Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Inperfected-that would be awesome to make it to term! You just stay flat for the next 8 or so weeks!
No term baby for me... Even bed rest couldn hold him in

Jesiah was born today at 29 weeks exactly. He's doing well and i'll post more when I can
That's so wonderful that he is doing well!! Congrats!!
Congratulations!! I hope you are doing well also? Fill us in on what happened when you feel up to it.

Well I had to go to the ER this morning. I was sitting on my bed and I started gushing blood. I truly just freaked out! Drove to the ER and they did all the blood tests, pelvic exams and scan. Blood test came back that my HCG was 140,000 which is WAY higher than typical for being 14 weeks pregnant. The high HCG would explain why my NT scan HCG test came back as 2.66 which is twice the amount of a regular pregnant woman.

The scan was perfect! Baby is doing FINE! But there is a blood sac by the placenta which is where they think the bleeding was coming from or that I had a vanishing twin! That would explain the high HCG huh?

Anyone been through this? They described my condition as a subchoronic hemorrhage?

I'm still not in the clear of having a miscarriage but my mind is at ease a little. Blood has turned to dark brown.
hwills41, sounds like they are saying that the bleeding is either from a twin or an SCH, or maybe both? I don't have any experience with the vanishing twin but this is the SCH forum so yes we all have experience here with that. So glad to hear baby looks good, that's wonderful. Did they tell you the size of the bleed/sac? Mine occurred at about 14 weeks, didn't look too big, then had doubled by the next ultrasound, but then it started going down and was completely undetectable by my 28 week scan. If you read through this forum it should give you some comfort and insight, I haven't read any unhappy endings on here in the past few months so please find comfort in the fact that if you have an SCH, most turn out just fine. Most SCH's resolve by 20 weeks or not long after, but some women bleed off and on throughout the entire pregnancy.

When is your next scan? I would definately ask for a follow-up visit or consult with a specialist (perinatologist) to find out more and get the doc's instructions. Sometimes when we are so early in pregnancy the docs don't always offer much further examination unless you request it, they can often act complacent about the whole issue. So be persistent, I have never heard of a doctor saying "no" to any request, including for another scan just for peace of mind.

Good luck and keep us posted, there is a lot of good advice on here to share.
H wills, hugs!! It's not an easy thing, but there are a few on here that have had it, do currently have one. I personally had one that bled on and off for a while (if u go back a few pages you'll see my story, but have just had my baby boy yesterday.
hwills41, sounds like they are saying that the bleeding is either from a twin or an SCH, or maybe both? I don't have any experience with the vanishing twin but this is the SCH forum so yes we all have experience here with that. So glad to hear baby looks good, that's wonderful. Did they tell you the size of the bleed/sac? Mine occurred at about 14 weeks, didn't look too big, then had doubled by the next ultrasound, but then it started going down and was completely undetectable by my 28 week scan. If you read through this forum it should give you some comfort and insight, I haven't read any unhappy endings on here in the past few months so please find comfort in the fact that if you have an SCH, most turn out just fine. Most SCH's resolve by 20 weeks or not long after, but some women bleed off and on throughout the entire pregnancy.

When is your next scan? I would definately ask for a follow-up visit or consult with a specialist (perinatologist) to find out more and get the doc's instructions. Sometimes when we are so early in pregnancy the docs don't always offer much further examination unless you request it, they can often act complacent about the whole issue. So be persistent, I have never heard of a doctor saying "no" to any request, including for another scan just for peace of mind.

Good luck and keep us posted, there is a lot of good advice on here to share.

They did not tell me the size of the bleed/sac because at this point it was kind of a new thing and it was hard for them to measure. It looked like it was a good size, but I've been bleeding a lot that I'm hoping that it has went down considerably.

I have a Dr. appt today, and hopefully they will set me up with another scan real soon! I'm so nervous. Did you go on complete bed rest? What helped you the most to recover. It sucks because we are moving to a new house this weekend, but luckily we have friends helping us move. I will just have to sit back and relax. This baby is too important to risk it.

Thanks so much for your input! I hear that most women recover from this just fine, but man, bleeding is scary as hell even if I know things are fine! I will be sure that I make sure my Dr. knows what they are talking about, otherwise I will go to a professional to get this sorted out and make sure I'm monitored properly :)
Good luck at the appt., and keep us posted:) I was not on bedrest and my bleed was a pretty good size. Some women swear by bedrest, my docs all just said take it easy, no lifting much at all (25 lbs). So I gave up all exercise but still ran around a lot (like errands, shopping) and was just careful nothing physical. I would abstain from sex for now while you are bleeding (my specialist said no sex until you have had no blood loss--even brown blood--for at least 10 days. The main reason is chance of infection--if blood can come out, infection can get in).

I always saw brown blood loss as a positive sign, meaning the SCH was going away. Hope that is true for you and you get a good report next time at the doc.
Yeah I saw that it was different in opinions in regards to bed rest. I think I will just take it easy, I've been bleeding a lot, but today seems OK. I will just take it a day at a time. Hopefully that brown blood starts up!

Thank you again! Appointment is in a few hours :)
H wills, hugs!! It's not an easy thing, but there are a few on here that have had it, do currently have one. I personally had one that bled on and off for a while (if u go back a few pages you'll see my story, but have just had my baby boy yesterday.
Hey Inperfected! Congratulations on having your baby boy!! Hope it all went well, hope to read your birth story when you have time to write it :) :thumbup:
hwill41- The first time I bled I just took it easy,the bleeding stopped, but then started up again a week and half later.. So I went on bedrest until my bleeding was gone. The thing with bed rest with an SCH, is you really only have to be on bed rest while you are actively bleeding. Otherwise if you have no bleeding then you can take it easy, no heavy lifting, pelvic rest. I was on bedrest for about 5 weeks, because I spotted for so long. Mine healed in that 5 week period and was gone by 15 weeks. I do think the bed rest sped up the process of healing. It was hard and very boring, but I'm glad I did it. Good Luck

There is a study on bedrest with SCH-I will try and find it and post the link
Gah. I hate posting here, but this morning I had a trip to the ER after waking up to underwear soaked with blood and passing a blood clot the size of my fist when trying to urinate.

NO cramping, but I thought for sure this pregnancy was over, and so did the ER doc attending to me. He told me to expect the worst when I got to the ultrasound room.

We got down to ultrasound, and there was baby, all bouncing around with a strong HR of 155! My mouth and DH's mouth hit the floor. We both went into that room devastated!

The u/s tech was an OB/Gyn in Poland and he couldn't find a visible cause for the clot or bleed, thinking it came from somewhere around my cervix. The placenta was nicely attached to the uterine fundus and there was no subchorionic bleed underneath. My internal os was closed, whereas on the manual pelvic exam the external os was not quite open but not quite closed.

My beta was 61,000 and my labs were normal, so they released me once the paperwork was in order with instructions to take it easy. No general restrictions, but no lifting heavy objects, etc.

I'm still bleeding/spotting off and on through the day, but it's definitely less than this morning. I have a regularly-scheduled OB visit tomorrow and the OB will follow up on the complication.

I'm just hoping as I sift through this group I can find lots of stories similar to mine with a happy ending!
I talked to my Dr. and she really helped to reassure me that all is alright!!! Bleeding stopped too!! They couldn't find the baby with the doppler, so of course everyone thought a MC, so I got rushed to have an ultrasound. Babe is fine! Darn thing just likes to hide from me :) It was wiggling its toes, rubbing its eyes and had hiccups! So cute :) :) :)

Beau: So happy for you as well! What a scare!!! That size of your FIST! My gosh. I didn't pass any clots, had I, I would have been so scared. It's crazy what you pass through and it's all normal.

Thanks all again! I'm just going to be taking it easy and hopefully this bleeding is just over. They said that the blood clot has went down a little, so I guess that's good news :)
Beau- I had a similar expereince to you. My 2nd bleed at 10 weeks I was at work and had so much blood and clots I was convinced it was over. Was in so much shock that baby was still kicking away. Oblivious to the state and panic its Mum was in !!

I ve pretty much taken it very easy sine 8 weeks. Ive not had much spotting but have still stayed off my feet as much as possible. I had a scan at 12 weeks and the SCH had grown but by 17 weeks it had halved and im really hoping at my 20 week scan next week it will have gone. Im normally really sporty and active so being off my feet has been a killer but its worth it.

I know theyre not for everyone but I bought a cheap home doppler which really helped calm me and feel assured baby is doing well.

Here's my birth story, just cos it could be really relevant to someone here one day. The only other thing not in it that is very relevant to this group (and not other people!) is about my placenta... They had gotten him out and then said that wow your placenta looks rubbish/munted (just jokingly but seriously too). Then midwife asked if I'd had an abruption, and then felt stupid as she remembered sch (was rushed c sect to get him out quickly!). Supposedly sch must've caused abruption then and wasn't in good shape, but i had lots of bleeding for a long time. Wow is post birth bleeding minimal compared to that from an sch though!!!
Well :) everyone wants to know what happened, so I'll write a big post and put it on all the forums I go on!*

Firstly, i went into preterm labour at 27+6 and they managed to stop it. Then i sat in hosp for 8 days, just Waiting ti see what would happen. Yesterday (29/6)at about 5pm, I started feeling odd. The best description is that I felt like I needed to push and a full feeling down there. Id had bulging membranes a week earlier, but *it felt like they were bulging again. I told hubby to come - just in case. * So I rang my bell and my midwife examined me and said she thought it wad fine, but would get a doc to check. The doctor decided to scan me instead of doing another examination, and found I was still dilated a bit, and bubby had gone breech! Waters were bulging so she sent me to birthing suite where she checked me again (examination I think) and said I was 8-9cm dilated (was having contractions by this stage). *I needed another scan to check his position again, and he'd turned! Transverse with feet AND hands down in my cervix. Now I see why it HURT when he moved! *

They Had told me before this that I might need a c section but then said I definitely would, and started prepping me quickly. I was breathing through contractions and Realistically probably in transition since I was finding it hard not to push.*

They got me to theatre and gave me a spinal. When they'd talked about a c-sect they said that because he was small, I may need a classic c section. I'm still to research 'exactly' what it is, but means I have to have c sections everytime from now on.*

Then whilst waiting for the spinal to absolutely be certainly working, they put the catheter in. At that stage, the midwife asked when I went toilet last, and I said 2hours ago, and she said ok... She said she though it going in had made me leak, but the doc checked it and everything went very quick, waters had broken!! As his hands and feet were in birth canal and he wasnt allowed to come that way! Less than 5 mins later, they pulled him out, very slowly (surprisingly bit by bit) and he was silent for a few secs then coughed and finally on resus table cried! *

They intubated him as whilst he was breathing on his own, it was tiring for him. And within 20-30 mins he was taken to nicu with hubby to get sorted out and eventually put in a proper incubator.

I'm in a little pain, but it's not that severe really! I have minimal bleeding, and pretty tired. I'm expressing 2-3 hourly in the day and 4 hourly overnight, and I guess ill maybe go home on Sunday or Monday! We are hoping his boss can manage to get him some arranged paternity leave for a week or two as I'll need rides and whilst I have others who can take me it's better with hubby.*

As for Jesiah, he was 39cm long, and 1345gm. He's doing amazing and had the tube taken out this morning and he was put on CPAP! Yay for small miracles. He's also been under blue lights to help process bilburin (think that's how it's spelt).*

Just ask if u have questions. :)

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