Do you ever look at the kid(s) you already have and wonder why on earth you're putting yourself thru all this again?
Don't get me wrong, I adore Freya, and want nothing more than to have another one, but honestly, sometimes...
On Wednesday evening Freya told me she'd been eating stones at preschool. I was a little alarmed, and we talked (again) about what is and isn't suitable for putting in your mouth. (at one point Freya said "Oops! I forgot to not tell you"!!!)
She spends Thursdays with my mother, so I told her about it in case there were any problems with getting the stones out the other end


Mum spoke to Freya about it some more and was told a little more of the story...
"Jack said if we ate the stones we'd die... but he was wrong, because I'm still alive"
It's like a preschool suicide pact!!! What on earth are you supposed to do with that?