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September/October bump buddies...anyone wlecome!

Hope everyone is doing great...today im finally in the third tri yay!!! Cant believe how fast time has gone.
We had our first shower (mostly my family/friends-the one for his family is not for another week and a half...our families live about an hr apart, so it seemed best to do 2 showers) this weekend also-I worked on organizing everything Sunday. The carpet is supposed to be installed in roughly 2 weeks, so once it's in, we can officially fill the nursery with everything We did the ABC book and it was so much fun to see the pictures everyone drew!! We are going to make it into a book and hubby also suggested scanning each page in to make an electronic version-like print it at Walgreens or wherever. (he works in IT, so it's kind of his thing lol)

I am feeling pretty good overall-although I have noticed an increase in soreness in my hips...but feel like I am just growing growing growing-there were a few people at the shower that felt the need to comment how big they think I am...that was slightly disappointing You would think that especially at the shower, people would keep their opinions to themselves-but whatever I guess.
I am having a baby in 8-9 weeks people, c'mon!!!

Hope everyone is doing well and having a good week!!!
Wow it sure has gotten quite here lately! How is everyone doing?

Afm we are finally in our 3rd trimester and my body is definitely feeling it. I had my 28 week ob visit Thursday and he said my stomach is measuring at 30 weeks so not to plan on making much past 38 weeks if even that. It is hard to believe our lo will be here in just a couple more months. :)
Hi Mommas - yes it has been quiet here recently. I'm in the 3rd tri now too and the exhaustion has hit me full force this week. I've also noticed my asthma has been playing up today so baby must be pushing against my lungs now.

Let's just hope you don't make it to 40 weeks if your little man is measuring a couple of weeks ahead! :haha: how heavy were your other sons? As don't they say each child you have gets heavier?

At my 28 week appt (actually had it at 28+4) I measured 29 weeks so a tiny bit ahead. I've got my next appointment this Friday at 31+5 and then a growth scan at 34 weeks.

Has anyone started their antenatal classes yet? If so how have they been? Did you get any good/useful tips to prepare you for labour?
Yeah ive been feeling the tiredness come back full force now. Cant believe im almost 30 weeks. Hoping Rylan doesnt come before my mat leave sept 4th. I have my next prenatal appt on thursday. Good news though is i havent recieved a call from my dr, so that means i passed my glucose test :) so glad for that. Just hoping the rest of this pregnancy is also complication free like it has been so far.
Bing my oldest weighed 6 lbs 6 oz I was induced 4 days early and my youngest weighed 6 lbs 12 oz I was induced 2 weeks early with him. Lo was measuring a few ounces ahead of what he should at my 25 week scan so I'm guessing he will be at least 7 lbs.
D day is getting closer and closer..now have my appointments 2 weeks apart..next one is this coming Thursday..and then we have birthing class this coming saturday. I am getting exceedingly nervous about delivering Liam. I also have a strange gut feeling I won't make it to my due date.

our baby shower is the 8th so that is coming up fast as well.

the nursery is almost done. the crib is sitting in our living room in a box waiting for us to finish with the painting. I haven't really had the energy to work on it and with SO FINALLY back to work it seems hard to motivate him into helping with it..thankfully all that's left is another coat on the ceiling, the trim, and touching up the walls. I seem to get more of it done while he is at work and not home.

hope all is well with everyone else :)
Hi ladies! Hope this finds everyone doing well :)

35 weeks-can't believe it!! I have my dr apt tomorrow, so excited for that. We had our "do-over" 3D ultrasound a few days ago. Of course baby still wouldn't cooperate and had his/her hand covering the face, but the tech said she got a very good pic of the gender and put it on our cd for us to view later-we just closed our eyes while she did it lol She gave us an approx weight of 5lbs 9oz....measuring about 3 or 4 days ahead, so will see what the dr thinks tomorrow.

Nursery is complete other than the installers messed up the carpet in the closet, so it's on a rush and once that is done then I can move a couple other items in there and officially declare it complete! we are about 70% moved, so hoping to be living there within a week or so!!! :happydance: I am def exhausted, but unfortunately don't have much time to rest :( hoping once we get settled in the new place I can relax for a few weeks before baby comes.

I really hope everyone is doing great and trying to cherish the last several weeks of pregnancy-as I would imagine most (if not all) of us will miss some aspects of it once baby is here. Although it will be a whole new adventure to enjoy once babies arrives:flower::flower:
Seems like the 3rd trimester isn't as exciting and everyone is just patiently waiting.

How is everyone doing?
Absolutely exhausted on my end. and my feet have started this new aching thing. I don't really even want to walk around the house..thankfully SO is seing how tired I've gotten and really doesn't expect much to get done on my part. I REALLY need to finish the paint in the nursery..at least the wall where the crib goes. It is sitting in boxes in our living room. I do have to say that I warned SO that this was going to happen and that I wanted the nursery done almost 2 months ago. He insisted on waiting thinking it wouldn't be like this lol.

How is everyone else?
It is soooo quiet on here! I guess everyone is just tired & waiting for d day at the moment.

I can definitely relate to the exhaustion Jordy! Hubby is away with work at the moment too and I don't have the energy to do any housework while he is away. He gets back this Friday so I hope he doesn't moan at me for not doing much :haha:

I had a growth scan today at 34 weeks. Baby is measuring at around 4.5lb and they estimate will be around 7.5lb if I go to my due date. I'm happy he/she isn't going to be too big. I was a little annoyed with the sonographer though. I said when I went in that we didn't want to know the sex and I swear at one point she went inbetween the legs without warming me. So I now think I know what the sex is but going to keep it to myself and not tell anyone (not even hubby) as i still want it to be a surprise for people. I could be wrong anyway as I'm not a trained sonographer so who knows! :)

We still need to finish our nursery but don't have too much more to do. Just need to put a few more stickers on the wall (we couldn't be bothered to paint so bought wall stickers instead) and then need to put some shelves up, buy a rug & buy a bedside table to go next to the cot.

I'm getting more nervous too as the time gets closer to d-day! I'm hoping my yoga will help keep me calm and I wont get too stressed out. We went for a tour if the hospital yesterday and the birthing rooms are really nice there so that's calmed me down a bit. Lots of sound proof walls as well so you couldnt hear any other women screaming which I liked. :haha:

What is everyones due dates again? Just wondering who is due first. My EDD is 14th September.

Hey everyone!

Good to see some activity on here :) DD is Sept 1st so only 4 weeks to go! weekly apts now and growth scans at each one...hoping baby isnt' too big-should find out tomorrow.

Feeling okay-still moving things, although officially staying at the new house now:happydance: Trying to keep up with the workouts, but lately started having more contractions off & on. also feel baby down pretty low, so somewhat uncomfy at times...but it's all part of the journey:thumbup:
oh my Nori! you are so close!

My due date is the 29th of September. feels like I still have a ways to go!
I'm not officially part of the thread haha, but my due date is August 22nd. Can not wait to see pictures of everyone's babies.
Oh wow JandJ I didn't realize your lo could arrive any day now!

I am due September 29th as well but my doctor has informed me that due to the medicine I am on he will induce me at 38 weeks if not sooner. Totally bummed that I can't go into labor naturally like I had planned but excited to meet my son in 6 weeks. :)
I know it's pretty crazy. I think I may be in the beginning stages of labour! Eek! I hope so. It could just be a false alarm but I have a funny feeling it's not. :)
I'm still in pain and the doc does believe I am in the beginning stages but as of now not really going anywhere. Still losing mucus mixed with blood and I am contracting but they are not regular. I hope it picks up soon and I get to see his sweet face. Feeling a little depressed that it's not going anywhere and all I want to do is snuggle my husband and cry a little and I can't even do that because he's on night shifts! :(
I am so sorry I hope things pick up soon and you get to meet your son. I know exactly how you feel though about hunny working nights kinda. My hubby works out of town and is only home 2 days every two weeks. I am just praying I do not go into labor before they bring him closer to home bc he is currently in California and we live in Alabama.

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