September 2021 due date babies!!!

Lovely bump hon and I think it looks like u have dropped too.
I think I have dropped. I mean somedays my bump looks high and other days it looks low so have no idea what he is up to in there lol.
He is head down I know that but all mine normally are from 27 weeks and then they just stay there untill I give birth.
Watch him turn breach now at the last minute lol.
Hope not because I want a natural birth not a section.
I cracked up at ure comment about the postman hahaha.

And then what @LoneWanderer wrote about the postman hahaha.
31 weeks today.
9 weeks til actual due date.
7/8-ish weeks til delivery.
5 weeks til final consultant appt.
3 weeks til final midwife appt.
Shit's getting real eeeeek.

Ure so close hon. I have 10 more weeks max to go now and I can't believe it. Feels like the last few weeks have flown. And feck knows where June went that's gon so fast.

I know with this itching tho time will drag now. Hopefully I can get a handle on it.
Sat in waiting room still waiting for 2nd blood draw and I'm sooooooo freeeeeeeking ITCHY.
Bet all these womon think I got cooties or something hahaha.
Don't ask me what that is it just came into my head lol.
Probably means the clap or something hahaha
Hahaha cooties that made me :haha:
I got my icp bloods back all normal they go by alt levels in my hospital so don't know what the normal Is! Iv not been too bad for the paat few days tho. Not icp i know but my section scar is soooooo itchy i dont know how to relieve it!!!!
Hahaha cooties that made me :haha:
I got my icp bloods back all normal they go by alt levels in my hospital so don't know what the normal Is! Iv not been too bad for the paat few days tho. Not icp i know but my section scar is soooooo itchy i dont know how to relieve it!!!!

Yup feeling this, not just itching but I swear this kid is going to kick his way right through the damn scar. It's stretching so much, either it itches or it hurts or both. Honestly thought it would sort of round off with bump growing too but nope, still got the same overhang - so it's so hot and uncomfortable along the line where it folds under. Booooo.
I am sorry about the itching! @Suggerhoney when do you get your icp level and gd results back?

@LoneWanderer wow only 7/8 weeks left!!!! That will fly! Do you have any more scans scheduled? When do they give you your section date?

I bought bins today to organize baby girl’s clothes. Since she won’t have her own room we are putting her clothes and changing table in our closet and then her crib in my daughters room. Bassinet will be in our room by my bed but I want to set the crib up so my daughter knows she’s coming lol and for naps and such. Still feel like I have for a lot to do but still feel like I have time, I don’t enter third tri until next week.
Haha I don't even know what cooties is it just came into my head hahaha.
See my itching up until now was manageable. But now it's extreme.
I'm already on the ICP meds so there isn't much more they can do really.
I mean if it is ICP now and it gets bad then my induction will be brought forward.
Are I getting repeat bloods hon because it can take a while to show up in bloods.
I was itchy from just 11 weeks with Tommy and I wasn't diagnosed untill 17 weeks.
That was so scary being diognosed so early.
At least I'm much further along this time.

Man sorry ure scar is so itchy. I hate being itchy its horrible.
I've never had a c section but my liver transplant scar has been itchy. But main itching is my chest and belly and my back. Legs have been itchy too but not as bad.

All done now ladies.
I went strait to cafe after my 2nd blood test and got mysaft a curry and rice was yummy. Then I needed sugger so went and got 2 chocolate bars a Mars bar and a white chocolate snickers and I've already eaten them haha.

I know its naughty lol.
Now sat in boots at the hospital waiting for the piriton then I the walk home.
It only takes about 10 15 mind going through the short cut but just hoping it isn't all boggy and muddy because we have had a bit of rain the other night .

If it is I'll just have to do my mission impossible around it. Gonna look like such a dick hahahaha
I am sorry about the itching! @Suggerhoney when do you get your icp level and gd results back?

@LoneWanderer wow only 7/8 weeks left!!!! That will fly! Do you have any more scans scheduled? When do they give you your section date?

I bought bins today to organize baby girl’s clothes. Since she won’t have her own room we are putting her clothes and changing table in our closet and then her crib in my daughters room. Bassinet will be in our room by my bed but I want to set the crib up so my daughter knows she’s coming lol and for naps and such. Still feel like I have for a lot to do but still feel like I have time, I don’t enter third tri until next week.[/QUOTE

Yeah my Gtt results if positive I will know by tomorrow if negative they don't phone u I'll just be told in 2 weeks by my consultant. Bile levels and liver function can take a few days. My consultant will tell me those at my next appointment with him in 2 weeks time but if they are very high I expect i will hear within a day or 2. Just have to wait and see.

I still have sorting out to do. Won't take me long and need to buy a few more bits but we're nearly there now.
I am sorry about the itching! @Suggerhoney when do you get your icp level and gd results back?

@LoneWanderer wow only 7/8 weeks left!!!! That will fly! Do you have any more scans scheduled? When do they give you your section date?

I bought bins today to organize baby girl’s clothes. Since she won’t have her own room we are putting her clothes and changing table in our closet and then her crib in my daughters room. Bassinet will be in our room by my bed but I want to set the crib up so my daughter knows she’s coming lol and for naps and such. Still feel like I have for a lot to do but still feel like I have time, I don’t enter third tri until next week.[/QUOTE

Yeah my Gtt results if positive I will know by tomorrow if negative they don't phone u I'll just be told in 2 weeks by my consultant. Bile levels and liver function can take a few days. My consultant will tell me those at my next appointment with him in 2 weeks time but if they are very high I expect i will hear within a day or 2. Just have to wait and see.

I still have sorting out to do. Won't take me long and need to buy a few more bits but we're nearly there now.
For those that had Csections.. do you just get the option of the same again? Is it recommended?

I had a natural birth last time but have a Csection scar when they removed the ovary (at 19 weeks). Wondering if I can push for a csection as it’s not healed properly yet? Or is it more to do with the scar tissue on the actual womb?

My consultants advice was, “we’ll see how it goes” :shrug:

Sorry for being gross.
So the issue with the section is the internal scar that's on your womb, not the external one on your belly. Theres a higher chance of the uterus actually tearing during birth from all the contracting and pushing and whatnot, which is why they suggest future section births if you've had one already. It's a really small risk though so unless you have other risk factors - like if your last section was because of a recurrent problem - they usually give an option for a 'natural' birth (VBAC). And that goes well for loads of ladies who want it so they tend to push for it where possible.

That said, if you want a section they should let you have one so tell them - firmly - that's what you want if you do. Mine was completely elective - overdue baby who seemed to just keep getting bigger and bigger so I'd had enough, refused rest of induction and told them to get him out. Took a lot of persuading, midwives were dead against it, but the consultant was on my side and a really lovely chap, said it was my choice in the end and nobody could decide but me. And honestly it was just the ideal birth for me - fast, stress free, controlled. Emergency sections sound horrid, but planned ones are pretty great in my (admittedly limited) experience.

Of course, recovery is an absolute bitch. You'll know that from your op! And with a newborn to look after and a massive hole in your belly... yeah that sucks tbh. But still, defs signing up for section 2 on balance because 1. I make massive babies that don't fit the doorway properly 2. I'm not one for the unknown and 3. I just want this one to come out at 39 weeks now, I remember that overdue is NO FUN :rofl:
First day of jabs done, had anti d ...still hate that one, can't feel it after, but as they put It in you can feel it travelling along your arm!! And they did my 28 week bloods today instead of tomorrow...they really struggled to get them, so had to try both arms and were were to tryy hands too, but couldn't find proper veins there! I feel like I have bruisy inner elbows!! So just gtt tests tomorrow, and midwife appointment!
Oh no, many stabby jabby times for you. Least the worst one is done now though! Everyone I know who has the anti d says it fully sucks. Didn't mind the GTT myself but hope you're not too sore for it!
Not had a proper catch up - I’m knackered after 2 days at work until gone 7pm due to ofsted.

@Suggerhoney sorry you are so itchy hoping the piriton helps.

@LoneWanderer 8 weeks is no time at all!

@Zoboe95 they really are jabbing your a lot atm!
@LoneWanderer re Covid isolation we are just out of isolation was scary as!!!!

for anyone querying getting the Covid vaccine I felt a little more reassured in this isolation as I have had my first. Second is due 21/7 we get walk in clinics here so il just go to a walk in :) on that date

I had a slightly sore arm. I got it at 25+5 and the vaccinator said if you are over 12 weeks gestation they will give it :). Our nhs Have said that it’s 8 weeks or more for getting your second now rather than 12 weeks which is great as otherwise we would both be due our second the week we go in for the baby whereas now we will both get the same week of 21/7
@LoneWanderer a couple of ur replies really made me laugh and I thank u from the soul for that!! I am with u on it either feels like an arm is going to bust through my section scar and start waving at people or I'm going to itch through it!!

@atx614 there is no better feeling then being organised! Yey for third trimester!!

@Suggerhoney they said I can have the bloods repeated as and when I feel it's time (which I think is odd) I'm hoping I don't take after you in the sense of it getting worse!! My itching is mostly across my chest abdomen and hips and my scar but that is prob just stretching itch!
Hahaha mission impossible walk with your bump would look very amusing I must admit

@stephx I had an emergency section with baby 5, baby 6 I tried vbac but failed induction so another emergency section and this baby I have been basically told to have a section because the last will only have been 12 months but I'm ok with that because I'm being sterilised. When I was pregnant with baby 6 even tho I had had a section before they tried coersing me to have another section but I wanted to try natural first. One thing I know for sure is to decide what YOU want what is best for YOU and only you can decide that then go in there and tell them. Get your pros and cons written down to show you have really thought about it and be strong in your decision!

@Zoboe95 sorry you have been stabbed a lot today hope your feeling better by tomorrow!!

@MadamRose Hope you can rest up now and how do you feel you did with Ofsted?

Afm I had my glucose tolerance test today and it was soo bloody awful!!
The drink was raspberry really strong flavour and I hate hate hate anything raspberry was burping raspberry all morning! There was other ladies there as well so I wasn't alone at least. She wanted to do my 28 week bloods aswell so lost in total like 6 tubes of blood and she used the exact same vein as my midwife used for my icp bloods 2 days ago 2x so 3x in total that vein was used.

Had a sleep when I got home and after kidswere in bed had a bath but when I got out it all just got on top of me- how much pain I'm in the fibro the itching and how much longer I've got left 11-13 weeks of this I just broke Down. Normally I'm strong and my poor partner didn't know what to do so I rang my mum and she helped soothe it a little but the reality is I feel so so down atm. I gave in and took some of the morphine because I just needed a break and then I feel guilty but i can feel her kicking away and I said out loud how much I love her and I'm sorry to have to do that to her. I hope she forgives me. Sorry for the long post I just needed to vent to you lovely people xx
Eugh glucose tolerance test half way through! ...drink they gave me tasted like flat cream soda trouble is I'm stuck with that aftertaste until 11! ...took her 4 attempts to get blood, she tried one arm, then both hands, finally got it from the other arm...wiggling the needle about inside me though...reckon I'm going to be black and blue...and still more blood later!! Have to say I'll be glad when this bits done!

But ...28 weeks today! Depending on who you ask that means third tri, and really not long left! :holly:

mixed views online as to whether you can walk around between bloods for gtt...not allowed to stay at the surgery because of Covid (usually they make you!), not practical to go home by the time I've seen midwife at half past, so think I'll settle for a slow wander around sainsburies!
Eugh glucose tolerance test half way through! ...drink they gave me tasted like flat cream soda trouble is I'm stuck with that aftertaste until 11! ...took her 4 attempts to get blood, she tried one arm, then both hands, finally got it from the other arm...wiggling the needle about inside me though...reckon I'm going to be black and blue...and still more blood later!! Have to say I'll be glad when this bits done!

But ...28 weeks today! Depending on who you ask that means third tri, and really not long left! :holly:

mixed views online as to whether you can walk around between bloods for gtt...not allowed to stay at the surgery because of Covid (usually they make you!), not practical to go home by the time I've seen midwife at half past, so think I'll settle for a slow wander around sainsburies!
If you are normally active then move around or it can skew the results!
Hello ladies.

So I passed the glucose test and I don't have gestational diabetes which I'm so happy about.
But I have to go back up the hospital tomorrow to repeat the Liver function and bile acid levels because the other sample clotted.
Good to know I don't have gestational diabetes but crap still being in the dark about ICP.
I don't think it takes long to get results tho and they work all weekend in the day easement unit so if my bile acid levels are raised and it is icp I'm hoping they will let me know by Sunday Monday.
It I don't hear anything then I guess it's normol.

Last night was another restless night of itching. .
I'm itching so bad that I'm making myself bleed.
The piriton did not help at all.
I had to keep applying the menthol cream but only that works for such a short time.

My itching is all over my chest and belly. But alos my back and my arms and legs so basically all over.
No itchy palms of souls yet but u don't always get that with ICP.

Something has to be going on to make me this itchy.
I really wanted to enjoy the last trimester but if I'm going to be itching this badly for the next 10 weeks it's gonna be torture.

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