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September 2021 due date babies!!!

Awwwwww he is cute hon thank u for sharing him.
U make me laugh hon hehehe :rofl:

Got to love Aldi hehe I will keep a look out to see if they do a baby event if not I will prob get one of amazon I love me a bit of Amazon hehe.

Yay so glad scan went well hon lush photo.

I found babies hb again was beating at 175bpm but the bugger has moved so it took a while to find it and I had a little freek out but all good now.

I had my dating scan at the hospital come through today and it's on Friday 19th March so 2 weeks after my privet dating scan which is cool.
Will be having a blood test done to to check for Downs, Edwards and something else. I got a low risk result with ds3 so praying I get low risk again.
I do worry about My age and I know my chances are higher because of it but praying so hard that baby is and will be completely healthy [-o<
That's an awesome scan pic! The boy at eight weeks looked like a tiny rabbit and this one was a completely unidentifiable blob :/ Yours is most definitely baby-shaped and looking brilliant! Isn't it so lovely to see them, you can relax a bit then and just enjoy the ride <3

Yeah Zoe this is a rescue dog too and he has similar issues, so lovely with people and at home but then terrible with other dogs, especially small ones. We did make some progress training him but then he got really protective about the baby and everything went backwards. And he's getting on now so I reckon we're just stuck with him being a mega twat. Hopefully buying a house soon with a garden so I don't have to walk him so many times a day, and can avoid the thrice daily meltdowns



Still feel sick like 85% of the time BUT it's more like it was with my boy now, where I can just eat my way through it, instead of being off food at all times. So, I'm demolishing everything in sight, I've put on half a stone in like a week, and I'm just trying not to think about my upcoming glucose test hahaha!

It's a welcome relief after feeling awful for the past like, seven weeks constantly. But I'm well aware it might come back with a vengeance so I'm cramming in all the food I can get my hands on now. 13 weeks tomorrow, it's going quite fast now tbh.

Got to see the damn midwife at the hospital on Thursday though, they lost my bloods apparently so I'm in for a re-do. I HATE HATE HATE needles so I am very unimpressed indeed. And I have to drag the toddler up there with me, even more annoying. :/ Honestly I cannot be arsed with any of the appointments this time round, and I'm a bit jealous of people saying they've had phone booking in etc.

@LoneWanderer thank you! I now see why people say they have a little peanut in them when they are pregnant. Definitely looks like a peanut!!

so glad you are liking food again!! And so sorry about your bloods. That’s terrible. They took 6 vials from me today! Not sure what all they test for I think like anemia and thyroid stuff this early. Next appt at 12 weeks they do genetic testing so will need to give blood again.
@atx614 awww amazing honey breath a sigh of relief! Beautiful pic! Hello bean!

@LoneWanderer i hope your ickiness has continued to ease!

@MadamRose i feel you! Second day in school for me today and I am shattered! No energy! Headache and feel awful! How long is Easter?! Haha
This is what I am talking about with my pregnancy pillow it’s awesome. I fold up the legs of the pillow the top and then put my pillow on it and it is a nice sit up pillow. Relieves my hip pain! Then if I want to turn on my side in the night I just move the normal pillow and fold the side down.CFEABF48-425E-45CC-AD0B-04EC2D3D8D1F.jpeg79B38991-892D-498D-9B55-5F9CC9D69E5A.jpeg
13 weeks today! And as I'm not going over 39 weeks due to the ELCS, I guess I'm officially 33% done already, woooo!

Hello second trimester.

I thought I might wake up feeling amazing and being all glowy and well... but nope. I AM DEATH.

I've got an awesome new jumper though...


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@LoneWanderer ure jumper is AMAZING I absolutely love it

Sorry ure feeling naff again though but happy 13 weeks and 2nd trimester yay.

I have 4 more weeks and I will be in 2nd trimester unless they put me forward at my 1w weeks scan.

I think baby and bump may be a America site because they don't class 2nd trimester ubrill 14 weeks but in the UK 2nd trimester is from 13 weeks so i will be moving over to 2nd tri when I hit 13 weeks.

Hows the Dog today lol.
Urrrggghhh so I got a call yesterday saying that some of the bloods taken at my booking appointment SEVEN WEEKS AGO were somehow now missing, and could I go up today and have them redone(!)

So I walk the 45 minutes to hospital, toddler in tow, get to the unit and there's a big sign on the door saying no kids (they were allowing kids in last time I went). Thankfully OH works at hosp so I pulled him out of work to mind baby.

Anyway the midwife, not my usual one, she was lovely and she had a good chat with me about how I hate needles and how she's not keen either and how when she had bloods taken last week they'd bruised her all up, so she assured me she would take care.

But somehow she's both exploded a vein and hit a nerve so now I can't lift my arm or straighten it out, got a trail of bruises right across inside of elbow, my forearm is extremely painful and my whole upper arm is swollen and dead.

And then I had to somehow push the baby the whole 45 mins back home, with one arm, in absolute agony.

So... I am already done with today.

Oh noooo how the hell do they lose bloods the mind really does boggle.
Sorry ure in so much pain hon and a lovely bruise to show for it.

I had my booking in bloods taken today.
I should of had them done a week ago but my booking appointment with the MW was in the afternoon and all bloods go off to the lab at Miday.
Anyway all done now.
Thankfully the nurse that did mine wasn't a butcher lol.

I do have a butcher of a dentist tho and had to have a tooth removed when pregnant with DS I nearly hit the roof lol.
@LoneWanderer omg I am so sorry! That sounds terrible. I hope your day gets better! When they do bloods in the us what tests do the my run? I got my bloods done at my appt and they took 7 vials!! I am not sure what all they test for but I know anemia, thyroid and white/red blood count. Not sure what else but I will see what’s they give the results. I don’t think they test hormone levels though like hcg or progesterone which I find weird.
Happy 9 weeks suggar!

lone that is really horrible and fustrating!!! I also wonder why they’ve changed the rules and said no kids now? Strange
Thank you ladies.
Going by my scan I'm 9+2 but not gonna change my ticker until I get my dating scan at 12 weeks.
Not long now, so glad I booked the privet scan for next Friday to and thats a dating scan to so they will be checking baby over.
Praying little peanut is completely healthy.

Just found babies HB again 175bpm getting louder now,

Can't wait to start feeling movements
I honestly have no clue how these things can even get lost. My other half works in the pathology lab and he says there's absolutely no way at all it could be lost at their end, they'd be in soooooo much trouble if a sample reached them and then vanished.

So clearly these samples go wandering off BEFORE they reach the lab, meaning they are just roaming about loose in the hospital somewhere?!

Anyway. My arm is still shitty and swollen and I can't lift it up, but I'll live. Very excited for my tea, because I knew EXACTLY what I wanted for once and I am very hungry too. Really don't think I'll be able to cope if OH returns and says they didn't have the right things in shop. Today is NOT the day for the universe to fuck with me...

Nothing worse when you know what you want and can’t have it!

I tried to find baby and couldn’t today! Two brief points of 135 and 157 but so brief :(
Oh no when u want something u want something and it's well shit if they don't have it. Be even worse when pregnant like I think I wud I wud freek out hahaha.
So glad u have ure appetite back @LoneWanderer.

I've just had 2 boiled eggs. So random lol.
Keep fancying eggs so weird haha. Guess there healthy tho but I think they make constipation worse which sucks.

I found it easy earlier but then went up again with my 8 year old dd and it took me ages to find and found it for a few seconds and was gone. She got to hear it to which was nice.

They move around do much hon I found my sons HB harder to find after 12 weeks because there just always moving.

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