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September 2021 due date babies!!!

So we've had the day from hell, poor baby boy is in a really bad way and we've been at the hospital (theres no weekend GPs round here). He's not exactly constipated, but has the most horrific nappy rash I've ever seen, just red raw and bleeding, and he's in so much pain that he's been holding his poop in.

So now we are getting little bits forced out every half hour or so, all the cleaning up is making the rash worse, it's a vicious cycle. So they've given him baby laxatives to try clear him out, they should kick in by tomorrow, then we can give the rash chance to heal (he's currently absolutely covered in metanium lotion which usually does the trick but this is by far the worst he's ever been).

Problem is he's now terrified of nappy changes, stiffens up and rolls over and SCREAMS in pain, so it's a heartbreaking two-man job getting him wiped up and lotioned.

Other half is taking day off tomorrow so I have help with the nappies, it's that bad(!) I am KNACKERED, and looks like we are in for an unsettled night ahead too. All this because he's teething again.

Remind me why I'm putting myself through all this a second time...?


Oh no sweety bless him. I find giving my son those fruit packs really help him to go.
I think u can also add a small amount of orange juice to there water and that will help to.
My son had such a sore nappy rash last week I had to keep plastering him in sudocrem and Bathampton.

Also use tepid water and cotton balls instead of wipes hon.
Putting the nappy on a little looser to let air flow and giving him some no nappy time will help get air to it hon.

Hope that helps.
Poor little mite I hope he feels better soon xx
Yup he's living on prune packets, orange juice and water. No dairy, no gluten, neither helping. We never use wipes, they are too sore at the best of times, just water and cotton. And as for nappy free time, hes been the master of taking them off himself for months now. Thank god we live at my mother's and it's not my carpets he's ruining hahahahaha

Normally his rashes are manageable and gone in a day or two - seriously, metanium is the absolute bomb - but he's never been this bad. Tried baths but he won't sit down so that's been no use... basically we have to just pin him down while he screams in agony to get a change done, there's blood all his nappies from it... yeah it SUCKS. Poor bubba.

It'll clear right up when he cuts this tooth, it always does. Until the next one...(!)
Here's his little sad face.
Poor pudding.

View attachment 1095285

Awwww his little face bless him.

Sounds like ure doing all the right things hon.
Had to LOL at the he takes his own nappy off bit lol.
Mines not done that yet but I know its coming lol.
I was thinking when u said about it I bet its teething.
I think that is what flared Tommies up to.
He's getting all the molars coming up all at once poor thing.
Teething definitely has a lot to answer for.
I'll get a photo out of him tomorrow if he will stand still long enough for me to get one lol.

His favourite thing at the moment is dancing to the Eastenders theme tune when it comes on.
He seems to love it haha.
They are funny aren't they hon.
He will be 18 months in March it's flown.
Be strange having a new born again u always Forget how small they are.
I have to stay in hospital for 5 days after giving birth so it will hard being away from Tommy but I'm hoping visiting will be back to normal Come September so then DH can bring him in to see me.
We live right next to the hospital its about a 10 min walk away.

I loved being heavily pregnant in the summer with Tommy because I cud walk to all my appointments and I will be able to do the same this time to.
It's a lovely walk.

I'm getting so excited now, there is still anxiety there but the excitement is now there to.
5 days till scan now really hope it goes well.

Hope ure feeling better now hon and not as sick.
How's the dog lol :dog:
@LoneWanderer aw poor guy! That’s so hard! My son had a terrible rash once and we had to let him go naked. Luckily it was summer so we just stayed outside all day. Couldn’t do it in the winter. I hope it clears up quickly!

I bought an ergo baby carrier today off Facebook! It was such a good deal I couldn’t pass it up. It’s gray so will work with a girl or boy! Can’t wait to find out gender so I can buy more lol.
Here we are measuring 13+4 :) didn’t get a pic of the nub baby wasn’t compliant today sometimes I seen flat sometimes I seen stacking so no idea of gender haha

Thank you all :) in telling my team on Wednesday when I’ll be 13+6! Made our little announcement board today and got my son a big bro T-shirt he has been cheesing haha
Loving everyone's cute announcement plans.
Ours was a spontaneous FB live and the very opposite of cute... I'm sure he'll kill me if he knows I've put it up here but hey... hahahahahahahaha

Oh and we've turned a corner with the toddler, he's passed basically a baked potato sized poop and then pretty much exploded from the high dose laxatives. Aren't kids fun?! But now the Metanium is working wonders, the soreness is receding a bit, and we got through last change with minimal screaming. I am very relieved indeed, and also extremely tired, didn't realise how much the past 36 hours had drained me.

I am honestly dreading the day when there's two of them and they both get sick from something they've picked up at nursery or school or whatever, because just one poorly kid plus the bump has been hell enough. Seriously, not a day goes by when I don't wonder why the hell we have basically doubled our stress by having a second baby...

](*,) #-o :-k
Sorry I've been quiet ladies the neasea has ramped up and I feel really really tired and my boobs are soooooooo sore.
@LoneWanderer hahaha that is a great announcement! We are going to announce in April but I am not sure how yet.

@Suggerhoney im sorry you aren’t feeling well. I am not nauseous but having a hard time eating. I feel so bad for the nauseous ladies, I don’t know if I could handle it!

I went ahead and booked another private scan cause it was on sale. So I have one on Tuesday the 9th next week. And my sister can come with me to this one you are allowed to bring someone. So she is very excited too. She is one of the few people we have told. I will tell my parents and other siblings next week after the appointment if all is well
Thanks hon. Yay for privet scan can't believe mine is on Friday its come around quickly hope everything is good and baby is healthy I'm nervous but also excited.
Babies HB still 174ish bpm so hoping that's a good sign.
So glad you are able to get in for a can tomorrow @mammag ! I bet yo are so happy to have the Doppler! I think I will get one next week. I have been looking on Facebook with no luck so may just buy one new.

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