Two of my key children left for the summer today, and one of them bought me a beautiful plantmade a hot and sticky day a little more bearable!
Omg lone ...the shavingmade me think of our favourite emoji! (I hope you're not offended!!) ...I can still shave my legs, but I'm desperate to paint my toes and I think that may be a stretch too far!
It's so damn hot that the only thing I could possibly imagine wearing today is a nice floaty summer dress.
My legs however were NOT summer dress ready.
So I got on the floor of the shower, navigated my way around the 34 weeks bump, painfully forcing the tearing-apart pelvis to comply, and slowly, agonisingly, managed to get as far as my knees shaved (just hope noone looks too close as I did an awful job).
Then I got absolutely stuck, had to be hauled out by the other half.
But successfully in the damn dress, so... yay - right?
Wrong. Remembered I have damn midwife appt this aft, dutifully changed back into leggings so I don't have everything hanging out during measuring etc.
Waste of a fucking morning and now everything hurts.![]()
@LoneWanderer oh hun you make me giggle!! My poor partner has to do my legs for me now (he's actually very good) but it's been a while and I dread trying to tidy the lady garden.. so impossible when you can't see It!!!
@Suggerhoney the temp reached 36 in my car today I even got a pic cos my friend didn't believe Me!!
I'm so sorry your struggling to eat I'm the same just feel so nauseous at meal times!!
As for me I had midwife today. Baby had a good strong heartbeat and I asked her to see if the consultant had written down what she had said to me about allowing me to have my section at 38 weeks providing I had the steroids (you know how consultants usually say 1 thing then write another!) Well my wonderful consultant had put that if I'm still on the strong painkillers and struggling section will be booked between 37 and 39 weeks!! So even possibly a week earlier then I had hoped!! Could seriously kiss her! LMAO
I have the potential to have 8-10 weeks left! This pain and exhaustion won't last forever!![]()
Yup we are fast approaching worse than its ever been here thanks to delta - like, give it ten days and we'll be over the highest peak of the whole thing - and yet absolutely all restrictions are gone and everyone is just acting normal. Terrifying. Our town has seen a 600% rise in cases, we are now worse than it was in Nov and that's when we lost my mum in law to it. She worked in hospital and that's where she caught it, so obvs I am pretty freaked about going in to have baby next month. Once that's done though, can get jabbed and then six months of isolation with my little family, hoping it all passes over. I wanted the boy to start nursery - he's very behind, 22 months and not talking a single word, not very social either - but honestly I'd rather keep him home and safe from the virus another half year and hope he catches up later. Scary times.
ugh that’s how it is here too! It’s so frustrating to see everyone acting like all is well and the numbers being going up so quickly. I get nervous going to doctor appointments even and that’s the only time I am out and about really.
my daughter didn’t talk until 2.5 (like not even saying “momma”) And you wouldn’t even know it now. She gets a few pronouns mixed up but that’s all, can’t get her to stop talking now lol. We put her in speech therapy from 3-5 and it made all the difference! I wouldn’t worry! It’s more common than you think with first kiddos.
Haha my lady garden hasn’t been kept in months either. Can’t see anything down there. Will try around 36 weeks so hopefully it isn’t terrible come delivery lol.
@Catmumof4 yay I am so happy for you! Hoping you get 37 or 38 weeks.
@Suggerhoney I’m sorry you have to be there five days without your kiddos. When your hubby is watching your kids, are you allowed to have someone else come?
@Bittersweet yay for your second vaccine!! Congrats
@Catmumof4 glad they are looking after you well!
Last day of work - can’t quite believe I’ve made it, now to enjoy my holiday until baby comes or until my due date whichever is first (so lucky not to have to start maternity until the earliest of these two)! I’ve also been very spoilt!
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