September 2021 due date babies!!!

There lungs are fully mature by 37 weeks. They won't induce me earlier than 37 because of that reason but there fully formed at 37 its just more weight they pack on at the end. Like half a lb to a lb a week from week 36.

When I was induced at 35+4 with dd I had to have the horrible steroid shots to help mature her lungs faster. But with DS I didn't need the shots and I was induced at 37 weeks.
He was healthy
@Suggerhoney honestly by about 2pm each day I’m knackered. Had to lead staff meeting tonight on top of it all as I’ve been doing stuff the last few weeks that only I know how to do and everyone needs to be able to do next year without me being there. In the last two days I’ve proof read over 140 reports! It’s like everyone thinks they can add things they’d normally do to my listen as I’m out of the classroom.

@LoneWanderer definitely speak to them surely it could even be possible to do at 37 weeks once you are considered term?

Oh hon that sucks that it's all put on you.
I heard once that a craving for ice meant you were iron deficient-don't no if that's true tho as I have never had ice craving before!!

Yeah even without baby I'm anaemic, have been since last section. Can't be doing with the iron pills though.

Nope they may well induce at 37, but they keep planned sections in as long as possible. Coz the babies don't get a really good squeezing on the way out, so they can have breathing problems, fluid on lung sort of stuff I think. Shame coz like I say I am DONE haha! But more likely to be 39+ weeks, already be pushing it asking for 38.
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@LoneWanderer Haha I knew something whoo! Yh they won't section me without a really good reason before 39 weeks because without the natural birth process that squeeeezes all the yuck out of their lungs even with the steroids they are quite likely to have breathing problems xx
I never knew that about a c section! But it does make sense that they aren’t being squeezed on the way out. Wish they had a way to squeeze them once they took them out. Can’t believe how close some of y’all are to having your babies here already. I still feel like I have a ways to go. I will just be having my glucose test and whooping cough shot on Tuesday. I have never passed the one hour glucose so I am expecting to have to come back and take the three hour. But maybe I’ll get lucky this time. The only good thing if I had GD is they would scan the baby like every two weeks which is exciting. Cause right now I don’t have another scan until 36 weeks and that seems so late. I swear I had one with my other kids at 32 weeks but maybe it has changed since then. Anyone have scans coming up? Sugger you have a 4d soon, right? So exciting!!
With #1 post-section he didn't retain the fluid on his lungs thankfully, he was 10 days late by then though so probably running out a bit by then! But he had clearly been swallowing tons of it instead, because on the day we were meant to leave, he suddenly threw up like an adult-sized amount of water, enough to freak me and the ward midwives out, and we nearly didn't get to go home that day! Paediatrician wasn't concerned when he came to check up though, explained what it was, and we did eventually get to escape :rofl:

Weirdly, he's like 21 months now, and aside from the odd tiny bit of milk early on, he's just literally never been sick since. It's gonna really spook him when it eventually happens! So I bet #2 is a right ol' refluxy nightmare, just to balance things out.
@LoneWanderer Omg that sounds terrifying! If had sicky babies but an adult amount would have freaked me out!!

I ended up in hospital this afternoon with pain and reduced fatal movements. They have no idea what caused the pains the actim partus was negative so not labour no signs of infection in my wee but there was ketones. I also got to be monitored which showed no movements etc until she bought me some really cold water then she woke up. I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead with the tape measure so she wants to bring my scan forward so hopefully here about that soon. Hone now and trying to rest but it isn't easy xx
@Catmumof4 I am glad everything is okay!! Reduced movement is scary. I do some jumping around and drink some juice and then sit still and usually she moves after that. What do the ketones mean?

@LoneWanderer gosh that would freak me out too!! Glad he has been super healthy though that’s wonderful!!
@LoneWanderer that sounds awful! That would really freak me out!

@Catmumof4 glad everything is okay, hope you hear about your scan soon.

AFM I am so done with work! So glad this time in 2 weeks it’ll be the school holidays no idea why we finish on a Thursday though. See my midwife Tuesday and she should finally book my growth scan then too! , I mean I will take it with a pinch of salt as when I had one with DD1 it told me she was going to be 7lbs and she was born 4 days later at 9lbs 12oz! Also got my home birth assessment a week on Tuesday which I can’t wait for, both my girls have decided to be at the assessment with the idea they are thinking they want to both be at the birth!
Got a call they want me in for scan at 4.50 today excited but nervous about the results xx
How did scan go?

I was in hospital last night with Labour pains eventually discharged after pre term Labour test came back negative and cervix closed. Said with the baby measuring big and having extra fluid it’s likely make pelvic pain worse. Baby has definately gone into pelvis I feel as I waddle and feel pressure a lot
@Bittersweet glad all is well!! The last few weeks are tough when they move down early. You got this!! My son moved down early and I spent a lot of time on the couch or in the recliner lol

@Catmumof4 hope your scan went great! Yay for an extra scan!
I think our lo has moved down too, I find sitting down really uncomfortable now, and am better perching, or sitting up!

Last couple of days I've had really bad heart palpitations! I'm prone to them anyway, but they were actually starting to worry me yesterday!
@Bittersweet same as me except I don't have too much fluid

Scan went well baby is measuring about a week ahead and she is still a she lol weighs about 2lb 9 already bless her so I'm happy. I do have a question I have a really nasty pinching pain over the top of my pubic bone would that b spd? X
Glad scan went well! Was hoping I'd get a sneaky growth scan like last time, but sadly being consistently ahead isn't enough, I'd have to go over or under the curve for one - and as I'm already over the 95th, there's not much chance haha!

Can't say about the pinching, that doesn't sound fun though. But I can say it's been the exact opposite for me, like I can literally feel the gap and the pulling apart of the bone when I move. The physio would wanna check how far apart you can reasonably part your legs so maybe get the tape measure out and see how much give you've got between your knees, that'd give you an idea. But that's mainly to figure out your movement range ready for birth, so less important with a section like us. Best advice I've had for pain management so far is keep legs together as much as possible, don't overdo things.

Could be baby is on a nerve though, that would defs cause pinching and pain! Guessing she's head down now? This one definitely is, though he's got his feet down there too (last one was the same, basically folded in half for last ten weeks). Judging by how much he's kicking me, I can only imagine he's also kicking himself in the face constantly too :rofl:
So glad all is ok. I had predominal labour from 29 weeks with DS and was in and out of hospital from 34 weeks onwards. I kept passing the pre term labour test too. And although they all thought I was in labour at 36 weeks they told me they wud stop it to get me to 37 weeks so his lungs were fully mature. Thankfully I made it to induction day just over a week later.
So sorry ure going through this it is horrible.
I hope I don't have to go through it this time.
I had never heard of pre Dominal labour b4. I had only known of braxton hicks but with braxton hicks it's just practice contractions that don't do much on a monitor. However pre Dominal labour is basically the real thing and shows on a monitor getting stronger and closer together, mine wud get to 2 mins apart but then then they wud start getting less and less and by morning wud stop. I had the contractions in my back and front with it to and so much pressure.
It happened at 29 33+6 35 and 36 weeks.

Was weird because even tho they were as strong and long as the real thing they didn't do all that much. Apart from soften and slightly shorten my cervix. Think I was about 1cm dilated on induction day at just over 37 weeks so had to have the passery to get me dilated enough to break my waters. Then it was all systems go from that point onwards. They put the drip up as well because it took a while to get me into labour. But by the time I was in established labour he was born 2 hours and 20 mins later.

Hope ure little one stays put for a good few weeks yet hon.

@LoneWanderer gosh that sounds so scary hon.
I also didn't know that about c sections but it actually makes sense.

So sorry I've been MIA.
Been a busy bee lol.
Cleaned the whole house from top to bottom yesterday.
And today I've actually finally got around to sorting and washing all of Tommy's newborn stuff hurrah.
It's now drying on the rack and when dry I'm gonna iron it all and then put it away ready to go into my hospital bags which I still plan to pack at 34 weeks.

29 weeks today so hopefully only another 8 weeks till induction if my consultant agrees to do it at 37 weeks. I mean it will only be about 4 days earlier than they wud like so hopefully it's not a problem.
I have a appointment on the phone with him on Wednesday so gonna bring it all up then. Wud be great to get a actually date but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
I think our lo has moved down too, I find sitting down really uncomfortable now, and am better perching, or sitting up!

Last couple of days I've had really bad heart palpitations! I'm prone to them anyway, but they were actually starting to worry me yesterday!

So sorry ure so uncomfortable hon. Bless you. And sorry about the heart palpations too.

@Bittersweet same as me except I don't have too much fluid

Scan went well baby is measuring about a week ahead and she is still a she lol weighs about 2lb 9 already bless her so I'm happy. I do have a question I have a really nasty pinching pain over the top of my pubic bone would that b spd? X

Does sound like SPD hon. With mine I feel like someone has kicked me very hard right in the pubic bone. My tail bone gets very sore too and my left hip area.
Propper walking like I've shit myself now haha.

So glad ure scan went well.
Sounds like she will be a good size but growth scans can be out by up to 2lbs either way. Sometimes there accurate but sometimes there not.
I was measuring a week ahead by that tape measurements thingy the midwife does at 26+4 weeks I was measuring 28 weeks so over a week ahead. But the following week I was still measuring 28 weeks and when I last see the midwife on Wednesday I was measuring 29 weeks and at the growth scan I was also measuring 29 weeks apart from his length which made me measure less. He's not that long but his tummy and head was measuring 29 weeks. I was 28+3 so only a few days out.
He was on the 35th centile but now he's on the 68th centile. So creeping up there.
Ds was on the 98th from 33 weeks so fully expecting that again but we shall see.

No bump pic today ladies. I'm gonna hold off untill next sat 30 weeks. Not much change tbh.
Hoping to pop again soon.
My 4d scan is on Saturday too so that's exciting.

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