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September 2021 due date babies!!!

Hey ladies! Wow I am struggling to keep up. This week has been extra busy with work so I havent been around much.
Friday morning I had my booking appointment, bloods and urine. Had a phone call today to say I have a water infection so need antibiotics which really surprised me as I have no symptoms of one at all! Oh well thats why they do these tests. She did say that in pregnancy you can be really susceptible and that we often brush off little niggles in the early stages as pregnancy niggles so perhaps those cramps I've been having are more related to that.
I had my 12 week scan appointment through today for the 25th Feb! Counting down the days to Saturday when we have our first private scan and panorama tests too. We decided we are going to find out the gender, not sure if I already said that?

The Chinese calendar gave a girl guess! But I am so sure its a boy!

Is anyone thinking names yet?
We have Louis or maybe Lloyd for a boy but finding girls hard!

Oh no I hope u get better soon hon. I'm glad u don't have symptoms of a UTI because there horrible.
Not long until ure dating scan hon.
All u ladies will soon be in 2nd tri in a matter of weeks I feel like 2nd tri is forever away :(
Oh no I hope u get better soon hon. I'm glad u don't have symptoms of a UTI because there horrible.
Not long until ure dating scan hon.
All u ladies will soon be in 2nd tri in a matter of weeks I feel like 2nd tri is forever away :(
I’m only a few days ahead of you. We can be behind together
I'm the same about the July/Aug group, so hard to see ladies so far ahead while it's still early days. That's the problem with the joint groups I think, sure they are busier but it means people are at such different stages. Doesnt mean people cant pop into the group they feel more comfortable with/match dates most closely with, just means you get ladies that are roughly same time as you. Like I'm due start of sept but will deliver august - but in the jul/Aug group they are having anatomy scans already and it's just tough as I cant relate at all to their chat. Adding oct to here will mean any end of october people joining will feel so far behind the early sept folks. Imho anyway.
Is anyone thinking names yet?
We have Louis or maybe Lloyd for a boy but finding girls hard!

We are the opposite, completely set on our girl name but stuck for a boy. Already used up my fave boy name on #1

I ended up calling my doctors surgery today and the midwife rang me back.
She is going to call the EPU about my scan and agrees I need a early scan because of all the loses.
Hopefully will hear something soon with a date.
Really hope it will be next week sometime.
Oh no I hope u get better soon hon. I'm glad u don't have symptoms of a UTI because there horrible.
Not long until ure dating scan hon.
All u ladies will soon be in 2nd tri in a matter of weeks I feel like 2nd tri is forever away :(
I am a few days behind you so I get it! I feel like the second tri is SO far away!

I have been having food aversions (especially when I smell things) but not real nausea yet. Sore boobs still and peeing more. Lots of low twinges and some cramping.

I have an October due date but chose to be in this group as I have a feeling I will be having the baby in September and I feel closer to what y’all are going through. I think it would be cool if the groups combined since I think all the other groups are two months. But maybe since it is getting a little more active now they will go back to one month due date groups. I know for end of month/beginning of month due dates we sometimes just have to pick a group we are closer to
I am a few days behind you so I get it! I feel like the second tri is SO far away!

I have been having food aversions (especially when I smell things) but not real nausea yet. Sore boobs still and peeing more. Lots of low twinges and some cramping.

I have an October due date but chose to be in this group as I have a feeling I will be having the baby in September and I feel closer to what y’all are going through. I think it would be cool if the groups combined since I think all the other groups are two months. But maybe since it is getting a little more active now they will go back to one month due date groups. I know for end of month/beginning of month due dates we sometimes just have to pick a group we are closer to

It does doesn't it hon. But at the same time I don't want to wish the weeks away because pregnancy goes by so so fast.

I get neasea most days but some days are worse than others.
Tender boobs
Lower backach
Lots of gas (tmi):shy:
Peeing more

And a new one tonight sciatica, exactly the same side I had it with my son.
Loss of appetite
Tiredness is starting to creep in.
Very bloated I look about 3 months pregnant lol.

Yeah see I'm due 30th September but I'm always induced about 3 weeks early so will probably have baby around the 10th September.
Yes, I don’t want to wish it away either as this will be our last! But I know I won’t enjoy it the next few weeks anyway so I do want the first tri to fly by lol.

I have loss of appetite too almost all day! Except midday. I haven’t been hungry at all at night or morning but midday I am ravenous lol. I have also been burping a lot.

The weather has been so pretty lately so I am trying to walk at least 30 mins a day. I am a tad overweight so trying to get some exercise and trying to not go crazy with food when I am hungry so I gain a normal amount. With my son I started much skinnier and gained a ton. With my daughter I started about this heavy and didn’t gain too much cause I had GD and couldn’t eat many carbs
@BanterBusMum hope the uti goes away. I had a borderline uti with my first booking urine too with no symptoms they did repeat urine a week later and it had gone on its own thankfully.

In terms of names I’m so glad I only have me to decide with. I’m set on my boys name already and I’m just torn between two girls names. When I had to decide with my ex about my 2 girls it took us ages to agree so I do sort of like that it’s just me that decides this time!
Having a tough day today.

8 weeks tomorrow but I’ve lost all symptoms. Sickness gone, boobs normal, haven’t cramped since 5 weeks. Ergh.
Having a tough day today.

8 weeks tomorrow but I’ve lost all symptoms. Sickness gone, boobs normal, haven’t cramped since 5 weeks. Ergh.

That's exactly how I felt with my first, called EPU and got an urgent scan, and all turned out absolutely fine. I had basically no symptoms all the way through with him, the few I had early on faded away after a couple of weeks. So is extremely possible that everything is perfectly fine. If really worried though ring doctor or hospital and explain your concerns, might well get an early scan.
@BanterBusMum hope the uti goes away. I had a borderline uti with my first booking urine too with no symptoms they did repeat urine a week later and it had gone on its own thankfully.

In terms of names I’m so glad I only have me to decide with. I’m set on my boys name already and I’m just torn between two girls names. When I had to decide with my ex about my 2 girls it took us ages to agree so I do sort of like that it’s just me that decides this time!

Luckily me and him are in complete agreement on names, unfortunately though we both agree that picking a boy name is just too hard

Hi all how is everyone doing?
I’ve sore boobs and tierdness but all other symptoms gone! Sometimes a wee wave of nausea comes but it goes pretty quick
My tiredness and sickness both get worse as the day goes on. I have it for a small period after breakfast for about and hour or two after lunch (my lunch at work is so late and I’m always starving which doesn’t help) but after dinner it never goes away, I often sleep at 8pm til the next morning (expect for the crazy amount of wake ups each night). My sickness is being controlled by meds though so hate to think what it would be like without them. Hoping it gets easier in the 2nd trimester as my housework is suffering, especially as work has to come first as I’m a teacher
I woke up today bleeding.
I've been booked in for a emergency scan tomorrow at 11:20am at the EPU.
Please ladies keep me and my baby in ure prayers.

I'm not feeling hopeful now I'm so scared that I'm about to lose my baby.

I woke up today bleeding.
I've been booked in for a emergency scan tomorrow at 11:20am at the EPU.
Please ladies keep me and my baby in ure prayers.

I'm not feeling hopeful now I'm so scared that I'm about to lose my baby.

Bleeding like you have been or is it more? I’m afraid for you. With the spotting you’ve had maybe this is just the remainder of that? Or you could just have a little bleed in your uterus that’s coming out. Is there a lot of cramping?
I woke up today bleeding.
I've been booked in for a emergency scan tomorrow at 11:20am at the EPU.
Please ladies keep me and my baby in ure prayers.

I'm not feeling hopeful now I'm so scared that I'm about to lose my baby.


I really really hope everything is okay, you’ll be in my thoughts xxx
Sending my thoughts suggar! I hope all is okay x

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