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September loss thread, TTC our rainbow babies

Looking back I think it might have been equally as dark or almost as the control line but I can't be sure. So I don't know if Almost is a geniune postive?! At the time I was doubting myself so I dismissed it but on Friday It was very faint. What does that mean? Will I KNOW if its 100% positive? Will the test line truely be darker than the control line?
The test would be equal to or darker. Mine usually go = to, darker than, and then = to, then lighter aka negative. Fmu can give false positives on opk since your pee is more concentrated also. But if you have one that is = to control I'd go with that one.
I think the Super moon is tonight. I have decided this is a good omen and am hoping that this month is the month for all of us. Sending fertile and loving thoughts to you all.

I have no idea when and even if I will be ovulating this month. Who knows what my body will do after the loss.

Helen I am thinking you had a surge for sure. Hopeyou caught it!
Im not sure but my son was conceived on one try in my fertile window. I was supposed to be highest fertile on Friday but Friday ovulation test was very faint compared to Thursday that was pretty obvious however, i don't know what Wednesday would have been so i will just have to wait and see. I know i wont get another positive now as my period is due at end of month.
I am so hoping all it takes is one.
I am really praying that this fertility after giving birth thing is real because holy crap do I want it. I don't want to wait for the FET in Dec/Jan!
So we are doing every other day/night and I am trying to be positive. Any suggestions to keep my mind from going overdrive?
Oh girl if I had that answer. Let's see. I've been slowly organizing my whole house, getting rid of a ton of unneeded/unwanted stuff. Plus detoxing like that is very healing. Re dedicated myself to my gym obsession. Also trying new recipes out too as I've seemed to have lost my cooking touch.
Hey you're doing well every other night!! I wish we could.
Its been 2 months now and we haven't had very much sex due to my OH but i am hoping i am extra fertile still. And this month we have done it on the right date.

Myshelsong i dont know if there is anything to take your mind off it!
Stillpraying the gym and cooking and decluterring sound excellent ideas. Cooking i already do and in the process myself of decluterring. I haven't started working out yet. This may sound weird but i feel abit funny about exerting myself in that way while we are waiting to see if we conceived. Like, im (probably irrationally) worrying that if i do exercise or something like that then it could hamper our chances?! I'm sorry i must sound like a fool but i seem to be so much more cautious of everything since what happened :(
Hey ladies, our trip was both amazing and sad. Here I am proud of myself for making it up a huge mountain and all I could do was sit down and cry.
We got back Saturday and I started work again today. I'm a cashier at a grocery store when I'm not nannying. And honestly I don't think I was ready to come back here yet. I'm on break rn and i just spent the first half of it crying because of all the moms and babies that come thru. I truly don't know if my heart can take it. But we can't really afford for me to take more time off.
I don't know what to do. I hate feeling so lost and confused over simple things. I'm due for my second AF on Wednesday. Here's keeping fingers crossed that I don't see it.
Helen I've read so many studies about fitness and pregnancy. Honestly it won't hurt anything. The only time there is an issue with exercise while pregnant is in the later stages when women push themselves too hard. But physical fitness can also lead to a BFP too :)

Morgan I'm sorry work is hard. I felt the same way when I went back. Take deep breathes and sing a song in your head. Try to smile. Odd but I found that trying to compliment pregnant women or new mothers helped me immensely.
Thanks stillpraying that made me feel better. I like doing the high intensity ones so thats good.

Morgan i felt the same. So lost and i still do sometimes but its better to be at work and get back into things sooner rather than later. Days will get easier in time. I hope work is being good to you.
My Dr's have always told me if exercise wise if you did it prior to being pregnant you'll be fine while pregnant unless of course a condition comes up saying otherwise.

Ugh I tested at 4dpo today :rofl:
If my fertile day was Thursday then so did i LOL! Did both ov and preg test, why not - ive got 50 haha
Exactly lol that's why I order them online, so I can poas as much as I want.
Morgan, sorry darlin. Going back to work is such a hard thing to do, especially when you have to work with the public with a smile. I agree have a song in your head.

There is a part of me that wish I had opks left over and then another that is greatful I don't. It would make me go poas crazy!
My other sister just told me she is pregnant....my younger one. It's her first baby. 😢😀😯
Hugs Morgan. I know that sting. During the week of my chemical last cycle I had TWO ladies tell me they were "accidentally" pregnant. I'm sorry hon.

Man we need some BFPs on here!
One of the girls in work is pregnant too. 3 months i think. Have to see her all the time and even though i am pleased for her i just wish it was me still :(

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