September 2021 due date babies!!!

@Bittersweet im sorry for the positive step b test. I was positive with my son and took the antibiotics early like you. Then at labor he came so fast I had only had a little bit of the antibiotics but he was just fine!

@MadamRose happy third tri!! So exciting! I always get the GTT as I don’t think it is optional here. But I ended up having GD with my daughter and I am so thankful for the extra scans as I ended up having to be induced early and I am not sure they would have caught anything wrong if we hadn’t been doing growth scans. She ended up being really small and I had IUGR.

@Suggerhoney ugh I am sorry you aren’t feeling well. Being stuffy is the worst, the feeling of not being able to breathe is horrible. If you have a humidifier those help sometimes! Or a hot steamy shower.

@LoneWanderer yay for an appointment! But I’m sorry you have to do bloods. I didn’t realize they did them at 28 weeks. I know we have the GTT test and TDap shot at 28 weeks but I hope not bloods too. That’s an eventful appointment if so. It will all be over soon!
Thanks all a farce today as apparently my midwife didn’t follow protocol so the gp won’t do the prescription so now waiting to hear from triage who will do the prescription
Thanks all a farce today as apparently my midwife didn’t follow protocol so the gp won’t do the prescription so now waiting to hear from triage who will do the prescription

Well that's bloody ridiculous! Sorry you've been messed about. At least is getting sorted though. Soon be on the meds and clear up them nasties. Onward and upward!
'Twas my midwife, wooo! Sore arm but nowt like before. Always feels like she's left the needle in after when she does it. I'll take it over two weeks of hideous bruising though!!

Still no section date. Didn't get measured either as wouldn't be much difference from last week's monitoring. She couldn't work out which position baby is in - seems noone can, even me - so got a cheeky doppler instead. He's doing good. Lively as hell.

Now to bath and bed the toddler and order a massive takeaway. Marvellous.
So I spoke to the local triage midwife who seemed happy enough about me saying I wanted to cancel my GTT and that I didn’t need to do anything about my midwife just attend my next midwife appointment and that I just needed to ring the hospital to cancel. Rang hospital and their policy is to only let midwives cancel the GTT unless they are being rearrange. The midwife I spoke to had looked at my notes and said she was suprised my midwife had even suggested a GTT, she said with me being in range she personally wouldn’t have done anything but that if my midwife felt the need to do anything it should have been growth scan before GTT. So she cancelled it and said that if my midwife is still concerned next time ask her to refer me for a growth scan first and then if that shows any worries it would be adviced I got a GTT, she also said there can be occasions of false positives. Glad I did my research and feel happy about what I’m doing knowing that if The midwife is at all concerned next time the advice from hospital is to book a growth scan before anything else.

@Bittersweet sorry they are messing you around.

@LoneWanderer sorry you didn’t get May answers at your appointment. I have read in my notes that fundal height shouldn’t be taken less than 2 weeks apart. Do they not do a doppler at at every later appointment no matter what they do where I am.
Well that's bloody ridiculous! Sorry you've been messed about. At least is getting sorted though. Soon be on the meds and clear up them nasties. Onward and upward!
Still ongoing
Triage had no record of it being asked.
They’ve agreed to do t but it’ll be tomorrow now. I’ve to go up to hospital to get it
I have my glucose intolerance test on June 30th.
I've no choice' I have to have it becuase of medication I'm on.
I had the test in my last 2 pregnancies as well and it's not bad.
I thankfully tested negative and hope to this time too.
I can understand where ure coming from with worrying about not being able to have the birth u want.
But if it was me I wud have it.
Esp as ure measuring 2 weeks ahead.
I don't know much about gestational diabetes but I think if u have it and it's left untreated it can be dangerous.

It's absolutely ure choice tho and if u really don't want it than just tell them u don't want it. Or u cud express the reasons ure not wanting it and they will probably be able to give u alot of advice.

I've never heard of it giving false positives.
I guess no test is a hundred percent tho.
Have a good think on it hon and maybe have a chat with ure consultant.
Tell them exactly how u feel.
There there to help and make us feel as Comfortable as possible.

Some difficult news for us today. A few weeks ago I had mega pains and midwife thought it was because baby was transverse. It turns out I actually have tested positive for group strep b.

a swab and a urine sample both contained it. She went on leave and didn’t tell me so I’ve set with this for god knows how long. Got to pick up anti biotics tomorrow to clear this infection and then see consultant on 14th then she says it’ll be IV anti biotics during birth and if my waters go between 37-induction I’ve to go straight in for the anti biotics to work for baby

0h goodness hon.
I've heard of that in the past. Dont really know much about it tho. I really hope everything turns out OK.
27 weeks today.
My back hurts and I miss my feet :rofl:

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1 more week and ure in 3rd trimester hon eeeeeeeeek.
Ahhhhh look how lovely u look and that beautiful bump.
I can't see my feet either.
I had a go at trying to shave down there but nope wasn't happening. Can't see past the bump Hahaha. So I'll just have to be all hairy lmao.

So I had my consultant appointment and it went well.
My liver function blood test and bile levels are all Still normol so my itching must be down to my eczema.
I no I'm still not out of the woods yet and can still develop ICP but so far so good.
Blood pressure was good.
Baby was supper active and HB very loud.he lit kicking the midwives hand haha.

I have a liver scan today Thursday 3rd June.

Then next Thursday I have my first growth scan.
Midwife on the 16th June
And on 30th June I have my glucose test and also another consultant appointment.
I expect July Aug and early September to be just as busy and crazy haha.

I asked about my induction and he said if everything keeps going smoothly like it is now then induction will be 37 to 38 weeks.
But if I develop ICP again and bile levels get high or if I get pre eclampsia again, then induction will be earlier.
So it's just a case of waiting and seeing right now.

No date yet but they don't normally give me that intill 3 to 2 weeks b4.

Brought myself some maternity clothes on a sight called Shein.
only a few bits to keep me going untill the end.
The prices were cheap and the reviews good.
Should be here in a few days so will let u know what the clothing is like.
I brought a nightie too that says mom on the front.
I'm gonna definitely take that with me when I go in hospital.

Still not brought anything for baby yet.
And still need to book that whooping caught vaccine haha.

Will be doing our social media announcement on Saturday. I'm feeling a bit nervous about it tbh.

I know the sort of comments I will get.

What another one

Wow pregnant again

Omg can't believe ure having another one

Blah blah blah.
Last edited:
Feeling a bit better but don't want to speak to soon. Been so hot hear the last few days. It was 27c on Tuesday. That's the day I felt my worst with the cold so the heat was horrible. Loads cooler now thank goodness.
I do love it when it's warm but u hate it being supper hot.
@Suggerhoney i spoke to the midwife at the hospital yesterday when I rang to cancel it and she said she wouldn’t have even booked me one. She said if my midwife was concerned it should have been growth scan and then GTT if that came back abnormal. The midwife on the phone works at the hospital department we’re all the scans and tests are done. She said if I was her patient she wouldn’t have even asked for a growth scan as all guidance says +/-2 weeks is normal and if you look on my fundal chart I am clearly within normal range. She also said that it is true there can be false positive cases. As this was her advice (and she works in the department where it’s all done) and it seems if my midwife is concerned it should be a growth scan first I’m glad I questioned it now tbh. If she wanted me to do a growth scan and then it’s abnormal then I’ll do the GTT. The original triage midwife said cancel my appointment and then just attend my 31 week appointment, what I’m going to do it ring local triage back today (it was closed by the time the hospital midwife range yesterday) and mention their advice that way if my midwife wants me to have a growth scan before 31 weeks she can get it booked.

I’m glad your appointment went well and that all your tests come back nice and clear. I’m glad your also seem to be feeling better.

@Bittersweet sorry you are being so messed around.
@Suggerhoney yes I always get annoyed at how people thing it’s okay to leave those kind of comments on someone’s pregnancy announcement. It’s so rude. Glad all is going smoothly!

@MadamRose thats nice they let you cancel! Here it isn’t an option. We all have to do it.

@Bittersweet ugh I’m sorry. That’s so annoying. I hope they get it all sorted out for you soon and you can get the meds started. When I had it my dr said to eat lots of yogurt too, so not sure if that helps or if it is get good probiotics back in you cause the medicine cleans out all good and bad bacteria.

@LoneWanderer glad you had your midwife so your arm didn’t get butchered!

what is the current practice at y’all’s delivering hospitals as far as covid goes. Right now we are only allowed one person with us, so I will be taking my husband obviously. My mom and his mom are bummed as they have come to the other births. But maybe it will change by September.
Thank you I just picked the meds up so hopefully will be fine soon enough.
In terms of birth we can have 1 birthing partner who can be there the whole time and visit whole time and then 1 second nominated one at midwifes agreement
Thanks @atx614

In terms of birth I haven’t actually asked about how many people can or can’t be there because I’m planning on a home birth. Worse case scenario if I got transferred only one person can go in the ambulance anyway.

@Bittersweet glad they got your sorted :)
Pretty sure we can only have one as it stands - thank god! My mother was an actual nightmare the whole time I was in last time, am really looking forward to her NOT being there at all this time :rofl:
Haha lone!!
I wanted my mum there this time but she’s not keen so never mind
Whooping cough vaccine tomorrow so I'm expecting to spend Saturday in bed, as last time it really wiped me out and I felt terrible after.
To be honest even if I feel fine I'll probably ham it up and make other half take the baby out for the day anyway: I haven't had a chance to lay about and do nothing in... oh, about 20 months now :rofl:
Oh yes of course. Because I have a growth scan on Thursday and then the glucose test is at the end of the month.

I also read its normal to be up to 2 weeks more and is within range.
I always 2 weeks more with my biggest baby. But with my last pregnancy I sometimes measured a week more or a week less.
I think sometimes different midwifes can give u a slight different measurement too and not quite get it at the top of the public bone.
I'm so happy u had the choice hon. Glad u got a second opinion.
Do u feel a bit better now?

@Suggerhoney yes I always get annoyed at how people thing it’s okay to leave those kind of comments on someone’s pregnancy announcement. It’s so rude. Glad all is going smoothly!

@MadamRose thats nice they let you cancel! Here it isn’t an option. We all have to do it.

@Bittersweet ugh I’m sorry. That’s so annoying. I hope they get it all sorted out for you soon and you can get the meds started. When I had it my dr said to eat lots of yogurt too, so not sure if that helps or if it is get good probiotics back in you cause the medicine cleans out all good and bad bacteria.

@LoneWanderer glad you had your midwife so your arm didn’t get butchered!

what is the current practice at y’all’s delivering hospitals as far as covid goes. Right now we are only allowed one person with us, so I will be taking my husband obviously. My mom and his mom are bummed as they have come to the other births. But maybe it will change by September.

Sometimes just wish people wudnt say anything.
I was a only child growing up so I love having a big family.
My kids are not all little either.
18 15 from my ex

With DH we have a 10 8 and 21 month old.
So I manage fine.
The largest family here is a family called the Radfords and they had 22 kid's.

She had her last baby at age 45.
They have there own TV show.
I always watch it when there on.

There all like a year apart as well so that must be crazy. I definitely cudnt do it lol.

Thank you I just picked the meds up so hopefully will be fine soon enough.
In terms of birth we can have 1 birthing partner who can be there the whole time and visit whole time and then 1 second nominated one at midwifes agreement

Glad u have ure meds hon. Hope they help.

I had my liver scan and got to have a quick peek at baby. He's grown since my 20 week one. He has chubby cheeks and such a cute nose.
Can't wait for my growth scan.

As for birth I think in the UK ure only aloud 1 birth partner at the moment.
They did allow 2 b4 all this covid stuff.
I did notice the restaurant was open again at the hospital tho. It was shut for ages because of covid. Only staff cud use it. But now it's open to the public so at least when they give me the pessery to induce me ' me and dh can walk down to the canteen and have some nice food.
Mind u when I Was unduced last time it was a Sunday so the food was rubbish.
They have much more choice and nice things in the week and on Saturdays.

Watch me get a Sunday induction date again haha.
Wow I missed a lot! Been for a very hot long weekend camping, then straight back for 2 days at work!

Bein beaten up from inside while writing this! Just got to that stage where my stomach wobbles when she kicks!

24 weeks now, which is always a nice one to reach ❤️

@LoneWanderer wise words on glucose scan ...I supposedly need one because my dad is diabetic, even though I'm tiny and baby is tiny and they've said she will be early. I'm still waiting to be sent appt, but when they do, I think I will accept anyway to be on the safe side. If it makes me puke, it makes me puke. Not the end of the world :holly:

Oh got a pay rise yesterday which was lovely! I want to go and spend some money on baby stuff today, but I'm really uninspired on where to go!
@Zoboe95 glad you had a nice time away! Happy V-day definitely a lovely point to get to!
I’ve got my 4D scan booked for tomorrow, never had one before but it’s my birthday and a lovely way for the girls to feel involved with the baby.
Hope the scan is good madam rose.
We are still not allowed children at appts or post birth. Really really hope this changes before I go in I’d love my son to come in to hospital to meet baby x

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