Hi ladies

I was (still) so busy, sorry I wasn't able to post recently.
JC- daisy sounds exactly like Omar. We also have issues with potty training. Thankfully he's dry day & night now & he's in big boy pants but still no success with poop. He needs a nappy to poo.
As for food, his diet is limited, I gave up on trying new things, I just cook what he likes, he gets separate meals most of the time, I can't live on rice all week. I'm happy if he gets 3 out of his 5 a day. He eats well those days, & he asks for food, but only his favs. Dining out is a disaster, he doesn't like any food at restaurants. He will only eat short grain Australian rice at home- he's very picky.
He was similar to daisy when it comes to physical activities, but now he's much better. We go to 2 classes one a gym class & the other one is a soccer class, we spent half of the semester watching only, but at the end he started to join in, we registered again in the same classes, & we're starting again next week. I also try to take him out to the park almost everyday. The weather is good now. He likes to push toys while walking & those toys help him to run. He also likes to push his big buggy. At home I encourage him to run around instead of sitting all day. We play catch, hide & seek & we jump on the trampoline. He's more active & now he can cope much better when we go out for a full day. It's a great change. At 1st he used to whine & cry everytime we used to go out, dressing him was almost impossible.
My work partner who's a certified NLP trainer told me that new habits in kids take 15-30 days to become part of their routine, resistance to change is normal. But when you change habits they become the norm once those habits become part of their daily routine. She has a highly sensitive 8 yrs old son.
She told me that I did the right thing by taking Omar out everyday to socialize & play. I used to cuddle him in public when he used to end up with a meltdown, I used to reassure him that he will be ok, but I didn't give up, & I stopped leaving & taking him back home. Now he started to enjoy his time when we're out, he doesn't ask to go home anymore. We still cuddle & take quiet time when we're out, we sit in a corner & we watch from far, but we don't leave. It wasn't easy but it worked at the end.
Does she has a comforter? Omar doesn't but he asks us to carry him when he's overwhelmed & to hold him tight.
We still have issues with the hairdresser, shoe measuring, doctor, etc. he doesn't like strangers touching him. The last time we went to the hairdresser I took my cousin who's also 3 with us for a haircut. He went 1st, then Omar had his cut, he was a bit fussy but it was the 1st he had a haircut without meltdown. For shoe measuring, I do it myself outside the shop. He screams when we go into a shoe shop.