September 2021 due date babies!!!

Does sound like predominal labour hon.
It's horrible. I had it all in my back Andy front.
It actually is the real thing but it just doesn't do much and it stops. It normally happens at night and for me it went on all night long.
U can't sleep because the contractions are so strong and i was absolutely exhausted.
Sometimes it can start just b4 labour and sometimes u can get it for weeks b4.
I had it from 29 weeks with DS.
Another name for it is pre labour.
Not had it yet and hopefully i don't this time.
Just getting the braxton hicks ones which is nothing compared to pre Dominal labour.
I find this baby is up and down too. Some days my bump is so so low and others higher.

I wud definitely go with how u feel regarding babies size than growth scans.
My second I new was gonna be big just by how I felt.
Extremely heavy and I was absolutely huge.
Cud hardly walk because of how heavy I was.

I feel light this time still and not heavy at all. Still feeling kicks and movements low down and just slightly above belly button and nothing under ribs yet.

Oh my gosh my anxiety was through the roof watching that game. To say I was gutted wud he a bit of a understatement. Was screaming at the TV lol.


Oh hon I feel so sorry for you girl being so far from home. Glad they agreed to a 37 week induction i hope the time flies.
I'm gonna push for a 37 week induction too.
I will be speaking about it with my consultant tomorrow so wish me luck lol.

I have been very very busy the last few days. Pretty sure I am nesting which is lovely because I didn't get this with my last pregnancy I was too exhausted and uncomfortable. But feel so much better this time around apart from the itching and I now have a cold and cough which I caught of my 10 year old son.

Randomly strated clearing out clothes in drawers yesterday in 15 and 10 year old DSs bedroom. Not even sure why. Just felt the need.

I've also washed and ironed all the new born clothes I have.
I have quite alot all in different sizes.
I will be packing Tiny baby And first size.

Tiny baby is up to 6lb 5 but ds was 7lb 6 and was in that for the first few weeks.
He went into First size after that which is up to 9lbs.
So I'm packing them 2 sizes. If baby need smaller like premmie then DH will have to go and get.
None of mine have never gone strait into 0-3 so I won't be packing that.
Ds wasn't in 0-3 untill he was 3 months old. He's still in 12 to 18 months now and he's almost 2.
He's short and this baby is short too.
I’m so done with work, having so many issues with my headteacher - she’s never had children and just doesn’t understand so much!

I have my midwife today, a little worried to know what my fundal height is especially as I was measuring 4 weeks ahead when I last saw her. Positive is she should be ringing to try and book my growth scan today!

@Suggerhoney I’ve been nesting loads recently sent so much to charity etc too! I always have a newborn and 0-3 outfit in my emergency hospital bag -I only put one of each in as I always hope I won’t need then if baby comes out home I just the the outfit out of the bag as I ensure it’s at the top :)
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I’m so done with work, having so many issues with my headteacher - she’s never had children and just doesn’t understand so much!

I have my midwife today, a little worried to know what my fundal height is especially as I was measuring 4 weeks ahead when I last saw her. Positive is she should be ringing to try and book my growth scan today!

@Suggerhoney I’ve been nesting loads recently sent so much to charity etc too! I always have a newborn and 0-3 outfit in my emergency hospital bag -I only put one of each in as I always hope I won’t need then if baby comes out home I just the the outfit out of the bag as I ensure it’s at the top :)

Let us know how u get on hon. Good luck.

Gosh I'm gonna be in for a week after giving birth so I have to pack loads.
Gonna pack at 34 weeks like planned.
@Catmumof4 I'm 29 weeks, 5 days, but my LG was born at 37 + 4, and they've told me this one will be small and early too, so don't really know what to predict

@MadamRose work doesn't sound fun

@wantingagirl I hope all is going ok in there...random question, but is it really boring? Are you literally in bed all day or can you get up and walk about? What do you do?! I don't do sitting still, and I can imagine being stuck there that long!!

@Suggerhoney pros and cons to being stuck in for a week after I guess, there is at least a few pairs of hands around to help with the new baby!
@Suggerhoney yes I was in for a day with DD1 then DD2 was born at home, I’m always hopeful even if I transfer during labour it will be a precaution and I won’t be in long. If I’m in longer babies clothes are organised in a way the right size is so easy to find so someone going to pick them up.
@Catmumof4 I'm 29 weeks, 5 days, but my LG was born at 37 + 4, and they've told me this one will be small and early too, so don't really know what to predict

@MadamRose work doesn't sound fun

@wantingagirl I hope all is going ok in there...random question, but is it really boring? Are you literally in bed all day or can you get up and walk about? What do you do?! I don't do sitting still, and I can imagine being stuck there that long!!

@Suggerhoney pros and cons to being stuck in for a week after I guess, there is at least a few pairs of hands around to help with the new baby!

That's very true hon. I actually liked being in there for 5 days after having Tommy. Was nice not having to cook or anything and they did look after me.
The first 2 days and nights they helped with Tommy too. I cudnt really move because I was wired up to a drip and also had to have 2 units of blood. I'm quite glad I'm gonna be staying in again. I don't like it when ure just in and out.
Do u have any growth scans coming up hon? They can be out by up to 2lbs either way.
So try not to worry to much.

I have my 4D scan on Saturday so will see what baby weighs at that And my next growth scan at the hospital is at 32+3 weeks so 3 weeks today.


Are u gonna have a water home birth hon?
My birth has to so medical because of being high risk.
I can't even have a water birth at the hospital i will be wired up to a monitor when my contractions get going and confined to a bed when I'm in established labour.

I'm gonna try and do as best I can with just the gas and air but I am gonna have a epidural.
After 2 very traumatic births I just can't do it without.
But I will try my best.

Really really hope my consultant agrees to inducing me no later than 37 weeks.

Just look at the state of my skin from scratching it's driving me crazy.
I'm like this all over.
@Suggerhoney yes, I already have my pool reserved once the midwife confirms my home birth at my home birth appointment next week then I ring the company and they arrange to get it sent out. It’s probably going to be in my dining room as that’s one of the biggest rooms.

In terms of pain relief have the epidural if you need it you need to do what is right for you. Fingers crossed the consultant will induce you at 37 weeks - that looks so sore. When will you get a rough idea of date?
@Zoboe95 same as me I'm 27+5 today too lol. I'm hoping they section me early because all this pain etc is doing my head in!! I know they prob won't tho

@Suggerhoney omg that looks soo sore hun!

I have had to go be monitored for reduced movements and contraction type pains again and been put on buscopan which hopefully will help?! And the midwives were so so rude I am so happy to be home now!
@Suggerhoney ouch girl!! Man I am so sorry you are having to go through that. I wish the medicine they gave you helped more.

@wantingagirl good luck with your scan

@Neversayno good luck with your move! It is stressful now for sure but will be so nice to get to your new place and organize everything.

I have my glucose test today so can’t eat. Wish I had an earlier appointment so didn’t have to wait so long but I will sure enjoy my lunch today lol. Also have blood work and the whooping cough shot so will probably be a pretty long appointment. Does anyone remember at what week they start checking you to see if you are dilated? I think 36 weeks but can’t remember for sure. When it gets closer I need to womanscape badly lolol. Things have gotten bad down there as I can’t see anything.
@Catmumof4 contact pals at your hospital if the staff are being that rude it’s totally unacceptable

@atx614 hope the test goes okay
@Suggerhoney I have my 30 week growth scan on Thursday morning :) only had one growth scan last time, fairly near the end, and they told me she was 7lb something ...she was born 5lb 9 ...makes the scans seem a bit silly really!!

The itching looks really sore!
@Suggerhoney I have my 30 week growth scan on Thursday morning :) only had one growth scan last time, fairly near the end, and they told me she was 7lb something ...she was born 5lb 9 ...makes the scans seem a bit silly really!!

The itching looks really sore!
They can be so out! I was told my daughter was going to be 7lbs 4 days later she was born 9lbs 13oz.
I’m mainly going for one this time as it’s an excuse to see baby again :rofl:

sat at midwife always 20 mins late and she’s only just taken the lady in from of me in!
So midwife said she wasn’t going to book my growth scan just yet as they are being really strict about them, so she was going to do it at my 36 week appointment. Then she check baby position at first she thought baby was head up, but they aren’t they are just curled Up lots like almost in half but definitely head down. She did my fundal height and I’m measuring 35 weeks, well as I measured 34 weeks, this now means according to the rules I have decided fetal growth so have to have a scan today’s - she assured me she doesn’t actually think I’ve got reduced growth and was 99% sure that it’s because baby is so curled up but she said it was the perfect way of the hospital not being able to refuse the scan. My headteacher may kill me tomorrow as she’s already annoyed that I’ve got two appointments one week apart (this and my home birth one next Tuesday) and now a scan friday but she can’t do anything!
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Has another growth scan today baby is head down right in my pelvis and weighs just under 5lbs so on the 94 centile. Fluid is back to normal though
Crazy how close everyone's getting now, eeek!
Definitely sounds like there'll be a fair few early appearances among this group...
I'm calling midwife in morning if these damn contractions don't let up soon, been three days now. Definitely more intense than BH, but way less than I'd expect from prodromal/pre labour, no consistency AT ALL - like, five in an hour versus none for five hours. And no other indications of owt happening, which is unsurprising given I'm only 33 weeks... Not calling delivery coz I sooooo cannot be arsed with two wasted hours on monitoring and besides, he's moving fine. Just bloody annoying :rofl:
@Bittersweet that's a healthy weight! Not far off my lo's birth weight!

It suddenly feels so close and so real doesn't it! I realised earlier, I know it's something they say, but you never believe, but I can't remember the pain from last time! I know it hurt, but I really can't remember even what the first contractions felt like!

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