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September 2021 due date babies!!!

Okay I think I’m certifiably insane! Mine and a friends Harry Potter play tickets were postponed due to the pandemic and I’ve now got tickets for 1st august 3 weeks before my due date, we plan on doing the studio tour the day before on the 31st July.

Then the pride London date has been announced as 11th September. Me and girls attending in 2019 and they are desperate to get back. I only came out in June 2020 so it would be my first pride. I’m thinking it’s probably doable with my mum who wants to come too, and babywearing baby who will be between 3-6 weeks old so mainly sleep and carrier will allow for easy feeding!
Okay I think I’m certifiably insane! Mine and a friends Harry Potter play tickets were postponed due to the pandemic and I’ve now got tickets for 1st august 3 weeks before my due date, we plan on doing the studio tour the day before on the 31st July.

Then the pride London date has been announced as 11th September. Me and girls attending in 2019 and they are desperate to get back. I only came out in June 2020 so it would be my first pride. I’m thinking it’s probably doable with my mum who wants to come too, and babywearing baby who will be between 3-6 weeks old so mainly sleep and carrier will allow for easy feeding!
It’s absolutely do able I would say!!!!
Am I right in thinking you still don't need tickets to Pride unless you're doing the fringe events? So, you don't have to actually decide until much nearer, just in case you have a rough recovery. Lovely atmosphere and friendly folk though, so I'm sure you and tiny bubba will have a great time if you're feeling up to it. Take a little camping chair so you can sit down when needed.

We are planning on buying a house this year and as we won't get the deposit money til at least April, then we have to find a house and get accepted and all the rest, it's going to be June/July at the very very earliest. So there's a good chance I will be eight months pregnant and moving house with a toddler. Or worse, we'll be moving with a toddler AND a newborn, post-section.

Terrible timing, but we need somewhere to live so it has to happen. Six months of staying with my mother has accidentally turned into almost three years and two kids, thanks to the pandemic and our last house purchase falling through. It's been so good of her to have us BUT if we don't move out pretty much immediately then there's a fair chance I'll actually kill her when this next one comes along, coz she was absolutely awful when I had the boy bless her. Renting is out, because nowhere will take the damn dog(!)
Am I right in thinking you still don't need tickets to Pride unless you're doing the fringe events? So, you don't have to actually decide until much nearer, just in case you have a rough recovery. Lovely atmosphere and friendly folk though, so I'm sure you and tiny bubba will have a great time if you're feeling up to it. Take a little camping chair so you can sit down when needed.

We are planning on buying a house this year and as we won't get the deposit money til at least April, then we have to find a house and get accepted and all the rest, it's going to be June/July at the very very earliest. So there's a good chance I will be eight months pregnant and moving house with a toddler. Or worse, we'll be moving with a toddler AND a newborn, post-section.

Terrible timing, but we need somewhere to live so it has to happen. Six months of staying with my mother has accidentally turned into almost three years and two kids, thanks to the pandemic and our last house purchase falling through. It's been so good of her to have us BUT if we don't move out pretty much immediately then there's a fair chance I'll actually kill her when this next one comes along, coz she was absolutely awful when I had the boy bless her. Renting is out, because nowhere will take the damn dog(!)
The only thing is we need to book a hotel but we would book a flexiable one where we could change the dates if needed but you don’t need tickets

Fingers crossed you can move before baby arrives
Babies HB back to 175bpm today little one must of been having a wee snooze when I checked yesterday bless.


We need a new moses basket and stand to and also I want to get a new jumparoo they are so good.

I've saved all my 17 month old sons newborn right 6 months clothing and some bugger stuff to so if this one is a boy then we pretty much are all ready apart from the moses basket
I have a mother care journey pram with car seat my 17 month old is just in a stroller now buy we still have his pram but I don't know weather to sell it and then get a second hand bugaboo.
We had one with DD and it was great definitely the best pram I've ever had but the mother care journey is still in such good condition. It hadn't been used all that much so we cud just use that again.

Babies HB is definitely sounding like a train and now I'm thinking this baby may be a boy.
Scan in 7 days hopefully get a good profile pic.

Hon I don't really know what the answer is but the lady that started the October due date group has sadly had MMC and now there's no one running the group and it doesn't have a proper front page.

There's some november ladies that have just joined but they could always do a group on there own as there so newly pregnant.

I don't really know what to do and I know @atx614 is due October so was thinking mauve making this a joint group so the October ladies can join.
But it's totally up to you.

I just feel so bad for pink cupcakes right now being told that at a scan is horrible my heart is breaking for her.
Oh no that poor woman I didn’t realise! How horrific! :(
Yeah really is! That’s my worse fear gojng to a scan and being told no heartbeat honestly gives me the shivers
Yeah really is! That’s my worse fear gojng to a scan and being told no heartbeat honestly gives me the shivers

Mine to hon.
I still feel like I'm right in the danger zone with being still in first trimester i mean I know things can go wrong in 2nd trimester to but it's as common as the first tri.

I'm getting anxious because im 9+2 now or 9+4 going by scan and I'm getting close to my very first loss at 10+4 weeks. I normally start to relax a tiny bit when I get past that but I don't really relax relax until I get past the 20 weeks scan and 25 weeks when I know the baby has a chance to live.
Pregnancy is so so scary after losses.
I was talking to my neighbour earlier and she had a MC at 16 weeks that's just awful. I wudnt even want to lose my baby now let alone futher down the line.
I'm scared about the chromosomal testing because I'm 41 and I know I have a high chance of having a baby with downs.
I'm just praying everything comes back low risk and this completely healthy with no health issues at all.
A new group has been strated for the October one now because some of the ladies on here wasn't keen to make this a joint group.
Fair enough it’s understandable as some of us are in second tri now and they are just coming through bfp etc
My screening letter came and it says I’m low risk - such a relief

Such a relief hon I'm shitting myself about that because I'm 41 but I was low risk with my son who is 17 months so I'm praying so hard I am low risk again.

I'm so scared but my dating scan and bloodtest is on 19th March so not to long and I know they check neutral fold when they do the scan.

They will be checking that at my privet scan on Friday so hopefully it's normol and hopefully when I have the bloods done and get the results I will get low risk.

I feel so far behind @MadamRose ure all in the 2nd trimester and I'm still stuck in the first :-(
Suggar it’ll pass so quickly!! I feel like this has totally dragged for me :(. And the worries are still there what if I go on Monday and baby had died etc it’s horrible. Just want to get to a point where il enjoy things a bit more you know?
Suggar it’ll pass so quickly!! I feel like this has totally dragged for me :(. And the worries are still there what if I go on Monday and baby had died etc it’s horrible. Just want to get to a point where il enjoy things a bit more you know?

I feel like the past week or so has gone fast but I feel like I've been ib first trimester for ages now.
I'm glad in the UK ure in 2nd tri from 13 weeks so only 3 and half weeks or so which will hopefully fly.
I do know how I was anxious right the way through with my son until I got to 26 weeks then I relaxed alot.

I'm nervous about my scan on Friday they will be checking the baby over measuring neutral fold etc and I just want everything to be perfect than after that I will have 2 weeks to wait for my hospital dating scan I really I get put forward even just by a few days.

I did with my son and I was measuring 2 days ahead at my last scan And went the same way.
He was measuring bang on at 7+1 then 2 days ahead at 9+1 then 4 days extra at the hospital dating scan so that was great.

Hoping for the same this time [-o<

Good luck at ure scan on Monday hon I'm sure it will be amazing
@MadamRose i think it would be totally doable! If you are wearing baby and especially if you have your mom there to help. and I am so glad your results came back as low risk! Once you take the test, how long does it take for results?

@Suggerhoney oh man I had no idea. I feel so bad for her. Yes that is one of my biggest fears too. Going in thinking everything is okay and then baby has no HB. Terrible.
@atx614 I'm pretty sure it's 7 to 10 days for results but I can't be sure.
Yes it is very sad bless her I feel so sorry for her.
Yes it's my fear to hon or to start bleeding.
I just pray so hard that we all have healthy babies (take home babies)
@Suggerhoney im sure it will continue to fly, I got put forward by 4 days at my scan (even though for me the date change is impossible) which meant I skipped almost a whole week!

@atx614 I was told if I hadn’t had a phone call within a week that everything was probably okay and to look out for a letter. If the risk comes back high at my hospital they ring, my scan was on the Wednesday so my letter took 10 days, but they did say it could take up to 3 weeks (1week if high as they ring)
Found heartbeat this morning 153bpm! Bad heartburn now and honestly this nausea is so prolonged whereas with my son it was gone!

I think il feel better once tomorrow is out of the way and Il be in second tri and maybe feeling better :)

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