Sensitive kids group

JC :hugs: so sorry tommy is not feeling well, hope he gets better soon Hun. Glad daisy had a good day at pre-school, hope it stays the same

Moomoo- Omar looks more grown up those days, we finally had 2 poos in the toilet. He's also been asking to sleep in his room. We didn't do it yet, but I might start tonight & see how it goes. He's doing great at his classes, very chatty & cheerful which is a big step. We had night terrors few weeks back, he used to scream for 30 mins talking about his cousin, looking for us & so on. It was heart breaking :( , his sleep is still all over the place, I have no idea when he will finally sleep through

Tacey- when Omar gets frustrated when he can't do something, I tell him it's ok, we all make mistakes, I do what he was doing but I do it wrong, to show him that it's ok when we can't do something right. He thinks it's funny when mummy can't figure out how to do something.

Today I called the school he will g to in September, I told them over the phone that the kid is advanced for his age, so they suggested to move him a class up. If he goes to KG1 he will be one of the oldest kids in class as the cut off date is 15 sept, but they give exceptions until 15 October. Omar is born on November 17th.

So now we have to get an exemption paper from the ministry of education, then Omar will go for an interview at school. The school uses active learning, nothing structured until the age of 7. They don't even introduce letters in KG1. It's only playing & activities.

So what do you think? Should we go for it? If we have this option, I will have to look for a nursery for Omar to join next term in March. I feel lost & I don't know what to do!
I started school when I was 3, and was with the year above the one I should have been with throughout primary. It was a mixed experience really. I was top in English, French, Maths and most academic subjects, but struggled hugely with PE. I was born in May 1984, and some of the children were born in September 1982, so there was a big physical difference. It had (and actually, still has) a big impact on how I viewed myself. I also struggled with the social side and length of the days. I spent one term with my rightful class when the head teacher changed and wanted uniformity, but I was bored senseless and moved back up. It's a really hard decision, and may be worth discussing what the teachers will do if Omar joins the older class. Some concessions may need to be made for him.
Hi Omarsmum.

Sorry I am a bit confused about the different school systems. Is KG1 the first class they go into? So are the school saying to start him in nursery in March and then go straight into KG2? It's a really big decision, it must be very hard to decide what is the best thing to do.
Tacey - I find that with Megan, even if I think something is silly... She doesn't see it the same way. So either finding a way to lighten the situation... I like how omarsmum said what she does.... Or validating and giving words to feelings. She does so much better when she realizes I understand her feelings. So I tend to put words to the feelings while trying to make the mood calmer. Then decide from there what is the best approach for the situation. There are times recently where she is having a fit about something, but it's for attention. Or she automatically says I'm sad and then thinks that means she will get her way, or if she is being frustrated I'm finding that sometimes it's better to not rescue her immediately. It depends on the frustration level. And yes I totally understand the lack of sleep affecting your response. :hugs: sleep affects me greatly, I've always been like that. My mom says as a child I was the one most affected by sleep or lack of sleep. I find with sleep I am a much better parent. So it's a big thing to be the type of parent you want when you aren't sleeping.

Omarsmum - what a big decision you have! Are you able to start him off with the younger kids but then once he is 7 see if he needs to be moved up then? As if they are only playing til then, he would be with peers his age. I've known kids to start preschool when they were supposed to and go through either all or part of kindergarden and then be moved up a class. But if he is only a month younger than some of the kids, it might not be noticeable. I would try looking at the bigger picture, what seems like the right decision for when he is 10 or 15 years old?

I had a dr appt yesterday and had mil and fil come to watch the girls. Mil brought ovulteen ( sp?) which is basically sugar and chocolate that they add some vitamins to for adding into milk. I showed mil some snack ideas in the cupboard. When I got back I find that Megan had not even rested. She was exhausted looking ( I was gone most of the afternoon), and they had made peanut butter cookies. Great, except the recipe she used was only 4 ingredients, basically half sugar and half peanut butter. They were giant cookies and Megan had 3 1/2 cookies! She also had 2 big glasses of ovulteen as well according to mil. :dohh: she was a sugared up hyper mess and had a really hard evening and couldn't sleep. Dh had just given jordan some of the cookie as he thought peanut butter was ok if cooked. Lol then mil was saying well she is almost a year anyway, dh had peanut butter at around 4 months, and she didn't have very much anyway.

Mil is also claiming that Jordan is copying whole phrases and sentences as mil was singing made up songs and says Jordan would sing it right after her. :wacko: sorry but no, she isn't. And now I realize why people think it's made up when I say my kids talked early... It's because people like my mil who hear what they want to hear! She is saying meh and mehmeh for Megan, mommy, daddy, vroom vroom, all done, and night night. Her other words I haven't heard in a couple of weeks.
He will be the eldest in class if we go by age rules. If we got him to skip a class & go directly to kg 2 the kids will be only few months older than him. He cope better with older kids (many will be 1-2 months older only) so the age difference is not that big.

I don't think the system is fair. According to the system Omar should go to kg1 with my friend's daughter who was born in Sept 2010. Omar considers my friend's daughter a baby, she doesn't talk well & she's still baby-ish

I'm around many kids who are 3, Omar is much more mature than them.

Polaris- here schools are private, nothing is free for expats. Nurseries are optional & we don't get free hours. I want to enrol him in the older kids class at a nursery to get him used to staying without me there before sending him to pre-school in September.

I don't know what to do, I feel like pulling my hair out.

I'm also born in November, school was boring, I was one of the eldest kids in class, & I hated it. I wasn't physical but I didn't struggle, but it's my nature, I was never into sports, now I even hate going to the gym :rofl:

As I mentioned earlier, the school he will go to is considered "easy" especially during pre-school & primary.

Omar's best friends are 5,6 & 8 yrs old. I don't think he will struggle socially when it comes to friends, I think he can cope better with kids older than him in class.

At kidville we started to go to 3 yrs+ classes when he was 2 as he was always bored in the classes for his age.

I always get comments on how he's more mature than other 3 yrs old kids.

I don't know what to do!!
Omarsmum- so this fall he would go to k1 or k2? His only preschool would be from march vs a whole year of preschool first? Both kindergartens are full days, right?

it is a very different situation than what we have here. Your k1 is our 4 year old preschool and k2 for you is our kids only kindergarden. (correct?) Our kindergarden is all learning nowdays. By beginning of 1st grade they are writing stories that they need to come up with a beginning, middle, and end by themselves and write it all. Pressure is on once they are in kindergarden.

There is no way I would ever send Megan early even if she was advanced. Just because I feel like they are only kids for such a short period of time, and they have the rest of their life for school and work. But here, the only play based year is this coming fall... The 3 year old preschool. They are pushing kids too fast too early here and I don't agree with it.

Here they expect them to be able to do all dressing, toileting, etc. In kindergarden as well. Do you think beyond the making friends aspect that he is ready emotionally and self care wise? Megan isn't quite there I don't think, even though she is more independent every day.

Eta - I also think the maturity thing might be an issue for him no matter what class he is in. I was mature while growing up, but a year in school wouldn't have changed anything. I was more cautious than most of the kids, I thought things kids my age were doing were dumb. I see Megan being the same way a bit... And it's more about personality I think.
Omarsmum its such a difficult choice and I have mixed opinions on it. It was suggested at my school that I went up a class and I did not want to (it was senior school at this point) but I am an end of August birth so was one of the youngest in the year anyway and I felt I would be out of my depth socially. However I was due August 29th so if I had been late I would have been a September birth and in that instance I think it would have been right for me to go ahead a year.

It also has longer term implications as well - my SIL was put ahead a year (April birth) which meant went she went off to Uni she was not allowed to live on campus so lived in a shared house - she only lasted 2 weeks before dropping out.

The fact he is November makes it tricky though - Sept/oct I would say yes January onwards no - he is inbetween.

JC- I hope Tommy is better soon. And I think Daisy doing shorter sessions is a good idea. Samy had a very tailored approach to settling in that no other child had and it has meant that she is now very settled but it took a long time. It has really helped and she plays well with others and is making friends.

I worry about the learning aspect - Samy has started to notice academically she is ahead. She can read simple books but has noticed some of her class cant even read their names whereas she can also spell and write a few words. She has such high hopes big school will teach her things and I think she may be disappointed.

Tacey the perfectionist thing really depends on what it is. If I can break it down into parts and get her to gradually do that I will. If not I guess it depends on her mood!

The other thing I have realised is Charlie is really making me realise just how sensitive she is. All the time peoplre are asking to hold him and he happily goes for a hug (I am talking teachers/parents) and is so much more socialable. Samy barely stood being held by her grandparents at the same age.
Megan has been obsessed this week about school and asking every day if she can go to school that day, constantly asking what day is today as well. Lol I asked her if she wants to go to more school than just the one time a week with mommy, that her same teacher has a different class that mommy would bring Megan and she would play and I would pick her up and she said yes lets do that! Well class for feb. Started yesterday and with things up in the air with my dad I'm going to wait and see, but maybe sign her up for march classes. We signed up for gym classes for every other Monday 3 sessions. Today we went to story time at the library and she was so good! Sat and listened to the stories for the first time ever, didn't run around or go behind the desk, etc. She colored with the other kids after books so well. Not misbehaving which is what she used to do. Yay! I had gone in the other day by myself and talked to the children's librarian about finding some books for Megan. She is already needing more books again. I seriously can't keep up. So she helped me find some, but they don't have many it seems that a lot for the next age group are for them reading themselves. She came with me last night to pick up some food and when we were in the car she started laughing and saying something that I couldn't make out because she was being so silly. Finally caught on that she was saying "hide and eat" which is from one of the books I found for her, the horse decides to play hide and eat vs hide and seek. We had read it before bed Monday night, and she handnt mentioned the book since then, and then all of a sudden is laughing about it. Lol she thought it was so funny! It is very cute seeing her sense of humor. She is in so much better mood now that she is eating again!!!! Thank goodness!

My dads appt got messed up and now they are scheduled for Friday instead. I've spent my week talking to family and crying quite a bit. I'm trying very hard to stay busy but it's coming out at random times, things will make me think about my dad.

Megans eating is still getting better, she isn't close to eating as well as she was before, but she is eating.
Daisybee, I will be really hoping that everything goes well at your dad's appointment tomorrow, how awful that it had to be postponed, my heart goes out to your family at this difficult time. On a more positive note, that's so great that Megan is so enthusiastic about school!

Quartz - I really notice the difference so much between my two already even though Clara is only five months. She's so different to Thomas at that age, she is happy to go to anyone, she smiles and laughs easily, she's not really affected too badly by tiredness or missing a nap, she is happy to entertain herself for longish periods without needing constant attention from me. Thomas was just so much harder work whereas with Clara I can see why people often say that the baby stage is the easiest!

We are all over our cold/cough, thank goodness, it's great to have a bit of energy again!

Also, I got some really good news this morning, I think some of you know that I am hoping to take an extra six months off work after my maternity leave, I got a phone call this morning to say that the general manager has indicated that she will approve the request! It still all has to go through the system and the administrative details to be sorted out so it's not in the bag quite yet, but definitely looking good! I'm so happy! It would mean I wouldn't be back in work until January 2014 - Thomas would be settled in preschool (hopefully!) and Clara would be 16 months.
Polaris - that is great news!!! :hugs: I'm thrilled for you! And also glad that you are all feeling better!

Jordan is sensitive but much less so than Megan was at this age. She notices everything, very observant. She does get overtired, but does handle it much better and I think it's because overall she isn't always overtired. But bedtime means bedtime for her and if overtired she doesn't sleep well and up early the next day. Her teeth are really bothering her right now. She now shakes when I run the vacuum cleaner. No crying or screaming, but silent and shaking. She is in a stranger anxiety phase but it's less than what Megan had it. She is going through separation anxiety as well, and it's been hard to leave her with mil as she really misses me and is getting upset. She still hates being outside. It's about 30 degrees here right now, so for winter not really a bad week. And she still cant handle it. She still smells things, and if something is smelly she sniffs really loudly... Like food cooking or Megan found some smelly lotion of grandmas that she left here, or hand sanitizer.

I had to get a tb test for the dr to sign off on my health for daycare. :wacko: anyway, had to go back yesterday to get it checked and sign the sheet. Megan was very worried for me as she thought I was getting a shot. Dh was done with work early so they all came along and he stayed with them in the car. She wanted to see the bandaid.

We went out for dinner and picked too loud and crazy of a place. None of us were coping well. Lol we decided we need to come up with some places before we leave home... Something calmer.
Polaris, that is great news about the maternity leave extension! Fingers crossed it all goes through smoothly. What is your job if you don't mind me asking?

Omar's Mum, that is a tough decison about whether to send him into an older class. I don't think I'd choose to do that myself though. Quite often children that are very advanced young do level out a bit as they get older. Daisy for example knows all her letters etc and my neighbour's 3 year old knows none. That is because she has not exposed her daughter to letters or sang alphabet rhymes etc but once she is taught that in school the chances are her and Daisy will end up on a level playing field by the time they are about 7. I know Omar is also advanced socially though so the decision is a tough one.

Daisybee, I hope all goes well at your dad's appointment tomorrow. I'm glad Megan's eating continues to improve. It sounds like Jordan is doing great with her speech. She can say a lot more than Tommy can.

Thanks for all the well wishes for Tommy ladies. He is slowly getting better, thank goodness. I am ill myself now. I have flu which I have never had before. I have a really good immune system as I am exposed to little kid's germs constantly at work and I rarely get ill and flu is a new one to me. Horrible though! I'm off work, in bed.

Hubby had a meeting with the person who runs the pre-school as a result of the letter I wrote to address any issues today. She said she doesn't consider Daisy's behaviour any more than settling in issues and they are not concerned. We are worried because she has always been very sociable but has become very wary of other children since starting pre-school. They said she is like that there too and they will monitor it but again they consider it to be settling in issues. She is not used to spending so long with other children and is out of her comfort zone. They said she is very advanced with her learning and has very good concentration skills and is great at turn taking in group games but struggles with sharing in her independent play. She can share fine up to a point but can't cope if another child takes what she is playing with and can over react, pushing the other child for example, but that is a learning curve for her I guess. We're not as worried as we were anyway.

She has had no meltdowns at home for a couple of weeks now which is a record for her! And she's done a couple of wees on the toilet at home!! Still not sleeping though.
Thanks for the advice on the frustration/perfectionism thing. It's manifesting in a different way now too. She asks me to colour/do dot to dots/put on stickers because she's worried she'll "get it wrong" and it will be messy. This is a new one for us, but I know some of you have experienced it. Hopefully, it's a phase. She's developed a lot physically and mentally in the past couple of weeks, so it could be an insecurity thing. There's been a lot of pretending to be a baby too.

Omarsmum, where are you at with the decision? What are you tending towards at the moment? It's a big decision to make.

How's Megan doing Daisybee? Is her eating back to normal? Brilliant news that she's been getting on so well with classes and stories. So sorry your dad's appointment has been put back. I hope all goes well tomorrow. You must be under great stress lately.

Quartz, your comment about your little one making you realise the older one's sensitivity is so true for us too. Arthur is a sociable little chap, and it makes it obvious how different Alice was from day 1!

Polaris, hurray for health, and for the career break! That's excellent news. Hopefully you'll get the official confirmation soon.

:hugs: JC, what a nightmare few weeks you've had! I'll bet you've been a bit rundown with caring for Tommy, it's often the way that you get ill after that. Anyway, I hope you're over it soon. I hope you're being well looked after! It sounds like Daisy's making some great leaps. It's great that you're feeling better about it all. Hopefully she'll have settled well before long. Sympathy on the crappy sleep. Still struggling here too!
Thanks for all the congratulations about my delayed return to work, I am really so pleased that it looks like it will work out. JC - I work for the HSE (which is the Irish equivalent of the NHS) as a clinical psychologist in a community adult mental health service. They have a cost-saving scheme at the moment that allows you to apply to take special leave without pay (it's open to everybody, nothing to do with maternity leave) but it has to be approved by your line management and by senior management. My immediate boss was very supportive from the outset but it still could have been vetoed by senior management, that is the person who has agreed to it today. The most likely reason to be turned down is if it is considered that your position is essential to provision of services so it helps that another clinical psychologist is due to start work with my team on Monday so they will have some cover while I'm off. I should also be able to do some private assessment work while I'm off which will help to tide us over financially.

Tacey, Thomas always asks me to do things if he thinks he will "do it wrong" or it will not look the way he wanted it to. He is slowly getting a bit better but that's more because his abilities are increasing so he feels confident to do more, rather than that he's less bothered about making a mess of it. I'm a bit of a perfectionist myself so it's something I really have to make a conscious effort to work on this with him and avoid passing my own hang-ups on to him.
Megan will also ask for me to do things for her, because she thinks she can't do things at all ( like putting on her underwear) or as good as I can. It's something we work on gradually and when she is in the right mood. Things slowly progress so I think it's working. :shrug:

I realized besides being in a better mood now that she is eating... She is really behaving so much better. We havent had to be doing time ins at all recently. She seems to be coping really well with everything in general ( vs ups and downs, meltdowns over silly things, etc). I'm wondering if some was Xmas and bday or if it was part of a phase she was going through? Although I'm wondering if some things are boredom. We've been doing a lot more recently, seen more of family recently. Etc. She isn't whining about wanting tv on, instead she is being creative and wanting to do more things.

Jc - I hope you feel better soon!
I will go through posts later, I have people coming for lunch.

We decided not to go for skipping a class. Kg2 is longer hours, I don't think he's ready to go to school from 8-1.30 pm, 8-12 is more than enough.

In additon almost all KG 2 kids have bed to pre-school before, they already have friends, & they are using to being away from their parents, Omar never been to a nursery so it will be a huge step socially.

He will go to Kg1 in September, if the school thinks he's ready to skip a class when he 's older we will look into it but not before the age of 7-8 yrs.

I hope we're making the right decision.
Omarsmum - that is a good point about your decision. Omar doesn't have that preschool year where the other kids will. Im sure it will work out fine :hugs: it is a big decision. I can't even figure out if we should send Megan to 2 or 3 day morning preschool in the fall. And the difference isn't that big. Lol

During the part of class last night where parents leave the kids we talked about temperament. I thought it was really interesting and the other parents were very bored, lol. One sheet the educator handed us had 4 temperaments on it saying your child will be in one of these. 1st was the easy, flexible child. It said these children are the sunny, happy children, approaches new things readily. Seldom cries. Follows a regular schedule, not intense, says potty training will go well. Undemanding child that sometimes their need for attention goes unnoticed, needs will go unnoticed. 40% of kids are in this group... Positive mood, flexible traits, quick to adapt, low sensitivity, low intensity.

2nd group is challenging, feisty child. This child will make sure you understand their emotions and needs, may have cried easily and more often, may take longer to establish routines, higher intensity, may withdraw from new experiences. Loves and comforted by familiar and routine. May need to use a pacifier or suck thumb longer than other kids, and this normal and a highly effective way of self calming. Special blankets or toy useful. Parent of these children, make sure your own needs are being met. 10% of kids are in this group. Traits include - active, intense, sensitive, distractible, moody, irregular.

3rd group is the slow to warm up- fearful child. This child is perfectly happy and well adjusted but needs to proceed new activities and interactions at his own pace. Pushing this child will only make him more reluctant to try new experiences. With this child, a parent needs to respect his initial reluctance to step forward and participate in life without making matters worse. Provide this child extra time. Self esteem a big thing for these kids. 15% of kids are in this group. Traits - slow to adapt, withdrawn.

40 and 10 and 15 is 65% of kids.... So all the rest are a combination...

4th group is a combination of 2 of the upper groups

Thought it was an interesting very basic breakdown of temperaments. The ones I've seen have had them broken down much further... Sensitive being separate from irregular, etc.

Megan is mostly the feisty group, but also the slow to adapt group. I think jordan is mostly the first group but distractible and a bit sensitive from the 2nd group. She isn't intense or moody, she is overall happy.

I think this type of temperament grouping puts our kids in boxes more than the type that has splits up sensitivity, intensity, adaptability.
The temperament characteristics sheet she gave us... That is more what I've seen before

Intensity - how strong or intense is your child's emotional reaction? When laughing or crying is it energetic or mild? Scale 1-5

Persistence / attention - now long will your child continue with a difficult task
Long 1 -5 short attention. ( this one is confusing to me, as Megan seems to give up easily with tasks, but when she wants her way with us she is very persistent? But yet with some things she does have a very long attention span... Like being able to sit and read books for over an hour.)

Sensitivity - how aware of slight differences in noise level, temperature, or touch 1-5

Distractibility/ perceptiveness. Are people, color, noises, objects in the environment easily noticed? Are things frequently forgotten because of being distracted. ( this is both of my girls to a t)

Adaptability - now quickly do they adapt to a change in schedule or routine, a new place or a new food - quickly - slow to adapt

Regularity - is your child regular about eating and sleeping times, amount of sleep needed and bowel habits

Energy- activity level. Is your child always on the move or quiet and calm. Can they sit through a long activity without moving around a lot?

First reaction - how do they react when first time to new people, places, activites.

Overall mood - how much of the time does your child feel happy and content compared to somber and reflective.
Omarsmum, that is probably the decision that I would make in your shoes. As you say, if it is clear down the line that he needs to be moved up a class then you can look at it then. I agree that it would be a big jump when he hasn't had the preschool experiences of the other kids.

Daisybee, thanks for posting the information on temperament from the class. LOL at you finding it all fascinating while the other parents twiddled their thumbs! I think Thomas probably falls primarily into the slow-to-warm-up group, with some aspects from the feisty group. Clara falls into the easy flexible temperament. I think that is so true about easy babies being undemanding and sometimes their needs go unnoticed. I am so conscious of this with Clara because she demands so much less of me than Thomas ever did but I don't want to not give her the attention just because she doesn't demand it in the same way. She lights up when people interact with her and when she is the focus of my attention. But she doesn't protest if she's not. When Thomas was a baby, everything revolved around him, around keeping him happy, making sure he had slept, etc. With Clara, everything still revolves around Thomas's needs (because he still needs it) and she just (happily) fits in with that. She's really flexible. If she only cat-naps in the morning because we are out somewhere, she will have a long nap after lunch to make up. She's generally in good form and enjoys it whatever we do. But I do feel like I need to make an extra effort to make sure that her needs don't get lost because she's so easy-going.

Hope your dad's appointment goes as well as possible today, I will be thinking of you and hoping that the news isn't bad.
Hi ladies,

Daisy - thinking of you today. Big hugs. Thank you for posting the information on temperament, follows a lot of what I have read about spirited children. The feisty description is really Lizzie (currently asleep with her thumb in!) Ally is definitely an easy going child (currently quietly 'reading' to herself)

P- so pleased you've got your extended leave, that is fabulous!

OmarsMum - glad you've made a decision you're comfortable with :hugs: I did a couple of exams early, but my parents made a decision not to push my schooling 'up' a year, so to speak. When I think about it, sometimes I'm surprised, as I come from a family where academia is king. However, my mum said there were too concerned about the social side - and I loved all my friends. As long as the teachers are on the ball, it does work out.

I need to read everyone else's updates sending hugs to all!

We've had a mixed few days. We have been out for a few lunches, and Lizzie has behaved absolutely beautifully. Eaten everything, manners impeccable, behaving just perfectly.

Then we went to play at a friends house yesterday, and she was kicking?!? She has never, ever been violent - but she was wound up, cross and kicking. All stemming from tiredness, I think. She wouldn't apologise to some of her friends, and basically blamed them for it - as one had bitten her sandwich (thus rendering it inedible in her eyes) and another had taken a biscuit she wanted, but hAdnt vocalised that she wanted. School have also mentioned a bit of random kicking. It makes me so sad, she's never,ever, ever done this. School were surprised, too, as she's definitely a lover...not a fighter! Wonder if she's picking up on new behaviours she's witnessing, as she's always telling me about who hit who etc.

She knows I was upset by it all, and keeps asking if I am ok. I've assured her I am, but that I was very sad with her being unkind.

Lizzie doesn't deal well with tiredness and doesn't deal well with her food being interfered with. Today we have taken it easy, gone with later napping (she's generally not napped for ages now) and just played at home. She always wants to go out and do things, but I wonder if, sometimes, she just does too much...gets tired and can't deal.

I was in tears last night, as I just felt like an absolutely rubbish mum. I got cross at the time, and that's not the way to handle it.
Oh, Tacey...Lizzie gets really upset if she can't do something properly / perfectly. Example being she coloured in the sky red. Realised it shouldn't be red, got upset and ripped up her drawing!

JC - glad you feel reassured by school :hugs: and hope sleeping improves

Moomoo - we have the gagging over food and new fears...Lizzie gagged over a piece of asparagus yesterday. She ate all bar one spear she said smelled of animals?!

Quartz - Lizzie has always loved being hugged and hugging, but her sensitivity more lies in that she wouldn't / doesn't always respect personal space. Ally is a lot more cautious with her hugs! Love your avatar :)

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