september babies

My depression is returning and im scared, i'm starting to not care about anything and its frightening me xx
Oh Im sooo glad I read this... I was starting to beat myself up about wanting the whole pregnancy thing over with all ready, just want my little guy here :)

Im due the 1st of Sept.. but I was measuring a week ahead at my last appointment and my original date was 25th of August... so im hoping Il maybe go in between they dates :)

Anyone got the dreaded heartburn? Its doing my head in :(
Also my skin above my bellybutton feels like its gonna tear open... I dont know if its scar tissue from where I ripped my belly button bar out when I was younger (twice - ouch) but OMG is it sore.... anyone else got this? Its like a nippy pain that someone is pulling my skin in opposite directions :( xx

I have 4 bottles of Gaviscon, heartburn is not the word! lol xx
:wave: Hey!
I'm due 19th Sept with my 1st!! I'm loving it!! although have developed Chronic Sacroiliac Joint disorder in my pelvis.....painful? yep!! I'm just abit limited in what I do! It's a wonder I'm not the size of a house!! lol. Only 3more weeks left at work then we break up for summer and I have a lovely 8 weeks or so to myself before she comes! :thumbup: I'm sure I'll be bored silly but there will be lots of things for me to do in preparation I'm sure! xx
hey all im leanne and due 9th september with a lil boy :D will probably have a section so will be earlier, going to try and push them for 38 weeks for medical reasons. (my DD has cranio syntosonis (sp) most likely caused by her being so big and crushed up in the womb) lil man already weighs approx 3lb 7oz xxx
im due 11th sep,with our 1st and we are having a boy!! all is going well so far, only just started showing , but people say I look about 5months, Im loving being pregnant, got most things ready, just a few bits and bobs to get
just want to meet him now, counting down the days, lol!!!
Hi all,, erm I'm a bit concerned that a glucose test hasn't been offered to me! Do we all have to have one? I'm due 5th Sept by the way and expecting a boy! :)
It's mainly people with high bmi's or big babies :) I have both :( u don't want a glucose test lol they're yuck!
and if your mother, grandmother or close family member has diabetes xxx
[/QUOTE] I have 4 bottles of Gaviscon, heartburn is not the word! lol xx[/QUOTE]

Im with you there.. gaviscon bottles in the house and rennies anywhere else (handbag/car/work drawers) .... Not nice! xx
Hi I'm due the 6th, just over 10 weeks to go but I want her nooow. If only she was cooked enough. I have a feeling I might have an August baby but we shall see.

Heartburn is evil!
My dad was diabetic,,they still not offered one to me! He was only mild though!
I'm due 6th September. Have been soooo lucky so far with no sickness and a bump that only appeared two weeks ago but I am now starting to feel uncomfortable & massive! Its such a minor thing thats bothering me but I have always been 'funny' about my belly button and its just started to pop out & that makes me feel weird... also keep getting sharp pains behind it! .... definitely ready to meet my little girl now but still so much to do at home... got decorators booked, new carpets being laid & furniture to be delivered! aaargh... also our NCT course doesnt start for another 4 weeks & I am freaking out that I still dont have a clue what to do with a baby!
Hi girls :wave:
I'm due on the 14th of September and expecting a little boy :) i feel huge, i'm 5'2" and was underweight pre pregnancy at just over 6 stone, i've sure made up for that now i'm 9stone lol!!!Been suffering with a trapped nerve in my hip thats been agony but it comes and goes (although little man tends to like kicking it,which doesnt help - straight to the naughty corner when he arrives ;D) anyone else been feeling like their pelvis was about to break??He's been head down at my 20 and 27 week scans so been feeling lots of pressure.Can't wait to meet him :)
I am getting a bit scared at how fast these weeks are going! Im 30 weeks today, so in theory, although I know first babies are often late, im getting prepared for anything happening early!
We need to finish the nursery and I need to buy a new car b4 then though, eek!
next midwife app at 31.5 weeks, hade my bloods done this week, dont feel too tired so think they will be fine

Been to 2 NCT classes so far and really useful for me as first timer and hubby says they help him to understand whats going on

Hi I'm due on 5th with my first. Yellow bump although we did want to know but little rascal had legs crossed at 20 week scan. I'm pretty huge and am getting sick of constantly being asked 'are you sure you're not having twins?' Same bloody people who ask me nearly everyday getting very fed up with it now!

Also suffering from spd, awful heartburn and shortness of breath and struggle getting of the sofa so goodness knows how I'm going to cope for another 10 weeks! The next 8 weeks at work are going to be hell! But so not ready for beanie to arrive yet as got so much to do in the house - finish bathroom tiling and painting, get decorator in to do lounge and stairs, new carpet to be laid and new radiators and boiler. This is all before we even start on the nursery :dohh: HELP!!!!!!!!
oh im with all the ladies on the heartburn..... i carry the tablets at work, its getting worse....
My dad was diabetic,,they still not offered one to me! He was only mild though!

In the US, they give the GTT to all pregnant ladies. I had to take it twice because my sister has diabetes from PCOS. I managed to pass it both times though I had to do the three hour test.

Heartburn has been part of this pregnancy through and through. I just bought my third bottle of tablets and I admit that I try to suffer through some of it because I just don't want to take that many of them.

I am due the 20th with my third and should be last child. We will know what it is when it gets here. While I would like to know at times, over all I am much happier waiting until the birth to find out.

I kind of feel fat as well even though at 27+ weeks I am still down 10 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. Never happy, are we? :laugh2:
hello september ladies. I'm due 18th september and team yellow. got my glucose test on monday!!!.

i'm getting excited and cannot wait till till baby d arrives obviously still needs to stayput. leaving work in 2 weeks and cannot wait.

i too have heartburn horrible.
Im due september 11...(bad date i know!)
hopefully ill pop the day before, so his bday will be 9/10/11

ive got 2+ months to go and i have just started the uncomfortable phase. everything hurts, everything swollen, everything just needs to end so i can hold my baby and tell him how much i suffered! lol. also getting freaking sick and tired of people telling me how huge i am, and "are you sure theres only one!"
i had one lady tell me yesterday "holy shit your so big, i had 3 kids and was never that big!" hello! your overweight and an alcoholic now! leave me the f alone!!!

but when he kicks me and when i go to the OB and hear his heartbeat, its all so much better and i feel a little better about the whole thing. uff da, this is hard.
people are so tactless with the oh mi god are you having twins comments arent they lol i should say no triplets actually and see what they say!

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