Sensitive kids group

Sparkle, I don't know what Google said and maybe I don't want to know, but I don't see what the problem with that would be. She probably is just verbalizing her thoughts but wants to keep them to herself, and she isn't aware of the norms around whispering (or isn't able to stop herself)? Nothing wrong with any of that. How old is she again?
Thanks ladies. She's 4.. She is a bit of a chatterbox so maybe just likes the sound of her own voice ..

I asked her why she does it and she just shrugged and said she likes to talk :) fair enough

Now when she does it she looks at me laughs and says " oops doing it wasn't I " so she is aware
Omar whispers & talks to himself all the time, I thought it's normal?
I though so too. I don't know why I google these bloody things, always to be told the same thing. Aspergers!
I would prefer if Megan would whisper... It's hard to get a word in edge wise with her talking :) and if we try to to talk over her she just talks even louder. Lol Megan doesn't talk to herself so no experience... But google is evil and make most normal behaviors sound like the worst thing ever.

Dh and I have booked a vacation! Mil is willing to come to our house and take care of the girls for 5 nights! Omg! We are both excited and yet nervous about leaving them for so long. Its later in feb.

I've started meds and the dr agreed that I have anxiety as well as depression. Dh and I had a date night a week ago as well. Even the dr appt was a chance for me to get time alone and that was helpful for me. Yesterday the school was closed and I had a chiropractor appt for my back. I had the neighbor kid watch the girls. I've had a pinched nerve for weeks. Well I brought up all my other back problems which I hav just lived with... Since pregnancy. And wow, never been to one before...she says I can bring the girls so don't need to find a babysitter. I am going to be going in anytime I have issues... It was feeling normal to be having constant back pain. And sore last night after but my lower back/pelvis area... Amazing the difference. Still issues in my neck though so going back Friday.

Megan had a huge meltdown by the time the sitter was leaving yesterday. She hadn't really even rested, and no nap. She had 2 cookies, and so excited about him being here. She ended up stripping naked and thrashing around acting all crazy when I tried to have her calm down. She was so overstimulated. She eventually calmed down and then was fine.
Great news Daisybee :hugs: glad the session Helped with your back pain. I really hope you have a great vacation, you both need it

Looool @ Megan moving around naked :rofl:

Omar is doing great at school, he's finally going out to play with the other kids. My uncle passed away last tuesday :cry: he wasnt sick or anything, he had a stroke & died , my mum is in a shock, we were too close to him & his family.

I had my 1st exam yesterday, it went well, I'm doing too many courses, I have to meet students here & online to practice health histories, but I'm ok.
Good to hear how ask your LOs are doing. Daisybee, great that you're going on holiday! I'm sure you'll have a great time. I'm jealous! I remember holidays before kids, lying on beaches and taking leisurely lunches, heaven, and even better now knowing you have your gorgeous girls to go back to. Where are you going?
Omar' s mum great to hear that Omar is doing so well at school. He obviously just wanted to suss it all out before getting involved! Abigail is clearly worried about starting school even though I've tried to stop taking about it. She was going on and on today about how she doesn't want to have school dinners when she goes to big girl school. I told her it's fine, she can take sandwiches and she seemed happy but it isn't fine really as school meals will be free from September so I want her to eat them. Guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Anyway, she could have much more to worry about than her meals - I got a BFP yesterday. Very early days and still a faint line at 15 dpo so it may not stick but if it does it would be due in October - as if starting school wasn't going to be traumatic enough already!
Hope you're all having a good week x
Cattia, wow, huge congratulations! Very exciting! At least if baby is born in October it would mean that you would be off on maternity leave to help Abigail settle into school. Even though obviously you would be busy with the new baby! But I definitely notice that I hear much much less from Thomas about preschool since I've been back to work - I guess by the time I see him in the evening he has sort of forgotten about preschool whereas when I was at home he used to tell me loads immediately after school. So it was great being at home for his first few months in preschool while he was getting settled.

Daisybee, I'm so pleased that you are getting a holiday! Five days child-free sounds like bliss! I'm sure you will miss them but just think of all that time to yourself! And they will have a great time with your mil. I can't think about leaving Clara at all yet when she is still sleeping so badly, I couldn't inflict those nights on anybody. Great news about the chiropractor appointment too.

Omarsmum, good luck with the rest of your exams.

All is good here, I'm back in work now so I have absolutely no time to do anything! But actually I'm quite enjoying being back on the whole.
Cattia - congrats!!! I agree with polaris - maternity leave might be helpful for her settling into school.

Polaris - Im glad things are going well. It has to be hard working with Clara still not sleeping!

Omarsmum -I'm so sorry about your uncle. What a shock. I'm glad Omar is doing well in school.

Jordan has been having a tough time falling asleep the past few weeks and she wakes up sooo grumpy from nap and nothing will console her. She doesn't want to cuddle or anything. I can't figure out what's up. She had her double ear infection, but I think that is better after the meds, this isn't the same as when she had that?
Dh and I are going to mexico, right on the beach. Being out of the negative temps alone sounds like bliss. It feels weird to be leaving the kids, but I think it will be good. We haven't told them yet. Lol Megan is going to be upset we are going without her.

I've noticed the house is getting a bit messy and chaotic lately and it makes me anxious. I'm working at trying to clear out the clutter again. I think being stuck inside with the cold weather and 2 feet of snow doesn't help!
Mexico, wow that sounds great Daisybee! Jordan could still be suffering with pressure in her ears when she lies down, or could it ne teeth do you think?
Omar's mum, such sad news about your uncle :( I hope you are doing as ok as you can.
Polaris, glad work is going well. It's nice to have some adult time sometimes, although the routine is so hectic, I wish I had another day for every day of the week.
Daisybee, are you a tidy person normally? I'm not but the state of our house does get me down. Junk and clutter everywhere, it just looks a mess. We are going to get a cleaner just once a month and im hoping that will help.
Thanks for the congrats everyone. I'm still trying to take a wait and see approach as it's such early days and I'm not going to say anything to the children unless we get through the 12 week scan. I've always wanted three but of course I have reservations about how it will work out and how we'll all cope. Most of all I hope it all works out ok! I think Abigail would LOVE a baby, but it's so much change for her. The idea of being able to drop her at school and pick her up every day would be nice though. I guess I'll try to take a day at a time and see how it goes.
Today I got Jordan down for nap much earlier and she did protest but not long, and took a little longer of nap and was in a much better mood when I woke her. ( I've been waking her the past few months as she was having trouble falling asleep at night if she slept too late in the afternoon). She wasnt crying at wakeup so maybe she has just been overtired?

Megan has officially dropped her nap. And she is sleeping better at night finally. Before whenever she tried dropping it she would wake so much at night and be awake all night then. She is sleeping through most of the time now even without a nap. Yay! I hope her night sleep keeps going in the right direction.

I'm normally not a clean freak... I think it's more of my anxiety coming out. The girls constantly are making a mess. Megan is not like Omar the way he wants everything neat and organized. I feel like I'm a bit cooped up with the weather the past month. It's been just so cold - it's never this cold! I need to declutter. It's the clutter that's getting to me :)
Congratulations Cattia! How exciting! Having a baby to prepare for might be just the thing to take her mind off school.

Great news that there's more sleep all round in your house Daisybee! I can only imagine the cabin fever going on. Hopefully the weather will change before long. We're hoping to move this year and have decluttered to a ridiculous extent, and the positive effect it's had on all of us has been amazing. Would Megan get involved in choosing things to pass on to others etc?

So sorry for your loss Omarsmum. It sounds like you have so much going on. It's lovely that Omar has adjusted so well at school.

Alice is very physically sensitive at the moment, which is odd because emotionally, she's doing brilliantly, and is amazing company. Usually the physical stuff happens when she's feeling stressed, but she seems very relaxed. New things are refusing most pyjamas and towels as they're too rough, only using round pencils (not the hexagonal ones) and only wanting one type of cutlery with rounded edges. She's also gone off lots of foods like garlic and onions. Her sensitivity to smell is enormous, and she's gagging a lot when we're out in town and walk near a restaurant etc. It's difficult to know whether I should cater to it all, or challenge her a bit. With the cutlery thing for example I've tried to say she can have her favourites if they're clean, but sometimes it's not possible.

On 2 occasions this week, she's had invitations to play. Both the girls who have asked her are 6. We've been to one girl's house already, and I found it a bit awkward as after a short play, Alice disappeared, and I found her playing upstairs on her own. She wasn't unhappy, she was just doing what she usually does, but I feel there's an expectation that she should play with the child who invited her. Not sure if I should raise it with her when we go to the next girl's house next week, or just keep my nose out.

I've decided to send Arthur to Alice's childminder one morning a week instead of Alice, so we can have some time together. She's keen to start some project work, but Arthur does make that tough, so I think it will be good for all of us.
Cattia- Congrats!

Daisybee- Mexico sounds amazing! Hope you have a great time hun
Daisybee, I hope the sleep has continued to improve.
Tracey, how did the play dates go? It's tricky to know how much to push them into socialising isn't it?
Things here are ok except Abigail's noise sensitivity has got worse again. She was covering her ears today because she didn't like the background noise form the boiler. Honestly, it was such a low background noise I struggled to hear it myself. Today we were at the dentist in the waiting room and the tv had inteference and she was covering her ears and really anxious about the noise. It really wasn't that loud. Not all loud noises bother her and some of the ones that do bother her are not all that loud. I don't understand her. I don't know whether I should mention it to the GP? She had a hearing test about 18 months ago and it was ok.
Cattia, just wanted to mention that I am like that with noises! I don't mind loud noises but a barely audible background noise at a particular frequency drives me mad. OH has a habit of turning the radio right down instead of turning it off so it is just barely audible and if there is any interference on the channel it will drive me mad. Also the noise of the heating used to wreck my head at nighttime, but I don't notice that now that I'm using white noise.
Polaris, thanks so much for the reply. I do think maybe she is just sensitive to sounds of a certain frequency, which sounds similar to your own experiences. It's interesting that you mention using white noise, because Abigail actually really likes the noise of the hairdryer and the vacuum cleaner, she will come into the room on purpose if I am using them, yet sudden noises or noises of a certain pitch seem to bother her. I just hope that when she gets to school she is able to filter out the background noise, although it certainly doesn't seem to bother her at pre school.

I had forgotten how stressful pregnancy is. I'm already spending all day stressing about my symptoms. I felt sick for a couple of days and now I don't. I have been getting all kinds of reinvest. Waiting for the first scan feels like a lifetime!
Try and relax Hun I was the same in pregnancy I'm sure it's all going to be fine. You can relax after your scan.

We have a play date today. I never really look forward to them as I never know how Ruby's going to cope. There are now more coming than I would have hoped. Two girls Ruby's age, a boy and a baby plus our jasmine ..

I always get anxious and watch how Ruby's interacting. Wish I could relax and just let her be

We've been struggling with her emotions. She's been very emotional and looking for reactions constantly, playing up just to get in trouble. I've worked out time out is not the answer this sets off major meltdowns.

she seems to like pre school but says she just plays with one girl. I'm resisting asking pre school as at the last one this set off them really watching and wanting to get people in. Now these just say " oh she's fine " I wonder sometimes. I still stress over Aspergers though prob just my anxiety

She plays with her sister really well. She always wants to play with her, little pretend games. Doctors, shops etc so this makes me feel more relaxed. She's mot sleeping all that well, think this MIT be playing a part in the emotional side of things
Samy is highly sensitive to smells, noise and taste. She can smell and taste subtle things that I cant at all (particularly ingredients that are added) and will often move if you are eating something she does not like the smell of. Having said that I think she puts it on a bit at home as even though she clearly does smell it at school she copes perfectly well with other people eating around her.
In terms of interacting though I helped out at Samys school disco last night (around 50 or so Reception children) and it was an eye opening really in that at least a quarter of them refused to let their parents go, some did not like the noise and go headaches and there interactions were a lot of running around and holdings hand. Samy did not appear to be that unusual. Also I think they definitely act differently when we are not around - Samy has a best friend called Aimee (who talks to her mum about playing with Samy all the time) but as both had their mums there yesterday were very shy and took awhile to talk to each other.

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