September 2021 due date babies!!!

Hi guys.

Bit late to the party here! I'm Emma. I'm 35 from Scotland. Expecting baby no. 5. Very unexpectedly! We are excited but scared! All my kids are around 2 years apart and 3 out of 4 were c sections so I'm now terrified incase anything happens thanks to being told my uterus is thin at my last section!

I think I'm around 5.5wks atm. Just started feeling sick yesterday! I usually have hyperemesis in pregnancy so I've already called the doc to get medication. It's just so horrific. Broken nights and constant toilet trips have started too. :-/

How are you all feeling? Xx

Anyone else homeschooling too?
Hey welcome!!!

what is your EDD honey??

I feel you on the broken nights and toilet visits!!! I am soo cold too I cannot get warm it’s ridiculous. I had a c-section 8 years ago! I’m wondering whether I will get the opportunity to have this baby naturally (praying we make it that far)

Finally put on my big girl knickers and phoned the doctor's today :D they asked height weight etc on the phone, but don't even want to see me yet! Apparently midwife will phone me when I'm due an appointment!
Did you see my post! March 3 for my appointment haha I’ll almost be 12 weeks
Hello! Can I join you ladies?

I’m Steph, about 6.5 weeks, due 16th September!

I have a 10 year old DD so it’s been a looong time since I’ve done this!

Super anxious, nervous wreck :lol: had a scan last week due to a suspect ectopic. Luckily everything is in the right place, but couldn’t see much. I should have been 5+6, they guessed at 5+3. Trying not to overthink that even though I’m smack on with dates! 3 days ain’t much right?! :-k

Hey Steph!!

My little boy is 9 so almost the same age gap! 3 days is nothing honey. Have the scheduled you for another scan?
@mammag those lines look amazing! My scan is the 9th as well. Praying for a beautiful heartbeat. Two weeks to wait
Today I just can’t stop thinking about il go for my 12 week scan and the heart has stopped or the baby will have stopped grown
I can’t shake it.
Hey welcome!!!

what is your EDD honey??

I feel you on the broken nights and toilet visits!!! I am soo cold too I cannot get warm it’s ridiculous. I had a c-section 8 years ago! I’m wondering whether I will get the opportunity to have this baby naturally (praying we make it that far)

I had an emergency c section with my first then a vbac with my 2nd 2 years later. I had to push for it but I got it. So I'd say with an 8 year gap, they will definitely let you try.

I'm not sure about when I'm due. I'd say around 22nd September though.
Today I just can’t stop thinking about il go for my 12 week scan and the heart has stopped or the baby will have stopped grown
I can’t shake it.
I felt that way the whole time with my son. Couldn’t picture myself holding another baby and then let that convince me i was gonna lose him. I didn’t though. I just have learned to breathe and tell myself that’s my anxiety talking and it doesn’t mean anything.
Bittersweet...I totally get you hun. I hate it, I’m so anxious. made even worse by potentially not seeing midwife until I’m 12 weeks!

bbymc - thank you! I had an emergency with my little boy. Part of me wants to experience labour so badly as this will deffo be my last baby.
Hey Steph!!

My little boy is 9 so almost the same age gap! 3 days is nothing honey. Have the scheduled you for another scan?

Nope! I might book a private one. Doctor didn’t think I needed a follow up :?
I think that’s part of it yeah as I’m waiting every day for the call from midwifery to make it more real.
Plus I keep reading people saying that they seen a heartbeat at x weeks but had a miscarriage at x weeks or a missed miscarriage. we seen heartbeat at 6 weeks and now I can’t help but feel like okay so am I gonna go for a scan at 12 and it’s a missed miscarriage? Horrible .

my oh doesn’t think an early scan is a good idea as he feels it’ll fuel anxiety afterwards
I just keep telling myself that I personally have a 100% success rate of births after I’ve seen a heartbeat. So if I can just make it there I’m going to sit back and enjoy this baby for every second.
@Neversayno I did see your post about dates, crazy isn't it!! Last time (2018) they 'told me off' for not phoning them soon enough (I was about 6weeks gone when I phoned), this time, they didn't even ask how I feel, literally height, weight and date of last AF, now they don't want to see me! Weird! To be fair I really hate going to the doctor's so I'm not all that disappointed!

Also, they always phone on a private number, and don't leave a message, in case you haven't told people and someone else answers your phone, except I can't access my phone at work, so i always miss their calls, but you can't call a private number back!

Anyway, enough ranting! Realised that my dizzy feeling this morning was because of a migraine coming on, took an aspirin and felt good the rest of the day! I have migraines on last day of AF, and ovulation day every month, so have to take aspirin on those days to survive (didn't know if it would carry on while pregnant, only started since giving birth last time!) Bit emotional today though, watched topsy and Tim with lo, and got way to into it!
@Suggerhoney I’ve been SO gassy is awful. Will you but a Doppler? That’s how I stayed sane with my 6 year old. Found his heartbeat really early through pure persistence, like 8 or 9 weeks and listened everyday. Multiple times a day.

I already have a doppler from when i was pregnant with my son. Think u can use it as early as 8 weeks and will definitely be giving it a go.
So my boobs are sore tonight and that's making me feel more positive.
Will ring EPU probably tomorrow.
My ultrasound is on the 9th!! It’s going to feel like forevvver. But of course since I left the house I got some more tests. I am classified as high risk. But my tests look amazing. Here’s to hoping for a strong heartbeat it 2 weeks!!!

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Great lines hon.
I'm calling the EPU tomorrow and really hope they book me in for a scan.
I'm actually excited for my section. Odd, I know, but my last one (non-emergency after failed induction) was such a calm, pleasant experience. And so quick! About twenty minutes after getting to theatre, baby was out! And the excitement of that overruled the weirdness of being stitched back up. I dont remember much else until being on the post-op ward and handed the baby.

Recovery was a bitch but I got through it, even though I'm a wuss, and it seems a million years ago already.

Every so often I do think, maybe I should be going for the VBAC. I've had judgy comments about my elective from some family and friends. But then I remember how relaxed I felt during the section, how it was the best choice for us - and I'm happy it'll be the same again.
@zoeboe95 the midwife text me today and said Don’t panic someone will be in touch next week and ‘see you’ goodness knows what that means but we’ll see! Loving the tipsy and Tim comment!!

@Suggerhoney yay for the sore boobs!!! When are you doing your hook effect testing? I’m so intrigued about it!

@LoneWanderer i totally get your reasoning behind the elective! I’m on the fence but definitely up for seeing what options I am given! You deffo have to do what is best for you!

anyone here have any experience with the hook effect?? I’m tempted to give it ago but I’m so worried if it doesn’t work I’m going to start shitting my pants!!!

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