Sensitive kids group

Welcome kel!

We've been busy here trying to get ready for the bday party this weekend. Which basically means I'm trying really hard to keep up with the housework. Lol Megan didn't nap yesterday and she was very very active all day long. Even in bed for nap she didn't really rest, she was singing and talking and being very loud. She hadn't had any sugar that I know of so :shrug:

I had a good conversation with my mom this morning and I'm really hoping the 2 of us can work through things. She is the only other person ( beyond me and dh) that really understands Megan. I notice that she is making a much bigger effort. She even called me, and that is something she never does, so it's progress. She has said that she will help me get my dad and brothers to lower the intensity around Megan. Like I was saying before about the 3 of them being very crazy with her at thanksgiving. My parents will be here this weekend for megans bday and then we will be at there house for the weekend before Xmas. It will be very helpful for me to have my mom saying something and not just me and dh. We both have a hard time saying things, especially to my dad as he seems to take it wrong when we do. My dad was never over the top with me as a child, so it's funny that he's upping the craziness now. Lol
Lots to catch up on!

Cutie - sorry for your loss :hugs:. It sounds like the girls did really well through the upheaval.
Alice is the same as Christina with counting. She's fine with one to one corespondence, but won't recite numbers.

Daisybee - Well done Megan on the photos! (do we get to see? :winkwink:). I'm sure you're right that talking about it beforehand makes a big difference. It's great that she's getting so independent. Definitely encourage the tidying up! Maybe she could have a chat with Alice :dohh: Good news too on your chat with your mum. I'm sure it takes a lot of adjustment for grandparents to work out what's expected of them. Hope the birthday preparations go well!

Omarsmum - That's fantastic that you've found a schedule that works for Omar. Keeping a regular routine of events works best for us too, although we have to limit the number of groups. Omar is such a bright little boy! His teachers will have their work cut out when he starts school!

Alice didn't cry at all when I left her. In fact, she didn't look up from playing, just gave a half hearted wave then got back to what she was doing. To be honest, it concerned me a little, as it reinforced my concerns about her lack of affection/connection to me, but as I mentioned, we've had cuddles and a kiss since, so I think she just feels secure there.

Hi kel! Looking forward to hearing more about your little boy.

We've had a mixed few days. Truly horrendous yesterday. We'd met DH for lunch, and she didn't want him to go back to work (part of the new clinginess i think,) and was generally a real pain all the way home. It took an hour and a half to walk 1 mile! In the end, I tucked her under my arm (while carrying two bags, and with Arthur in the carrier on my front,) and carried her kicking and screaming. Awful. When she got back she screamed full volume for 45 minutes. She hit me and spat in my face. She's never done that before, so it really upset me. On the upside, when she calmed down, we had an amazing chat. She was able to talk about how she felt, and listened to how I felt. We said what we'd each do differently, then we forgave each other and had a long cuddle. She is surprisingly emotionally literate, and I felt so proud of her, despite everything.

Ooh, and I wanted to ask, does anyone have a problem getting their child to wash their hair? She doesn't use shampoo, but now she won't even wet it. We've resorted to doing it forcibly before, but that's just awful, and not something I intend to repeat. Tips welcome!

Day 2 at the childminder's tomorrow. Wish us luck!
Tacey - I'm so glad that you and Alice were able to talk about what happened and work through that together. I think that is so helpful for them to be able to get to that point! How stressful for you to deal with having to carry both kids and bags home by yourself. Did you handle it ok? I remember you mentioning panic attacts in toddler area. I would have had a very tough time with that situation myself, and its probably why I still use strollers and thankful that we drive most places.

I'll get pictures back on the 7th and I'll figure out how to get posted. We only get one digital, the rest just prints. So that one i picked of the girls together. Can we post pics from Facebook on here somehow? That baby pic of Megan I mentioned is on Facebook I think, otherwise I would search our computer for it. ( I'm normally on the iPad)

And yes I agree Omar is very bright! Had forgotten to comment about that and was meaning to! I think he's leaving all of his peers in the dust! No wonder he thinks of kids his own age as babies.

Megan hates having her hair washed. We've been struggling for months with it. She got soapy water on her face once and freaked out ( she doesn't want the water on her face or in her ears... loves the pool, shower, sprinkler, bathtub as long as it's not on her face or in her ears.) She then started doing better and then one night dh washed her hair and wasnt careful at all and it was all over her and she really really freaked out and instead of stopping he just forced her to finish. After that it's been so bad. I've been distracting her by singing silly songs to her while she chews on a rubber ducky. And I've got a towel ready to wipe her face at any moment. It's a struggle and we only wash it about once a week as it's such a big deal for her.

Good luck for Alice tomorrow! I'm sure she will do great!
Hi kel :hi: glad you found the threa, hope it's useful for you & your LS.

Tacey- Omar goes through phases of hating washing his hair, he has to stand up when I wash his hair which is very difficult. I limit washing his hair to twice a week, I use water only with some toddlers conditioner quickly, I used to force him but I used to end up with a meltdown, now I prepare him & I tell him that I will be washing his hair, he's not bothered with water only but he hates the shampoo, I think it's the smell?

Good luck with the childminder tomorrow, it's amazing that she didn't cry for you, I'm dreading it when he goes to the daycare, I still didn't decide on the date, but I know he will end up crying when I decide to leave, he's very clingy to me :(

Omar acts the same when DH leaves, he cries everytime DH leaves for work, he's very clingy to everyone even the housekeeper :dohh:

Daisybee you can attach pics directly from the iPad, go advanced, then press on the attach icon. Or you can use photobucket & post the link. Glad you had good pics, Omar is horrible when it comes to pausing for the camera, he makes silly phases, or he completely ignores the camera

Today we had a perfect day out, we were out for 5 hrs! There were younger kids, (1.3 & 1.5 yrs) the younger kid wanted to play with Omar's ride on car, but Omar refused to share, so he ended up crying :( so I had to take him to the paid play area with the housekeeper to keep him away from the kid, he played with an older kid (5 yrs) & he was very social with the adults. He asked to go home at 1st then he was fine, he spent around 2.5 hrs in the play area, when I went to collect them, he was hungry & he asked to go to a restaurant :)

We had dinner with our friends, he sat on a normal chair & he ate his food alone without any distraction. I'm so proud of him.

I found that the more he goes out, the more social he is. He doesn't have tiredness signs anymore, & he's more active bless him. We still have sleep issues & no naps. But he seems fine. He also stopped asking for relax times during the day, he seems on the go all day!
Hi Kel, glad you found us. I've really enjoyed this thread as I feel like most people just don't understand, but everyone here does.

DaisyBee, that's terrific about your conversation with your mom. It will be nice to have someone else in your corner to stand up to others that don't get it. I'm looking forward to hearing about the party. Are you having it at home? What time of day did you decide on? I would like to have Christina's in the AM, maybe 10-12, but our schedules aren't working out so well, so it's looking like it might have to be afternoon time instead, so I was thinking maybe 3-5, but was concerned about leaving her enough time to get in a good mood after her nap (she often wakes really grouchy from naps, but not in the mornings).

I think Omar is really bright too - I'm amazed by his reading/writing skills. I hope he has a good teacher in school so he's not bored. Also really great he can now tolerate longer days out and social situations - sounds like he's really coming along. It's a shame you don't have a break in the day anymore though if he's dropped his nap and relax time.

Tacey, that's great about Alice's emotional literacy and your good conversation. She is still learning how to control/express her emotions, and it sounds like she really understands what happened and likely will think twice next time. We do struggle with washing hair most of the time. I don't think Christina minds the actual hair washing, but like Megan, she hates water on her face. We wash it about twice a week, but I always warn her several times before bathtime "we're going to wash your hair tonight", and then I'm very careful to not get water on her face. I do wash her face every night, but I do it quickly with a washcloth and tell her to close her eyes, and have a towel ready for her to wipe her eyes immediately after. So although she doesn't like it and protests, she tolerates it. If we get water in her face accidentally, we usually have a meltdown. Good luck with the childminder!
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! :flower: I hope I fit in.
Here is a little about Connor. Sorry if it jumps all over the place, I have never written about his sensory issues before.
Connor was an easy baby. He was very laid back, he never cried. He slept well (and still does). He was also a very lazy baby, and has been behind on almost all milestones. He wasn't able to latch for breastfeeding until he was 6 weeks, he didn't roll till over 6 months, crawl until 10 months, walk until 14 months, and at over 2.5 years he still can't jump. I remember being worried because he didn't point until 15 months. He still has no interest in potty training.
At 6 months is when I first noticed his strange hand movements, but as a first time mom, I thought it must just be something babies do. By 12 months, we thought it was cute and called it his excited face. We started to worry about it around 18 months.
It was around 18 months when Connor began to change. He went from the easiest baby ever to a horrible tantruming toddler. He became difficult to take out. He screamed, he cried, he ran, he hit, he bit. I was in tears everytime we tried to go out. Its only in the past 6 months that I realize that he was becoming oversimulated. Back then I had no idea what was going on.
Connor has trouble with loud noises. He sticks his fingers in his ears alot. He begs to go home if we are out somewhere loud for too long. Connor hates people he doesn't know talking to him or getting too close to him. Recently we went to a family dinner. As soon as we walked into the restaurant, he wanted me to hold him, with his face buried in my neck. Wouldn't look at anyone, wouldn't talk, he just wanted to cry in my arms. My well meaning family, kept trying to take him from me, or offering him toys, food ect. this only made things worse. I finally took him outside. The second we step outside, he was a different kid. He was happy as can be, talking to me, singing, and laughing. We walk back inside, and reverts back to being clingy and crying again.
He can't have his hands dirty, and is obessed with hand sanitizer. I have to keep wipes and sanitizer with me at all times. The whole world stops when Connor is dirty even for a second, to him there is nothing more important then me cleaning it off that second or he throws a full on tantrum. He won't eat new foods that even look remotely sticky or messy. If its something he likes and wants to eat, I have to feed to him. (such as pasta with red sauce or ice cream). He is a very very picky eater.
Everything has to be the way he wants it, or he flips out. He has to line cars up in certain order, and gets upset if you try to change it. Clean up in his order (blocks first, then caryons seconds, cars third ect).
He won't look you in your eyes when your talking to him ever, he hates cameras, and refuses to look at them. We tried to get family pictures done and that was a disaster, because of his hatred of cameras, plus his hatred of his sister, and his hatred of sitting still.
I feel like I'm missing so much, but its late and I can't think properly anymore. Here is a the most recent clip of Connor's tics just incase you wanted to see his "excited face" This is a very mild fit.
Connor is lovely! I can imagine it's been a difficult time for you though. Does he get on well with his little sister? I hope your family have started to understand his needs a bit better now. If I've discovered anything about parenting a child with high sensitivity, it's that you need a lot of support from others, even if it's just to vent! I hope you feel you'll be able to get some of that support here.
Kel- Connor sounds a lot like Omar! I still spoon feed him, he was an easy going & laid back baby but he became a monster few days before his second birthday. He also have sensory issues & he doesn't like to touch many things. He was on time with his gross motor skills but a bit late compared to other babies (rolled over from back to tummy at 5 months, the other way at 7 months, crawled at almost 9.5 months, first step at almost 12 months & walking properly at 13 months)

He also hated strangers talking to him, but he's getting better. Shoes fitting, hair cutting, drs visits are horrible for us, he hates it when strangers try to touch him.

He was also the same in restaurants & in crowd at that age, he gets overwhelmed & he ends up crying & hiding his face behind Me !

He's so picky with food, he doesn't try new things, he goes off food he liked before for months, he will not touch any food that makes his hands dirty. He also spits out food while eating if it doesn't feel right in his mouth.

We're been going to loads of messy play & sensory classes for over a year now, he's getting much better but he still have his moments. He asks to wash his hands several times during messy play & he's obsessed with the hands sanitizer. I tell him it's ok to get dirty, & I join him with the mess, even when he drop some food on his clothes he gets so irritated & he asks to change immediately, again I tell him it's ok, it's not bad, we can get dirty & messy & we will change later. I found that encouraging him slowly to accept mess is much better than wiping his hands immediately or changing his clothes

He will not look into camera & he avoids eye contact, but DH is the same with eye contact, he doesn't like the feeling of staring at people's eyes & faces, it makes him uncomfortable.

When Omar talks to me, I ask him nicely to look at me, he's much better with eye contact now.

I found that encouraging him slowly to overcome his sensitivity works much better than just going with the flow & accepting his traits. We do have meltdown & resistance to change, but with time he's getting more accepting to change.

He's a different kid now, everyone can notice the change, even his teachers in classes & family members, he's happier & easier to deal with. it's hard work but it pays off at the end :hugs:
Connor is lovely! I can imagine it's been a difficult time for you though. Does he get on well with his little sister? I hope your family have started to understand his needs a bit better now. If I've discovered anything about parenting a child with high sensitivity, it's that you need a lot of support from others, even if it's just to vent! I hope you feel you'll be able to get some of that support here.

This is so true :hugs:
Megan has caught a cold ( from dh). Im so hoping she feels good enough for a party, she generally doesn't do very well when sick. Her party is going to be around 3pm as that's really the only time neither is napping. Lol We did it at that time last year though too and it worked ok. We are doing cake and ice cream first, then gifts, then eating dinner. That way she isn't having the cake( frosting ) right before bed. Not that it probably matters since she will very excited and overstimulated either way I'm sure! And yes we are having it at home.

Kel - it's hard to write it all down isn't it? Welcome to the group! Its been nice to let things out and have people understand a bit. Megan has problems with loud noises. She has found it helpful to put her fingers in her ears recently. Before she would just freak out but we've been trying to figure out things that will help her cope, and that seems to be helping.
I hope Megan feels better in time for the party.

Alice did really well with the childminder again! She was telling me all about it on the way home. I'm so pleasantly surprised at how smoothly it's gone.

She has big issues with loud noises too. She has to know what even the smallest sound is! She finds it better to put her fingers in her ears in the street too. It would be quite a sight if all our children were walking down a road together wouldn't it? :haha: Since the weather has got chilly, she wears a padded coat, and she has the hood up whether it's raining or not as it muffles the sound. It's helped a lot.
I really hope Megan feels better in time for the party. Thomas was quite sick just before Halloween, which he had been really excited about, but he managed to recover enough to enjoy the party and the dressing up (first time he's ever agreed to dress up!) even though it took it out of him and he was still not well for the next few days.

I haven't been on much because my mum has been visiting for the week. It's been so great having her here, it's been like a holiday because Thomas loves her so for once he's not hanging out of me all day! We were out for dinner today and it was so lovely. Clara didn't really sleep except for 30 minutes in the pram on the way there but she handled it so well, she is really different to Thomas in that regard, she seems to cope quite well with missing out on sleep. She was quite wired at bedtime but she still went to sleep with no crying!! It really brought home to me the difference between the two of them, there is no way that Thomas would have coped with that.
hope Megan feels better in time for the party Hun :hugs:

We had a horrible day :( he was fine at the gym class, he refused to go with the kids on the tumble bridge, & he refused to go into the swing although he likes swings at parks, it was fine for me as the class was ok in general. At the arts class he played with the rice in the sensory box & he filled his bottles, but when it was time for making cups, he asked me if he can write his name the teacher heard him & told him in a loud voice "no thank you", he started & got really unset & he cried immediately, his cry was very emotional & his feelings were hurt :( she's the teaching assistant, his teacher wasn't able to join the class as she had to cover for the receptionist, so the assistant took over. I had to take him out of the class, then we went in when he calmed down. She ignored him completely, the guy who was helping her (his gym teacher), moved Omar's cup & gluing stuff to another table & he tried to engage him in the activity, but Omar wasn't interested anymore & he asked to go home, so we left. I didn't try to convince him to stay as I was also upset. His teacher who was at the reception asked me why he was crying, so I told her what happened, so didn't like the reaction of the TA.

Anyways, he had his hair cut there, he refused to sit at 1st as he was in a bad mood, but he his hair needed trimming & I couldn't wait until tues. he was fine during the haircut which is a progress, this is the 1st time he gets a hair cut without a huge tantrum.

We went to my aunt's house to rest & I gave him a snack, then I took him with my cousins to a play area. He had fun, but when we were leaving he was upset as he wanted to stay, I carried him & he slapped me :nope: I was already tired, & without thinking I smacked him on his hand & I shouted at him :( He ended up crying.

He needs some full sleeves t-shirts & long trousers as the weather is cooler & he can't wear shorts & short sleeves now! so I took him to shop when he calmed down, he threw a tantrum as he didn't want to take off his red t-shirt to try the new ones. We didn't have any success with trousers, so we bought the t-shirts & left.

Anyway he screamed all the way home, but when he reached home he calmed down & asked for a bath. I gave him a shower as I was too tired to give him a bath, dressed him, gave him an apple to eat & now I'm sitting here dead tired & feeling bad for smacking him :cry:
Tacey - I'm so glad that Alice is doing well in daycare! How many other kids are in the house? I'm sure that has been a great break for you as well! How have you been doing?
Also - that's a great tip about the hoods! I will be using that one!

Polaris- that is great that your mom is there for a whole week! Take advantage of every moment! That is great that Clara is handling things so much better than Thomas did. I've found that Jordan is more adaptable than Megan but not as much as some other kids. I think it helps that she is normally not overtired so she can handle more.

Omarsmum - I'm sorry it was a rough day :hugs: we've all been there. Things seem to be going great and then comes a day when it just doesn't go right. Why did the assistant not want him to write his name?

How many classes/ activities are everyone's kids doing?
Omarsmum, I'm sorry to hear about your day. :hugs: I don't understand why the teacher acted like that. Have a good sleep and tomorrow will be a new day.

I'm happy to hear how well Alice is doing with daycare - what a blessing! Christina isn't too upset with loud noises, but like Alice she needs to know what every sound is. Any tiny noise out of the ordinary and she won't rest until she knows where it came from.

Polaris, glad to hear you are enjoying your time with you mom. My mom is coming for Christmas and I can't wait! Speaking of Christmas, Christina is convinced baby Jesus is turning 1. I guess somewhere along the way my explanation of Christmas being a celebration of Jesus' birth and the talk and pictures of "baby Jesus", combined with us recently celebrating Caitlyn's first birthday have led her to believe Jesus is turning one on Christmas. :haha:

We had one meltdown at bedtime, but I expected it because I got home late from work so I only had about 30 minutes with the girls before we had to go up for baths (they are both huge mama's girls, so they get upset if they don't have enough time with me each day), and today was their first day back at daycare in over a week due to Thanksgiving and the funeral.

Christina takes a "mommy & me ballet" class that meets one time a week for 30 minutes (Saturday mornings). She's been in the class for about 8-10 weeks now. That's the only class we take. I think there are some gymnastics classes around here, but they're pretty expensive (haven't looked into it that much). I would like her to play soccer or tball next year when she's 3, but for now I think the one class is plenty. I enjoy my two days home with them - we do things here at home, or run errands, or play outside or at the park, or go to the library (occasionally we go to soft play) - and on the weekends DH likes to spend time with them, so I think any more classes right now and we'd be overwhelmed. I wish we could go to the library story time, but it's on one of the days I work so we miss it.
We are doing no classes right now as with jordans naps I just can't figure out any that we could make it to. There is an evening thursday toddler class but Megan doesn't handle things in the evening well at all... She can't get to sleep afterwards. That would be great to find a Saturday class as then when I find a high school babysitter they could watch Jordan the weekends dh is on call. We've stopped going to the library for story time, it's the place that she acts the worst. I think that I'm going to take the girls to the big library in the bigger town near here and see if she likes that one better. As I can't figure out why she acts so crazy at the one in our small town. It's a very very small library. I've not had good luck with her there ever, and it's frustrating as it's one of the only places in town to bring the kids.

I guess I was curious after reading about omars day. I don't think Megan would handle that much in a day. Usually one class and she needs the rest of the day or at least many hours of down time afterwards. So I was curious if the other kids are all doing multiple activities as well. I'm starting to look for things for megan starting in January and not sure how much we should attempt.

That is so cute that Christina thinks that Jesus is turning one!!! Haha I so love this age and the things they come up with!

Btw... Jordans middle name is Christina!
We only go on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Two classes each day in the same place, with the same teachers & same kids. It's a program for pre-schoolers who are 2.5+

All the kids in the classes go to the nursery program for 4 hours in the same place in the morning & they come to the afternoon classes with no problems. So I thought Omar should be able to handle 2 separate activities in one day now he's 3.

On Tuesdays the 1st class is an arts class for 45 mins, we take 15 min break after class, then we move to the soccer class which is also 45 mins. On Thursdays we go to 45 mins gym class, 15 mins break, then a mess lab class for 45 mins. There are 4-5 kids registered kids in each class, so the environment itself is not overwhelming.

We started recently in November. We took a break from August till November, but it affected Omar's socializing negatively. He started to resist going out more & he started to suffer from strangers & social anxiety.

On Tuesdays we go back to my parent's place for dinner as I don't have time to prepare food, it's a long travel for 30 mins on the highway. & we need to reach a bit early or Omar will refuse to go into the class if it starts before he goes in class. He always naps in the car for 30 mins when we go there, so he gets enough rest, he eats lunch before we leave home.

On Thursdays we go back to my aunt's place who lives close by to the centre, we eat dinner there & Omar gets a relax time, then we go back home.

But yesterday she had a dr's apt so I had to take her kids with Omar out to the play area in the mall.

When he was younger we used to go to 1-2 classes per week only each class for 45 mins in separate days.

Yesterday was overwhelming for all of us, I know it was my mistake, but he needed the haircut & the clothes. Today it's raining & the temp dropped from 24 degrees to 16-17 degrees.

I have to prepare him to wear the new clothes, he will not wear something new if it doesn't stay in his wardrobe for few days. Today I'm planning to put him in long sleeves Pjs at home to prepare him to wear full sleeves when we go out.

We will stay at home all day, my family is not coming for lunch like every Friday which is a relief as I need a break & a full day at home alone.

He will start to go to daycare for 3 days a week soon, we will start with 2 hrs at 1st, I want to prepare him for pre-school next year. I'm seriously thinking of homeschooling until he's 6 if the daycare doesn't work, I feel lost, I honestly don't know how he can handle to go to pre-school with 15 kids in class for 4-5 hrs everyday.
2 -45 minute classes sounds very doable. I reread what I wrote and realizing you took it more like why are you doing so much, but I more meant it in that I was wondering if I'm not doing enough with megan. ( well right now I KNOW I'm not, lol as we are doing nothing, and I feel horrible about that but it was necessary for Jordan this fall. ) megans toddler classes were 1 1/2 hrs long with no break. Im just trying to figure out if I should be trying to push her with the stimulation outside the home a bit more with classes, etc as like I said she seems to need a lot of down time afterwards. I'm trying to figure out if she will handle preschool in the fall as well. Although our preschool hours are much shorter, I think they are 2 1/2 hrs.

Omarsmum :hugs:

When mil took Megan for the day she was gone from 9-4 and handled that ok, they were at soft play ( which here is only a very small one at the mall) and went shopping, they went to a restaurant, then to mil's for a break and then went to dh's grandmas house to visit relatives. But that's totally different then a school with structure and expectations.

So - does it seem more doable for Megan to do one class in January or am I aiming too low? Should I try to find 2.. Or even 3? She isn't in daycare at all so she doesn't have that... Alice is now doing a bit of daycare, Christina is in daycare... So they have that. So even though christina is only doing one activity she is in daycare 3 days a week.

And Megan hates trying on new clothes, but this morning I made her try on her outfit for the party as she hadnt worn it yet, she then wanted to keep it on and got upset that I had her find something else to wear today, and that was only one outfit... And we were at home, lol.

Jordan is now sick as well... So 2 sick girls and a bday party weekend. Jordan was awake a lot last night. :coffee:
:hugs: :hugs: hope they get better soon Hun. Omar is coming with a cold I guess, he's very grumpy. I also took the nappy off today, hope this potty training works.

I understood your post Hun, when I re-read what I wrote about yesterday, it sounded very overwhelming & over stimulating & it was. 2 classes, a hair cut after a meltdown, play area then clothes shopping is way too much.

Anyway, as for classes & play areas, we have loads of activities here for toddlers, many are educational & stimulating. Most of them are a bit far away, but I try to take Omar to try something new at least once a month. I bought 2 tickets to Dino world & we'll give it a try soon.

The country itself is overwhelming, there is always something new :rofl:

As for Megan, I guess she'd benefit from some classes, I'd try one class per week at 1st, then once she settles in a class, you can try to include a second. Do you have someone to babysit Jordan? I think it would be easier to handle a class that is aimed at older toddlers without babies around, those classes are usually less crowded & more organized. We went to baby & toddlers class last year, it didn't go so well as it was too noisy for Omar.

I don't think Omar can handle 1.5 hrs class in one go yet. I'm trying to take it slow, we will be done with our current classes on the 20th, there is 2 weeks break before we start again. During the break we will start to go to the daycare for 2 hrs at 1st.

Omar is very clingy he will not stay in any place if I'm not around, so I have to work on his clinginess before he goes to pre- school next year. I can't even send him to my mum's place anymore as my nephew is there :( my mum can't handle both kids around.
I also noticed that all of you here have 2 kids, I guess it's easier for me to concentrate on Omar's sensitivity as I don't have another kid/ baby to look after. This is why it might sound that we're doing too much activities.

I honesty don't know how you ladies can cope with a sensitive toddler & a baby :hugs:, I feel like screaming almost everyday, & I only have to deal with one kid!

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