I am exhausted and I'm going to vent...
Today was thanksgiving at my inlaws. We were one of the first to get there. They had some snacks out including crackers and cheese and dh would get her a bit but she was obviously very hungry and I had to keep pestering him to get her more. I was stuck behind a table and was feeding Jordan her food and wasn't able to just leave her to go help Megan. People started showing up. Megan was shy and quiet. She didn't act hyper at all today. She acted happy but also I think she felt left out. She kept coming back to me or dh and would cuddle us and then go try to talk to the kids. She usually doesnt come back to us for reassurance like that. She was the calmest kid in the whole house. There is no way what she has going on is ADHD. And yes polaris, I'm totally against medicating her. Even if she would have ADHD I would do anything and everything else first and not let them medicate her. I do worry that if mil thinks it maybe teachers won't understand her and will suggest it as well. The other kids know each other better. They are closer related and see each other often. Megan hasnt seen these kids much lately. The other kids were very very very aggressive. Dh asked if I noticed how mean they all were to each other. I was shocked. My kids are not agressive and not mean at all. It was so obvious to me how different my kids are from those kids. Megan would pause and check, watch first before joining in. She wanted to be included but didn't know how to let them include her. The one boy was so loud and crazy and almost out of control. I was thinking that megans energy - well I think she is just busy and has energy. But I don't think she is out of control at all. Unless she is overstimulated and wired. Even today though she was overstimulated but she wasn't hyper.
I asked dh to take her outside for a walk, the whole place was so loud and chaos. I felt crazy and I hated being there, I can't believe the girls handled it as well as they did! Mil expected Jordan to nap in a bedroom on the same floor where everyone was at.
and I had left a white noise machine at there house ( I asked them if I could and they had said yes) well now they don't remember that and couldn't find it. I ended up using sil's iPad but she couldn't find real white noise, just a fan noise. I ended up getting dh to put the portacrib ( which mil obviously let's the dogs sleep in
) in sil's room downstairs so it wasn't quite so loud. But it wasn't pitch dark and she could still hear the loud kids and loud dogs that were put into a different room. So Jordan couldn't sleep. I eventually got her up. And then no one could understand why she started getting a bit fussy. I couldn't believe how well she did, I was shocked she wasn't melting down, but others thought she should be laughing and giggly and in a great mood. She held her own, but was obviously not herself. Later Megan was starting to get close to meltdown and I mentioned it to mil. Who didnt understand
but offered to take her out for another walk. So she took Megan outside again. Then everyone decided that the kids should all go downstairs and watch a movie. My sil had picked wall-e for them. Well I went down to see how Megan was doing before it started and she looked not very comfortable. The kids were all on the couch and it was like she felt like she should try to sit with them but I don't think she really wanted to. I was talking to my mil about the movie and she kept reassuring me oh it's just a Disney movie, sil is there with them, bla bla bla. Well I left Megan down there and I KNEW I shouldn't have. I KNEW she wouldn't handle it. I was thinking of how she is so sad or scared about so much lately. Well dh went down there after a bit and everyone but Megan was goofing off, wasn't even watching the movie. He said megan was staring intently on the screen and she was upset. They came upstairs and she was crying. She was so upset as "he was hot" she was upset about wall-e being hot. Like very very upset about it. She couldn't get over it. And I think for the first time ever mil might have seen what the heck I've been trying to tell her. She was saying that wow, Megan is so deep, and how did she even understand that's what was happening on the movie, etc etc.
Earlier when dh and Megan went on the walk I was telling mil and fils sister that Megan is very sensitive. The aunt was like oh does she cry a lot.
people don't understand what it means to be sensitive. They think it means her feelings get hurt easily. And then mil was like oh yes sil was sensitive as a kid. Well no she wasn't and isn't as an adult either. Sil has ADHD and was a very hyper kid. Its a big reason mil tries to label Megan as such. When Megan gets overstimulated and gets hyper mil thinks that is the exact same as sil was at that age. I don't agree at all.
Then we were leaving as Jordan was starting to get fussy from being tired and Megan was so upset about the movie. I had brought her weighted blanket but it had been put out of sight when we arrived by mil with the coats and so it got brought out then. Everyone was asking about it. 2 of the cousins are physical therapists and I was talking to them about ot and the weighted blanket. The one said that they have had a group of kids doing sensory things for help with food and things at her place of work and they have had great success.
Anyway, I am so mad at myself that I let Megan watch any of the movie. She didn't even see much of it, but it was too much for her. It was exhausting today. Megan wasn't like the other kids. But honestly I don't want her to be. One of the 2 year old boys came up and yelled in jordans face when she was laying on the ground. She froze in total fear. The look on her face... She was so afraid. And she didn't move a muscle. Dh was closer to her and I told him to pick her up right now! That same boy hit her jordans hand on purpose once and kept trying to poke and bug her, not in a curious way but in a mean way.
On the way home dh said Megan is going to be eaten alive in kindergarden. He said she is so different from other kids. He was saying that she has to get used to movies and he is going to stop protecting her and she needs to get used to things.
that isn't going to help her to show her movies that make her sad or scared!!!! I talked to him a bit after we were home and hoping he understands. I just think he wants to help her, but I don't think freaking her out is going to help her.
Megan has no issues with getting messy. She actually loves getting messy. She seeks it out. Her favorite activites are messy. She loves finger painting, play dough, water play. I made sensory boxes for her with split peas, rice, beans, etc and she loves them. She plays in her sandbox all the time and gets all sandy from head to toe and loves it. But if she does too much of it or too long she gets overstimulated. And if she is already overstimulated when giving her some messy play she just freaks out, she has just thrown beans all over the rug type thing vs playing nice with them. So I have to be careful when I let her do messy things.
Today was thanksgiving at my inlaws. We were one of the first to get there. They had some snacks out including crackers and cheese and dh would get her a bit but she was obviously very hungry and I had to keep pestering him to get her more. I was stuck behind a table and was feeding Jordan her food and wasn't able to just leave her to go help Megan. People started showing up. Megan was shy and quiet. She didn't act hyper at all today. She acted happy but also I think she felt left out. She kept coming back to me or dh and would cuddle us and then go try to talk to the kids. She usually doesnt come back to us for reassurance like that. She was the calmest kid in the whole house. There is no way what she has going on is ADHD. And yes polaris, I'm totally against medicating her. Even if she would have ADHD I would do anything and everything else first and not let them medicate her. I do worry that if mil thinks it maybe teachers won't understand her and will suggest it as well. The other kids know each other better. They are closer related and see each other often. Megan hasnt seen these kids much lately. The other kids were very very very aggressive. Dh asked if I noticed how mean they all were to each other. I was shocked. My kids are not agressive and not mean at all. It was so obvious to me how different my kids are from those kids. Megan would pause and check, watch first before joining in. She wanted to be included but didn't know how to let them include her. The one boy was so loud and crazy and almost out of control. I was thinking that megans energy - well I think she is just busy and has energy. But I don't think she is out of control at all. Unless she is overstimulated and wired. Even today though she was overstimulated but she wasn't hyper.
I asked dh to take her outside for a walk, the whole place was so loud and chaos. I felt crazy and I hated being there, I can't believe the girls handled it as well as they did! Mil expected Jordan to nap in a bedroom on the same floor where everyone was at.

Earlier when dh and Megan went on the walk I was telling mil and fils sister that Megan is very sensitive. The aunt was like oh does she cry a lot.

Then we were leaving as Jordan was starting to get fussy from being tired and Megan was so upset about the movie. I had brought her weighted blanket but it had been put out of sight when we arrived by mil with the coats and so it got brought out then. Everyone was asking about it. 2 of the cousins are physical therapists and I was talking to them about ot and the weighted blanket. The one said that they have had a group of kids doing sensory things for help with food and things at her place of work and they have had great success.
Anyway, I am so mad at myself that I let Megan watch any of the movie. She didn't even see much of it, but it was too much for her. It was exhausting today. Megan wasn't like the other kids. But honestly I don't want her to be. One of the 2 year old boys came up and yelled in jordans face when she was laying on the ground. She froze in total fear. The look on her face... She was so afraid. And she didn't move a muscle. Dh was closer to her and I told him to pick her up right now! That same boy hit her jordans hand on purpose once and kept trying to poke and bug her, not in a curious way but in a mean way.
On the way home dh said Megan is going to be eaten alive in kindergarden. He said she is so different from other kids. He was saying that she has to get used to movies and he is going to stop protecting her and she needs to get used to things.

Megan has no issues with getting messy. She actually loves getting messy. She seeks it out. Her favorite activites are messy. She loves finger painting, play dough, water play. I made sensory boxes for her with split peas, rice, beans, etc and she loves them. She plays in her sandbox all the time and gets all sandy from head to toe and loves it. But if she does too much of it or too long she gets overstimulated. And if she is already overstimulated when giving her some messy play she just freaks out, she has just thrown beans all over the rug type thing vs playing nice with them. So I have to be careful when I let her do messy things.