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September 2017 Testers - Hoping to "Fall" Pregnant - 18 BFPs & Counting!

12 DPO today. BFN yesterday. I think I'm out but had some weird yellowish brown spotting last night. Don't know if it's early AF or a late implanter. Suspect it's just AF but I'll continue testing until AF shows. Today is DH's bday. So, it would be a good day for a bfp even though I don't expect it.
Yay! Congrats Thunderbaby. Way to kick to month off with a bang!

Tove - your temps, omg! looking verrrrrry promising. FX
Sarahtonyn - I completely understand how you feel. TTC is such an emotional roller coaster. I'm just so happy to have found the boards for comfort from all these strong women. Take the time you need to wallow and when you're ready for a fresh start you can focus on your next cycle. :hug:
This week has gone by sooooo slow. Still 6 days until af is due. Have had mild cramps the past week. Really hoping its a good sign since i never have this. But knowing my body its probably just screwing with my mind. I wanted to wait until af is due to test but we all know we rarely do that lol. Im going to hold out as long as i can but will probably start testing in like 3 days. So excited! My ic's have been staring at me wanting to be used and i feel bad neglecting them
So, I woke up really this morning to a pinching feeling in my uterus. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough that it woke me up. It was painful. But I am only 5.5-6dpo right now. Could be early implantation? Or nothing! I need to stop symptom spotting!
Yay! Congrats Thunderbaby. Way to kick to month off with a bang!

Tove - your temps, omg! looking verrrrrry promising. FX

Thank you :D It does look very good! I just don't want to get my hopes up too much - last month I thought my chart looked good too...

Your chart looks great too! Fx for you :)
Rach87 - mild cramps sounds like a good sign! I know I had some mild cramping and weird sensation in my uterus before I tested positive for my first child. Good luck with testing :)
Congrats to all the BFP so far!!!!! This thread is already feeling lucky!!!
So today I am on CD 11. Just finished up my 4th round of Clomid yesterday. I expect to ovulate around CD 20. I have been very consistent with temping. I only miss the mornings after I work my night shift. Otherwise it's at 7am every morning! I'm going to start BD and using OPKs on CD 16. BD every other day until 1, maybe 2 DPO, just to cover our bases! And I'm NOT going to track my DPO symptoms. It didn't do me any good before.I hope this is it!!!
Jwc congrats! Not sure how I missed that! How wonderful after waiting so long!
Hey :) I am going to jump in on this thread. I saw some familiar names on the first page. Brief background: we have been trying for #2 since July 2016, I was still nursing DS and it turns out I'm one of those who can't seem to get preggo while nursing. I was temping and my temp would drop fast and I would have too short of a lp. 1/2017 I stopped nursing. First cycle after that I had a cp. Next cycle BFP which unfortunately ended 5/2017 with an induced mc after 12 week sono showed no heartbeat and that the pregnancy had not progressed after 7/8 weeks. So after what felt like an eternity I am back into the ttc game this cycle. It's only CD2 for me and I am hoping to O by CD25. Its been cd29 and 25 since the mc so I'm not 100% sure. Hoping for lots of bfps! Going to go back and read through the thread later today :)
Ladies that are testing on and around the 08th Sept, how are you all feeling? Any hopeful signs? My boobs feel a little heavy, few stomach twinges but also a few familiar cramps - only 6 days to go but feels like ages still haha
Ladies that are testing on and around the 08th Sept, how are you all feeling? Any hopeful signs? My boobs feel a little heavy, few stomach twinges but also a few familiar cramps - only 6 days to go but feels like ages still haha

I am testing 8th, but will probably cave before the time lol. The biggest thing for me is that I normally have strong pms symptoms and currently I have had a pinching feeling for about 3 days and only slight twinges in the bb's. Not sure what to think. It's such a drag waiting!
Buttercup im due the 8th too. Have had mild cramps since ovulation which I never have. And I had about 4 days of pinches and twinges. Ive noticed im 'aware' of my uterus when walking and leaning up against countertops and such but not sure if its all in my head. Lol. No sore bbs but I never have that, not even when I was pregnant with my dd. They do seem a little fuller but again not sure if im imagining it. I for sure wont last til the 8th. Trying to hold out until the 5th!

Oh and my lower back has started bothering me. Feels like the sciatica i had with my dd. Only that didnt start til i was like 5 months or so. Hope i dont have to deal with that for a whole pregnancy!
Congrats to all the bfp ladies!

Does anyone know about cervix firmness? At 12 DPO, I assume I'm out but my cervix is low and soft. I've read it's supposed to be firm prior to AF and soft after conception. Anyone know anything about this topic?
Rach... Same with the lower back and I too suffer from sciatica, which is the worst but I also suffer from it day to day life so a small twinge could just be that... I find myself rubbing my belly but that's because I am carrying a little summer holiday weight HAHA!! Its scary what your mind can do sometimes.

Got my fingers crossed for all you ladies xxx
Hey :) I am going to jump in on this thread. I saw some familiar names on the first page. Brief background: we have been trying for #2 since July 2016, I was still nursing DS and it turns out I'm one of those who can't seem to get preggo while nursing. I was temping and my temp would drop fast and I would have too short of a lp. 1/2017 I stopped nursing. First cycle after that I had a cp. Next cycle BFP which unfortunately ended 5/2017 with an induced mc after 12 week sono showed no heartbeat and that the pregnancy had not progressed after 7/8 weeks. So after what felt like an eternity I am back into the ttc game this cycle. It's only CD2 for me and I am hoping to O by CD25. Its been cd29 and 25 since the mc so I'm not 100% sure. Hoping for lots of bfps! Going to go back and read through the thread later today :)

I also didn't get a period until 2months after I weaned. I'm sorry you've had such a hard road for #2. And Getting your cycle back to normal after a mc can be such a weird journey... I don't know if it ever was normal again for me honestly. It may just take a few months. But if you are keen on trying anything to bring O earlier, I took evening primrose oil every other day pre-o last cycle and it brought my o up by 8 days and we got a bfp. So maybe something to try in the future if you don't get your bfp this cycle. Fx'd for you xx
I'm 7dpo today and was probably going to test around the 7th or so and I feel some twinges/cramps in my uterus off/on, my boobs feel.. heavy? Achy? But not sore to the touch. I had this feeling with my pregnancy. Also a ton of creamy milky white CM. had that with pregnancy too! But I didn't notice it til probably 9-10dpo. I don't think I was paying as close of attention as I am now! Hard to remember if it was a usual symptom for me (sore boobs were not a PMS symptom ever, so I knew I was pregnant), but I am recovering from a MC so who knows. Hard not to symptom spot. Good luck ladies!
Good luck everyone testing in September, let's hope there's as many bfp as there was in august :)

Yes I'm still following a few members :)

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