September 2014 Rainbows- 17 Ladies so far

hey girls!

I totally agree with keeping in touch when our babies are born. we will need the support and I'll be curious to see how all of our babiea will be doing! I am nerv about the first 6w too but I know we'll be able to handle it. Millions of others have. :)

hilslo using a used breast pump from your sister is a great idea. like you said you know the history behind who used it. aren't you done with work tmrw?

nadhoo sorry about the amniotic band. great news is the drs are taking great care of you and that you've made it further than last time! 36w isn't so bad. So exciting you may have a new baby next week! !

London girl I'm afraid my baby is breech sometimes too. I feel movement all over but last scan I had was when I was 21w and he was then. when he hiccups I feel it up by my ribs but that isn't an indicator that baby is breech. just wish I could have another scan before he arrives. also babies turn alot so just bcz hes breech today doesn't mean he will be tmrw!

I'll be 36w tmrw! Yay. I can really tell in the last week that he's gotten big. Unless he's laying different. He just feels extremely huge. His movements are beginning to hurt a little bit. I know I'll miss that when he's here. I am so ready to be off work. I have a dr appt Tuesday but I doubt he will say anything about me leaving work early. I just am so tired and miserable. Ready to finally meet my baby boy!
Hi all
*Stroller panic warning!!!*
So I spent way too many hours investigating strollers.
Then finally chose on the city select jogger.
Went and bought it. brought it home.
and then realised it is MASSIVE and heavy. and I want to return it. I'm paranoid i won't be able to lift it and it won't be useable.
My husband thinks I'm being irrational but I just feel completely fixated on it.
Aughghghhg - I keep telling myself that any stroller is going to have pros and cons.
Which one have you guys gone with?
Ooh - try not to panic!!! From looking at a lot I have come to the conclusion that they're all massive!! In the end we've just gone with it and have gone for the uppa baby which is big too!
My sister has a city stroller and loves it as you can fold it one handed and it has lots of storage. Think on it for a couple of days before you decide.

You are so right. No one stroller seems to tick all the boxes you just have to go with the one that ticks as many of your boxes as possible.

My scan shows bubs is oblique breech which means his head is on my right hand side around my belly button, his bum is tucked into my left hip and his feet are tucked up so his feet are on my lower right hand side. Because he's so squashed he's apparently developed a very wonky head but I've been assured that it will sort itself out once he's born.

V disappointed about the prospect of a section. I know the main thing is that he's healthy but it's not the picture I had in my head and the recovery will be tough.

Nadhoo - what is an amniotic band? I can't believe your baby could be here next week!!!
Londongirl I absolutely love my stroller. I purchased online from walmart. Its the baby trend expedition series. I got it in tropic color. It's perfect in my opinion. Easy fold up. It's a little heavy but it's probably bcz of the jogger wheels.

hilslo maybe he will reposition himself and you can have regular birth. I am jeal u had a scan. I haven't had one since 21w. Dr better figure something out. Sick of not knowing how baby is facing. I am so ready to meet this little guy!

I've had a rough day. Just between ppl at work and DH giving me a hard time. I am ready for a new day.
Hello ladies had my NHS scan today which confirmed bean is breech (oblique flexed breech to be precise!). His head is on my right between my belly button and ribs, his bum is by my left hip and his legs are tucked up with his toes by my right hip. Makes sense from where I feel movement. The sonographer laughed as my belly is now so lopsided it's obvious he's not where he should be!

I'm going back tomorrow for a ECV (external cephalic version) which is where they give me an injection to relax my uterus then try to manually move him from the outside. The hospital has a 50% success rate so keep your fingers crossed for me that I'm one of the lucky 50% it works for! Now I'm full term (eeeekk!) there's only a 5% chance of him turning by himself.

It's my first day of mat leave today too. So far so good. Definitely enjoying it!

How are you ladies? Babydust - I hope you're refreshed by the weekend and feeling better. Nearly there now!

Nadhoo - how are you doing hon?

Londongirl - how's it going with the City Stroller - have you made a decision whether or not to keep it?
Wow hilslo! Sounds like baby is all relaxed and chilled hanging out sideways in your belly lol.You've got to admit that it's cute lol. I hope them trying to move him works! 50% is better than 20! I pray all goes good. So exciting you're full term now!!

Well I'm not sure if what I've been experiencing is contractions or if it's the baby? Here lately I'll get spots in my belly where it feels extremely hard at times and gets real real tight for about 5 seconds. I can't tell if it's the baby pushing out real far or if it's contractions? Since I've obvi never got this far. .. I have no idea! I have a dr appt tmrw and will be asking him this question.
Hehe - he's definitely comfy hanging out there!

Are your contractions painful? They sound very much like braxton hicks contractions. Apparently labour contractions radiate out from your back round to your stomach. Braxton hicks feel more uncomfortable than painful and make your uterus tighten up and feel hard. I seem to have been getting them for about a month now but have obviously never had labour contractions to compare them to! Your doing the best thing and asking tomorrow. Is it a routine appt? I know in the uk we have a 36 w appt but not sure how it works in the States!
Yup it's a routine appt. I'll be seeing the dr every week now until baby is here! Sometimes I'm convinced that what I'm feeling is just him and other times I wonder if it is BH. Can't wait to find out tmrw. I just hope he can tell me tmrw if I'm dilated any or what % effaced I am. I want to know if it's all progressing each week or what! From the beginning I had a strong feeling I was going to go around Aug 26th. Don't ask why lol. Now I am convinced I will go up until my due date. I can't wait for all of us to meet our babies!! Can't wait to hear the birth stories too.
Hilslo - I so hope that they can turn him. Please keep us updated...

Babydust - definitely sounds like braxton hicks - sound exactly what I've had for the past month or so. Especially when I am walking fast. Can make me quite breathless.

So.... we ended up taking the stroller (city select) back and bought a britax b-agile instead! Half the size and half the price!

Hey out of interest, is anyone doing perineum massage? I tried but I don't really understand it and it hurt :(
Happy 36 weeks londongirl!!! 1 more week!!!!! What is perinieun massage? Never heard of it.
Not great news. They wouldn't perform the ECV as apparently they will only do one if the baby is vertical breech, not oblique breech (so why waste my time to bring me in again to tell me??). Instead, unless he moves I have to get a csection. To make matters worse, as there is a risk of cord prolapse (ie if I start to go into labour there is a chance that the cord will come out first rather than the head or feet). Apparently that is seriously bad news so I am being admitted to hospital on Monday and if I don't go into labour beforehand (and baby has not turned by itself) I will get a csection at 39 weeks.

The thought of a week stuck in hospital being bored out of my brain is not thrilling me, especially when I have so much more to do at home before baby arrives (decorate nursery, get builders to finish building work, wash baby clothes etc!)

Absolutely gutted :-(
Hilso.... so sorry you're going through all that. One thing I do like is you'll be in the hospital being monitored closely so nothing bad happens. I know you have a lot you want to get done, but having a healthy little boy is much more important. It will all work out the way it's meant to. Are you scared about having a csection? Does that put you at having baby on Aug 31st or Sept 1st?
Hilslo, I'm so, so sorry about your news that they can't try to turn him. And I'm sorry you're facing a week in hospital and a c-section. However, as babydust said, remember it's about getting that little guy out safely. And at least in hospital you're being monitored. I agree, I'd go mental in hospital for a week! But just be sure to take laptop with DVDs, books, get friends to come in, do some youtube tutorials on breastfeeding or whatever you might want to look into.

By the time you're snuggling your little mister, this will all be a memory.

Sorry, I'm not trying to take away from your disappointment, totally get that.
Happy 36 weeks londongirl!!! 1 more week!!!!! What is perinieun massage? Never heard of it.

I've had it mentioned a number of times, including by my doctor. It's a fairly 'eugh' thing to do - but it helps prevent tearing or at least the severity of tearing.
Thanks I will have to start doing it!

I had my dr appt today and baby is head down and I'm 1cm dilated!
Thanks I will have to start doing it!

I had my dr appt today and baby is head down and I'm 1cm dilated!

OMG 1cm - you are starting - amazing!!!

I'm starting to get the same sort of anxiety I had very early on in the pregnancy. I just want him out safe and sound now...
London girl you'll be full term tmrw!!!!

I have another dr appt today. Hopefully I'll be more dilated.
hi girls ..

looks like none of us had our babies yet .. i was given another scan and the radiologist cudnt find the amniotic band .. it is formed when the inside layer of the amniotic bag bursts before both the layers get fused around 16 weeks and is capable of causing amputations .. the baby is head down now and i am officially full term today :D

have doctors appt in a couple of days and then they will decide on a plan for me .. they are thinking of allowing a normal delivery as that band is not detected now ..

hope u all are doing great and that we all have our babies in good health soon :)
Nahoo I bet that is a bit relieving to not have the band. Congrats on making it full term! So happy for all of us!! Any day for any of us now!

Had a dream last night I had him amd he was beautiful. Then I went into a coma and came out a yr and a half later and he had super blonde hair and was named something ridiculous lol. Have any of you saw that yoga labor YouTube video? You rub your tummy firmly for 1 min clockwise and then for 3 mins after you do squats, wide steps and lunges to try to open up your cervix. Suppose to help engage baby and bring on labor. Nothing happened for me other than super sore legs now! I did this yesterday and when I woke up today I swear I've dropped some. worth a shot.
Nahoo I bet that is a bit relieving to not have the band. Congrats on making it full term! So happy for all of us!! Any day for any of us now!

Had a dream last night I had him amd he was beautiful. Then I went into a coma and came out a yr and a half later and he had super blonde hair and was named something ridiculous lol. Have any of you saw that yoga labor YouTube video? You rub your tummy firmly for 1 min clockwise and then for 3 mins after you do squats, wide steps and lunges to try to open up your cervix. Suppose to help engage baby and bring on labor. Nothing happened for me other than super sore legs now! I did this yesterday and when I woke up today I swear I've dropped some. worth a shot.

No way! Can you share a link?

I'm also getting acupuncture and eating 6 dates a day to soften cervix.

I'm just feeling like I've eaten 100 pies and soooo full.

Just the thought of potentially 5 more weeks... ie til 42 weeks ... Don't think I can take it!!

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