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September/October bump buddies...anyone wlecome!

Nori I am so sorry some people can be so rude. Just enjoy your pregnancy ever woman carries their babies different. Why did they not tell you the results of the test before you left? They will tell me that day if everything is ok and if not then I would have to come back to do the 3 hour test. I hope everything comes back good keep us updated.

So I have been spending a lot of time in the sun which I always do every summer. I have noticed though that I am burning horribly which normally never happens I always just tan. I never had this problem with my previous pregnancies so I thought maybe it is my medicine causing it. I have looked all over the internet but there doesn't seem to be any answers nor did the pharmacist seem to know either. I'm really hoping that I don't end up looking like a lobster after our trip to the beach this weekend. I am waiting on a call back from the doctor to see what he has to say about it. I guess I need to buy an umbrella and hang out under it most of the weekend just in case... :(
Thanks :)

I just heard from the dr..I failed the 1 hr by 4 points!!! So close...so now on to the 3 hour I guess. hoping it's just a false positive and I pass the 3 hr.
Oh and my hemoglobin was low so they are calling me in a iron supplement...
I failed my glucose test as well. The highest number you are allowed to have without taking the 3 hour is below a 7.8, I had a 7.8 Haha. So they have to send me in. I go on Friday to do that. And I'm anemic as well. My iron level is a 10. Normal is 12-75 but they want you in like the 30's. I've been on an iron supplement for almost a month now.
Vacation was a blast..minus us both coming home with some sort of cold thing..I had to call in to work today and SO has been in and out of bed all day. Hopefully we start feeling better soon.
Sorry to hear you havent been well jordy...i too have been dealing with a cold and wish i could have called in. But we have a new staff in the daycare room today, so i had to come in.
How is everyone feeling? Hope you ladies didn't come down with nasty colds!

Anyone have scans or appts coming up? I have my monthly tomorrow and hoping for a new picture of baby (they need a repeat of her spine) Praying all is good!

Wishing everyone a great day! :)
Hi ladies. Thought I would pop over and say hi! Glad to see so many of you doing so well and making such progress on the nurseries. I found out yesterday I am having a :blue: I haven't told my husband the news yet. I plan to surprise him on father's day.
MnG I hope your appointment goes well today and lo is ok! I go for my glucose test and anatomy scan next week. I'm not looking forward to the glucose test but getting to see my little man will be more than worth it.

Eclarie that is awesome news congrats on your little boy!

So has anyone else noticed time seems to be going by much faster now? Only 16 more weeks at the most to go I can not wait till our little miracle gets here. Every time he starts kicking and playing I can't help but to smile I never thought I'd get to have another child and I'm nervously loving every minute of it until he arrives,
Congrats on the boy Eclaire :) Glad all is going well for you.

Mommas-hopefully all goes well at your scan. And yes, time is flying by! 28 weeks today-can't believe it, so much to do yet lol

I have decided to post a couple of bump pics....my apologies as they are in the ladies restroom at work:shrug:

Hope everyone is having a great week :thumbup:


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Nori - you look amazing! So cute!

So happy to hear everyone is doing well.
Time still feels to be dragging for me. Still a month until 3rd tri. ..ugh! :coffee:

I got another talking to yesterday at the OB for another weight jump. Idk what I'm supposed to do anymore. Maybe the last tri won't be so bad????

My scan went well. Baby girl didn't want her pic taken. She was head down with arms in her face the whole time. .lil brat haha
Thank you mommas and mng:flower:

Mng-I feel like I have gained over the "recommended" amount per week, so I asked my dr last time, but said she thought I was still okay. I will see what she says next week I guess....I have gained 22-24 lbs so far, depends on the time of day I jump on the scale-I really don't know where it all is, although my hubby said my behind is a little "fuller" than before lol which is okay I suppose....
I've gained 6 lbs haha. And almost 5 of it was in the last month. My doctor isn't concerned at all. :)
I had gained 25 pounds at my appointment 3 weeks ago so I am scared to see what I weigh next Wednesday.

MnG lo is already being a little diva so you might just have your hands full! ;) Glad all is well with her even if she was being stubborn!
Meant to post this the other day..managed to get side tracked (not very hard to do anymore it seems) I got weighed at my WIC appointment and she said I'd gained a bit much this past month..but then I told her I went to Vegas and ate a lot while there so she comically put in the notes that that was the reason for the weight gain :)thankfully she understood that that happens when you go on vacation


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Looking great jordy!

How's everyone's weekends going?
Congrats on the boy eclair
Nori and jordy i love the bumps

Soon enough i will post up my bump pic once i pop out a bit more. Wish i had a nice big bump like you gals, but mine is taking some time. But for the first time in i dont know how many years, i can see my belly button lol. Ive never been able to see it due to my pudgy tummy hahaha. But ny bump right now is tiny compared to those bumps.

Today im just relaxing for the rest of the day as i completed a full 5k walk :) proud of myself since i am 6 months prego lol. I cant believe im already almost 26 weeks. Time is flying by. Cant believe how little time is left. But besides relaxing im also babysitting a 3yr old tonight.
Orion, I'm so jealous that you haven't popped, meanwhile people keep thinking I'm having twins. I can't stand it anymore lol

Does anyone else hate how their boobs are sticking to their skin? Is it just me? I went from a 34b up 3 cups and I LOATHE this big boob, sweaty, sticky feeling. So gross!

On the up side we are done done done with the nursery! Here's a lil pic :)


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MnG I love your nursery it is so cute!

As far as the boobs go I only wished mine grew some. I wasn't blessed with boobs I am an A cup and they have never gotten bigger with any of my pregnancies. I always seems to gain all of my weight in my thighs and butt. I have gone from a size 0 to a 7 and I still have 15 weeks to go. :shrug: Oh well I guess if I can't have boobs at least I will have a nice bum while I am pregnant lol ;)

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