September October buddy:)

No thank goodness no more 'spotting' since. It was such a small amount and I couldn't 100% tell on the colour but with my history it really freaked me out! Nothing more since though thank goodness so all should be well ♡

How are you feeling today?
Hi, I have been feeling less sick until this Morning and then it came back with a vengeance! I had eaten ginger biscuits and the burning when they came up was horrible! I hate being sick.
I'm just keeping busy with the boys to try and keep my mind off it.

8 weeks today! (Ish) can't wait until I get an actual due date!
Hi, I have been feeling less sick until this Morning and then it came back with a vengeance! I had eaten ginger biscuits and the burning when they came up was horrible! I hate being sick.
I'm just keeping busy with the boys to try and keep my mind off it.

8 weeks today! (Ish) can't wait until I get an actual due date!

Heya! Sorry took a few days to reply. How are you feeling? Any new symptoms? I have crazy wind diarrhoea and the most horrible of headaches. Blah!

Have you had any appointments for your dating scan?:D
Hi, I have been feeling less sick until this Morning and then it came back with a vengeance! I had eaten ginger biscuits and the burning when they came up was horrible! I hate being sick.
I'm just keeping busy with the boys to try and keep my mind off it.

8 weeks today! (Ish) can't wait until I get an actual due date!

Heya! Sorry took a few days to reply. How are you feeling? Any new symptoms? I have crazy wind diarrhoea and the most horrible of headaches. Blah!

Have you had any appointments for your dating scan?:D

Hey I'm feeling pretty rubbish at the moment, the boys have been ill with a cold and a nasty cough and now I have it. I cough so much and then I'm sick which is horrible. My littlest has ended up awake and in bed with me the last two nights which has meant not much sleep for me!
It's really strange but my appetite has really gone too. I get hungry, really hungry but when I eat I can't eat much and get full really easily.
I've had crazy diarrhoea too, wonder if that is just a pregnancy symptom or part of the bug I've got! Either way it's not pleasant is it.
Haven't got anything for my dating scan yet, my midwife appoitment is next Tuesday so I will get it after that.

How are you getting on? How's the MIL? :haha:
Oh no that sounds so awful!!! Poor you and the boys I hope you feel much better soon :hugs:

I have diarrhoea too! Not every day maybe once every few days. The cramps with it are unreal!!! I'm sick as a dog today. I woke up this morning feeling OK and then worried why I didn't feel sick... :haha: then went to town and nearly puked about 5 times had to really hold it back. Blah!

MIL lol... she's well. Think they all understanding how rough I feel now when they see me gag and run to the bathroom..

Do your little ones know about your pregnancy?
Oh no that sounds so awful!!! Poor you and the boys I hope you feel much better soon :hugs:

I have diarrhoea too! Not every day maybe once every few days. The cramps with it are unreal!!! I'm sick as a dog today. I woke up this morning feeling OK and then worried why I didn't feel sick... :haha: then went to town and nearly puked about 5 times had to really hold it back. Blah!

MIL lol... she's well. Think they all understanding how rough I feel now when they see me gag and run to the bathroom..

Do your little ones know about your pregnancy?

I hate feeling and being sick! Urgh. At least mine now goes as soon as I am sick in the morning..I feel so sorry for these ladies that are sick all day! Must be awful.

No the boys don't know yet, Though the morning after our BFP Jack (age 3) declares he is going to have a sister!! How strange is that and he has been saying it ever since...he tells EVERYONE so that's a bit awkward for the people that don't know im Pregnant lol. We won't tell him until we know everything is ok and possibly not until after the 20 week scan when we know the we can prepare him if it is not a sister! :haha:
That is very strange!! They say children have a sixth sense with these things!

I was so violently sick tonight that I thought my head was going to explode. Blah! But ate my lamb chops straight after :hehe:

I've had some more watery brown spotting tonight just a few spots. Terrifying!
Hi! I had a scan today due to the spotting I've been having. All seems well! Baby was fine with a very strong heart beat. Couldn't see any reason for the bleed. Still incredibly anxious. She put me back AGAIN. When you should be 9 weeks from LMP but I'm 7 weeks 4 days :) (I usually ovulate around day 20 that's why). But means I found out I was pregnant 8 days after ovulation!!!! Crazy...


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    2015-02-20 10.45.54.jpg
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Hi! I had a scan today due to the spotting I've been having. All seems well! Baby was fine with a very strong heart beat. Couldn't see any reason for the bleed. Still incredibly anxious. She put me back AGAIN. When you should be 9 weeks from LMP but I'm 7 weeks 4 days :) (I usually ovulate around day 20 that's why). But means I found out I was pregnant 8 days after ovulation!!!! Crazy...

Aw glad to see everything is fine! Did you have to pay for the scan again or did they do it at the hospital?
Argh at being out back again, I take it baby has grown since last scan?
I have heard of people being put back before and then by the 12 week scan they'd have caught up again! So You never know you might go forward. What is your due date now then?
Hi! I had a scan today due to the spotting I've been having. All seems well! Baby was fine with a very strong heart beat. Couldn't see any reason for the bleed. Still incredibly anxious. She put me back AGAIN. When you should be 9 weeks from LMP but I'm 7 weeks 4 days :) (I usually ovulate around day 20 that's why). But means I found out I was pregnant 8 days after ovulation!!!! Crazy...

Aw glad to see everything is fine! Did you have to pay for the scan again or did they do it at the hospital?
Argh at being out back again, I take it baby has grown since last scan?
I have heard of people being put back before and then by the 12 week scan they'd have caught up again! So You never know you might go forward. What is your due date now then?

Online due date calculators only work out according to an average 28 day cycle. I have a 35 day cycle on average so if I work it out from ovulation, that would put me back somewhat :) I had EWCM on day 20, 12th of January. Sonographer said baby is 7 weeks 4 days. I counted back and it works out to that exact day! Baby at the last scan 7th of Feb was 4mm, baby is now 13 mm :D very strong heart beat too. I had some spotting so they did a scan, didn't have to pay for it. It's nice to know exact age of baby though!:) im due 5th of October now. No doubt that may change again at the 12 week scan. My scan was booked for the 6th of March but I wouldn't be 12 weeks (only around 9) so she's changed it now toll 12 weeks. If I was 9, they wouldn't do another one and I do want a 12 week scan when baby is out the danger zone! :D it was amazing. Pic quality is rubbish but on the screen out little bean we saw leg and arm buds and his or her heart even made a trace it was that strong :)

How are you feeling? Blah car rides make me ILL. Just threw up in a bag...
That all sounds great! Baby has grown loads :)
Yes I would wait until 12 weeks as they look like a proper little baby then too!
I think mine will be about 4th/5th October, my babies are always late!!! :haha: always decide to come after two sweeps and induction booked in haha.

I'm feeling better sickness wise, I haven't been sick for a few days now but I'm still ill with a cold/cough which is awful.
I'm wondering whether to try my Doppler yet, I've been holding off. I might try at 10 weeks.
That all sounds great! Baby has grown loads :)
Yes I would wait until 12 weeks as they look like a proper little baby then too!
I think mine will be about 4th/5th October, my babies are always late!!! :haha: always decide to come after two sweeps and induction booked in haha.

I'm feeling better sickness wise, I haven't been sick for a few days now but I'm still ill with a cold/cough which is awful.
I'm wondering whether to try my Doppler yet, I've been holding off. I might try at 10 weeks.

That's great! If I'm in the house my sickness tends to be better. If I go in a car.. it's all over. I'm extremely travel sick at the moment having to carry bags everywhere with me. Poor hubby :haha: I have to eat first thing in the morning too like as soon as I open my eyes... else I gag and throw up. Which is awkward as I have to take thyroid medication one hour before breakfast :wacko: but I just have a bite of a biscuit.. anything!

I tried my doppler when I thought I was 8 weeks, but as I was earlier than that it would make it extremely difficult to pick up HB. But I've saw youtube videos where women have picked it up at 7 weeks!! I promised myself im not going to try again until 9 weeks. That will be past my loss gestations so hopefully hearing a HB then will really settle my mind :hugs:
Yes I found my first two boys at 10 weeks so I'm holding out. At least you have seen your baby's heartbeat on the scans so you know it's there. The odds of mc go down loads once a heartbeat has been seen. I have had nothing yet, it's weird as I don't really know if there's a baby in there apart from the positive tests haha.

Got my midwife appointment on Tuesday :happydance:
Yes I found my first two boys at 10 weeks so I'm holding out. At least you have seen your baby's heartbeat on the scans so you know it's there. The odds of mc go down loads once a heartbeat has been seen. I have had nothing yet, it's weird as I don't really know if there's a baby in there apart from the positive tests haha.

Got my midwife appointment on Tuesday :happydance:

Lol!! That was the same as my other 2 pregnancies, I convinced myself it was a phantom pregnancy :haha: there is a baby in there... its just a loooong waiting game!!! :hugs:

Yes I feel alot more positive this time round that everything will progress as it should. Because I've had 2 losses I just can't imagine myself getting past 12 weeks so it does make me anxious. Something I've never experienced having a happy 12 week scan so I just can't imagine it. Doesn't mean it won't happen though right!:D

Newest symptom.. Blue veins all over my boobs!!! Nice...

And I'm SOOOO hungry today!

Midwife yay!!!! That's so exciting makes it all that more real doesn't it! I have a blood test and antenatal appointment on the 4th of March. Will break up the wait until the scan I suppose!
It does feel so long to wait! The weeks are dragging, can't believe I'm only 9 weeks ish. I feel like I've been pregnant forever!!
How many weeks were you for your first losses? Have you passed that point yet. I have a good feeling for you this time. Everything seems good :thumbup:
Veiny boobs is a real pregnancy symptom, it's all so glamorous isn't it! Haha
Had a busy day today, it's OHs birthday. Jack had a swimming lesson this morning and then we went for a meal. We then took the boys to toys r us. It's been lovely but I'm shattered now. By their bedtime I'm ready to crash too!
It does feel so long to wait! The weeks are dragging, can't believe I'm only 9 weeks ish. I feel like I've been pregnant forever!!
How many weeks were you for your first losses? Have you passed that point yet. I have a good feeling for you this time. Everything seems good :thumbup:
Veiny boobs is a real pregnancy symptom, it's all so glamorous isn't it! Haha
Had a busy day today, it's OHs birthday. Jack had a swimming lesson this morning and then we went for a meal. We then took the boys to toys r us. It's been lovely but I'm shattered now. By their bedtime I'm ready to crash too!

Happy birthday to him!!!! Sounds like you had a lovely day. I didn't leave the house today :haha: I know a walk would make me feel better but the thought of getting dressed is too much work :dohh: I did some cooking cleaning washing the usual but just chilled around. Every day im getting migraines so I just want to sit in a dark cold room! I live with my inlaws and they always have bright kitchen lights on downstairs, I'm like see ya off to hide!!! :D

9 weeks ahhh amazing! Our peanuts are fetus'! :happydance:

With my first loss it was a MMC so I was 12 weeks but baby had stopped growing at 8+4. With my second loss it was a natural MC started bleeding at 7+2 and miscarried at 8+2. I haven't had any bleeding apart from the little bit of spotting so all seems well! This is a tense week for me, and although resting won't prevent anything, I'm trying to take it easy until I've passed my scary stages. I hope to use my doppler next week and settle my mind :happydance:

Thanks hunny :hugs:
Hey, I'm a bit worried about my lack of symptoms...the sickness has just stopped!. I'm still crazy tired but apart from that I don't feel pregnant anymore! Haven't for about a week
Had my midwife appt yesterday, scan is being booked for two weeks time, so not long now! It's so scary isn't it, I've had a mmc too and if it wasn't for that I wouldn't be so worried but the same thing happened then too :wacko:
I might try my Doppler, but don't know if it will worry me more!
Hey, I'm a bit worried about my lack of symptoms...the sickness has just stopped!. I'm still crazy tired but apart from that I don't feel pregnant anymore! Haven't for about a week
Had my midwife appt yesterday, scan is being booked for two weeks time, so not long now! It's so scary isn't it, I've had a mmc too and if it wasn't for that I wouldn't be so worried but the same thing happened then too :wacko:
I might try my Doppler, but don't know if it will worry me more!

Hey hun. Don't be worried, your 9 weeks and the sickness won't last forever (we hope!!) Yours may just have stopped now or you've found ways to ease it. You could try your doppler if you know you won't get too anxious if you don't find the HB as it is very early! I try for mine and I just know it's too small and I try again the next day :D xx I hope all is well... my scan is the end of march, I'll be nearly 13 weeks. Such a long wait!!
Hey, I tried the Doppler but couldn't find anything..not going to panic too much as I think I was 10 weeks with the boys when I found theirs. Might leave it a few days and try again.
So hard not to worry though isn't it!

I always found first tri was always the slowest and then once out of that, it seems to go faster. Hopefully!
Just can't wait until my first scan and hopefully see everything is ok.
Hope you are ok? How have the migraines been? I've only ever had one migraine and it was just awful. I feel sorry for you :hugs:
Yes not to worry at all! Even midwifes won't try before 12 weeks at least and now some don't until more like 16! Even in trying already at 8 weeks but why not! I don't get worried I just know it's super early and super hard to find it. I'm going to try again at 9 weeks in a few days (monday) we can try together :D

I haven't had a migraine today thank goodness. I just want to sit in a dark room with a cold blanket! I took paracetamol once and feel soooo bad for it. I try to use natural remedies instead like 4 head or cool strips etc they seem to take the edge of it somewhat. My sickness hasn't been too bad in the mornings either, but I've been waking and eating a biscuit before I move. That helps ALOT!

I'm well how are you feeling? I cannot wait it get past this first tri. It's so scary!!!! I've never got past 12 weeks so I am going to be an emotional wreck at the happy 12 week scan. Which is will be.. ours will be! ♡

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