September 2021 due date babies!!!

I hope so too. When I told my family all I kept getting was m 38 weeks is better.

I’m hormonal sore and tierd and just felt like I’ve done the best I can here!
Don’t be hard on yourself Hun! If baby comes now all will be fine if they induce at 37 weeks all will also be fine. Don’t let family stress you out :hugs:
Get your feet up and make sure everyone brings you everything you need, just chill as long as you can. And don't be afraid to go back if you need. <3
Thanks madam rose I just hope at this point consultant won’t leave me til 38 tbh! Happy 37 weeks madam x
@LoneWanderer you do look smaller today!

@MadamRose just a waiting game now!!

@Bittersweet I just caught up on all your posts and feel like I went through an emotional rollercoaster reading it, let alone you living it!! Try to chill out, get people to do things for you when you can (I know not always easy!) Get some rest, and let nature do its thing! At the end of the day, baby will come when baby wants to come, and at that moment the doctors and midwives will do their upmost to treat baby in the best possible way, giving them the best possible start, and there's no real changing how that happens! Family usually think they are doing the right thing offering up advice but it's amazing how often it actually muddles your mind more! Just remember they also care and want the best for you!

@Bittersweet sounds like baby will be here soon! I agree with the other ladies, just relax and take it easy! And don’t worry about what your fam says. Baby will come when ready lol. I was 2cm dilated for like 3 weeks so good chance you will make it to 37 weeks!

@LoneWanderer you for sure look like you dropped!!

@MadamRose yay for full term!!! What weeks did you deliver your girls? I think you said you went to 39 or 40 weeks but now I can’t remember.

so exciting that it’s august babies will be here this month for many and next month for the rest of us!!! Baby time!!!
@atx614 DD2 was 38+4 (9lbs 13oz) and DD1 was 40+6 (9lbs 12oz) I feel like I’ve got at least another week or two left yet tbh
Ya hopefully before your due date or you may have a 10 pounder!!
The sonographer that did my growth scan a few weeks ago said she thought this one would weight slight more than my girls
@Bittersweet So happy things settled hon.

Like I said b4 with Tommy I had pre Dominal labour at 29 33+6 35 and 36 weeks.

Here is my trace with him at 33+6 weeks.

The bottom with the huge mountains are my pre Dominal labour contractions.

I wish I had photos of my trace at 36 weeks too because those contractions were so close together like 2 mins apart.
It wud go on sometimes all day and night then by morning just fizzle out.

They were extremely painful and felt in my bottom and lower Back and the front of my bump.

Unfortunately they never lead to established labour and I still made it too my induction date at 37 weeks. And when examined was only 1cm dilated.
I also had the whole bloody show and plug at 34 weeks and more bloody show at 36 weeks.

I'm so glad I made it to 37 weeks because I've had a preemie b4 and she had to be in SCBU for 18 days. She was born at 35+4 weeks and even tho I had both steriod shots She still had issues with her lungs not being mature.

I sincerely hope u don't have ure baby just yet and u make it to 37 weeks.

Did they do that test to see if labour is close? It's like a swab thing?
Wowsers hon u have dropped loads.
Ure bump looks so much smaller too.
I'm so sorry about all the horrible pain ure in. I hope the next few weeks fly for you hon.
U still look beautiful.

Wooohoooo happy full term 37 weeks hon. Wow. Baby cud come any day now how exciting.
Ure bump has gotten bigger again and u look so beautiful.
When do u put the water in the pool just out of curiosity?

@Bittersweet sounds like baby will be here soon! I agree with the other ladies, just relax and take it easy! And don’t worry about what your fam says. Baby will come when ready lol. I was 2cm dilated for like 3 weeks so good chance you will make it to 37 weeks!

@LoneWanderer you for sure look like you dropped!!

@MadamRose yay for full term!!! What weeks did you deliver your girls? I think you said you went to 39 or 40 weeks but now I can’t remember.

so exciting that it’s august babies will be here this month for many and next month for the rest of us!!! Baby time!!!

Woop woop I'm so happy to be in August. My baby will definitely be here next month eeeeeek.
That's if I don't have him early. But I very much doubt it.
Braxton hicks are getting stronger but not painful.

Mind u I had all that pre Dominal labour with Tommy from 29 weeks. Was so sure he was gonna come early but nope.
I bet if they didn't induce me he wud still be in there now hahahahaha.

Please don't be hard on yourself hon. I know its really frustrating. But honestly ure doing so well.
I felt like a failure with Tommy because all them awful contractions and my contraction app telling me to go to hospital and then nothing.
And when they said I was only 1 to 2cm when I was induced I felt so crappy.

I felt like I suffered all that pain and sleepless nights for absolutely nothing.

But my cervix had shortened and softened and was a bit dilated so the pre Dominal labour Did do something.

Ure already 2 cm dilated hon so ure pains have done the trick and if u do make it to 37 weeks induction then u probably won't need to have the passery and they will just be able to break ure waters.

Ure doing fab hon.

It's horrible when things keep starting and stopping and u think ure gonna meet ure baby and then it all stops.
But be proud of yourself hon ure managing to keep baby in. And that's the best place for them for now to fully develop.

Not long untill u reach 37 weeks now hon and that time will fly.

I still have 5 weeks to go feels forever :-(
@Suggerhoney I thought the last part was really going to drag but honestly it hasn’t I can’t believe I’ve been off work a week and a half for example.

I will fill the pool at some point during established labour, I like to ensure it’s established - the midwives are good at suggesting when from body language etc - it probably won’t take that long as the later you do it the easier it is to keep at the right temperature for birth
Lovely bumps girls <3

@Bittersweet try not to worry they are inducing me at 36+6 basically full term they wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t safe people always try and put their two pence in. So exhausting when your getting so much pain. My tocos have been reaching up to 60 lately. When I went in at 39 weeks with Eloise my cervix was already 2-3cm dilated which I think is common after babies not so sure after just 1 though. Big hugs snd hopefully they will induce you at 37 weeks xx
Hope u have a great time fishing hon.

Gosh has that really been a week and a half already that really has flown.
What temp do they alow the water to be? I remember when I was I'm labour with our 10 year old son the midwife made me up a bath. I was so looking forward to it but the water was only luke warm and didn't help at all. I ended up jumping out stark naked and running back to the bed for the gas and air. Haha.

Wow hon ure so close now just 1 more week but I know that drags when ure in hospital. I'm so sorry u have been in so long now.

There's me complaining about staying in 1 week when I go in and u been in all this time. Bless you.
So another crappy night sleep urghhhh.
Thanks wantingagirl only a week or so left for you which is great! Il just have to explain I’m hardly sleeping I have a toddler at home to care for and I’m in pain every 10 mins or so so have some kindness lol and hopefully il have dilated more by then so it’ll be a straight forward induction
Wowsers hon u have dropped loads.
Ure bump looks so much smaller too.
I'm so sorry about all the horrible pain ure in. I hope the next few weeks fly for you hon.
U still look beautiful.

Wooohoooo happy full term 37 weeks hon. Wow. Baby cud come any day now how exciting.
Ure bump has gotten bigger again and u look so beautiful.
When do u put the water in the pool just out of curiosity?

Woop woop I'm so happy to be in August. My baby will definitely be here next month eeeeeek.
That's if I don't have him early. But I very much doubt it.
Braxton hicks are getting stronger but not painful.

Mind u I had all that pre Dominal labour with Tommy from 29 weeks. Was so sure he was gonna come early but nope.
I bet if they didn't induce me he wud still be in there now hahahahaha.

Please don't be hard on yourself hon. I know its really frustrating. But honestly ure doing so well.
I felt like a failure with Tommy because all them awful contractions and my contraction app telling me to go to hospital and then nothing.
And when they said I was only 1 to 2cm when I was induced I felt so crappy.

I felt like I suffered all that pain and sleepless nights for absolutely nothing.

But my cervix had shortened and softened and was a bit dilated so the pre Dominal labour Did do something.

Ure already 2 cm dilated hon so ure pains have done the trick and if u do make it to 37 weeks induction then u probably won't need to have the passery and they will just be able to break ure waters.

Ure doing fab hon.

It's horrible when things keep starting and stopping and u think ure gonna meet ure baby and then it all stops.
But be proud of yourself hon ure managing to keep baby in. And that's the best place for them for now to fully develop.

Not long untill u reach 37 weeks now hon and that time will fly.

I still have 5 weeks to go feels forever :-(
Thanks hun I just feel done this morning I’m still getting pains so not sleeping great.
Taking my son out for the day and he’s skipping nursery jist in case it’s the last time lol

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