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September/October bump buddies...anyone wlecome!

My little man was also like 12 ish ounces at the 20 week ultrasound and my doc assured me that that was completely normal. I don't get to set up my nursery to accommodate baby and big brother until the end of June ish but we have been getting things for it. We decided that Holden's part of the room is going to be despicable me minions, and the babies will be baby blue with Winnie the Pooh. :) ill post pictures once everything is done. :)
Bing I am so sorry to hear about your granddad prayers and hugs.

Jordy that is awesome! My Lo always stops kicking when hubby puts his hand on my stomach like he knows it is isn't me.

MnG I think she is right on track! And I vote you definitely have her Oct 5th on my bday! ;)

Afm I am just sitting here patiently waiting on my anatomy scan and sugar test on the 17th. We have completely finished lo room, bought most of his clothes, car seat and pretty much everything he needs besides a swing. Now if September 29th would just hurry up and get here I would be ok. :)
Thanks for your kind word everyone. It really does mean a lot to me :flower:

MnG - yes the others are right. My size guide app on my phone says at 20 weeks baby should be around 11oz and 1lb around 22 weeks! :thumbup:

J&J - I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't started the nursery yet! :haha: We want to get ours done by end July. So far we have only ordered the furniture which will be delivered on 10th June.

Mommas - I have my sugar test on 10th June! I know what you mean about wanting September to hurry up! I can't wait to meet our LO.

Afm - I had my lavender oil bath before bed last night. I slept like a baby! Feeling a lot more refreshed now! :happydance:
Thanks everyone! Eases my mind that everything is going well. It's still be nice to get a call from the OB to confirm. .not sure what's taking her so long. .ugh.

Bing- a lavender oil bath sounds amaze-balls!!! We have no shower right now (in the prices of remodeling) but I'll definitely have to try that once everything is back to normal!

Mommas- Oct 5th sounds like a lovely day. I'll see if I could talk Allie into making her appearance early ;)
I have ordered Holden's big boy bed and we know what we want to do for painting and everything haha. It is killing me to not work on it but considering my house has to get emptied for the new flooring and painting there is no point in starting anything now. :( We finally decided on a baby name though so I'm pretty excited about that. I had a scary fall the other day and it all of a sudden just hit me that that was his name. :)
Oh, and there's 3 more days until my third trimester officially begins! :)
Ok ladies I have a very weird and maybe tmi question but I have to ask. When I had my last ultrasound done lo was laying very low like pretty much on my cervix. Well the past few days it has felt like he is literally tap dancing on my cervix and it is to say the least very uncomfortable. Has any of you other ladies been experiencing this and do you think it is anything I should be concerned about?
I have ordered Holden's big boy bed and we know what we want to do for painting and everything haha. It is killing me to not work on it but considering my house has to get emptied for the new flooring and painting there is no point in starting anything now. :( We finally decided on a baby name though so I'm pretty excited about that. I had a scary fall the other day and it all of a sudden just hit me that that was his name. :)

So what's the name? ???
Ok ladies I have a very weird and maybe tmi question but I have to ask. When I had my last ultrasound done lo was laying very low like pretty much on my cervix. Well the past few days it has felt like he is literally tap dancing on my cervix and it is to say the least very uncomfortable. Has any of you other ladies been experiencing this and do you think it is anything I should be concerned about?

I've never experienced it but it wouldn't hurt to ask what's going on. Keep us posted!
You can always do a head stand to see if he moves up more :haha:
I think it would be nearly impossible for me to do a head stand at this point lol. :) I will definitely be asking about it at my next appointment.
If it feels like a sharp pain like someone just drop kicked you in the cervix than I know what you mean and it's normal haha. And his name is Kieran Finley Richard. :)
It feels the same as him kicking my stomach but when he kicks my cervix it is just more startling and uncomfortable. I never experienced this with my other two pregnancy I carried to term but they also weren't as low as he is. It really feels like someone tap dancing down there in my girly area tmi sorry.
No tmi here ladies!
I would hate that feeling. Poke him back :haha:
Mommas - I've not felt tap dancing on my cervix but definately felt kicks/punches against my bladder which I'm sure it just as uncomfortable! :haha:

J&J - love the name!

MnG - how much longer will you be renovating for?

Lol...At this rate probably through mid next week. Couch delivery tomorrow, still need to spackle Allie's closet and put the closet pieces together, finish the shower, installation, drywall, spackle, paint...and, umm..that's it. The LR will be done in a few hours. Wahooo!
Wow its been super quiet here lately. What's everyone been doing?
MnG I was thinking the same thing!

We have had a pretty busy weekend.... We spent Saturday at the lake with family and friends then Sunday at my friends little boys birthday party. Now we are patiently waiting for hubby to get home from California so we can head to the beach for the weekend for my oldest sons 10th birthday. I can't believe my baby is turning 10 Saturday... they grow up way to fast!

How was everyone elses weekend???
We spent the whole week renovating. The living room is done and I secretly hate the couch :blush: there's just no space to sprawl out and snuggle. The bathroom is ready for paint And the babies closet is ready to finish also!! I'm so excited to be done with this crap lol
Hi ladies!!!:thumbup: Made it back from our "babymoon"! Sounds like everyone has been doing well-that's good to hear!!

It was so nice to get away, but now time to focus on all the things that still need done within the next 3 months.....we did pick out several names for boys/girls and decided to spell them out in seashells on the beach and took pictures of each so that once baby is here and we decide on a name, we can use the pics for the announcement :) We also spontaneously decided to do our maternity photos while at the beach-hopefully they turn out :) We met some very nice folks on our trip that were very complementary and then others that felt just had to comment how big they think I am and how they can't believe I have 3 months left. I just don't understand people....I have never been one to make comments like that to anyone whether I know them or not, but I swear I will never ever ever ever say anything like that to another expecting mother!!!! I mean what do you say when they ask when you are due, you tell them and then they say, "wow, your really big"?!?!? Who actually says that to a complete stranger?!?!?

Now to focus on finishing the house, packing/moving-it has me rather worried, I just want it to be done in time. Hubby keeps saying we are moving in June-well I am thinking it will be the end of June if not July lol I just want to get settled in the new place....

I did my 1 hr glucose test yesterday after we got home from the airport....now just waiting to hear results, not sure how long it will take, they didn't say and I didn't bother asking. I would think by the end of the week:shrug:

Hope everyone has a great week:thumbup:

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