Sensitive kids group

Her blankie is a fleece type baby blanket. And she cuddles with it. Her weighted blanket is bigger than that but stays in her room most of the time. It's only used during meltdowns, when we read her books on our lap on her chair, and the first part of her night in her bed. She has a full size bed now and has a "comforter" duvet type covering for that... She is just starting to want that as well for sleeping. Problem is at night she refuses to sleep without her sleep sack on as well. :rofl: And she wants socks on no matter how hot it is, or what time of year it is when she is sleeping. So she has pjs and socks. Fleece sleep sack as its the only one I've found that is in her size. Then weighted blanket, and then now her fluffy comforter. Haha im just glad that she usually kicks off the blankets.

We take "blankie" with us whenever she is going to sleep somewhere else or if we think we will be out sometime when she could be getting tired. Like if we have dinner at mil's house we will bring it so she can have it for the ride home so she can start snuggling with it in her carseat. We've also now been bringing the weighted blanket a few places if we think she might get overwhelmed, and the chewy toy as well. Like the day of their pictures. otherwise when we go to the store or out anywhere else they all stay home and she is totally fine with that.

Big hugs for the tough night! It's so hard especially when they are sick. I think it makes everything seem worse. Megan has caught another cold, but not super sick, no fever or anything. But she barely ate for days. But finally last night made up for it. She seems more herself today but had a huge meltdown before nap. I think being so tired from not sleeping well with her cough.

Jc - love the pic of daisy!
Hi Shady, welcome to B&B and to the thread. You are very welcome to stay around and share your experiences, ask for and offer advice, etc. I think we are all overwhelmed at times but the good thing is that everyone can help and support each other.

Omarsmum, hugs for the tough night. I totally know how stressful those types of evenings can be. We had a difficult bedtime here too. OH was doing bath and bedtime with Thomas and it was sooo hard not to interfere because it just wasn't going smoothly at all. Thomas was overstimulated anyway because he had watched the movie The Jungle Book this evening which he absolutely loved but he was wired afterwards. He had a meltdown first about the towel not being wrapped round him the right way when he got out of the bath to use the toilet, OH was refusing to fix it for him and just telling him to pull it up himself and Thomas was getting more and more worked up. In the end OH called me to ask me why Thomas was so upset and I fixed the towel properly for him and he was OK then. But then he had another huge meltdown because he didn't want to put his pyjamas on. That went on for ages. So after all that it took him two hours to fall asleep but luckily he stays in his room now mostly once he has gone to bed. Also Clara's sleep is really dreadful at the moment, she was literally awake almost every hour last night with a combination of a blocked nose, cough, temperature, and teething, and we are also in the middle of wonder week 19.

Thomas is a master at holding his pee, I quite often worry about it as he can hold it all day sometimes. I remember when he was just over two, he didn't have a pee from 7.30 in the morning until 5.30 that evening when I got home from work, he just totally refused to use the toilet for the childminder. It was so stressful, I really worried that he would give himself a UTI. He still is dreadful for holding his pee, he doesn't pee for 12 hours at night and I have to encourage him to go in the mornings, if I forget sometimes he won't ask to go for another couple of hours!

Thomas doesn't chew on things but both me and my brother used to chew things as children. I used to bite my nails and when I stopped biting my nails I started biting my fingers. I actually still do bite my fingers when I'm stressed but also at other times just when I'm concentrating on something or thinking about something, I just find myself doing it automatically and it does help to calm me down! My brother chewed his sleeves and collars for years. All his jumpers had holes in them.
I'm hoping megans fear of public bathrooms doesn't make her hold it... I know she does hold it some, but if she really has to go she tells me. We went out to a restaurant Sunday night and she told me she had to go. She started plugging her ears before we even left the table. She was telling me she was going to hold her ears so it wasn't so loud. Well the bathroom was down a very quiet hall, the bathroom was a really nice bathroom and not loud at all. It did have automatic flushers so I held my arm on the toilet as I held her ( she doesn't sit by herself on regular toilets... Ours at home has a child seat that pulls down onto the main seat ). When she has wiggled on the toilet it flushed once as she is too light I guess. So I didn't want that happening. So since no one else was in there, I pulled her off the toilet and brought her out of the stall before pulling her pants up so she didn't have to be so close to it while it flushed.

Polaris - I have a horrible time sitting on my hands when dh is doing things and it's causing a meltdown! Hopefully sleep in your house improves!! Jordan is getting in 3 teeth at once we think including her front top ones, and she is so close to figuring out crawling. Instead of falling right to sleep last night she rolled around her crib and moaned for over 1 1/2 hrs, but wasn't crying so I waited that long to see if she could fall asleep. She finally slept after I gave her meds. Naps today were crap.
I've yet to find a place where I can vent without being called "completely crazy" so I'm sure I'll be frequenting this board quite a bit. Thank you all for allowing me to stay on here!

According to the assessment, my son (Arad) scores very low on the autism scale yet he seems to have scored concerningly high on the pdd nos scale (and again this is based on the way I've answered the questions). I'm skeptical of this outcome, needless to say. I'm wondering if the assessor, as competent as she is, is not making a mountain out of a molehill. I'm the one who insisted for an evaluation because my son had very abnormal play skills. He was drawn to wheels, anything that spun really. And he would spin or try to spin anything circular when he was really young. Although this fascination seems to have tapered off quite a bit, he still likes fans, not so much for its revolving motion but I think he still finds them "cool".

Now on to the good things - he has no speech or communication delay. A speech language pathologist observed him on few occassions and said he is a talker and that his language seemed to be on par (if not advanced). I did mention to her that he reverses pronouns but she didn't think too much of it, given his young age. What has your experience been in this area? Did any of your los ever reverse pronoun? Cognitively and academically he is doing great, so no concerns there either.

He seems to lag behind in social skills and this was the only concern that surfaced from the assessment. He tends to be very shy, especially with people/strangers whom he has never met. With peers he doesn't seem too interested in playing with them, especially when it does not involve active play, like going down the slide. He plays well in those situations where he can take turn to go down the slide, etc, otherwise he'll position himself next to another child but will not really play with him/her. With the few people that he knows well, relatives and friends, he is quite social, in fact he is always seeking their attention when they're around (which is rare).

He does seem to have pretend play, but they are not elaborate by any means. For example, he was just now pretending to make juice out of some random household object for me (it was pretty extensive in the sense that he made the whooshing sound of the blender, poured salt and pepper). When he is playing with his cars he gets really stuck on the accident theme, all cars are getting into an accident and that has been the theme for weeks.

I'm really starting to wonder if his lack of social skills are due to overstimulation or sensory issues. Sorry about the long post. If any of you have been able to to read through the entire thing, I'd love your thoughts/advice.
Lol - I only laugh about the fans coolness as it seems to be one of the biggest things Jordan ( my 9 mo old) is terrified of! Fine if they are off, but especially ceiling fans... She acts so scared!

If he is fine socially with people that he knows well, but not people he doesn't know well... He sounds more shy, sensitive, or introverted vs having real social issues.

And I think all kids get stuck on themes. Megan had been playing "birthday soup " for forever it seemed. The rare time she plays with anything like cars they just drive and say vroom and have conversations with each other. But then again with her reaction to things, I don't think we have introduced her to accidents. :blush: She worries so much, and so empathetic, we've stopped talking or not introduced a lot of negative things to her. I had a mole removed by my lip last week by a plastic surgeon and have stitches. We didn't go into details with her, didn't even tell her mine was a mole as she has moles on her leg, we didn't want her worrying. And I didn't want her thinking that the next time she is at the dr they are going to do the same to her. :shrug: so we decided to leave out some major details.

Give an example of reversing pronouns....

Cutie - how have you been? We've been having some behavior that's needed discipline and I've thought of you during that time and trying to figure out the best approach.
Shady- Omar is the same when it comes to socializing, he doesn't play with kids he's not familiar with. But he plays well with kids he knows. He's a bit shy but he seeks the attention of adults. For example he expects strangers to talk to him in the elevator which is cute, he looks at them, then he hides his face behind me, when they start talking to him, he answers shyly. He's much better with older kids, but he still can't figure out how to play with kids his age. I think for Omar is due to cautiousness, he's cautious by nature, this is why he doesn't trust people he doesn't know.

He was drawn to wheels, anything that spun really. And he would spin or try to spin anything circular when he was really young. Although this fascination seems to have tapered off quite a bit, he still likes fans, not so much for its revolving motion but I think he still finds them "cool".

Omar was the same when he was younger, he used to turn his buggy or ride on car upside down to spin the wheels. On his jumperoo the only toy he used to play with was the spinning wheel.

What's the reverse pronouns? Omar used to use "you" instead of "I" & he used "he" referring to himself instead of "I".

Omar is bilingual, Arabic is like French, verbs are gender specific, he still mixes them up, I was told it's normal at this age. My friend's son who speaks Arabic only & 6 months older than Omar is the same,
I just checked out a pdd nos quiz to see what sort of things were on it.. If he doesn't have language issues, the one I found said they have to score moderate or severe in all 3 areas to be autism. And if they score above 60 but ok with language consider asbergers. Megan scored 13 with her fear of noises, tantrums, innapropriate fear ( hair washing, and noises), and "hates crowds". And stubborn about rituals and routines.

But some things on this list... Including the tantrums are very common for ALL kids at this age. Megan is very intense so more inclined to be stubborn and tantrum and that's just her personality. It doesn't mean something is wrong with that!? And as a child I had fears, I hated our basement. It really scared me. I've heard of some kids this age being afraid of the tub drains, monsters under the bed, etc. So as an adult it's not appropriate, but as a child it is. So its very grey area I think of what's appropriate and what's not. Megan gets scared easily, but she also gets sad easily, excited easily, etc. So maybe it's more along those lines of just her feelings being more intense. So some questions in this test I really question them.

The hates crowds thing... I don't know how to answer that. She used to scream in crowds as a baby, but outgrew that. I know she gets a bit overwhelmed in crowds, likes smaller groups better, but that is because she is more sensitive and introverted. But "hates" crowds is extreme. Megan loves going to the store, even if it ends up overwhelming her.
This is the one I found. Is this similar to the questions on the one they gave your son?
As for the hates of crowd, Omar doesn't like it & he gets overwhelmed but it's not extreme, he used to throw a tantrum & ask to go home, but now he's much better at handling crowd, But I get overwhelmed in crowd, I can't handle it well, I can't stand in a cue, I can't shop during sales or festive seasons. I hate airports, I don't cope well in parties. I kind of panic. I'm an introvert by nature but I have loads of friends. But I still prefer going out or socializing with small groups in a quiet place, I never partied or went dancing, I can't handle it.
Dh calls me a deer in headlights in some situations... Like in a busy store, if there is lots of chaos going on, haha. Ordering food inside a fast food restaurant that is busy and choatic, I don't feel like myself. We never usually go to those types of places, but on the way to Xmas at my parents, jordan hadn't napped, was getting hungry and screaming. So we stopped to feed the kids. Dh stayed at the table and fed Jordan and I went to order some food for everyone. It made me feel very overwhelmed, it was loud and so many people, very chaotic, so many choices and I stood there trying to make my brain work. Lol if the grocery store is too busy and people being pushy I feel anxious.

My mom said as a child I was never comfortable out of the house. I was very shy at school. I was the biggest talker at home though. My brothers told my mom once that I was the life of the party for something she was trying to plan a few years back, and if I couldn't come they should just cancel ( was only our immediate family). Im a totally different person at home vs out. I do talk to people when out, but just not myself around strangers.

And the intensity and tantrums.... Dh has a temper. Haha he does very well curbing it with the girls, and I've learned to totally ignore it as it's so predictable. And then he calms down and is annoyed at himself for getting irritated. It's so funny to see Megan do or say something and it's so much like what dh would do in the same circumstance and he can't understand WHY she would do that. Haha I just laugh and say, who does she remind you of?

Yesterday he had a few minutes to come home for lunch and was close to home ( which rarely happens) so he was here for a bit. Megan got a cheap aquarium for tadpoles/frogs that dh and her are going to feed and watch change into frogs. They are both very into things like that. she was still eating but dh was playing with it. She got upset as she wanted to play too but he was being annoyed as she was all messy from eating, and "why do you need to touch it?" :rofl: When he was touching it in front of her... He was playing with it. Lol then he called the company that he was using their water to find out something about it, and then poured in the water himself while he was ignoring her as he was talking to the person on the phone. She was next to him tantruming and all upset and he couldn't figure out why. So I explained that she had wanted to pour it in, and he said something about it. Haha well he only poured it in right then as well, because HE was excited about doing it. He should have let her do it. It's HER present, not his! Lol so he poured the water while spilling all over, back into the container and she then poured it into the aquarium. Then she was happy. Haha the whole thing seemed so funny to me, as dh was just as excited about the whole thing and yet not understanding her excitement. The 2 of them have sea monkeys, have had 2 different fish that didn't make it, and they have lime trees, and certain plants that are inside that they water. They both get SO into it. He is waiting til she is a bit older, but wants to do incubator, caterpillar to butterfly, different science things he's found in a magazine.
Happy New Year everyone! We have had DH's dad in town for a few days and then we started back at work yesterday so are trying to adjust back to our usual routine. Christina did pretty well with the company and the excitement, but definitely got overwhelmed a few times so we did have some meltdowns. I was frustrated with FIL a few times because he kept correcting/scolding Christina for things we don't think are a problem. For instance he kept shushing her when I was talking to my dad on the phone, but normally we don't keep the kids quiet when we're on the phone - they just go about their playing as usual. Also he was trying to force her to eat certain things which we don't do - we just offer what we've fixed for dinner and if she eats it, that's great, and if not, no problem (she just doesn't get something different instead). I was a bit relieved to see him go. Her stutter had improved during December, but the last week or so it's back with a vengeance, so I'm thinking of mentioning it at her 3-yr checkup at the end of the month.

JC, good luck TTC - how exciting!!

Shady, welcome and I'm glad you found us! This thread has been very reassuring me to - I am comforted to hear about these children who have so many similar qualities to Christina, and have received lots of good advice here. From what you've said, I wouldn't label your son with an ASD, or pdd-nos, especially since he has no speech delays. I think it's ok and fairly common for kids to not play together well with kids they don't know at this age, at least I hope so because Christina doesn't play with other kids. She plays ok with Caitlyn and the kids at church she knows well, but around kids (and adults) she doesn't know, she generally only plays with me. Sometimes she doesn't even respond when they ask her something directly without some prompting from me. I think that sounds more like shyness/introverted rather than a social delay. Do you mean mixing up he/she/me/I for reversing pronouns? Christina still says "me do xxx" or "me go xxx" rather than "I" and her doctor didn't seem concerned about it. Sometimes she'll say something like "No her not!". I think language is so complicated it's ok to have some things mixed up at this age.

Polaris, I read what you wrote about Thomas' recent bedtime and the towel not being on properly to my DH, and he agrees that sounds very much like Christina. She must have everything done a particular way in a particular order and if anything is off we must fix it immediately or she has a meltdown. How did you handle it when he didn't want his PJs on? We have had this battle before and the only way it has worked for us is to tell her if she doesn't get her PJs on that I will leave the room and close the door (which she doesn't want of course), so if the threat doesn't work then we have to follow through and she cries for a few minutes and then I go back in and she's ready to cooperate. I don't really love this method as I feel like I am controlling her whereas I would prefer if she would choose to put her PJs on, but I'm not sure how to make it happen.

Christina doesn't have a particular toy she is attached to that she takes everywhere as some kids this age do - often my family think it's strange that she doesn't. She does have two small blankies she sleeps with, and when we travel we take a few other familiar things from her bed as well, such as her pillow and her glowing seahorse. Daisybee, interesting you mention Megan humping her blankets before sleep - Christina has been doing that for probably over a year now. From what I've read it's pretty normal as it feels good for them, but I was a little embarrassed by it. She recently has enjoyed having chew toys and will chew on them when she's upset. She does have 2 that she sleeps with, but doesn't have any outside of her bedroom (although I've offered to allow her to bring them when we go out places, she just chooses to leave them at home). She is getting so much better at calming herself down - usually when she has a meltdown from overstimulation all it takes is for me to hold her for a few minutes and she's ok. If she's having a tantrum over not getting something she wanted it sometimes lasts longer, but once I find something exciting to distract her she can shut off the crying much faster than she used to. Caitlyn is also into biting - she chews her sleeve and the collar of her jackets, she even shewed the shoulder of my jacket the other day, but she's also getting new teeth all the time so hers could be related to teething more than calming down.

Daisybee, we have been having success with time out for undesirable behavior. Really the only reason she goes into time out is for getting in Caitlyn's face or space or taking something from Caitlyn. She gets a warning, i.e. "Christina please back away from Caitlyn (or give Caitlyn her toy back) before I count to 3 or you will have to go to time out", and that usually works, but if not, we count to 3 and if she hasn't moved (or given the object back) she sits on the bottom stair for 2 minutes. Once 2 minutes is over, I remind her why she went there and she generally won't do it again for a while. It's kid of funny because she knows it's going to happen and as soon as I say 3 she starts saying "no no no, me listen, me listen!", but she will go to the stair with minimal fight. We don't require her to be silent either, so most of the time she is shouting for those 2 minutes. If she takes a toy, but gives it back when I tell her to, she doesn't go in time out. Same thing for other behaviors - if she corrects them immediately, she doesn't get punished - she only goes in time out if she continues to misbehave after I've asked her to stop and warned her she will go to time out.

Christina's birthday is on Monday and I was planning a fun day for the two of us to visit the children's museum and then go out for lunch or possibly ice cream depending on how overwhelmed she is. When I told her about it, I told her Caitlyn would be going to daycare and she and I would go out for her birthday and she nearly cried and said she wanted Caitlyn to come with us! It was so sweet - she loves Caitlyn so much, but now I don't know whether to bring Caitlyn too.
The only one of our parents that tries to correct Megan is mil. She also will do other things that we find unnecessary. Like cutting up food into minuscule pieces as otherwise she is positive that Megan will choke on them. Haha She has taken away toys of megans telling her she can't have it, as it's a choking hazard. Lol we had given it to Megan, we know her best and know what she would do. :shrug: dh tries to leave the room if he is on the phone with work, if it's family or friends we don't have the kids be quiet.

I have a big thing with food... Dont know if I've discussed it or not? I will never under any circumstance make my kids eat food they don't want to try, or make them finish a certain food, or clean their plate. My parents used to force me to sit at the table ( even as a teenager) and finish my food. I hated many of the things that were made. I remember sitting there for hours sometimes as I really didn't want to eat that food. It was a horrible feeling. I had no control over how much or what food I could eat. I never got to pick things either.. Like I will ask Megan " do you want apples or oranges with lunch? " my parents never did that.

Hopefully the stutter is nothing :shrug: I've been trying to decide if there are things I should bring up at Megans appt. She hasnt had hers yet. Her sleep has improved a TON. I think a mixture of me understanding her better, her weighted blanket, Jordan sleeping through the night, and a bigger softer mattress have all contributed. Honestly the only reason i started looking into anything with her ( sensory issues, ot, etc) was her sleep issues. THat was our single worst issue and affected everything. In july at an appt for Jordan all I talked about was Megan. Haha Jordan was fine, but I went in with questions about her sleep, not being able to understand her words anymore, her overstimalation, wanting to chew on things, and what about ot. Lol dr probably loves me! Anyway- not sure what exactly to tell her about Megan. Do I try again to explain the overstimulation?

Megan only humps in her bed which I'm grateful for. She is very matter of fact about it, and she has no idea that it's a hush thing. Lol she will say I was humping lots in my bed and now I'm all hot. I need a glass of water. Sometimes when she has woken from nap and I've left her for a few minutes she will do it then to, and I'll try to go get her up and she will say no, I want to hump first. But usually she does it right at bedtime.

She refuses to take anything to bed except her blankets. She refused pillows for the longest time. If she has a toy in bed earlier in the day and finds it while trying to sleep she will yell for me to come right away! Like it's urgent or something. Lol and say "take this away!!" lol I've tried stuffed animals and cuddly dolls when her sleep was so horrible and have continued offering but she refuses. She has been willing a few times, but within 2 minutes of lights off she is telling me to take them away, and I can't just put them on the chair or somewhere. They have to go in the closet where they belong. But during the day she could care less where they get put.

She has been still hitting me when she doesn't like something. Thats been the only thing I put her in timeout without the warning. We tried the first few times to talk to her about it with no timeout, but it didn't help at all. So I've been telling her that it's ok to be mad at mommy, but she needs to use her words to tell me she is mad, and we don't use our hands for hitting. She has been taking jordans toys and refusing to give them back. If I give her a warning and say if she doesn't give it back I'm going to take the toy. If she listens then it's all done, we mention sharing and when Jordan is done with her turn she will share with Megan, etc. But if she doesn't listen and I take the toy away that's when she will hit me. Or if I tell her no she can't do something or have something she is getting really frustrated and hits. She has been more defiant lately and if we ask her to stop doing something, she won't listen. We always give a warning if we feel like timeout is the appropriate step, so she has a chance to decide to listen.
The pjs thing you were discussing what you do, but don't love it? That is exactly like us. We do the exact same as we can't figure out how to get her to cooperate sometimes. We either say either she gets pjs on now, or she doesn't get books before bed, or goodnight then, let's get into bed if you choose not to wear pajamas tonight. We do that throughout the day with things if she is refusing to cooperate. I try giving her choices, do you want to brush teeth first or put on pjs first? That used to work quite often, but isn't so much anymore. She just doesn't want to do either. Lol eta ... I also count to 3 and tell her what's expected by the time I count to 3 or xyz is the consequence.
Thanks for the reassurance! I tend to think he does not fall on the spectrum yet we have days like today when I'm completely flabbergasted and don't know what to think anymore!

Daisybee - Yes I think that is the questionnaire (the pdd assessment link you posted) I filled out for Arad's assessment. By reversing pronouns - I mean he tends to mix up "you" and "I". It's been two months since he has started using pronouns consistently so he's still in the early stages. As for showing empathy, I'm not sure what the norm is for this age group. He tends to cry when an adult is hurt or shrieking in pain but he does not offer comfort. Would you be so kind to shed some light on this topic? Arad's sleep habits are horrendous. For a while, he was waking up in the middle of the night (at 4/5 am in the morning). Now he is getting at best 8 to 9 hours a night with one or two wake ups in the middle. The pedi told me to put him on melatonin but I'm hesitant.

Omarsmum - Arad sounds a lot like Omar, except that he is pretty active/hyper - sounds like Omar is quite laid back. He does hide his face from strangers by snuggling against me but at the same time he is so shy that he often finds it difficult to look at them (this happens more when he's overtired). Today we were at a playgroup, our first day out after the holidays, lo and behold my son was so tired that he decided not to interact with anybody. He played in a corner with his cars while lying down on the floor the whole time. I am starting to get a bit concerned about this style of play. Has Omar ever played with his cars while keeping them at an eye level? I read somewhere that it's a sign of visual stim.
Hi shady! I'm so glad you're finding this thread helpful. I know I have. It's reassuring to hear that there are others who have similar concerns, and I've found myself feeling so much more positive about Alice because of it. How old is Arad?

Alice has never been attached to a comforter of any kind. She often has something in bed with her, but it changes every night, and is usually kicked out before morning.

Daisybee - It made me laugh to read about your OH pouringthe water in Megan's present. It sounds like something I would do! We currently have some cocoons, and when they were caterpillars, I was doing al the cleaning out etc. while Alice was hopping about trying to get involved. Poor girl! I'm working on that...

Call me Scrooge, but I'm so glad Christmas and New Year are done with. I'm happy to be back to our usual routines, and Alice seems so much more predictable. In fact, we went to a party yesterday and I was so proud of her. There were about 10 children in the house, and 6 adults. She didn't meltdown or shout at anyone. I must say, I'm quite proud of myself too, as I noticed warning signs early, and got her to an empty room to read her a book a couple of times. We played pass the parcel, and she was the last child to open a present. Most of the other children cried or got cross about passing it on, but she did it really well. She managed 2 hours before I could see she'd had enough. When we got home, she went straight to her room, and didn't come out for 2 hours, but she was happy when she did.

Oops, better pick her up from the childminder!

Hope everyone is doing well today! xx
Cutie- hope you all have a wonderful time on Christina's birthday, sounds very exciting.

Polaris- at bedtime Omar's blanket has to be aligned (I have no idea where he learned the word), his blanket has patterns, the patterns should he facing up, & the blanket should stay straight covering his feet, if he moves & it goes up his feet, he asks me to "align" it!

Daisybee- aw, those science projects sound like fun, I'd expect something similar from DH :rofl: he got really irritated when Omar was trying to help when he was fixing Omar's train track.

Shady- No Omar doesn't keep cars at eye level when he plays with them. He's not really into cars but he used to like wheels, he's more into girly stuff. He was laid back but not anymore, he's always on the run those days, so I guess it's something hormonal? He's totally different since he hit 3 yrs. he doesn't sit still for a sec. He's always on the run.
Have to go now, will post more later xx
Tacey - yes I'm secretly happy that the holidays are done with as well. I'm so glad that Alice managed well at the party, and really it's so amazing that she knows herself well enough to know that going in her room alone will help her!

Megans been using pronouns for quite a long time and still makes mistakes.Mine/me and we/us, some words should be started with N and she said M or vice versa. She doesn't pronounce l and r right either I don't think, quite often if r is the 2nd letter of the word. So that is pronounciation vs the wrong word, but She says "me's" instead of mine. So she says "it's me's" and someone will ask her who likes ice cream and she will say "us do!" those are the only words in her vocab that she seems to be getting wrong.

Megan has had more of an issue lately with getting dressed. She is panicking about her head and arms getting stuck. I'm sure it's all related to that one night that it happened with dh with pjs. She's also had times recently we were trying to get a coat over a shirt to to out and the shirt was too bulky or clinged to the coat so made her arms feel stuck. She is now starting to freak out whenever she is supposed to change her shirt or wear any coat at all. Pants, underwear, socks, shoes -zero issue. But so upset she looks like she might faint when even the thought of having to change her shirt is brought up and even worse when we start attempting. Yesterday was the worst it's been. Any ideas on what could help?

We went out yesterday and both girls did really well. Jordan is just as nosy as Megan. Lol whipping her head around if she hears something or sees someone walking by, lol. I've been looking into classes for the next few months and they are either at 9 am ( jordans am nap time), 12:30-2:30 hits both girls pm nap, 2:00 which hits jordans nap, or 6:30 which Megan never does well doing things at that time of night. She would be fine with the class I think, but I can't see her sleeping well then? And dh isn't always home by then, so jordans 7 pm bedtime... Don't know if she would handle pushing it back to 8, as by the time we got home and pjs, bottle, it would be 8. And yet I'm feeling like Megan needs to get out. And right now we have lots of snow and it's 10 degrees out so it's too chilly to be doing much outdoors besides a little snow play and coming in.

I had to post this link before I lose it! I have been googling because dh is worried about jordans shoulders. He doesn't feel like they are like how megans shoulders were as a baby and he wants me to bring it up to the dr. She is extremely flexible in her shoulders, sometimes when lifting her or holding her it seems like her arm extends behind her more than in front of her body. He has been noticing that it clicks a lot as well, which I haven't noticed. So with googling I came across hyper mobility and found this. Haha this is exactly megans fear thing. How odd is that!?!?!?

Btw - megan hated us touching her shoulders as a baby, they were always stiff and very jerky. She liked to stand with support from a very early age. Jordan is just getting to where she isn't collapsing her legs when we help her stand ( still is sometimes). I wonder if it's related? Anxiety Scale - Revised.pdf
Hi everyone, I'll post more and read throught the posts later on but I just want to rant really.

I've had such an awful day with Daisy. Her behaviour has been horrid. She hates change and I am pretty sure taking the Christmas decs down yesterday has triggered it. She always behaves badly when I have to go back to work and I think she must be thinking about me going back as we drove somewhere earlier and went the way we go to drop me off at work and Daisy started screaming 'No school mummy. Don't go to school mummy!'. She has seen me preparing work etc so I think she knows I will be going soon.

Tommy had his 12 month jabs and MMR today, 3 needles one after the other in his poor little legs and Daisy has been so horrible to him all day long. All I can think of is because he's been getting some of the attention, although we've been really careful not to give him too much attention for this very reason. If he goes anywhere near her she's been yelling at him and pushing his head and kicking him (not hard) in the back. She takes toys off him all the time, took his sippy cup off him and put it somehwere he couldn't reach it. There is a birthday song on cbeebies and she has been singing 'Go away Tommy lalalalala' in the tune of that song all day today :(.

She has been asking for a while to go on a bus so I took her into town on the bus and my hubby and Tommy met us there in the car. She loved the bus and was good as gold but when it was time to get off the bus she had a total meltdown. Screaming, sinking to her knees, refusing to come with me, refusing to hold hands. We had to put her in the car and come straight back home.

I'm so exhausted today. I am starting to think she really must have behavioural problems as her behaviour is not like the 3 year olds I see at work :(.
Jc :hugs: that sounds so much like megans meltdowns when we have change happening. ( Megan takes the stress of one thing, and a meltdown might be related to something totally different.) I actually remember taking the tree down last year, as it was such a HUGE ordeal! I think the process of taking it down was actually worse on her than having it gone ( although both upset her greatly) and I'm wondering if it would work best to take it down when she is sleeping? Unless that would cause her more anxiety of just waking up to find it gone? I don't know. Dh and I say a lot that Megan isn't like other kids. We don't see other kids having the meltdowns like she does. But I'm really starting to go back to the whole sensitive kid thing. I really think that is her main thing. I think things are more stressful for her because of the sensitivity and it can cause her anxiety. I told dh I'm going to reread the sensitive child book, and I'm also going to get out the others that seemed related that I haven't read yet.

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