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September/October bump buddies...anyone wlecome!

I've started getting a heat rash under my left one..now the skin is discolored..I air them out when I can I am in a d cup for now
Jordy I couldn't even imagine having D's... I can only imagine how hot/sweaty they would be. Hopefully your heat rash goes away soon!

How is everyone else doing it has seemed to get very quietly lately. Any updates ladies?

Well my sugar test and anatomy scan went great today. They said lo is perfectly healthy and he weighs a whole 1lb 11oz. He was being a little stubborn and kept putting his arm and hand infront of his face when she would try to get pictures but she did manage to get a few. Only the down side I have been hurting in my right kidney area and the confirmed today I have a uti awesome. :nope: On another note I have gained 34 pounds in just 25 weeks so I'm scared to even think what I will weigh by the time he gets here.... looks like I need to start exercising and stop snacking so much lol. :shrug:


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Hmm yes, no D's over here.....I have gone up just over a cup size so far. I wonder if they will get bigger as my due date gets closer?

I have a 3D/4D ultrasound surprise planned for my husband for father's day this weekend :) I have my 29/30 week check up tomorrow and then we will go to the ultrasound a little later in the day. He is a techy person, so hopefully he will be excited about it :)

I am scared to find out how much I have gained, based on the scale at home, I would say I have probably gained close to 27-30 lbs at this point. Since I still have 10 weeks to go, I have no idea what the total will be...I know the doc orig said I should gain between 25-35 lbs total, so we will see what she says tomorrow.:thumbup::thumbup:
Lol im in the DDs...unlucky for me i was a D prior to baby. These gals are huge and cant stand it lol. Baby is still doing great. Hb is at 140. I have to book my glucose test. Dr said i might as well do the 2hr fasting rather than the screening test since mom had gd with all of us kids. He said that way i dont have to possibly do both tests. Thank god its only a 2hr test and not a 3hr like it used to be. But im not happy about that drink lol. Hoping that gd doesnt show up.
Weight for me: i think ive gained about 4-5lbs. That may sound low to most of you, however its at a great point as the dr is only looking at a 10-15lb weight gain for me. I was already over 200lbs pre pregnancy. Soooo looking forward to getting back into shape after our boy is born. I was working on losing weight prior to my positive lol.
Nori what an awesome Fathers Day present!

Orion I did my 1hr test Wednesday and I have to say the drink tasted 10x better than it did 8 years ago when I was pregnant. I actually drank it and it didn't make me sick to my stomach at all. If they give you a choice go with fruit punch instead of the orange. ;) Fx you pass it and don't have to.worry about gb.

Afm I guess I passed my sugar test since she said I wouldn't hear from them if I did. Have any of you been having horrible headaches? I have had a headache on and off for over a week now and it is getting very frustrating. Some days it is worse than others but today was the worst of all it actually made me sick and has had my neck and shoulders hurting as well. :( Hopefully this shall soon pass :)

Hope everyone else is doing good!
Hi everyone!

Glad to see everyone is doing okay! I'm so sorry for not being around recently...I have just been so busy. Me and hubby haven't had a free weekend since April. We are off to Spain this weekend to visit my dad and then no more and until end July! I can't wait for some relaxing weekends sitting in the garden with a good book!

Eclaire - congrats on the boy! By the way i was bridesmaid last week for my friend...I can't removed if I said in end that I bought a larger dress size. I just had to have it taken in around bust. I'll try and post a pic for you as I really appreciated all your seamstress tips before!

MnG - love your nursery! Ours is slowly coming along now.

Jordy/nori - glad you had a good babymoon! Love your bump pics! So cute!

Mommas - lovely scan pics! :)

I bought a maternity bra which stretches and accomadates sizes 34B to 38DD of something like that so I'm not sure how many cup sizes I've gone up. Although I know my girls have definately grown and none of my old bras fit! I was a small 36B before. I might get measured again soon just out of curiosity. I'm secretly hoping the girls stay a bit bigger after giving birth...a B cup just never seemed big enough before! :haha:

Weight wise, I've not weighed myself for 2-3 weeks but at end May when I was 24 weeks I had gained 24lb! I can definately feel the weight gain and have a nice pregnancy waddle now! :rofl:

Oh and I had my glucose test last week too. I did the 2 hour fasting test and I assume I passed like you Mommas, as the nurse said I wouldn't hear from them if I had passed and would only get a phonecall the next day if I had failed. I'm so glad...I could not have coped with not being allowed to eat chocolate for the next 3 months! :haha:

Has everyone's baby got into a kicking/play routine yet? I get worried sometimes as some days I feel baby on and off most of day but other days I don't feel baby until I relax in the evenings. Is it normal to feel baby more on some days than others or should I be worried I don't feel baby until the evening some days?

Orion-the glucose drink I had was a lemon-lime one. It was just like a flat Sprite. It was the same for the 1 hr and then the 3hr (just more concentrated). Hopefully you pass without a problem!

Bing-I was a B cup as well prior to pregnancy....it'd be nice to keep a little of the extra around after, but only in that area LOL

As far as baby movement, I would say it really picked up for me around 26 weeks. and now at 29-30 weeks its constant-every hour all day long almost. Which is very exciting and reassuring.....I am trying to enjoy every little kick and squirm as I know I will miss it after baby is born!

Hope everyone has a great day! I will try to post pics from the ultrasound if they turn out-I am most excited to see baby's face and I will be making sure they stay far away from gender so as not to spoil the surprise:thumbup:
So today SO and I went to get gas (i was literally running on fumes) and head to a junk yard to check out a part for my car. All the pumps are in use and someone pulls away from the back pump..so i pull up behind behind a big motorhome..i shut off my car and go to get out right as the motor home pulls away..a very large woman in a van behind me (who I hadn't noticed was there) starts honking and yelling at me to pull forward..as it is "common gas station curtousy"..i was just there yesterday when I went to get gas originally and POLITELY pulled around a person so they didnt have to move ..only to realize I didn't have the button for my gas lid (door panel was off and at home). Anyway..SO thinks the same way I do..my car is off and I'm in the process of getting out of my car (hard to do these days) her car is still running..she can pull around..he tells me not to move..then she starts REALLY freaking out...to the point that it is drawing attention and the station clerk asks us to just pull forward just to make it easy..so I pull forward and she continues to be an absolute bitch yelling her head off at us..SO gets out of the car and starts yelling back as she is being insanely stupid and rude..he says what he needed to say and gets back in the car..after he gets in the car she proceeds to rudely say to me that she is fucking SORRY i am having his baby!

I am SO GRATEFUL he is mine and that we are about to have this beautiful son TOGETHER! I am so appreciative of him sticking up for me. I just..I couldn't believe someone could say something so rude..I still cant...it is really bothering me. I really wanted to punch her..and I am not a violent person..
My wonderful great aunt passed away yesterday..just found out today..not handling it well..plus the elderly man across the street from my house passed away last night as well..may they rest in peace..
Sorry to hear that Jordy
Im really loving baby right now. He has been taking from my reserves, so it actually is starting to look like ive lost weight rather than gained weight :) Most people who see me are noticing it. My sides have definitely shrunk. Yay for baby. Now if only he could take from my butt hahahahaha. Gotta love when babies make your figure look better :)
Here is my nice bump...Still getting there but definitely popped out more in the last while. One more week left until im in third tri. Cant believe it.


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is it too late to join you in here?

My due date is 25 August, but think I'll be start of September, as my other children were overdue...

How is everyone feeling? I'm so tired, heavy and uncomfortable!!

I have the house to myself tonight as husband has taken our older children to the movies and our younger ones are at sleepover with their friends.
Sorry to hear that Jordy!

Welcome Laura:thumbup:

How is everyone doing?

I am doing okay, other than the normal swollen feet and feeling dizzy :)

Our 3d/4d ultra sound didn't turn out very well since baby was sleeping and did not want to wake up for us. I even drank orange juice before we went. Tech said baby is head down, lots of hair and was sleeping basically folded in half lol We saw 4d images of legs and arms....she verified HR @138. They will do a re scan in about 4 weeks, she said baby will be too big to fold in half at that point so we should be able to get some good pictures. Dr apt fri went well, HR 140, I have gained 24 lbs and am measuring right on track for 30 weeks.

Here is my 30 week bump picture...def all belly..not sure where the growth over the next 10 weeks is going to go:dohh:


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Got my glucose test booked for saturday at 8:25am :) so the whole fasting is going to be easy lol. Dr just wanted to get me to do the 2hr fasting right away rather than the screening test since i have a higher risk of gd.
And by 2 hr fasting i have to fast for 8hrs prior to the two hr test.
So sorry to hear about your aunt and neighbour Jordy. :flowers: I hope you are doing okay? Thinking of you!

Welcome Laura :wave: I am feeling very heavy now too...I think my walking pace has halved over the past few weeks! I dread to think how slow I'll be by the end!

I'm loving all the bump pictures! You all look lovely!

I had a lovely relaxing weekend at my dads last week in Spain. I did nothing but sit by the pool for 3 days. Only thing is I have come out in a heat rash on my bump now!
I started pregnancy yoga too. It's really good...I never knew there were so many ways to do pelvic floor exercises! :rofl:
I have my 28 week midwife appointment tomorrow. Just a routine appt where they will take weight, blood pressure etc.
And our travel system is being delivered this Saturday but hubby doesn't want to bring it in the house as his mum told him it's bad luck to bring the pram in the house before baby is born! I never knew he was superstitious! :haha:

How is everyone else doing?

Here is a pic I took of my bump last week in Spain!


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Failed Failed my glucose test..I'm going to call on Monday and request the results. I want to know how much I failed by. Read online that a lot of places will say you failed even when you don't so that they can ping your insurance for more money..in don't like needles and really don't want to have to get more tests done if i don't have to
Well just finished by glucose test...so hopefully all went well

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