September 2021 due date babies!!!

I was kept awake nearly all night baby kicking and doing who knows what in there haha.
Some of his kicks and jabs make me jump and can be a little outch.
Something was going on way down low earlier. Like weird twinges right in the foo foo Thought a hand was gonna pop out and say hello lol.

I feel like my bump has not grown now for a good few weeks.
My nanna came over today and she said I'm definitely smaller this time than I was with my last pregnancy at this stage.
She also said I've dropped alot which I've noticed too.
Hoping he isn't planning on making no early appearances any time soon.
Need him to stay put untill the very least 36 weeks.

Still itchy. But not as bad.

Ure bump has definitely gotten bigger hon. U look lovely.

Looking lovely too hon.

I absolutely love ure big bump and I think u look beautiful but I'm so sorry ure so sore.

Not long now ladies.

I have 9 weeks to go still feels like a age
@Suggerhoney im sure he’ll stay put at this stage they can go up and down. I don’t need to get much bigger I measured 4 weeks ahead last time :wacko:
@LoneWanderer you do make me chuckle I'll admit your bump is huge, but it's also lovely!

I've been getting weird looks out and about the last couple of days, but I think it's more because I look like a pregnant heroine addict! The bruises from my bloods are absolutely huge!!

You guys always know how to make me laugh even when feeling bleurgh and uncomfortable! :holly::mamafy:
Omg love you guys!! @LoneWanderer I don't mean to laugh but you have an amazing way with words!!! I'm behind you guys and feeling it too already! Mazikeen is kicking so hard I was nearly in tears this afternoon so got her daddy to put his hand on my tummy and it calmed her down for like 10 mins then she gave an almighty kick that made him jump it was soo funny I had to waddle to the loo or per myself! I'm not sleeping properly either and my fibro is making my joints and muscles stiff so it's a whole world of pain and seriously want the end bit to hurry up because the dwelling of the severe post section pain, bleeding, AFTER PAINS and the rest is making me so nervous!!! X
@LoneWanderer is so hilarious. She definitely has a way with words she's had me in stitches so much in this thread. Need a night out with u loan u wud be hilarious haha.

@MadamRose hopefully it's just inaccurate measurements but I wud be a bit worried if it was me.
Only because I always measured 2 to 3 weeks ahead with my biggest baby and that was a horrible Birth. My body was just too small for a baby that size. But wud they listen nope.
I'm glad they take me alot more serious now because of my transplant.

So talking about bumps I literally feel like mine has just stopped growing. I really thought I was gonna be massive by now but I'm not.
I think my bump does not look big at all now.
I have a growth scan tomorrow so will see how baby is doing and what percentile he is on.
I was on the 98th with ds and he was 7lb 6 but that was 3 weeks early and it I wud of gone to 40 weeks I rekon he wud of been huge.

This one was on the 38th to 50th at my last growth scan. Well the womon said the 50th but its says 38th in my notes.

Will let u know how it goes tomorrow.

So here is bump today please ignore the horrible skin (thats from itching) also the big scar is from the transplant.

I was definitely bigger at this stage last time.
It's so weird how I didn't feel movements untill so late with this one too. I felt movements ealier last time I had a anterior placenta last time.
My placenta this time is definitely at the back. And I didn't feel movements untill 19 weeks.

My nanna says I'm alot smaller this time too and I've dropped.

28+2 weeks today
20210705_182307.jpg 20210705_182313.jpg

I look tall in the photo but I'm only 5ft 4 and a half.
Waiting to pop again.
@Suggerhoney im having a growth scan around 36/37 weeks so I guess that gives some indication. My midwife says I’m probably measuring big as it’s My 3rd baby and isn’t at all concerned as I’ve birthed big babies before. Talking about your bump and your placenta my placenta is at the front and my last placenta was one of the biggest midwife had ever seen, I wonder if that could be making my bump measure bigger!
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Bumps are looking lovely ❤️ I may take another picture to compare's very addictive

So I'm full of cold, and the children at work were all in a bad mood today, so I came home and just wanted to flop...made myself chuckle thinking about cravings though! I've not had any really weird cravings, but last time it was love hearts (great cure for heartburn though!!). This time it's Tangfastics ...but what's weird is I'm not usually keen on them, the only ones I eat are the cola bottles. At the moment, I eat all except the cola bottles and the purple ones with a spongy back pregnancy is so weird! I particularly like the green dummies! So weird anyone else having any cravings??
Bumps are looking lovely ❤️ I may take another picture to compare's very addictive

So I'm full of cold, and the children at work were all in a bad mood today, so I came home and just wanted to flop...made myself chuckle thinking about cravings though! I've not had any really weird cravings, but last time it was love hearts (great cure for heartburn though!!). This time it's Tangfastics ...but what's weird is I'm not usually keen on them, the only ones I eat are the cola bottles. At the moment, I eat all except the cola bottles and the purple ones with a spongy back pregnancy is so weird! I particularly like the green dummies! So weird anyone else having any cravings??
I craved these with DD2 I could eat a big packed every day whilst in uni lectures :rofl:
I wud say u have dropped too hon. With my 3rd baby I was told 3rd babies tend to go up and down. They can engage and come back out again. Have no idea why and that did happen with my 3rd. I thought I was going to have him early because he was engaged by 33 weeks but then he came back up again and continued to do that until birth. I went into labour naturally with him at 39+6 weeks.
It cud be that ure placenta is big hon and that cud definitely add on the cms.
I know growth scans can be out but I wonder if there more accurate then the measuring with the tape?
I have a growth scan tomorrow and then the midwife on Wed so I'll see if it all matches up or if one is saying different to the other.

Bumps are looking lovely ❤️ I may take another picture to compare's very addictive

So I'm full of cold, and the children at work were all in a bad mood today, so I came home and just wanted to flop...made myself chuckle thinking about cravings though! I've not had any really weird cravings, but last time it was love hearts (great cure for heartburn though!!). This time it's Tangfastics ...but what's weird is I'm not usually keen on them, the only ones I eat are the cola bottles. At the moment, I eat all except the cola bottles and the purple ones with a spongy back pregnancy is so weird! I particularly like the green dummies! So weird anyone else having any cravings??

Hehe I had a hankering for sweets/candy earlier on. I had a huge craving for Marmite from early on too and I don't normally like it at all.
Not craving that as much now.
My main craving still is whole grain crackers with butter and mature cheddar cheese.
I'm still loving oranges too.
Also get a hankering for chocolate every now and again.

No really weird cravings.
I did have one time where I wanted toasted bagels with marmite and chopped up banana.
Guess that's kind of weird but only had that happen once or twice early on in 2nd trimester.
No wanting to eat grass or concrete or charcoal that I know happens to some womon lol
I wud say u have dropped too hon. With my 3rd baby I was told 3rd babies tend to go up and down. They can engage and come back out again. Have no idea why and that did happen with my 3rd. I thought I was going to have him early because he was engaged by 33 weeks but then he came back up again and continued to do that until birth. I went into labour naturally with him at 39+6 weeks.
It cud be that ure placenta is big hon and that cud definitely add on the cms.
I know growth scans can be out but I wonder if there more accurate then the measuring with the tape?
I have a growth scan tomorrow and then the midwife on Wed so I'll see if it all matches up or if one is saying different to the other.

Hehe I had a hankering for sweets/candy earlier on. I had a huge craving for Marmite from early on too and I don't normally like it at all.
Not craving that as much now.
My main craving still is whole grain crackers with butter and mature cheddar cheese.
I'm still loving oranges too.
Also get a hankering for chocolate every now and again.

No really weird cravings.
I did have one time where I wanted toasted bagels with marmite and chopped up banana.
Guess that's kind of weird but only had that happen once or twice early on in 2nd trimester.
I measured perfect with DD1, told 7lbs at growth scan and she was 9lbs 12 (born around 4 days after scan) I think both can be out!
Does look like you have dropped @MadamRose!!

@Suggerhoney good luck at your growth scan tomorrow!

I have been craving mint Oreos this time around. That’s about it so far, no weird cravings here. I do crave a sub sandwich but I think only because we aren’t suppose to eat lunch meat while pregnant so my body wants it lol. It was the first thing I ate in the hospital after both my previous births.

I am getting nervous about the birth too as some of y’all. I have bad anxiety as it is so tend to think about worse case scenarios. I try not to though. I have been trying a sleep and meditation app at night to help turn my brain off so I don’t think about these things. Seems to be helping. But then I wake up like an hour later to pee and then my brain starts going and hard to fall asleep again. Trying to focus on the exciting things and get things ready for her and that helps too.
28 weeks Vs 29 weeks ...technically both minus one day I feel like if we can get past my terrible photography skills, not much has changed! Please excuse the pale yuckyness, I'm full of cold and feel rubbish! pixlr_20210706083311799.jpg
Thanks ladies Just in waiting room now.
Oh gosh so looks like baby is gonna be a good size. He is 3lbs now and on 70th centile.
I'm not gonna worry to much because I know its not accurate.
Next growth scan is on 3rd Aug and fully expecting him to be on the 98th centile at that scan just like Tommy was at 33 weeks.
Baby is head down and quite low has his hands down there so that's what keeps jabbing me lol.
Sounds good @Suggerhoney I think my next growth scan is next Thursday ...they're not measuring me at midwife appointments this time, I've not been weighed or measured since getting pregnant...weird

This made me chuckle after my comment about Tangfastics yesterday ...Screenshot_20210706-172659.png

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