Wow, I had a lot to catch up on! Somehow life seems to be whizzing past and yet going reeeaaallllyyy slowly all at the same time! I think counting down the weeks makes it a lot slower, but I have so much to do it's sort of whizzing by!
We got the newborn car seats and the pram bit of the travel system out the loft today, so I'm feeling a little more organised at last!
I've got 12 shifts at work now until maternity kicks in, and we are mega busy although it's the summer holidays, so I'm trying to do a bit each day to get organised for 9 months off! On top of that I will actually be going back to an entirely different (and very exciting) role, in a room which will be pretty much my own!
I'm feeling really uncomfortable now with feet permanently under my ribs...I think some of that is because I'm still quite small, so she has no space elsewhere! I find it particularly bad when I'm trying to eat...feels like there's no room!
Got a growth scan this Thurs too, because she waseasuring small at last scan, but they told me all along that would happen so who knows what they will say!
I have read all the posts and I am thinking of you all, the good news and bad, but I'm not going to reply individually at the moment because this post would go on for hours!! I will try harder to keep up and not get left behind
This is how I feel right now ...