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September 2021 due date babies!!!

I’m so sorry! I can’t handle a lot of smells right now and food shopping sounds awful. I also hate when I buy something cause it sounds so good and then when I get home I can’t stomach it lol. Hope you feel better soon!

24 hours until my scan. Feeling so nervous and excited. We are still without water from the big winter storm. So I am going to have to shave and take a bucket shower for my appointment lol. Not looking forward to that but don’t want to go to my appointment gross. They usually do a pap the first appointment here. But since I just had my annual at the end of December maybe I won’t need one. But want to be clean either way! Hoping we get water back this week. We haven’t had any since Monday when the freeze hit.

Not long now hon ure be so amazed at the difference. Baby will look like a baby just large head haha.
Glad we got the shopping done now we did Aldi then Iceland but all done now.
Grabbed loads of stuff but probably won't eat any of it haha.

@LoneWanderer fingers crossed this is the beginning of feeling better for you!

I've felt rubbish today, and I feel like a total idiot. I started taking an aspirin a day when my throat got really bad. Throat got a bit better then suddenly got a mouth full of ulcers and a swollen tongue! Discovered yesterday the aspirin I've been taking have dairy in them ](*,) had to take today off work sick as I woke feeling awful and had near enough no voice. My whole mouth is so sore! I slept all morning, and have hardly moved all day! Let's hope it all looks up from here!

Outch outch outch hon u poor thing.
I'm daily baby aspirin 75mg, didn't know they contained dairy.
I have IBS but I'm OK with Dairy.
Hope they go soon hon.

So I found Babies HB again and I'm starting to think we're having another boy. Definitely sounds like a train where as Girls sound like a galloping horse.
170 175bpm did jump up to 180bpm at one point.

DS3 was 172 bpm at 7+1 weeks when I had my first private scan with him.
I know they slow down a bit later on.
Manage to find it easier.

Can't wait for my next scan on the 5th March. A week Friday :p

Gonna be nervous tho because it's a privet dating scan and they will be measuring neutral fold and checking baby over.

Praying baby will be completely healthy [-o<
Also not wanting sweet stuff.
Only salty and savory.
Aww no Zo that proper sucks! At least now you know and can avoid. Mad the stuff dairy gets in though ain't it? Feel better soon!

Toddler seems to have worked out something's going on with Mum's belly, he won't leave it alone bless him.

Walking dog today and a funeral procession with horses went past, he lost his shit, barking and leaping about. Very embarrassing, sometimes I really hate that dog! Worse, he's pulled all my shoulder and neck, now I can't turn round or lift the baby.

On the plus side though, it's so painful that it's taken my mind right off the sickness. So I am taking advantage and eating everything in the house. Every cloud...


@Suggerhoney hope you are feeling better this evening. Food shopping even now is still one of the things that makes me :sick:

@Zoboe95 hope you feel better soon.

First day back at work for me after the week half term. Everyone asked how my pregnancy reveal went, people at school knew early as with covid etc my restrictions have been tighter and my bump was getting hard to hide at work. It's only the first day back and already I'm knackered.
I managed a baked potato with cheese and onion and sickness has eased for now.

Having major round ligament pain tho.
Really stitch like and keeps coming and going.
I know its all good and means everything is stretching but gosh it can take ure breath away.

Wore my maternity jeggings and maternity top today felt so comfy.
Bump has grown and with these round ligament pains looks like it's gonna be growing some more.

@LoneWanderer u crack me up hahaha. I hate that dog sometimes:rofl:

Outch about ure shoulder but glad it's taking ure mind of the sickness.
All these people in pain made me remember what I was going to post earlier you'll get used to me...brain like a sieve! :hi:

Anyone else whacked out the maternity pillow yet?? I woke up with a sore back the other day, and just thought this is a great excuse, I need the cosiest pillow ever back in my life! Don't know how I manage it, it's not one of those huge ones, but I kinda have it go through my legs then under my back :-k and it's so so so comfy! So unromantic, but so comfy!! Also so snuggly to just lean back on when reading!
All these people in pain made me remember what I was going to post earlier you'll get used to me...brain like a sieve! :hi:

Anyone else whacked out the maternity pillow yet?? I woke up with a sore back the other day, and just thought this is a great excuse, I need the cosiest pillow ever back in my life! Don't know how I manage it, it's not one of those huge ones, but I kinda have it go through my legs then under my back :-k and it's so so so comfy! So unromantic, but so comfy!! Also so snuggly to just lean back on when reading!
Haha cant beat a good preggo pillow!! Mine never went away tbh. I have it in with me most nights, baby naps on it during the day, I've even caught the bloody dog curling up in it now and again. Definitely got some value out of that bad boy!
I managed a baked potato with cheese and onion and sickness has eased for now.

Having major round ligament pain tho.
Really stitch like and keeps coming and going.
I know its all good and means everything is stretching but gosh it can take ure breath away.

Wore my maternity jeggings and maternity top today felt so comfy.
Bump has grown and with these round ligament pains looks like it's gonna be growing some more.

@LoneWanderer u crack me up hahaha. I hate that dog sometimes:rofl:

Outch about ure shoulder but glad it's taking ure mind of the sickness.
Mine can be so bad sometimes. Often it’s the worst when I turn over in bed in the night!
Oh yeah and I can 100% feel baby moving now. I wasn't sure at first but it's pretty unmistakable this week. Is right behind my section scar so very uncomfortable indeed, but still a lot of fun!
@Zoboe95 between u talking about brain being like a sieve and @LoneWanderer at her dog again for sleeping on her pregnancy pillow I'm over here howling. Love it love it love it hehehe :rofl:

I had a pregnancy pillow with my son but it was second hand and wasn't that great so I got shot of it after I gave birth.

I really will need to get another one tho so can anyone recommend some good ones from Amazon. I've seen a giant ones on there that looks amazing but it's huge lol wud take up most the bed.

But I definitely need one that's extra comfy because I suffer with pelvic girdle pain and SPD and also sciatica.
It's not started yet but normoly does in 2nd trimester.

Can't sleep tonight feel sick.
Anyone else suffering from insomnia??

@MadamRose I've not had it happen in bed yet but I remember it with my son when turning over started in 2nd tri but it's just when I'm sat watching TV and either side of my lower belly is like pulling and feel like a sharp stitch. Outchy
Sometimes he makes it very hard indeed, but I'm a sucker for that smile.

Honestly he's way harder work than the baby ever has been: having him first prepared me for pretty much anything.

Yes I caved and got a pillow last week! It is a basic u shape but helps some! I am having a lot of pain on my left hip so sometimes I sleep propped up which the pillow really helps with. I fold the ends up so it is like a sit up pillow.

my scan is in 1 hour and I am having some bad anxiety. Hate that I have to go alone. Breathing deep now and praying all is well.
@LoneWanderer we have a beagle and a Labrador. The Labrador is perfectly behaved and pretty much never does a thing wrong (even when he was a puppy) ...the beagle on the other hand...well he's a beagle! He's much harder work than our toddler! He never comes off the lead because he would never come back, and if he sees a fluffy dog, he goes into attack mode! He is a rescue from a puppy farm who was on the streets for a while, so he's had to protect himself! Wouldn't change him though ❤️

And to go with that he is so so good with children!

I work in a nursery on an old estate, where the original family still live, and work, and we have recently bought a black Labrador as our nursery pet!
Feeling so so so poorly today! I feel the worst I have in a couple of weeks. For some reason I’m really tired, I have a really bad headache and feel super sick :sick: I honestly just want to go to bed!

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