JC, I think Daisy sounds quite a bit like Christina! Christina's not a fussy eater, and she likes to be picked up a lot (by me anyway) and not left alone, but a lot of the rest of your description sounds familiar. Hopefully this thread will be a help for you. Christina liked sitting on the potty for ages the first day - I just let her do it and offered her books - she soon got bored of that though.
Polaris, we have been dealing with strong parental preference for a couple years now. Firstly,

, I know it's difficult to deal with, and FWIW, Christina is gradually becoming more accepting of Daddy lately, so I have hope that it does pass. Hers has been extreme for a very long time, often saying "me no like Daddy" when she was younger, and having a screaming fit anytime Daddy tried to do anything for her, such as pick her up, get her dinner, give her a bath, pull the wagon, etc. etc. She has now progressed to "I like Daddy sometimes, not every day" haha.

It did used to hurt DH's feelings quite a bit, but then it became so commonplace that I suppose we got used to it. We struggled for a while with whether we should "give in" and me just do everything for her, or whether we should force her to do things with DH. After a few nights of bedtime gone horribly wrong due to Daddy putting her down, for the most part we just give in and I do everything for her. It got a little bit better when Caitlyn was born as I was nursing often so she had to let Daddy do things for her, then she regressed and now she's slowly improving again. Sometimes we make a compromise with her, such as "Mommy will hold you until we get to that green building ahead, and then Daddy will hold you or you'll need to walk because Mommy's arms are tired". She recently does ok with that. Also, nearly all of the fun activities she does, such as soft play, chuck-e-cheese (a kid arcade place), ice cream shop, etc., she does with Daddy. She usually will say she wants to go with Mommy, but when the choice is to go with Daddy or not go at all, she always chooses to go, and then has a great time. Just today she had the option of riding with Daddy to the airport to pick up his dad who is coming to visit or coming home with me from church. We wanted her to ride with him so I could clean up a bit, so we said "If you ride with Daddy you can have a snack in the car and take your nap later today; if you ride with Mommy we are going home to have lunch and take a nap". She's only ever been allowed to eat in the car once before, so having a snack in the car was a real treat for her, so she chose to go with Daddy. We honestly don't know why her mommy preference is so strong, but I stay home with them part-time, so maybe it's because she has been around me more. DH used to be frustrated and hurt by it, but once he relaxed about it we have just accepted it as part of our life for now. I'm sure when she's a teenager she won't be crying for Mommy anymore. DH does want her to be more flexible and "toughen up", but he understands she's only little still and there is time for that later. We do encourage her into situations she's uncomfortable in, but don't force her anymore. I think your opinion about making things predictable is good for him, and I wish I had advice on how to make your DH listen. Maybe just reassure your OH that this is a normal phase and to try not to take it personally, but to keep reaching out to Thomas. Good luck!
Daisybee, we too struggle with whether we are letting Christina get away with too much because of her sensitivity. We discipline, but sometimes it seems like she has too much control, and I think that's down to me being afraid to punish her too harshly because I know it will affect her so deeply and she will remember for a long time. For now, we mostly cater to her, but I don't want her to become bratty in the future. I sympathize with you dealing with a meltdown in the middle of the parking lot with both of them - it's so tough, isn't it? Christina has done that before, stopping in the middle of the street, and generally I just have to pick her up despite her screaming/flailing and get her out of harm's way - really tough when I have Caitlyn too. Christina once had a meltdown at the library when I had them both, before Caitlyn was walking but after she had outgrown her carrier. So I was holding Caitlyn in one arm but I had to scoop Christina up under my other arm and carry her out like that - I was so embarrassed.
I sympathize with the sibling issues and battles to come - I feel like a mediator all the time! They always want the toy the other one has, and Caitlyn is into everything! She always messes up Christina's puzzles or puts her toys in the wrong place. Christina was always pretty cautious so I didn't worry to much about leaving her in a room for a couple seconds while I went to another room, but Caitlyn will eat or destroy anything in sight, climb up the stairs quick as a flash if I leave the gate off, she even climbs in and out of the bath herself! Christina's actually really good about helping us watch her - she tells us when Caitlyn has something small in her hand/mouth or if Caitlyn goes into the bathroom, etc. They have tons of sweet moments and now that Caitlyn's older can even play together some, so that makes up for the hard times.