! Your baby is a fighter!

paGal, you're getting far!! A few more weeks and you'll be full term. It makes me happy to see everyone still hanging in there. We need the happy stories for all the newcomers so they can feel encouraged too.

I saw mention of a placental tear. I had one too and now it's completely healed. at my last scan at 34 weeks there was absolutely no sign of it. the doctor said he couldn't see any sign of there being anything wrong in the first place. Our bodies can do wonderful things. Keep your chins up!

AFM - am finally full term!! I NEVER thought this day would come. But here I am. And I'm ready for that baby to be born!! He dropped almost two weeks ago and I'm sore and uncomfortable, LOL. And his is so active I'm getting sea-sick.
Congrats Starry!! Full Term!!!! So awesome!! Have you been checked for dilating or effacement yet? I'm wondering if those of us with SCH history will dilate earlier? Make sure to let us know when he is born!
Inperfected- I'm hoping that mucous plug loss will lead to nothing!! I know alot of the time its several weeks before labor even starts, I'm guessing all that spotting just kind of loosened it up. You probably only lost part of it. There is actually a ton of mucous plug to lose, you'd be surprised at how much can come out!
Congrats Starry on getting to full term!!! yay!!! I can´t wait to see pics of your little bb :)
We could behaving our bubs around the same date starry!

Unfortunately went into active labour tonight, and waters are bulging out so they are saying it is only a matter of time now. Still having constractions every 4 minutes despite strongest drugs they can give me so just waiting on waters to break now...
omg how exciting, I know it's early but you will get to see your precious LO soon! Hope all goes smoothly, keep us posted!
I'm sorry Inperfected! 28 weeks is pretty reassuring, but I know we all are hoping, to get to term, especially since we have had our hematomas and know our risk is a bit higher for preterm labor. My heart sank when I saw your 3rd tri thread:( But I'm sure he will be fine, just some weeks in NICU, then he will be home with you!
You have been through so much already. I hope you are feeling okay. I will definitely be keeping you and baby in my prayers. xxxx:hugs:xxxx

i will be checking back for your update hun
First of all, I'd like to say that this group is giving me some hope, so thanks for that.

I went in today to get my NT scan, for which you have to have a full bladder. While sitting in the waiting room, I had to go so bad I thought I was going to pee my pants. When I stood up, I felt something and actually thought I had a little. I laid down on the table, she took a couple u/s pics, and when I stood up there was blood all over the table. I went to the bathroom. I was gushing blood with clots.

I went back out and she did the u/s again, baby was in there moving around, heartrate and measurements good. She told me it was an sch, actually pointed it out on the right side of the screen. She called and made a appt with my regular dr in 2 days and sent me home, telling me to come back if I soaked through a pad a hr.

Clotting stopped within a couple hours, which I find somewhat comforting, but I still have a fair flow of dark red blood. Can anyone tell me some of their experiences? How long did the bleeding last? Did everything end up ok?

This is my first baby after almost 4 years TTC and lots of fertility drugs... After making it to week 11 I had just finially really let meyself start to believe it and now this
So sorry you are going through this, Nikki, but glad you got such an early scan to see what it was, that saved you hours/days of more stress of not knowing! Did they tell you the size of the sch?

We all have different experiences---some of us, like myself, get that 1st initial bleed like you had and no more. I started losing brown blood (any blood that is not bright red is OLD blood from the SCH so that's good) about a month later, then eventually the SCH was gone (some can drain, some absorbs into the body). Some women don't get any bleeding at all and only know about the SCH through a scan.

Your doc will be able to tell you more after reading the scan report, or will refer you to a specialist/perinatologist. Nothing is guaranteed, but I can tell you with confidence that the majority of SCH stories end happily. Let us know how your appt. goes and feel free to ask any questions here, we know how terrifying it can be!
Hugs nikki! It's quite a stressful thing, I know, but please don't let my curren going ons scare you ok? We live in Christchurch, new Zealand where the earth quake was 9 months ago (and 4 months and 1 week) and the stress from it's been a huge factor in it all an my constant bleeds. So please take my story as the not-normal one!

Otherwise, it's much like pagal said *hugs*

As for me, I'm 26 hours into labour, and been stopped for 12 hours now pretty much. I'm so glad, but do suspect it's starting again a bit... We'll see I guess. 1 day is better than none.
Hugs nikki! It's quite a stressful thing, I know, but please don't let my curren going ons scare you ok? We live in Christchurch, new Zealand where the earth quake was 9 months ago (and 4 months and 1 week) and the stress from it's been a huge factor in it all an my constant bleeds. So please take my story as the not-normal one!

Otherwise, it's much like pagal said *hugs*

As for me, I'm 26 hours into labour, and been stopped for 12 hours now pretty much. I'm so glad, but do suspect it's starting again a bit... We'll see I guess. 1 day is better than none.

Ack, i am reading you on 3rd tri. I hope they can stop it for as long as possible, but you know already you are in a safe zone ;)
Nikki B, I agree with what PAgal and Inperfected said and would add: rest as much as possible ( laying down ), no sex, drink lots of water. Brown blood is good. Hope your sch is small, they usually resolve by week 20, if they don´t there are still plenty of successful stories.
I had 2 episodes of bleeding. First at 7 weeks and 2nd at 9 weeks. Both started as heavy red bleeding. The 1st episode, the heavy bleeding stopped after just 1 day then I spotted for about 4 days. Then a week and half later I started bleeding again. It was heavy for a couple days, then light flow for about a week, but since it was taking longer the 2nd time I decided to bed rest. That was at 10 weeks. The day after I started bed rest it went brown and was just spotting. The brown spotting continued for another 5 weeks. It was a long time-but I have not bled at all since then and have had 2 ultrasounds since then and my SCH could not be seen. If I were to go through this again, then I would bedrest immediately once the diagnosis was made. I really feel for me it helped my SCH heal faster. Bedrest was not fun, but worth it. I have 2 kids and had a hard time with it, since my husband still had to work, but I made it work pretty well. Good luck hun!

Inperfected so glad its stopped for now so those steroids can do their job!
Update: I went to the dr today, he told me I have a 6 cm hematoma. He said at this point it could go either way. Baby is still looking healthy, but the hematoma could interfere with the placenta. I'm on bedrest for the next week, when I'll go back to get it checked again. Praying for a miracle...
Nikki, so sorry to hear the doc didn't sound very optimistic, it seems all docs are like that in any early pregnancy---I always felt like none of it was taken seriously until I got past viability (24 weeks), they get so complacent. I'm glad you are having another u/s next week, just take it easy and try to stay positive, I know it's hard to do but the odds are in your favor by far.
Nikki- I had mine diagnosed at 8 weeks. At 12 weeks it was 7 cm. By 17 weeks had shrunk to 4cm & I'm really hoping the sch is gone by 20 weeks.
Reading this group shows there's a lot of happy outcomes with an SCH so stay positive & take it easy. X
Nikki - I think all doctors come across as calloused when it involves sch or any form of bleeding in pregnancy. All I got was "just wait and could go either way". Only the ER doctor who initially told me the diagnosis had anything kind to say as his wife had had one and they now had a happy, healthy baby boy. So that gave me some hope. also, I was then sent to a children's hospital due to an unrelated complication and they were very kind and supportive there and made me feel much better. They would give me real answers and not dismiss any of my worries.

inperfected, sorry that it looks like your baby is coming so early. But odds are very good and he will be in very capable hands at the NICU. Enjoy getting to meet him soon!
Thanks Starry. I've managed one week in hospital! I still get the feeling I'll have him early, but I could be wrong. Happy to have him close by (in my tummy) at the moment and to hear him being monitored daily :)

I was saying to hubby last night though that it'll be a big thinf if I make it to full term because i'm going to be SO unprepared as I've not been able to go home and get stuff ready for him, but will walk out of here with a baby! :)

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