@LoneWanderer FX u don't get it hon. How stressful. Sending hugs ❤
@atx614 Beutiful bump hon.
Not by scan no. At my last growth scan which was at 24+5 days he was so say on 50th centile (thats what the sonagrapher said) but in my notes it says 38th centile. He was 1lb 8oz.
But when my midwife measured me at my appointment at 25+4 weeks I was measuring 28 cm.
But I've had a liver transplant and she said it's hard to get the measurements exact because I have leishions from the surgery and in her words "lots of lumps and bumps" lol.
She didn't get the tape at the top of my public bone either she had it In the centre which was about 2cm to low so I don't think it was a accurate measurement
I have another growth scan next Tuesday and a midwife appointment the following day.
Have a feeling he will be on the 98th centile now judging by the size of me.
I'm getting a bit scared tbh.
So my itching has really cranked up. I hardly slept last night because I was so itchy.
I have my glucose intolerance test tomorrow and they will also be checking my bile acid levels and liver function for ICP.
I have a feeling this is the start of it now because this is the itchiest I've been so far.
It's intense itching and really not nice.
Definitely gonna push for induction to be no later than 37 weeks if I'm gonna be itchy like this.
I've been taking the ICP meds since Friday and I hope they stop the itching soon.
Also having alot of acid reflux and the best one of them all' I have thrush yay lucky me haha.
Have a consultant appointment too tomorrow.
It's gonna be a long morning..
I have to be at the hospital for 8:55am for the GTT test and then my consultant appointment is at 11:20am but u can be sat for a while waiting.
Ladies that have had the GTT when do I need to start fasting? Is it from midnight tonight?
Also am I not aloud anything at all? Can I not have have water.
When I wake up in the morning I'm so thirsty I normally have a cup of tea but i know I won't he aloud that tomorrow. Is water OK tho or is it like u can't have anything at all?