Very strange. Did you tell your RE you're not in full flow? Fx you get some answers soon!
Hi all!! :wave:
I just started clomid for the very first time last night
I am a very excited but also pretty nervous! I have pcos and have been ttc off and on (more on) for roughly 2 years now. Found out recently that I just don't ovulate so my doctor strongly encouraged me to start clomid asap!
So far nothing unusual aside from mild nausea the first night and being SUPER tired both last night and tonight.
I have heard that it can make certain symptoms worst around af and lead ladies to believe that they are pregnant.. what are all over your experiences with this so far?
Also, my doctor and my pharmacist really emphasized that it can lead to multiple fetuses. They didn't specify the chances of this happening but said that it can be pretty common. Anyone know what the chances of having 2+ babies are?
I know I am just repeating questions that you all get asked regularly and that I could just Google it, but it seems easier to be able to ask in my own words so that I can get my own answers :3
Praying- Sorry to hear about Afbut you start round #2 any day now, right? I think that it would be most likely to take in round 2-3
just because our bodies have to get used to the sudden change in hormones. I admit, I have noticed that I have been extra gassy xD
Can you ladies help me.... OH was to unwell enough to bed with me at CD 13, 14 and 15 well im CD 16 today and my cheap internet ovulation test is positive!
But my clearblue digital had a solid smiley face on cd14!! Whats happening?? Also went to the loo just and when I wipe its still watery but loads of EWCM now, some is clear some a cream colour sorry tmi
And OH has been diagnosed with gastroenteritis tummy bug!! Been sick for two days now.. so we only bed on these days so far... CD 3,4,6,7,8 twice on CD10 and once CD 11 & 12. But I got a flashing smiley face on my clearblue CD 13 morning and afternoon, and the cheapie was negative, CD 14 got a solid smiley face and a negative cheapie. Yesterday CD15 negative cheapie.. and today... CD 16 positive cheapie opk! What??!
Can you ladies help me.... OH was to unwell enough to bed with me at CD 13, 14 and 15 well im CD 16 today and my cheap internet ovulation test is positive!
But my clearblue digital had a solid smiley face on cd14!! Whats happening?? Also went to the loo just and when I wipe its still watery but loads of EWCM now, some is clear some a cream colour sorry tmi
And OH has been diagnosed with gastroenteritis tummy bug!! Been sick for two days now.. so we only bed on these days so far... CD 3,4,6,7,8 twice on CD10 and once CD 11 & 12. But I got a flashing smiley face on my clearblue CD 13 morning and afternoon, and the cheapie was negative, CD 14 got a solid smiley face and a negative cheapie. Yesterday CD15 negative cheapie.. and today... CD 16 positive cheapie opk! What??!
You should still be good![]()
you are still fertile right now so if he can muster it make sure to bd today!!
Plus his sperm should last at least 2 days inside you, so your egg (s) could have been fertilized from before you ovulated!
The test that I am seeing doesn't look positive. I have been researching (since I haven't used test strips YET) and it needs to be a DARK line for it to be a positive opk.
But, as I said, I have no actual experience with these yet. I am waiting for my box to finally arrive!
Praying- I agree! Maybe it was just some uterine lining that you didn't shed last time? That is my guess.
What dose are you are on?
I forgot to mention, I am on two 50 mg pills once per day
so 100 mg.
I read that this would be normally dosed for the second round, but my doctor said that just 50 mg isn't usually effective.![]()
Sarah- that would make a difference! Lol that is pretty strange... have you called your doctor to ask yet?
Praying- that would make sense.. hopefully you ovulate on time this cycle! When did you O last month with round 1?
]Praying- that would make sense.. hopefully you ovulate on time this cycle! When did you O last month with round 1?
SarahLou- trying to interpret OPKs can be so stressful! I believe you probably began your surge on the 14th and I know for some ladies, surges can last multiple days. I know I've had a cycle where I got two days of positive OPKs in a row. From what I've read, you should go off the first positive OPK when trying to determine when you will O. I am more inclined to trust the digital, just because I don't really trust my own interpretationsLast cycle, I didn't get a positive OPK at all and still ovulated (confirmed by ultrasound and temping).
Sorry your OH is sick!That stinks, it is really frustrating when all your fertility signs align, you've identified them, and then for whatever reason the timing just doesn't work out. My DH has been out of town for his job during part or all of my fertile period for the last three months. Needless to say, I am excited for him to be home for the holidays
You still have a good chance this cycle- if you did ovulate CD 14/15, my RE says sperm can live up to 5 days in fertile CM! If you didn't O yet, even better news! BD today just in case if your OH is feeling up to it!!