Second Time Around Pregnancys love to chat with you ladies :)

marina--my goodness, they rushed you!! I would be worried too if that had happened to me! I had the opposite experience, I went in for an induction 1 week early due to GD and HBP and they used 3 induction drugs on me, all of which failed (one actually threw me into successive contractions that did nothing other than cause pain!)!!! I was in the hospital, and not allowed to eat anything solid for 2 1/2 days before I had to opt for a Section. I was so exhausted! So, I have to say I am less anxious this time because I know it will be a scheduled Section and I won't have to have 2 1/2 days of drugs again! I am nervous about the surgery and the recovery, though.

As for an update on me, morning sickness is subsiding a bit, I seem to only get it in the afternoons these days instead of all day long. I am EXHAUSTED at night though, and fall asleep very early! Thank goodness DH is willing to take up DD duty for the time being!

I also got to see my little bambino yesterday at my 12 wk scan! Everything went very well, he/she was wriggling and squirming away, and his/her little mouth was moving constantly--I think I have a little chatterbox in there! :cloud9:
thank you i couldnt believe they were threatening me with it when i had come in that far dialated and only been there for 10 mins i think they wanted to hook me up and leave me to someone else.we have since moved so will be going to a new hospital might explain my fears to my new midwife. i know there under pressure the NHS but i honestly felt like i was on a conveyor belt -they even lied on my notes saying baby had fed in the delivery room and tried to get me ona 6 hour discharge till i said she hadnt fed a student midwife tried briefly to get her latched only to be told by the senior midwife to let the ward deal with it:wacko: anyway still getting a whole load nausea but not sick yet fingers crossed and a touch of heartburn and extremely tired:sleep: but got my booking in appt 8th january:happydance:
:hugs: thats AWFUL Marina!! Shame on them.

I personally had a pretty good 1st labour. 12 hours (first 6 at home and 5cm when we arrived), 2 hours of pushing tho due to my water not breaking... as soon as it broke, she was born 2 pushes later!. No induction, no epi, no anything. Went very smoothly. I wasn't really afraid and im not now. i just look at it as the last step to having baby in my arms. Typically doesn't last forever - i know when baby is born pain will be gone - so that makes it more bearable.
What an aweful experience Marina!

I'm 99% sure having a scheduled section too after a traumatic emergency section with Sophie. I'm not quite sure if I'm okay with it. But probably only because of pressure of some women I know who are very into natural home birthing and trust your body and your baby etc.. But I'm so scared the same will happen as in my first labour (Sophie got very twisted and stuck in my pelvis) and that something will happen to my baby.

My first consultant app is on the 15th of Jan. I'm a bit apprehensive. I hope people don't think I'm 'too posh too push'.. I feel so damned if I do, damned if I don't.....!
oh dont feel pressured lauki what matters is baby is delivered safely i hardly think the kids are going to meet up in a playground and say well i was homebirthed my mum had no pain relief or tears-i was born via c section etc- well i was born in my parents car footwell so im better than you all:haha: just kidding but honestly the wellbeing of you is also as important as the babys health after a scare like that you wouldnt want to take the risk with your baby:hugs:
I agree, do not let yourself feel pressured!!

I had a very long talk with my doctor at my first appointment with this pregnancy about a VBAC vs. a scheduled section. Given my induction history and issues with my pelvis--I have a very narrow pelvic opening--my mother had the same and when she had me, I got lodged/stuck in the birth canal and I had to be born by emergency Section, I decided to go what I felt was the safest route for me and the baby, and that is a scheduled section. But what I loved is that my doctor did not pressure me AT ALL, just went over the pros and cons and let me make the decision.

And at the end of the day, that is what it really is, your personal decision about what is best and safest for you and your baby. As much as I would love to have had the experience of a natural birth, I am much happier to have my DD (and now hopefully my next baby!) here safe and sound and in my arms!!

So you do what you feel is best for you hun!! :hugs:
hello ladies

marina how terrible hun that sounds awful xxxx

my water broke at 8am i went to hospital after i took a shower and did my make up lol but the bad thing is when your water breaks they hold you cause can cause infection if baby stays long tiem after water breaking i was in lavbor 25 hours! i delivered 9-30 am next morning didnt sleep once was exhausted! mine was vaginal birth

the past 3 days i been nauseas and today threw up but was sour tasting i never had this with my first maybe it is a boy lol

hope all are doing great everyone ready for the holidays!
absolutely what is safe for you and baby is most important i have a great doctor to doesnt push you to do a certain thing which is nice i hate pushy doctors!
Aww I threw up first time this am thought I had got away with it as with my previous baby I was sick from the start .
Ugh poor ladies throwing up :( I am finally starting to feel better I can feel that 2nd tri creeping closer :happydance: althought I still have my bad days where I can't get up without feeling like I'm going to lose everything I've eaten :dohh:
I had a rough labor (birth story in my sig) bit was told I still have a good chance of vbac especially if baby is smaller this time. I'm using a different hospital too. They are more interested in natural birth and want you to birth how you want regardless of which way that is. I'm not absolutely against a csection again (can't be really lol)
Ugh poor ladies throwing up :( I am finally starting to feel better I can feel that 2nd tri creeping closer :happydance: althought I still have my bad days where I can't get up without feeling like I'm going to lose everything I've eaten :dohh:

:happydance:yay u r so close! congrats!:hugs:
I had a rough labor (birth story in my sig) bit was told I still have a good chance of vbac especially if baby is smaller this time. I'm using a different hospital too. They are more interested in natural birth and want you to birth how you want regardless of which way that is. I'm not absolutely against a csection again (can't be really lol)

thats awesome hun hope it goes by very quick for you i am praying it does for me to cause 25 hrs was so long! :wacko:
PAW- did you not just get your bfp the otger day? Goodness time flies!!

I was induced with my dd, got brought in at 41+3, given 3 induction pessaries, none of which started labour. After 36 hours of nothing (i did manag to sleep tho) they broke my waters. After a couple of hours, i was 4cm.. Then i went from 4-10 in an hour.. I pushed for almost 2 hours though (discovered the reason why when she was born - HUGE head). In total 6 hours. I totally got an epidural though!
Im excited to see what this labour will be like... And not nervous at all =D

well i have an 11 month old (almost 12months) and just found out i am expecting again!!:baby:

The age difference will be around 18months? if i calculated that rightly lol :wacko:

Im quite scared as im only 20 myself, thinking is it too soon, whats it going to be like other than hard! ect but im excited all the same!

Id really love a LB this time, but healthy is my first choice! :winkwink::winkwink:

I do feel very different this time?! like bad MS, Poo's sorry tmi!, and my boobs have just grown mahoosively overnight. but this time round im also bleeding through the pregnancy too so just awaiting my scan and hoping everything is going to be okay :)

congrats and welcome! i'm only 23 and about to have my second so i also feel really young since i'm the only one of my friends with a kid and now i'll have two!
MrsMurphy it really does feel like I just got my positive! I'm glad it's passing quickly though I'm excited to meet baby and see how LO's interact together :)

I'm a young momma too :) I turned 22 this past September. I don't think being young is a bad thing as long as you are able to provide the love and care your LO needs then to me that's what's important. It'll def be a challenge but totally doable :) ill have a slightly bigger age gap but I've heard siblings very close in age will be very good friends throughout life. Not sure on the truth behind this as my baby sister is 13 years younger than me :haha:
i def. didn't plan to have kids this close together but i think it's going to be great with them being so close in age because they'll most likely be interested in the same things around the same time. me and my sis were 3 years a part so when she started getting over things i started getting into them so we didn't get to do stuff together very long!
I always wanted kids quite close in age. There will be a 2y 7month gap beteeen mine. I will be 25 the month before baby is due. I still feel waaay younger though!
congrats and welcome! i'm only 23 and about to have my second so i also feel really young since i'm the only one of my friends with a kid and now i'll have two!

Same! only 2 girls i know from back in school have children and thats it. and even they only have one! im thinking oh god, :s but i know i have good freinds and family around me that will get involved and help when i need it :) still scared thou! wondering if i will bne okay, but i guess you just get on with it! lol xx

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