*** September 2020 Babies ***

@Skyye :hugs2: :hug:I think that's a charley horse...that's what I have too in the calf. It sucks for a couple hours in the morning. & I feel you on the financial. It is tight right now for us...a lot of our savings is gone now bc of covid & my husband didn't work for a couple months. I try not to think about it too much . I know with your first you're going to feel more overwhelmed naturally. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and once you have that baby, things will work out! <3
@Skyye :hugs2: :hug:I think that's a charley horse...that's what I have too in the calf. It sucks for a couple hours in the morning. & I feel you on the financial. It is tight right now for us...a lot of our savings is gone now bc of covid & my husband didn't work for a couple months. I try not to think about it too much . I know with your first you're going to feel more overwhelmed naturally. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and once you have that baby, things will work out! <3
For sure, let’s prey for safe deliveries and better sleep!
Hey Ladies. Hope everyone is well. Just wanted to pop in as it's been a while. Our group is so quite compared to others. Can't believe we can say our babies will be here next month. I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow. With these horrendous sleepless nights I'm suffering there's part of me not wanting to wish the time away but at the same time I also can't wait for him to be here now. I've had 2 days over the last 2 weeks were he's been very quite and got me worrying. Was very close to calling in but then he perks up again. I've got my next midwife appointment at 34 weeks and I'm hoping he's gonna be head down by then as he was laying transverse (across my belly) at my last appointment. She said its not a problem at that stage but I've just been having nightmares about having to have a c section because of it and that really scares me. I've never had an operation before so I'm kind of obsessing about it now. His movements seem the same to me at the moment so not sure he's moved yet. I've also been put on iron tablets as my levels were low but I'm struggling with them as they give me horrendous stomach aches. With that, the heat and the not sleeping I'm having a lot of very miserable days which feels bad to say. I'm still really worried about the kids having to back to school next month right before he's due to be born in case they catch this virus. It's always the case in my opinion that when ever they have a half term that they seems to pick up something when they go back :-(. It just doesn't seem like it's going away anytime soon does it. So far the weeks don't seem to be dragging to much for me. Again part of me wants them to fly by so I can meet him but I also don't want to get to school time. Can't win either way, lol. How is everyone else getting on?
Hey Ladies. Hope everyone is well. Just wanted to pop in as it's been a while. Our group is so quite compared to others. Can't believe we can say our babies will be here next month. I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow. With these horrendous sleepless nights I'm suffering there's part of me not wanting to wish the time away but at the same time I also can't wait for him to be here now. I've had 2 days over the last 2 weeks were he's been very quite and got me worrying. Was very close to calling in but then he perks up again. I've got my next midwife appointment at 34 weeks and I'm hoping he's gonna be head down by then as he was laying transverse (across my belly) at my last appointment. She said its not a problem at that stage but I've just been having nightmares about having to have a c section because of it and that really scares me. I've never had an operation before so I'm kind of obsessing about it now. His movements seem the same to me at the moment so not sure he's moved yet. I've also been put on iron tablets as my levels were low but I'm struggling with them as they give me horrendous stomach aches. With that, the heat and the not sleeping I'm having a lot of very miserable days which feels bad to say. I'm still really worried about the kids having to back to school next month right before he's due to be born in case they catch this virus. It's always the case in my opinion that when ever they have a half term that they seems to pick up something when they go back :-(. It just doesn't seem like it's going away anytime soon does it. So far the weeks don't seem to be dragging to much for me. Again part of me wants them to fly by so I can meet him but I also don't want to get to school time. Can't win either way, lol. How is everyone else getting on?
I feel you on the school thing and the transverse thing. My daughter was transverse and they did up having to do a C-section. But it went smoothly and she was fine. This baby has been head down like the whole time, but as of yesterday and this morning it feels like she might be transverse now so I’ll have to ask when I get to the doctors on Tuesday. They asked me if I wanted to tie my tubes if I have a C-section and the honest truth is I don’t know. We’ve suffered so much loss especially with our son last year and I’ll be 35 in December so I don’t know. I only have one tube left so I feel like this baby was definitely meant to be.

Skyye: I was having Charlie horses all last week and they were so bad they were waking me up in the middle of the night. My husband is a chiropractor and worked on my calves yesterday morning for about an hour doing what’s called active release technique I think. Anyway the pain is literally gone and so is the soreness. I’ve also been taking extra calcium magnesium supplements And eating a banana every day to get the extra potassium and so far so good, I have not had a Charlie horse in the past few days. Yay
@mindyb85 I'm really hoping he turns then. I'm such an anxious person I don't think I'd cope if they told me I had to have a c-section. But at the same time I obviously want my baby here safe and he's more important.
Having your tubes tied is a big decision, but after losing a child I can't even imagine how horrific that was so it's completely understandable. It's such a brave and amazing thing for you to have gone on to try again. Do you think in your heart you'd be happy to stop after this baby? Remember it is something that can be reveresed if you decided down the line you wanted another baby if you do chose to have it done. My neighbour had her tubes tied after her 4th son but then she got divorced and remarried and they wanted a child together. She had it reversed and they have a daughter together now. Do what's best for you.
34w2d I've been feeling extreme fatigue this past week. Everything feels sore and also having insomnia, restless legs at night, and some nausea. It is not easy taking care of a toddler right now. Really wish I had help. It is going to be a rough next 5 to 6 weeks if I already feel like this. I do have an ultrasound on Monday, so I am excited about that since I haven't seen her since she was 20 weeks. I hope they do 3d. My husband is worried about the birth and when she is going to come just cause he wants to be there. We have to wait for his dad or mom (who live in different cities) to get here to watch our son since he can't be in the hospital bc of covid. My son came the day after my due date & I had to have an unplanned c section. I am leaning towards just doing a csection this time, so I am not in labor for a day again then have to have one anyway, but I don't know. I would like to try a vbac but am scared. I don't know what to do really. I still have baby stuff to get too. That's basically it right now. Just a little over a month...can't believe it you guys!
Sorry ladies, I’ve just been sooooo knackered! It’s so much harder this time round having a toddler too!

I finished work on Friday there, using August as annual leave and then my maternity leave will start from 1st September.

35 weeks today and currently booked in for a section on 4th September (that’ll be the absolute latest unless anything happens earlier) so that’s just 4 weeks tomorrow :shock:

To be honest, as long as the baby is healthy, I’d be quite happy for it to happen any time now! Haha getting really uncomfortable now and I just don’t have the energy to do a lot.

I have the consultant again next week and another growth scan, but so far growth is right on track. BP is starting to rise slightly and have traces of protein in my urine so they’re just keeping an eye, but my consultant has said in her experience she wouldn’t be surprised if we run in to BP issues again in the next few weeks :-#
Sorry ladies, I’ve just been sooooo knackered! It’s so much harder this time round having a toddler too!

I finished work on Friday there, using August as annual leave and then my maternity leave will start from 1st September.

35 weeks today and currently booked in for a section on 4th September (that’ll be the absolute latest unless anything happens earlier) so that’s just 4 weeks tomorrow :shock:

To be honest, as long as the baby is healthy, I’d be quite happy for it to happen any time now! Haha getting really uncomfortable now and I just don’t have the energy to do a lot.

I have the consultant again next week and another growth scan, but so far growth is right on track. BP is starting to rise slightly and have traces of protein in my urine so they’re just keeping an eye, but my consultant has said in her experience she wouldn’t be surprised if we run in to BP issues again in the next few weeks :-#

4 weeks, eeeek!! So exciting. I can’t wait to start reading birth announcements and seeing everyone’s beautiful babies. What does the protein and bp mean? Is that the risk of pre eclampsia? I really hope not for you and things go smoothly.

I’m 33 and 4 weeks today. I already feel fed up and can’t wait for the next few weeks to pass. I really wanted to enjoy every second of this pregnancy but this stupid Covid has already taking most of the excitement and enjoyment from it because of the constant worrying. I’m still worried to bring him into the world with all this but at the same time I can’t wait to meet him. I’ve been uncomfortable since week 22 and it’s obviously just been getting worse. His movements have become quite painful and I keep waking in the night (when I am managing some sleep) with such a bad pulling pain in my sides. Literally like someone’s twisting a knife and I can’t move for ages until it passes. It’s so painful. Sleeping full stop... omg. I’ve been laying awake most nights since 22 weeks so uncomfortable in my back, legs and arms aching, until about 5:30-6am. Then I have to get up for my 3yo so some nights when dh is at work I’m only getting literally a couple of hours. It’s been horrendous and is turning me into a miserable, frustrated, emotional wreck. But when he’s on his days off he does let me lay in to catch up a bit.
I have my 34 week appointment on Tuesday then will have one every 2 weeks until he’s here. The wait between every 3 weeks has gone fairly quick so hoping it carries on that way. Using those as my milestones to reach which is helping pass the time. I just hope I don’t go over due with him. Mainly due to being so uncomfortable but dh is on a week of night shifts literally the day after I’m due and apart from my last baby I’ve always gone into labour during the night and I don’t tend to hang about. I’m just terrified of being home alone with the girls and not making to the hospital in time. I almost didn’t make it with my second baby. With my 3rd dh woke me up going to the loo and I was in full on labour so I think I slept through a lot of the first part. And with my last baby I went in to be induced and when they put me on the monitor it was showing that I was contracting and when checked was already 4 and a half cm. I was just feeling the mildest of tightenings. Then sat for another hour to wait for them to break my waters and still didn’t feel any contractions in that time. Then as soon as they broke my waters it was instant, full blown labour and she was out within 25 mins. It was so intense and I still felt like I was in labour for hours after so I couldn’t really hold and feed her until she was a few hours old. Sorry, I’ve gone on a right rant now, lol. But the closer I’m getting the more I’m worrying about it all. I’m worried that every little niggle I get in the last couple of weeks I’m gonna want to keep calling in, lol. I know if I was to say I’m having mild tightenings they would probably tell to wait it out at home and I know I won’t be able to because I’ll panic. All this doesn’t help at night when trying to sleep because I can’t shut my brain off. That and I still can’t think of a name I really like. I keep telling myself to let it all go because I can’t look into the future to know what will happen and there’s no good in fretting until nearer the time but it’s hard. I just can’t wait to have him in my arms now
34 weeks tomorrow!
MFM follow up and growth scan on a Monday!
My DD was born at 37 and 3 I think so only like 3 and a hal weeks from there lol
Getting uncomfortable too. Last night I had a bunch of contractions for about 2 hours but they were erratic and eventually stopped. Just trying to get my back ups back up on board so when this does happen, someone can take DD so DH can come in with me. They’ll literally have to meet DH and DD at the hospital in the parking lot while I go and register myself
DH and my 11 year anniversary is also tomorrow and he got me a little something today so it was very sweet :)
35 weeks. Got to see my little girl today. Could not see much. Her head was in the 94th percentile so yeah I am def doing a c section again lol. She said a c section was a good idea considering, so that made me feel better. She weighed 5 lbs 5oz. Very similar measurements to my son...his head was in 98th percentile and body avg. My husband and I do not have that big of heads, so not sure where that comes from haha. She said I had to schedule my c-section, and she is going to try for the 7th. I have to wait for someone to call to confirm that date though since it is labor day. I like odd numbers & my birthday is the 17th, so I like the 7th. Oh and I guess her head is really low, which is why it hurts really bad anytime she turns. I have been ordering some more baby stuff...I get so excited seeing it all. I cannot wait you guys!!! Hope everyone is doing alright!
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Hi all! I’m 35 weeks today - I will get my csection date next Tuesday but they are looking to deliver at 38 weeks! So not long to go!

I haven’t been sleeping well at all - the heat is crazy! My four year old is a very helpful and good girl but it’s hard work! She is due back at school when I’m due to have the baby so I’ve been labelling all her new school clothes in readiness for beginning of Sept! Just waiting for a couple of last minute bits to arrive. Also got the house on the market and viewing new properties so things are about to get even busier here!
I'm feeling rubbish today. Had a bad night last night with lots of braxton hicks, tummy ache and feeling sick and this heat is unbearable. I'm constantly getting breathless. I feel like I'm constantly aching and having some sort of pain. My back and ribs all hurt. I look and feel absolutely huge. Starting to worry this is gonna be a big baby. My eldest and youngest were 6lbs 10oz and my middle 2 were 7lb 13 and 7lb 10. I feel like I just feel the weight of him now, my bump feels so heavy I feel like I need to keep lifting it to take off some of the weight. I have my 34 week appointment in an hour and dreading to see if his growth has taken a massive leap. I jumped from the bottom to the top line from my 28 week to my 31 week appointment although it was 2 different Midwives who measured. I don't understand the centile thing. I'm dreading when the kids go back to school coz I'm terrified about having to walk them when I literally can't go to the kitchen for a drink without getting breathless and needing to sit down. Feel guilty to say but I've had enough now. I just want him out. I hope I don't go over due. Emotionally I'm really struggling and my anxiety is really starting to kick in. Feeling miserable today
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34 + 3 today
I had my LAST MFM appt yesterday. He said she looks healthy as can be and graduated me. Said my regular OB team can take it from here.
One thing, she is HUUUUGE
6lbs 11oz in over the 99% for like everything sooo she’s going to be a ten pounder I feel like unless I go a little early like I did with DD (37+3 and she weighed baby 8lbs3oz!)
Trying to schedule a C-Section for Sept 14 (39+2) that is the earliest they’ll do it. That way she’s out by then and if I go into labor early on my own, she may not be 10 pounds just yet so we’ll play it by ear and see how it goes as to whether we’ll try for a VBac or do a c section.
I have my person who will be taking DD, then my back up in place who are the closest (#1 is a friend who is an hour away and if she can’t do it then #2 is my aunt who is 2 hours away) once one of them gets DD from the hospital parking lot, they’ll take her back to my house and DH can come in with me.) then my person #3 is 10 hours away but she can and will stay as long as we need bc she works from home and isn’t married and doesn’t have kids so she said she is my most “flexible friend “ by far.
I’m finally feeling at peace about our plan now.
Tons of baby stuff coming in tomorrow. The crib was delivered yesterday and Dh and I got it set up. Just lots of laundry and last touches, get the car seat bases installed, wash all linens and new mattress covers, wash all baby clothes and blankets, sheets, swaddles, etc, get hospital bag and diaper bag ready to go and I think we’ll be ready...well as ready as we can be.
Now we wait. :)
My appointment didn’t go as I thought. I was convinced I was going to have taken a big jump in size again because I feel enormous, although even though it looked like a big jump I’d measured 31cm at 31 weeks which I think was spot on where I should be. Tuesday she measured and I’m still 31cm at 34 weeks so it hadn’t changed at all. I had to go straight to the hospital to be monitored for half an hour just to check he sounded ok in there and I have a growth scan at 3 this afternoon. I’m expecting they’ll say all’s normal because I think these fundal measurements can be really unreliable due to things like baby’s position. I’m looking forward to seeing little man again and hoping dh will be aloud in as he missed the 20 week scan.
Seriously counting down the weeks now. His movements are becoming really painful and I’m starting to struggle. Apparently my iron levels are low and have to now take 3 tablets a day instead of 1 which I’m dreading because just the one a day is causing havoc which my stomach. I’ve been feeling quite sickly with them too but I have to have them for baby’s sake. I just hope my body quickly adjusts to them because I’m scared to feel unwell like this for the next 6 weeks
Hey ladies sorry I haven’t been around in between telling me I had a short cervix and then she dropped in measurements so steroids bedrest ctgs twice a week and a laquor and doppler scan and now she won’t come out :haha:

I will be induced a week Monday! I had contractions for 3 hours Monday then 3 days in a row last 3 days then just stop grrrrr!

I did setup the group but I’m not sure if anyone else wanted adding in been no activity on it as yet lol

I know how you feel, I’ve been having tightenings since Monday but they’re stop start and as of yet not building to anything so they think it’s just braxton hicks for now.

Been up at the hospital 4 out of 7 days this week!

Just wish it would either go away or actually develop into labour! Haha

Totally done now and ready for this baby ASAP haha
I think we’re all at the stage where we’ve had enough now, lol. I’m finding his movements quite painful now. I would be more than happy if they wanted to induce in a few weeks but I don’t think there would be any reason to unless maybe his growth is still off at my next appointment. The scan went ok. He’s measuring between the 10th and 50th centile by their measurements so average size. I’m very low in iron so having to take tablets for that. My midwife wants me on 3 a day but just the one has been making me feel poorly and upsetting my tummy. I’ve brought a liquid form to try called floradix. Tastes disgusting but hoping if i stick to the one tablet and a dose of that a day it’ll be enough. I’ve also been having Braxton hicks for a while now and find them quite uncomfortable. My eldest was 10 days early and 3rd and 4th were 7 days so I’m hoping he’ll follow suit and not leave me waiting until/after due date. The fear has set in me now like it has since my 2nd baby that my waters will go first and I won’t have time to get to the hospital. Literally just made it by ambulance with her and with my last baby they broke my waters for me due to induction and I went 0 to 100 instantly and it was so intense. She was out in 25 mins. I would like to be induced this time because then I would know when I’m going in and will be in the right place, although I may be reluctant for them to break my waters for me. I’m having visions of walking the kids to school and my waters breaking :nope:

@wantingagirl how exciting you’ll be started off in a week. Can’t wait to see our first baby announcement. I’ll be keeping fingers and toes crossed that it all goes smoothly for you. It’s crazy now to think we’re at this point. Thinking back to the first trimester and how far away this time seemed. It really has sped by for me.

@pennies have you been up the hospital because of the tightenings or other things? The end stage can be so stressful not knowing if you really are going into labour or not. I’m already getting to the point where I get a little nervous when I get a few in a row. I think strangely I don’t feel my contractions early on. With my 2nd baby I remember timing my tightenings when I went to bed for about an hour but they weren’t painful and I ended up falling asleep to be woken half hour later to my waters breaking and instantly panicking needing gas and air so called an ambulance. I just made it to hospital before she was out. My third was also during the night. My partner got up to use the bathroom and obviously disturbed me and I was in full labour. I’d slept through my contractions so if he hadn’t have got up I dread to think how that would have turned out. And my forth I went in to be induced due to her growth trailing off and reduced movements. I was put on the monitor before they did anything and it was already showing I was contracting and when she examined me I was 4 and a half cms. So they sent me straight over to have my waters broken and 25 mins later there she was. That’s why I’m so anxious, that I’ll go into labour during the night or I won’t feel my contractions until my waters break. Give it another 2 weeks and I’ll be freaking over any little niggle and will want to go to the hospital. It also scares me that I will ring when I have some tightenings and because their not painful they will tell me to wait it out at home. I really won’t want to but then I also don’t want to keep going in to find I’m not in labour. I’m trying not to overthink it and see how my next appointment goes next week
Checking in, as well.

36-37ish weeks now. We are having a home birth and things are looking good! I'm pretty tired this go-around, but having my BD home (due to Covid) makes things much easier.to juggle the toddler.

Baby boy has been head down now for months and he is pretty descended into the canal. We don't do cervical checks, but he's looking like he's gearing up!

I'm excited for the birth and to have control over it. I am so ready to meet him!

Have we told everyone our name picks?!
@MamaByrd you sound very prepared. I’ve always been recommended a home birth but personally I like to be at the hospital as I feel safer there.I haven’t packed a hospital bag yet. Never really know when to do that. I may wash all baby’s clothes and things this week and put it together just for peace of mind. Again I can’t wait to start seeing our baby announcements. It’s getting very exciting now. As for baby names I can’t decide. I have a few I quite like but not one I’m 100% on. Since before finding out he was a boy the name Ollie is one I like so we may go with that as dh likes it too. The others I don’t mind are Max, Toby, Callum, Charlie and Harry. But I don’t think I could use Harry as I have Hermione. People will think I have an obsession with Harry Potter, lol. But It was also my Grandads name. All my names have come from movies/tv that I watched whilst pregnant. Grace was Jennifer Aniston’s character in Bruce Almighty, Summer was a baby on the soap Eastenders, Hermione obviously Harry Potter and Emma was from a programme on Netflix called once upon a time. Ollie has come from watching the soap Hollyoaks. For me I need to see baby’s face before I can decide. None of the names are really growing on me so I keep feeling a little panicky that he’ll arrive and I still won’t be able to choose one. I was quite set on Ollie for a couple of months but now I’m not sure on it. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve said it too much that now I’m not sure. If I were having a girl I don’t know what I would have done because there were literally none I could think of that I liked enough to use. I just can’t wait to meet him now.
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