Sensitive kids group

Quick update: it went great :happydance:

I said good bye & gave hima cuddle & a kiss hen I left, he said ok, he didnt even cry or give me a second look!!

When I came back to pick him up at 11 he was sitting on the floor listening to a story. I asked his teacher & she told me he was as good as gold. He refused to eat, he didnt participate but he was ok & didn't even ask for us.

When he saw us he didn't want to leave, he went on playing with the kitchen & supermarket. He didnt leave until we promised to bring him back tomorrow, he wants to go there everyday

So proud of him :cloud9:
Yay!! That is such great news. It is such a relief when it goes well isn't it? I'm so happy for you, especially after your horrible experiences last year.
Glad to hear about the other preschool experiences! Glad omars first day went well! Polaris - I'm sure it's a big transition... Megan is only doing 2 days this year and I think that's plenty! I wouldn't see why 3 days til Xmas would be bad? Dh ended up taking last week off... So that's why I was Mia! We ended up doing some fun things with the girls and then had a garage sale ( again :dohh: ) last weekend.

Yesterday was megans first day of preschool. She woke at 5am and was yawning by 7:15 lol. But it could have been worse. She was so excited to go. I'm sure the build up was a lot for her even though we tried to downplay it all. I heard only from the teacher that she fell on the playground which is half of what Megan talked about all day ( similar to daisy with how she responds when hurt) the older kids are on the playground at the same time which I don't like at all. They told her scary monsters were in the play tunnel and told her she wasn't allowed on the top of the slide with them. It was a huge deal for Megan. But otherwise it does sound like she had fun and she wants to go back tomorrow so I think it's going fine. She looked like a hot overstimulated mess when I picked her up... Hoping that's not all the teachers saw! The teachers didn't say anything to me about how she was... Only about her falling so I'm hoping we get more feedback than that!

We got a brochure about a dance class and looked it up online. Megan said "I want to do that!!!!!" so we signed her up. That was also yesterday after a nap. She loved it! They say it is a ballet, jazz, and tap dance group ages 3-7. There were only 6 girls and mix of ages for 45 minutes. It is perfect for her. Structured enough she doesn't feel totally crazy ( they have a piece of tape to stay at during most times of dancing in the line... That helped her.. She looked for her tape more than any of the other kids. Lol)

The past week or so has been rough in the evenings and nights for her, so I've been in her bed a lot. Lst night was there all evening until 11. I feel like maybe she is a bit insecure?

I was going to sign Jordan up for a toddler class that we would do together while megan is in Tuesday preschool. But after yesterday realized how nice it is to be home without Megan here. Lol :blush: is that horrible? Jordan is so different from Megan. Less intense. It was nice to be just here and it be calmer. I think that would benefit me more than class would benefit Jordan right now.

And yes... I think I'm stretched too thin. Dh wondered if I'm depressed. I'm not sure that's it... But I think overwhelmed mixed with grief? I also realized and tried to explain to dh who doesn't understand at all - I need time away from Megan. When she is so clingy and wants to cuddle all evening I almost want to push her away as I need space and not getting it at all. It's like she is smothering me and it's hard to handle. I think maybe it's because of my introvert... And no time for me to be alone. Dh thought I was nuts for thinking this way and made me feel bad for feeling this way. But it's like she sucks me dry and I am so glad to have a bit of time away from her. I'm hoping evenings and nights go back to how they were as I can't keep staying with her all night. Omarsmum - I can't imagine cosleeping this whole time. It would be too much for me.
Daisybee, I know exactly what you mean about needing space and wanting to physically push them away when they are being constantly clingy and on top of you. I totally get like this with Thomas. Like it is just too much and I can't breathe. When it was really bad, I had to teach him to ask me for a hug instead of just climbing on to me because when he just climbed up on me unexpectedly I totally couldn't cope with it and I did push him away a few times. Actually though, this has got a lot better in recent months. I think part of it is that he is getting on much better with his dad now, whereas a few months ago he didn't want anything to do with his dad and I had to do everything. He is just less clingy in general and more independent. I think we are in more of an equilibrium phase now after the disequilibrium of 3.5 years.

I also know what you mean about the house being relaxed without Megan. When I spend time on my own with just Clara I honestly feel like I am on holiday! She is very undemanding and laid back and she is really just a pleasure to spend time with. Thomas is too obviously but in a much more intense and demanding way. Clara is also much more independent than Thomas. When we are out somewhere, Clara is usually off doing her own thing whereas Thomas usually wants me very closely involved with whatever he's doing. She's not independent at night though. I can imagine that I will be still cosleeping with her at 3 years. Sometimes I think that all of her dependency needs come out at night.
I also know what you mean about the house being relaxed without Megan. When I spend time on my own with just Clara I honestly feel like I am on holiday! She is very undemanding and laid back and she is really just a pleasure to spend time with. Thomas is too obviously but in a much more intense and demanding way. Clara is also much more independent than Thomas. When we are out somewhere, Clara is usually off doing her own thing whereas Thomas usually wants me very closely involved with whatever he's doing.

This is EXACTLY Tommy too. He is just so easy compared to Daisy. It is difficult to know whether he is particualrly undemanding or if he is 'normal' and it really puts just how demanding Daisy is into persepctive.

Pre-school sent home her learning journey book for me to look at today. They know I never get the chance to see it at the pre-school due to work and they also know that I do them for the kids I teach so I am especially interested and I contribute to Daisy's a lot. There are LOADS of references to her getting really really distressed if she gets very dirty or she hurts herself. I thought the dirty hands and clothes thing was over and done with but obviously it is quite an issue at pre school. I am well aware she can't cope with hurting herself but again from reading the learning journal I think she must be well beyond the realms of what they expect in that area. The rest of it is really lovely though. She is a naturally very clever girl in terms of reading, writing, maths etc and I think they are surprised she can do so much but is so needy in so many other ways. She's a complex character that's for sure!

I hope Thomas is continuing to enjoy pre-school Polaris.

It sounds like Megan enjoyed her experience Daisybee. I don't like the sound of the big kids being in their play area though. That sounds like it would be difficult for any three year old to deal with.

I am so happy to hear how well Omar is doing Omar's mum. I know how anxious you were about him starting and it sounds like he's doing great. I loved the photo of him in his uniform!

How has Tom's behaviour been Hattie? Has he continued with his better behaviour. Daisy had a horrendous day yesterday but has been better today.
Dh and I have both said that compared to a lot of kids that jordan isn't easy. The fact that she won't sleep anywhere including the car! She is very distractible and right now full on tantrums ( already!!!!) but compared to Megan she is just so much easier. She is more laid back in general. She is more quiet... Megan isn't quiet for one moment from the moment she wakes til she falls asleep. Seriously... Not one moment! It's constant talking, asking questions, singing, making up songs or rhymes. Jordan will be silent for 5 minutes at a time and that's normal for her. So it was VERY quiet here without Megan. The intensity from Megan is hard for me to handle. Thank you Polaris for saying about pushing thomas away. That makes me feel better. It's exactly how I feel at times. And yes asking for a hug vs just coming and smothering me. It's like she needs to invade space sometimes for her to feel like she has my 100% attention. I wonder if she takes those deep emotions for love and takes that to a very physical level? And yes lately has been clingy and definite Disequilibrium.

That book sounds interesting jc... We don't have anything like that... Is it a journal you send back and forth writing about what happens to each other? I would love to get input from the school but it doesn't seem like that happens here.
That book sounds interesting jc... We don't have anything like that... Is it a journal you send back and forth writing about what happens to each other? I would love to get input from the school but it doesn't seem like that happens here.

Most pre-schools do them over here. It is a folder or a book where the pre-school documents the time the child spends there. They put photos in of the child engaged in activities, write observations about things the child has done and their learning and development and put in paintings and work they have done and things like that. I do them for my school kids so know exactly how it works so for Daisy's I often write down things that she has done at home for the pre-school to put in or I send in photos of special things she has done. The pre-school will use it to inform their assessments and then when she's finished the parent gets to keep it.
HI :hi: ladies

Omar is not doing so good looool, he's crying daily. I will comment & update tomorrow, there are loads of stuff going on.

JC they do something similar here to track progress

TC ladies :hugs:
Omarsmum, I'm really sorry to hear that, this is what I was dreading with Thomas (and I'm not sure that he is totally settled yet but so far it has been much better and easier than I expected). Poor Omar, what do you think it is that is bothering him? Do you think it is the separation or is there something about the place that he doesn't like or is it just that the change is difficult for him? I think it is such a big jump to go straight into full days five days a week, he is possibly just totally overwhelmed? :hugs: It's not easy.
Im sorry Omar isn't doing well!! Big hugs!

I'm actually annoyed about things. I want to be excited about school and for some reason I just dont feel that way. I have gotten zero feedback from the teachers. Pickup time is passing each child to parent in the hall and saying bye, see you next week! And that's it!? And no sheet saying what they did or how she did. No notebook... Nothing like that. She has a bag she brings to and from each time and she brings her paintings and such home each day.

She has only been 2ce but I'm feeling like it's just so easy. Its not abcs or writing or anything. They dont do that til 4 year old rooms. They sang 1 song today... A song about germs that isn't a song that will be sung again. She loves songs and finger plays and those type things and this teacher doesn't seem to do much with that sort of thing. They talked about germs and washing hands today. Things out in stations were simple ideas which maybe is ok. Nothing that seemed like it was going to challenge her in the slightest. Should it challenge her a bit or just be fun? They had chocolate milk today and that annoyed me. They are 3.. Why do they need chocolate vs white milk for a snack? She doesn't handle chocolate well. And outdoor play again today the older kids told her "NO!!!" when she tried to play on the twisty slide. Where is the teacher?! And why are 3 year olds new to preschool on a playground filled with older kids? And how much supervision is she getting outside if all these other kids are all over the place?

Dh thinks I'm being silly and that we probably won't ever get feedback her whole time in school... 1-12 grade. Well I'm paying for this. It is connected to the school, but it's not mandatory and preschool you have to pay for. And I just want to feel excited about preschool. I liked her class we went to this summer, and the evening one we went to last spring... I don't feel that way right now. And yet I don't know what to do about it. :shrug: dh says let's leave her in there a month and then talk more about if she should stay or look for something else? Well that's not a great time either for finding another option!

Which thread had the pic of Omar?
Polaris- I think Omar is bored there. I do have many concerns but it seems that I'm very picky when it comes to schools. 1st day went well as it was something new for him, on induction day they divided kids into two groups, half attended on Monday, & the other half on Tuesday, there were only 7 kids on Tuesday with 1 kid only crying, so it didn't really bother Omar. He didn't do anything, he didn't eat but he didn't cry which was a good sign.

Day 2 was another story, 1st he refused to go into the class, his teacher tried to pull him in & it really annoyed him. I asked her to stop & told her that I will handle it. I was able to get him to go into the class, he refused to sit in the class & asked me to stay, I told him that I will go then come back, at that point his eyes started to fill with tears, he pulled a chair, sat alone waiting for me, he gave me a hug & a kiss but he was in tears. I think he was overwhelmed from the number of kids in the class, there were around 6 kids crying & it didn't help in making him feel better. We were 5 mins late when we came back to pick him up, when he saw other parents coming to pick up their kids he started crying & asking for us.

When I asked his teacher how he was doing, she told me he was fine but he was crying on & off, she told me that he refused to eat, she told him if he eats his food she will bring mummy!! she's sending a wrong message to the kid & she was lying! I wasn't happy about that. I told her clearly to just put the food in front of him, & if he doesn't want to eat it is ok for me, he will eat when he feels ready to eat at school.

They didn't do anything that day, Omar got bored, he didn't want to play with the toys, he has loads of toys at home, nothing seemed interesting to him other than the big play kitchen which is in the outside play area.

Day 3 he didn't cry when I left, but when he got tired he cried he was saying I want my mum, I miss my mum I need a cuddle & a kiss. Then he stopped while saying I'm a big boy I will not cry.

I honestly don't think they're handling it right, the teacher & the TA were trying to soothe the kids who were crying while ignoring the other kids, they were carrying them, holding them on their laps & rocking them. I don't think kids who miss their mums need this, I think they need to be left alone to cool down. From my experience with Omar it adds to his frustration.

They didn't do anything interesting to distract the kids, I mean it could have been as simple as taking out some paint or playing some music & encourage the kids who weren't crying to do some activities or dance. But they did nothing!

I also think his teacher is quite old, she's around 50-55. I don't think she has the energy IMO, she doesn't have this look of an enthusiastic teacher, she looked bored & disconnected. She's British with loads of experience in teaching pre-schoolers but that's not enough.

JC- I'm interested to know how do you handle crying kids on day 1.

Omar still wants to go back, when we left on day 3 he cried in the car as he wanted to go back. I also think he's not eating enough this is why he's getting tired. 1st day I was able to give him a big hot meal, but day 2 & 3 he barely ate in the morning. On Sunday when he goes back I will make sure that he eats a big meal before he goes. He's sleeping well at night, at home when he comes back he doesn't stop! his behavior is amazing, no crying or tantruming. He has loads of energy, he jumps on the trampoline, he rides his balance bike he plays with toys, etc.

My friend advised me to make a small box with him & fill it with cuddles & kisses, he can use his cuddles box when he feels tired & needs those cuddles.

My concerns: The age of his teacher & he attitude, I wasn't happy when she tried to lie to him to encourage him to eat, & I also didn't like it when she tried to pull him in. She didn't even hold his hand, she grabbed his arm! I know it was week one only, this is why I'm giving it another week before raising my concerns. I had a talk with another mum & she also have similar concerns. We're paying loads, it's one of the most expensive schools in the country

I will wait a week to see how things go, maybe when the kids are a bit settled & they start some structured activities things would get better. Again I'm trying to look at the big picture, his teacher is new, it's her 1st time teaching here in the country, she might be a bit anxious & lost, I mean it's a new culture for her, so I'm giving her some time before taking any action.

I'm more relaxed this time, he doesn't seem distressed which is a good sign, I mean he was difficult at Kidville although eh knew everyone there, he needs some time to warm up & join in. I'm considering it as sending him to a play school, if there are no major issues, I will try not to bother myself with small details. I mean I'm very picky & I look into details, I know I will not be 100% happy with any place. This is the best option we have for now.

I don't want Omar to learn anything at this stage, I just want him to settle & socialize, he seems to like it.

Daisybee- I understand what you're saying, I also think it's too easy & not challenging for a kid like Omar, the only time he showed interest is when the Arabic teacher came in to read them a story, his Arabic is not so good compared to his English so it was something new for him & interesting. They will introduce letters & numbers but they will not teach them. I'd also have a concern about older kids playing in the same area with younger kids, I thought pre-KG kids should have a separate play area? Here KG1 have a separate play area (indoor & outdoor), KG2 students attend classes in the primary school building.

We didn't get a feedback this week, they're starting from next week I think, parents are forcing themselves on the teacher when they come to pick up their kids :rofl:

I really hope it get better next week when they start to do something.

JC- regarding getting dirty & the mess, I also thought Omar is more relaxed about it, they had sandboxes on day 1, Omar refused to touch the sand & he told them that his hands will get dirty, he loves to play with sand, he asks to go to the beach to make a sand castle but at school it's different. I think when we're around he knows that mummy with wash his hands/shower him when he's done, but he still doesn't build a trust relationship with his teachers.

I'm glad you're all having some peace & time to concentrate on your younger kids, I only have one so I don't know how it feels, but as I've already started several courses this month I do appreciate the me time without Omar at home all day. He's going to bed at 7 pm looool, never happened before. I have time to go to the gym in the morning & study after he goes to bed, when he's around I cant do a thing as he requires loads of attention.
We don't get any feedback from the preschool either. I think we will only hear something if they think there is a problem. I asked her this morning how she thought he was settling in, and she said that he is fine, that he is "a bit shy" with the other children but that he is playing with other people and settling in OK. To be honest I don't really want him doing any formal learning yet because I think he's too young. I think it is good for him to socialize a bit and to get used to being in a large group of children and that is the main thing for him for this year. I think if I was paying for him to go I would expect more feedback.

Omarsmum, I totally agree that no place is going to be perfect. I have a few small issues with Thomas's preschool too (which is part of the reason why I am not sending him every day) but on the whole I think it's a good place and a positive atmosphere. I wouldn't have been happy about the teacher trying to make him eat (especially by lying to him!!) or about her grabbing his arm.

Daisybee, I would have been very annoyed about the chocolate milk. That just seems so unnecessary! Does Megan seem to like the preschool? Maybe it's OK that it's not really exciting, maybe it's enough if it's an OK place and it gives you a bit of a break and some time to concentrate on Jordan?
Great points Polaris - thank you :) I don't want Megan doing formal learning either... But I thought more finger plays, songs, more art, etc. So not challenging to her in that way if that makes sense. I knew they wouldnt be writing, etc was just trying to explain to you guys that they werent. The first day they painted her hands for her and she plopped them on a piece of paper that the teacher preprinted a saying about handprints. It wasn't challenging or interesting to Megan in the slightest. Cute yes but no creativity on her part. But it was the first day so I need to realize that was probably mostly just playing. As it's not about her bringing home busy sheets, I just want her to be creative, have fun, and use her imagination. Maybe as time goes on they will do more. I was expecting more as far as the centers go. Not curriculum but things that would be interesting. She has been challenged more at story time in the library :)

And yes no news is good news :) and maybe she is handling things so well because it's not super exciting and over the top. So that too is probably a good thing. Megans teacher is older as well omarsmum ( 60s) and her daughter is the assistant who is 5 months pregnant so she won't be there the whole year. I feel like their is a definite energy difference with the teacher and dh thinks she is really my main issue- just not loving the teacher and once upset about megans playground the first day I'm finding reasons to be annoyed and he is probably right. Im not loving the playground stuff - but they aren't outside for long so I'm hoping she finds something else to want to do while out there. It does worry us that she needs more supervision at the playground than other 3 year olds and im sure they dont know this. She has horrible bruises on her knees from when she fell at the playground tuesday, I'm hoping that slows her down a bit. I told her we can go to the playground tomorrow when there isn't school and she can go on that slide.

Omarsmum - hunger affects Megan a lot. So if he isn't eating at school that could be affecting him. I wouldn't be happy with those things either but I agree about waiting and seeing how it goes. And I will follow my own advice! :haha: I would think they should distract the crying kids. One girl at megans class was crying at drop off and they got her involved in an activity.

And yes a break is fantastic! She is saying she likes it. She is very insecure at bedtime still, last night ended up wanting her door left open which she has never done or asked for. She also is saying if she wakes at night can she come sleep with us which I've said of course as I thought that's what she does anyway most of the time, so wonder if she was awake one night that I didn't know and was scared?
I think I forgot to mention that Thomas is now cosleeping with OH full-time (and I am cosleeping with Clara). He just seems to need the extra security at night at the moment. He says that he prefers sleeping with daddy because then there is someone to mind him at nighttime.
JC- I'm interested to know how do you handle crying kids on day 1.

I normally teach children who are 4 and 5 but this year I am teaching the pre-school attached to our school so the children I teach are the same age as our little ones so I can give a good insight into it all. We have 4 groups of children: some come all day Monday, all day Tuesday and half day Wednesday, some come half day Wednesday, all day Thursday and all day Friday, some come 5 mornings and some come 5 afternoons. The sessions add up to 15 hours a week.

We have 54 children at the moment. 27 are new starters who turned 3 over the summer and all the rest are 3 approaching 4 and were in the pre-school already before the summer.

Out of 27 children we have only had two who cry. One little girl lets me take her from her mum and I sit with her and cuddle her for 5 minutes to soothe her before handing her over to one of the teaching assistants who will then get her settled at an activity. This works best for her. The other is a boy whose parents stay with him for about 10 or 15 minutes and then sneak off when he is engaged in something. When he realises they have gone he will cry which always escalates into a full scale meltdown, kicking, screaming, the works. He doesn't want to be comforted. We tried sitting with him, having him on our lap, trying to get him to play, reading a story, going into the sensory room which is a quiet soothing environment, taking him outside to play but he doesn't want any of it. He just wants to be left alone so after checking with his parents that it is okay to do that we just leave him be, although we stay close by, and he will tantrum for a while and then gradually calm doen and then as soon as he's calm we lead him to an activity and then he's okay. Different things work for different kids. We had more mums than kids crying on their first day by far!

In terms of the activities and how stimulating they are I'll tell you what I had set up today so you can compare it with your child's pre-school and see if it is similar.

Playdough area: baking trays, bun cases, toy oven, recipe books, decorations and playdough to do pretend baking with.

Art area: ready mix paint, mini mixing pallets so the children could mix their own colours, sponges to print with and paper cut into different shapes.

Small world area: I set up a large tray filled with white glitter and fake snow. I froze loads of big blocks of ice to put in and then added plastic arctic animals to play with. I put information books about the animals into the area too.

Construction area: Set it up like a building site. We had a toy cement mixer, wheel barrows, tool kits, hard hats and overalls and a range of different things to build with.

Water area: I made a swamp by adding green food colouring to the water, green glitter, weeds and then some dinosaurs.

Sand area: I buried loads of natural resources in the sand: shells, stones, pine cones etc and different digging tools and baskets to sort them into.

Maths area: We had a number matching card game out that one of the teaching assistants was leading for anyone who wanted to play.

Writing area: Dry wipe boards, pens and rubbers and alphabet stencils to draw round. Children's laminated name cards available if they wanted to write over the top of them.

Role play area: Set up as a kitchen with cooker, washer, ironing board, dressing up clothes, play food, dolls, prams etc.

Light box: I put out different coloured and shaped glass beads onto the light box for the children to sort and make patterns with.

Creative area: I led an activity where the children used mirrors to look closely at their reflection and then we used collage materials and a paper plate to make their face.

Table top actvities: I put out large tweezers, pom poms and ddifferent coloured bowls for children to pick up the pom poms with the tweezers and put them in the right coloured bowl. This is a pre-writing activity to practise their fine motor skills and work their finger muscles as well as a sorting/colour matching activity.

We also have a stand alone easel for drawing, a chalk board, a puzzle table, book area, a computer area and interactive white board and musical instrument area and the sensory room which has all sorts of things in like projectors that make colours and shapes on the walls, a bubble machine, fibre optic lights, mirror ball, tactile toys, soft cushions and beanbags, wall panels with different textures. I also had a tray set out with lots of glitter and sequins in and some paintbrushes and different shaped tools to do mark making with.

In addition we have a big outside area which is open all the time for children to free flow between and we have a chalk board, drawing easel, sand pit, planting beds, muddy digging area, water tray, large bricks, a play house, bikes, scooters, a slide, balls, skipping ropes, climbing things, various small world toys, dolls and prams, a mud kitchen, stage, plus lots of natural play places ( a lovely willow tunnel, a big herb garden, tree stumps to climb on, wild flower area) to build dens etc. No older children have access to this area. It is just for us to use.

We do a group time every session where we split the children up into three smaller groups (there is me, a nursery nurse and a teaching assistant) and do a 10 to 15 minute session with them. Today we counted around the group, the children counted the sounds we made on musical instruments and I held up some number cards and they showed me that many fingers. We then read a number story and finished off with some counting songs and rhymes like 5 little ducks went swimming one day, 12345 once I caught a fish a live etc. We do a maths based group input 2 days a week and a literacy based input two days a week. In that we do nursery rhymes, stories, songs, rhyme games, name recognition and some phonics for the older children. The 5th day we do a topic input. Our topic is 'Ourselves' so it will be something to do with that.

We have a snack time as well mid way through the session where they have milk/water and a piece of fruit.

When the children first come in I have a board with their names velcroed onto it and they have to find their name with their parent and put it in a basket.

I don't know how that compares to your experiences but that is the way I do it anyway! A lot of my ideas for activities are Montesorri and Reggio Emilia based and I looked to those philosophies when I was setting up my learning environment even though we are just a regular pre-school.
Wow jc! That sounds so good! I haven't seen half of the amount of creativity in any class we've done for Megan including preschool so far.

I'll tell about megans preschool what I've noticed and seen so far. Its 12 kids- all have to be 3 by sept 1 and fully toilet trained. None of them have been in preschool before. She goes Tuesday and Thursday only and everyone in her class is only there those days as well. It's 8:30-11. There is 1 teacher and 1 assistant in the room. They don't have access to outside until outdoor time which is right before they come home or right before snack... Those 2 things are right at the end and combined are about the last 1/2 hr. It's only 1 room and it's not large. It's actually much smaller than I expected. Bathroom for the 12 kids is right off the classroom. There are 2 long tables by the door. One has playdough with cookie cutters. The other had 3 stations. One was poms of different sizes with tongs in a kleenex type box for them to grab and put the poms just on the table, so no sorting... Big to little, color, whatever. Just take out and put on the table. Another station was small plastic pieces that were colored fruit to take out of a big bowl with hands and put in smaller bowls ( sort by color). The other station was large wood fruit that was velcro and pretend knife to cut them. Sensory table was open, full of seeds, measuring cups, funnels. Dress up area, circle time area, play kitchen and babies together. Station set up with kid type comfy chairs and magazines and books. Kids computer station. Lego table with legos. Everything else was toys on shelves - Cars, dr kit, etc.
Circle time ( according to what Megan has said) they talked about the calendar and weather, sang one song each day and read one book. They had a quieter time where each child had to sit and look at a kids magazine by themselves.

Snack they provide white or chocolate milk and want parents to help supply the snack cupboard. Everything has to be store bought and cookies are ok sometimes and you can bring cupcakes, etc for kids bday. ( which is 12 bdays in the year. Lol so cupcakes quite a lot! Tues she had graham crackers and white milk. Thurs she had choc milk and goldfish trackers.

They line up at the door for going home and door is shut. They aren't allowed to come out until 11:00 and then teacher opens the door and let's one kid out at a time when she sees the parent or whoever is picking up.

So really all the creative ideas you mention jc... I didn't see any of that. It's just toys mostly.
Wow I have missed a lot! It's interesting to read about all the different preschools. JC, I would love for my girls to be in your class - it sounds terrific! Omarsmum and Daisybee, sorry to hear that your preschool experiences haven't been great - I hope things will get better as the children settle in and the teachers get into their routines. I would have been upset about chocolate milk and about arm grabbing/pulling also. I have a few complaints about our preschool, but all in all, I've been pleased. For comparisons sake, we get a decent amount of feedback - we get a sheet daily for both girls which lists the activities the class did that day (this part is just photocopied for all kids), and then the bottom half is individualized and has some checkboxes to indicate their mood that day, whether they ate all, most, some, or none of their lunch and snack, how long they slept, and any other notes the teacher wants to add. Caitlyn's also has a space to list her potty behaviors (lots of kids in her class are potty training). Each Thursday we get an info sheet about what will be happening the next week, like the theme for the week, the Bible quotes they will learn in chapel (we're at a church preschool), and if they need to bring in anything special any of the days (sometimes they have show and tell, or wear a certain color, or bring something that makes a sound, etc.). Each month we get a calendar that lists class birthdays or any special events. I am beyond pleased with this amt of feedback because we got nearly no feedback from their previous in-home daycare provider after they turned 1. I honestly don't know how much formal learning they are doing, but they are learning a lot nevertheless. They have a special phonics song that both girls sing often, and they are always singing other songs they learned at school. One day Christina recited the entire pledge of allegiance, and I didn't even know they were learning it, so I was totally shocked! Caitlyn recites some prayers and things I've never heard, and her room has tons of books which I'm told she loves to sit and look through (just like she does at home), so I'm ok with whatever they are doing while they are there. I don't love the afternoon teachers, but luckily they are only there an hour or so after waking from nap, so the majority of their day they have the teachers I like. Each of them is in a class of 13 students with 2 teachers.

Caitlyn already knew 2 of the kids in her class because they are out friends' kids, but Christina didn't know anyone. She already has made a "best friend" though, so I think she's doing ok. I dread how she will feel if this "best friend" ever rejects her. Anyway, Christina enjoys going, and Caitlyn hasn't cried since the first couple days (compared to crying every single day for the past several months when I dropped her a her previous in-home sitter), so I think that's the most important thing.

Christina has started having meltdowns again - I thought we had turned a corner, but lately we've had some bad ones. I think she keeps it all in at school because she's so well-behaved there, and then she can't help but let it out at home. Also, I've had a few late nights at work, so she always does worse when she hasn't seen me much. We are trying to find someone to watch the girls for an hour or so in the mornings so that I can go into work a lot earlier and get home a lot earlier. Right now DH has to be at work about 45 minutes before their preschool opens, so if we could get someone to cover that gap, he can get them ready in the mornings so that I can be home to pick them up from preschool around the time they are waking from their naps. And this is only 3 days a week because I work from home one day and keep them home with me one day.

Caitlyn was super easy as a baby, totally the "typical" kid and pretty good at playing independently. She's gotten more difficult as she gets older because she is really reckless. She'll bolt off into the street, climb on anything, scream and make a fuss when she doesn't get her way, etc. We actually are finding time out pretty effective for her, even though she just turned 2. When we're out I have to keep a hand on her at all times or she would be gone. It's tricky to take them both out, especially when Christina's not in a cooperative mood, so I tend to only go places where I can keep one or both of them contained (in a shopping cart, for instance), or wait until DH can come too.
Hello, I have missed a lot too so apologies if I miss anything!

Firstly we have been busy settling Samy into Reception and she has been amazing so far no tears and really excited about learning. We have been lucky in that its a low birth rate round us so she is in a class of 20 and there are three classes in a year so 60 overall. She has grown up so much over the summer together and is much better - I am nervous about how she might cope with the overtiredness and getting hungry at school as that can still cause meltdowns.

Her social skills have also come on a lot over the summer as well and she actually has friends now rather than me dragging her to places. She also for the first time ever when we went to a soft play party went in the entire time without me as she has her friend Sam.

Charlie is growing up so much. And I agree with the others to me he seems a easy child as he (during the day anyway) is quite independent and is very socialable. However I suspect that if I had not had Samy he would be very hard work! Polaris he is also a lot like Clara very independent when he is awake but incredibly clingy when he is asleep and likes to sleep on me. Since Samy though I am so relaxed about cosleeping that it does not bother me. His cot is right up against the bed so we have enough room.

Regarding Preschool I can only tell you our experience (and they did a brilliant job with her). Samy started just before she was 3 and she was very upset by the process. I did think about withdrawing and starting later but we agreed a plan of action and as long as she was getting better we would stick with it if not we would try again later. It involved a lot of talking with her keyworker and an assistant teacher, one to one between Samy and the assistant and a plan of action. (How long she stayed for, what I did, what we talked about at home etc.) They knew that Samy like knowing how long she would be there before I picked her up so they incorporated a visual time aid into the register at the beginning for all the children (which they are keeping). We all view Samy as a success story and by the end she was totally intergrated into the class and sees big school as an extension of that. Without them the whole process could have gone very differently.

In terms of what it was like once she was settled. In the afternoon sessions she did for two terms there were around 10 children in the session and 5 members of staff so she could have the one to one. Once she started mornings (she did a year before big school) there were 26 children and 12 members of staff who worked on a rota so at any given time there were 6 members (more if they were doing outings). For feedback when the parents were waiting a member of staff would come out and say what they had done and answer any questions and feedback anything important.

They had freeflow between indoor and outdoor and stations such as painting etc. They did cooking once a week and often had group activities and games. At the start of every term we had a list of what the themes would be and what letters they would focus on and we would have to take something in her bag to talk about. Snack we would provide fruit and veg for them to share and they would have milk and water. Anything else was a treat. Sometimes Samy would have snack sometimes she would say no (which was fine) but she always did group snack.

She is desperate to learn though so I am not sure that by the end of reception she might be a bit bored!
JC I want to go to your preschool! It sounds fab. I don't think ours is anywhere near as creative or stimulating. Also the outdoor space is very small and I'm pretty sure that they don't get outside every day. :-( But it's a nice atmosphere and the teachers seem lovely and it's only ten minutes walk from our house.

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