Hey ladies. Sorry I have been missing. My boys have been keeping me super busy. Kieran is 7 weeks and 2 days old now, it's crazy. As for the labour story if I haven't already I will update later tonight when I can get on my iPad. Now for the breast feeding questions. Use lanolin cream for the nipples and make sure he is latching properly and I promise it will get better. It can hurt for the first 6 weeks! Also, pumping is not an accurate depiction of how much milk you produce as some women's bodies just don't like pumps. And we had to supplement Kieran for the first week of his life while my milk fully came in. With my first son we had to for the first 3 weeks of his life. And cluster feeding is perfectly normal, get comfy, turn on a good TV show, and just wait it out.
Any other questions feel free to ask. I breast fed Holden for 15 months.
Will upload a picture later tonight as well.