Sensitive kids group

Thank you! I've already got a plan to take her to the amazing patisserie round the corner straight after (mummy needs a treat too :D). I like the idea of getting something beforehand. A bit more solid for a 3 year old I think. I'm not sure how to explain it to her either. I don't want to tell her it won't hurt, because it probably will, but I don't want her to refuse before we start!
Tacey, we have them coming up - think Lizzie will be 3 yrs 4.5 months. I've already explained to her what will happen, we've role played with her doctors set...and I've promised her a cake of her choice and a magazine of her choice for being a brave girl. I much prefer to explain to her what's going to happen...obviously not in full detail...but she likes to process things and understand why things will happen. Springing it on her would never work well in Lizzie Land. She's actually become really obsessed with her doctors set, so I'm hoping this will help.

We have an exceedingly old and friendly cat, who is back...and who Lizzie loves. She just can't stand any other animal! She freaks out at the chickens...and I had to carry her past a sparrow the other day. I've no idea where this has come from AT all. She's always been wary of wolves and foxes...due to her stories...but that's understandable. But birds...cats...dogs.

Lizzie is hard work today. All I've had is 'don't want to'...she's been riling ally on purpose and generally hard work. I have no idea why.
I was very honest about Megans shot a few weeks back. We started talking about it the day before as I wanted to let her know exactly what to expect but not worry about it for a week. Very similar to what I did with this dr appt. She did fine during that appt, which makes me think that some of her issues with the fast care nurse and dr, and yesterdays nurse and dr are related to remembering the shot.

Eta - we play dr a lot, one of her favorite things. She even wanted to play it yesterday after her ordeal. Lol so that didn't help her, but maybe it will help others.
I'm so glad you have come so far with things in the past months. I myself am in a much different place. I think that 3 things are the reason... Jordan getting older - makes everything easier. Telling my mom how I felt really helped me. I stopped feeling sorry for myself about that situation and stopped being upset at her. Forgiving her was a big thing for me. And talking with all of you. I've felt alone with everything with megan. Even my friends, we don't talk about all of these things as it's hard to talk about without sounding like complaining, no one seems to understand when I have said something anyway. It's really reassuring to have others relate and be a sounding board and realize I'm not crazy. Megan overwhelms me at times and it's hard to know how to react to that feeling.
Tennis gal - :hugs: we've had lots of difficult days lately so I can sympathize. It's hard when sometimes there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. Dh says there is never a reason, it's just who she is.

That must be tough to handle being scared of all of those animals. Maybe the wolf and fox thing has now just spread further... Like Megan didn't like washing hair, then moved to getting any water on her head at all. :shrug:
I am really scared about Daisy's injections too. I actually don't think they will be able to do them. She is terrified of doctors and dentists. She has to be held down to be given calpol even. She was upset when she saw the 3 pieces of tape on Tommy's legs after his jabs and even now a few weeks on she still talks about 'poor Tommy's sore legs after his injections'. Bribery just doesn't work with Daisy either.

TG: We've had a difficult day with Daisy today too. She didn't sleep again last night. Her cough woke her up many times and hubby had to sleep in her bed with her all night. I havent slept in the same bed as my hubby for over a week now as one of us has to get in with Daisy every night. If she doesn't start sleeping through again soon we'll have to write off TTC this month :lol:! Anyway, she was being difficult as soon as she was up this morning. When hubby picked her up from pre-school they said she had been fine but had needed to be reminded to share a few times. Being a teacher I know that probably means she hasn't behaved very well there today. (She did use the toilet though). Then she's been mean to Tommy all afternoon. He is so placid and sweet natured and laid back and it doesn't really seem to bother him but it is upsetting when she is taking his toys etc for no reason at all. She wet herself twice this afternoon which is weird because apart from one accident at nursery on her first proper day she hasn't wet herself at all for over a month. Then she wouldn't eat any tea at all and because I took her plate away after she'd sat there not eating it for 45 minutes she poked me hard in the chin with a fork. It really hurt and is a very dangerous thing to do so I was cross with her about that. She's never done anything like that before :(.
Daisybee- :hugs:, this dr sounds awful! So sorry you had a tough time, Omar cries nonstop at the DH's clinic :( he knows the way to the dr & he knows the building. We tried everything, it's his paed since was a baby but each & every visit is still stressful.

As for her eating issue, follow your instinct Hun, it doesn't sound right. Did you try to get a referral to a nutritionist? Maybe some preventive actions if you suspect reflux? Like taking certain types of food out of her diet & see how it goes?

So sorry about the other thread :hugs: try to ignore the nasty comments.

JC- :yay: glad she's using the toilet at the nursery, this is a big step!

TG- Omar is ok with pets & animals, he's cautious around them but he's not scared. But I'm scared of any sort of animals, I panic if a cat is around, I can't get close to birds, I feel anxious & I feel that I want to leave. Dogs are ok but from far. My friend had to lock her cat in the bathroom when I visited as I couldn't sit with the cat moving around

:hugs: so sorry you had a difficult day. we do have difficult days, he tests our patience, he whines a lot & says no to everything!

Tacey- no advice regarding the DH's visit, Omar is due to a booster but I'm postponing it as I don't have the energy to deal with it. I take him to a play area or to a park after the DH's visit. I can't bribe him with food, it never worked. I tell him that the dr is our friend, & once we're done he can choose the place he wants to go to. He cries his head out during the visits, but once we're done, he says bye bye to the dr & he tells him where he's going later.

Today was good in general, but we had a huge tantrum when I took down the curtains of his play room to wash them! I tried to engage him in everything, but once they were in the washing machine he started to cry & say "I don't have nice curtains anymore, I want my curtains back!" It took him 30 mins to finally calm down. He does the same everytime I have to wash his cover. It's about the light as they are decorative curtains, they don't keep the light out of the room. But he doesn't like any sort of change.
As soon as she actually starts eating things then I'm going to cut out citrus, tomato sauce. We are going to raise the head of her bed as well. She really is only eating yogurt, pudding, jello, ice cream, milk, apple juice. Today at lunch she put a bite of waffle in her mouth and chewed it for a bit ( which is great!) but then spit it out. She was saying she was hungry during nap and not sleeping so I brought her some cottage cheese and she ate a few bites tiny bites. That is progress! Breakfast today I offered a blueberry muffin and strawberries, yogurt, milk. She licked a strawberry, had some milk and some yogurt ( didn't finish it). That was it. She had a few oz diluted apple juice mid morning. She saw me eating pepperoni stick midmorning and said she wanted it, I told her what it was and she changed her mind ( hasn't liked pepperoni the past few months - before she did). I asked if she wanted a cheese stick instead. She only licked and sucked on it though. Didn't actually eat any of it. 11 am she said she was hungry and started going through the cupboards, she then decided food didn't sound good so she wanted to play with water in the bathroom sink vs eat lunch. Lunch I offered her veggie soup, chicken lunchmeat, cottage cheese, rasberries, waffles w strawberry syrup. She tried the soup one bite but didn't eat any veggies in that bite. Had the chewing of one bite waffle, then licked the syrup off the plate. She drank some of her milk. ( 1%)

She did gain weight on ice cream and pediasure... As she is 29 lbs again! Is that really possible? She was 27 1/2 lbs or whatever without shoes at fast care, 28 with shoes on a different scale at fast care. She was 29.2 here at home before Xmas for forever. Then after Xmas was 28. Then last week was 27 even. Now today 29? :dohh: She hasn't had pediasure since last week - none over the weekend, and have stopped the ice cream as well. But going to continue offering yogurt during a meal or pudding afterwards. ( as in pudding, not dessert - do some of you call dessert pudding?)

My other thought is that maybe it started off as a fear but then now without eating her reflux is getting worse. As she is coughing sounding like she is coughing on spit up, hiccups, urping, many times a day. Before this whole thing I was often, but not all the time like this. So maybe it's now just making things worse? Maybe if she does have reflux its less noticeable when she is eating more solids. She has been eating a lot more citrus and drinking orange juice after Xmas. We had also been making more foods like chili and tacos. Maybe she doesn't handle those things well?

It is helpful to me to hear that others have issues with the dr as well. We are supposed to have her first dentist visit this spring ( both dentist and dr recommend between 3-4 years for first visit) and I really cant imagine that going well.
I also keep forgetting... Megans diaper has been smelling horrible this past week. I was going to call the nurse about it. I'm guessing maybe all of her diet being dairy based? Its not ammonia smell, it's different, very strong. And it's not bright colored or anything. ( it's her overnight diaper... So assume I would notice it during the day except she is potty trained?)
Does it smell when she wees in the toilet? When Omar started to wake up dry in the morning his nappy started to smell in the morning. As he's dry at night, when he wees in the toilet 1st thing in the morning his wee has a strong smell. So maybe she's having more control over her bladder when she's asleep & she only wees once she wakes up?
I don't know if I explained it right :rofl:

I was told that when kids start to have bladder control overnight, there is a hormone that releases in their body during the night, this is why their morning wee usually have a stronger smell, but it's not smelly during the day.
It's not an ammonia pee smell... Is that what his is like? It's been only this past week that it's smelled odd. So it's a stronger smell but also very different smell. There have been time in the past where it was obvious from how warm her diaper was that it was peeing right when she woke, but this isn't obvious like that.

I ended up calling and talking to a nurse who is going to discuss it with her ped. She looked at the notes from yesterday and said the dr did look at her throat and saw nothing remarkable. Either dr or nurse is going to call me back.
My first thought was the strong smell may be because she's not eating/drinking much so the urine may be more concentrated, but I'm thinking maybe it would be darker colored if that were the case. Can you see if she has any rash or anything? Perhaps a bit of infection? Christina had a yeast infection once that made her urine smell odd.

Christina is very afraid of dogs. She used to like them and pet them when she was very small. But once when she was about 18 months old a very large dog ran up from nowhere (startling us all) and knocked her down and stood over her licking her face. From then on she really freaks out when a dog comes anywhere near us. She's ok from a far distance, but if one comes within about 10 feet she has to be held. Now that she has better verbal skills she's been able to tell us she doesn't like dogs because they try to lick her. We've tried to tell her that some dogs are nice dogs, but no luck so far, and tbh, I don't blame her as I'm sure that was terrifying for her. She startles at other animals, likes cats/squirrels, but I don't think she's afraid of them.

I'm also nervous about Christina's first dentist appt - it's scheduled for March. Originally she was excited about going to the dentist - she actually enjoys flossing her teeth, crazy kid - I think she doesn't like the feel of food in her teeth. I think because the appt is so far away (they were booked for a couple months) she's losing excitement and the last few times I mentioned it she said she doesn't want to go. The lady I spoke to though said that the first visit is really just to let the child get used to the dentist and the office, and they won't force anything. She said they would like to look at her teeth, and if things are going well then they may attempt to do a cleaning, but they don't do anything the child doesn't want to because they want it to be a pleasant experience for them so that in the future they enjoy coming. I'm hoping I can find someone to watch Caitlyn so I can take Christina by myself to this first one.

TG and JC, :hugs: for the rough day - we have days like that too.
So the nurse called back after talking to the dr and says "Megan is FINE. I got the impression that the dr is annoyed that I'm caring about her not eating. She says symptoms of a bladder infection like a fever, etc. Well I'm not saying she has a bladder infection. Just wanted to make sure it was considered normal.

We got the pills today, well they are capsules. I'm supposed to open them and put them with applesauce ( which she won't eat ) so they said yogurt was ok if I needed to. Well she knew it was in there and refused to eat anymore. I tried putting one in milk and the little beads don't dissolve, it's like putting hard sprinkles in it! :dohh: so I have no way of her getting any.
Oh no, that's awful. :( Do they not make that medication in liquid form so you could just squirt it in the back of her throat?
I will check for a rash and signs of yeast infection tomorrow. I didn't notice any tonight but we were rushing bedtime, she didn't nap today and she was a hyper mess by dinner. This lack of eating stinks!!! It's so tough as she doesn't handle not eating well.

Megan likes some dogs but doesn't like barking or any kind of noise a dog would make. Dog noises make her startle and tense up. Quiet dogs she is ok with.

I personally don't like dogs. My uncles dog came running across the lawn to bite my yougest brother in the shoulder when I was young and it's never left me. Ironically that brother has big dogs. Lol

I've wondered about having Megan see a pediatric dentist vs my dentist. Her appt is march too. Mil was telling me about my sil when she was young. She went to the dentist and refused to keep her mouth open for the dentist or something so he held his hand over her mouth forcing her to. It really freaked her out. She then brought her to a pediatric dentist who told mil that he couldn't even look at her teeth until she got her tonsils and anoids out. They were the worst ones he had seen and anytime she opened her mouth in the right position her entire airway would close. So basically the first dentist was suffocating her and no wonder she was so terrified. She was a stick before the surgery and gained LOTS of weight right afterwards as she could finally eat well.
The $221 one was a dissolvable one it sounded like. I can't imagine paying that much for acid relief? I'm going to call them tomorrow and see if their is any other option. Even an over the counter one in liquid to see if it helps at all.
I am taking Christina to a pediatric dentist. I figured they know better what to look for and also their offices seem to be more kid-friendly (i.e. toys, videos, etc.). The one we're trying out came highly recommended from some friends of ours, so I'm hoping Christina will like her.
Did you try to blend it with milk & fruits? I might break? Like a smoothie?
I'm going to call them today and ask if that's ok, it says on the directions not to crush them and to eat without chewing them so not sure if its taste or why you aren't supposed to. She really isnt eating smoothies though, a sip or 2 at most and those were mostly ice cream and yogurt and milk. When I've added fruit she hasn't even been willing to try. :nope: stubborn girl!!! So if they taste horrible, it won't be enough to mask the taste I'm sure.

Jordan woke with teething t 3:45 and moaned trying to settle - not even crying, and yet she woke Megan who never went back to sleep. It's hard enough dealing with her when she isn't eating, let alone lack of sleep. Ugh!

Dh gave my dad a ride to the hospital this morning, he had stayed with us last night. My uncle was supposed to drive him, but with bad weather my dad wanted to get here last night vs this morning and my uncle didn't like that idea so said no he wouldn't drive him. :dohh: my dad always has driven people for appts when they are too sick or injured to drive themselves up here ( it's a major hospital by us so a lot get seen here) including my uncle who has had migraine issues in the past. Dad has drove him dozens of times, and now he needs someone and None of them could help drive him up. That doesn't sit right with me. So I'm picking dad up after he is done today and playing nurse, he will go home tomorrow if he is feeling ok to drive. Weve had. 1/4 -'1/2 inch of ice on the ground, mixture of rain, sleet, freezing rain,and snow. Schools have been canceled all week so far. And it was supposed to snow again early this morning.
Are the capsules huge? I don't suppose there's any way that she would just swallow it whole? I think I might try this with Thomas in that situation, just explain to him that it was his medicine and it would help him feel better but that it needed to get to his tummy to be able to work. And then just explain to him step by step, that he needed to put it in his mouth and not chew it and then take a big drink of water (or whatever) and when he swallowed the water then the medicine would go down too. And that it would probably feel a bit funny going down his throat like a lump and if that happened he needed to take another drink to get it to go down all the way to his tummy. If the capsules are huge it might not work but I think I would give it a try if there's no other way to get her to take it.

So sorry that Megan woke so early too, lack of sleep and not eating not a good combination. You have so much going on at the moment, it must be just such a worry about Megan, I feel quite worried about her myself to be honest, I really hope you find something that works to get her eating again. And I agree that it sucks that no-one would drive your dad especially when he's helped them out in the past.

ETA - ignore suggestions above, just googled it and apparently not that simple for young children to learn how to swallow pills. Really hope you find a solution. Could you try to get Megan on board with thinking of a way that she can take the medicine?

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